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1:00 PM
&errors is a pointer
it's "address of" errors
come on @Leigh don't leave me hanging :)
@JoeWatkins sure. I actually have a spare dual wan router knocking about in the office which I can mail to you if you want, could probably make life a lot simpler
It's old but still functional and would be fine for you I think
@samayo It basically represents numbers as strings, and then does maths on them. It lets you do maths on big numbers (i.e. > 64 bit), but it's very slow
@Leigh So the part 'precise' means big numbers?
1:03 PM
(also moin)
@Trucy In reference to you quitting your job :)
@DaveRandom I got a fancy dual wan router, the problem is at the bthubs (or upstream from them) ... which I'm considering replacing with (2 of the same) adsl2+ modems ...
@Leigh I didn't understand the "continuous support" part :D
@JoeWatkins oh right are you using routers as modems atm?
(and I yet have to quit this job, as soon as I have another)
1:04 PM
@Trucy Oh, it sounded like we convinced you to quit, so you're our problem now, so we have to provide ongoing support to you :p
yeah, the bthubs, and you can't disable (completely) the firewall on one of them for some reason ... but the asus router is in dmz of both hubs, and the server in dmz of asus router
@JoeWatkins OK I think I know what's probably going on
@samayo It means "precise" :P So you know floating point numbers are only precise up to a certain point, this extension gives you more precision
whether it's solvable without different hardware I don't know, will have to check what the existing stuff can do
@Leigh hehe, well you were part of what made me decide. But if I find a good job thanks to r11, it'll be golden
1:06 PM
@Leigh thanks: That was one good eli5
What area are you looking in Trucy?
@PeeHaa riiight. so you let me fluck it up instead :P
@DaveRandom okay excellent ... haven't bought any hardware yet so will wait until you can have a look
@Leigh Any area, as long as it's not a big corp
(well, a big corp could be bearable in remote)
@JoeWatkins k cool well ping me tv id (preferably for a windows machine but I guess you may not have any)
should be able to look at it this eve
1:09 PM
I think I did it.. aaand it's a no.
@Trucy You're purely looking for remote?
@DaveRandom you know I'm allergic to windows :D
@DaveRandom excellent
lunchward hoooo
@Ekin <3 :D
@Leigh Yup, I'm living in countryside Mc smalltown, and the ONLY company looking for developers in a 1-hour-drive-radius is the one I currently work for
1:10 PM
It could get interesting tbh, fucking around with WAN settings remotely has a tendency to irretrievably boot you out for 5 mins at a time :-P
@Ekin well it's weird, seems to be using some kind of loopback, but it would hopefully work
Oooh you actually did fluck it up @Ekin? :P
@DaveRandom yeah probably gonna be painful ... I'll be there for moral support ... and reconnection ... and to say "aaah" and "oooh" at stuff ...
it somehow worked for a few seconds after reboot
but I'm back to square one now
@PeeHaa I did! aaand still doing
let me also login again
Maybe it needs two idiots to fix it
daverandom@ubuntu-1gb-nyc3-01-gitamp:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
^ that should be good enough
1:12 PM
I think DaveRandom is also in :D
that resolver does actually work
oh in that case Imma step out
but those capitals scared me out
lemme try
it works \o/
oh wait -5 listeners
1:13 PM
I'm so bad at reading ... I'll shut up ...
That address is weird to me too though
@JoeWatkins yeh it's weird, seems to use a custom loopback for it
There's some hidden magic but it works so fuck it
glibc magic is magic
I have this urge to turn it off and on again and expect it to magically work
function localeval($code) {
    GLOBAL $lancms;
    return eval('?>'.$code.'<?php ');
1:14 PM
lol dat listener counter is all over the place @Ekin :P
I know... lol
@tereško that's the stupidest thing I've seen this week ... but it's only Monday yet, probably won't retain position #1 for long ...
we should make it a thing
for a month the room11 regulars submit entries for the "stupidest thing", and then vote on the most impressive one
1:18 PM
Maybe do a weekly thing?
week n: submission
week n+1: vote on the stupidest thing of week n && submissions for week n+1
And so on
tell me it works please @PeeHaa
I think it does
it doesn't...
Nope :(
so what happened, it crashed?
@Trucy kinda like "this week in stupid" ?
pretty sure I disabled IPv6
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6 gives 1 after even reboot
but still that same dns error is present
1:21 PM
where are the logs?
critical Error: Call to a member function getStatus() on null in /opt/gitamp/src/Client/GitAmp.php:44
journalctl -xe
@tereško kinda like yes. We could probably put something up with google forms/framaforms
I swear it works for like 7-8 seconds after a reboot and then it starts firing that ^^^ above
someone do it, it's giggleworthy ...
On it
1:23 PM
@Ekin $result may be null, when it is, check $error
(hopefully more useful)
@Ekin What does the call return if anything?
Guys, what is the settings of PHP when running some source file gives output with opcode table and there is a setting which performs opcode optimisation?
How to google it?
Or maybe some links?
@PeeHaa well, it's this
Want me to jump on the box?
dammit. I gotta do a skype call again
please do <3
1:26 PM
Will do
@brzuchal don't know what you mean by first bit ... phpdbg/vld can output opcodes
!!docs ini.opcache.optimization-level
[ opcache_compile_file() ] Compiles and caches a PHP script without executing it
wtfing f
!!docs opcache.configuration#ini.opcache.optimization-level
[ opcache_get_configuration() ] Get configuration information about the cache
@Jeeves I hate you
1:28 PM
@JoeWatkins Okay, why do you hate me?
@Ekin can I dick about with it a bit?
@Jeeves you make more mistakes than Ido ...
@JoeWatkins I make no mistakes.
@Jeeves I'm not going to argue with you, bitch ...
1:28 PM
@JoeWatkins Your hemorroids are flaring up again eh?
@JoeWatkins Googd, I don't want to. PLUS you're a robot.
@DaveRandom of course you can, it's now your little box as well, go wild
@Ekin k do I just run server.php?
like with no args or anything
yeah aerys
Yeah we made it worse
object(Amp\Dns\NoRecordException)#180 (7) {
Jan 16 16:29:35 ubuntu-1gb-nyc3-01-gitamp php[2588]:   ["message":protected]=>
Jan 16 16:29:35 ubuntu-1gb-nyc3-01-gitamp php[2588]:   string(38) "No records returned for api.github.com"
Jan 16 16:29:35 ubuntu-1gb-nyc3-01-gitamp php[2588]:   ["string":"Exception":private]=>
At least it always breaks now :P
1:31 PM
daverandom@ubuntu-1gb-nyc3-01-gitamp:~$ php /opt/gitamp/server.php
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'ekinhbayar\GitAmp\Github\Token' not found in /opt/gitamp/config.php:25
peehaa@ubuntu-1gb-nyc3-01-gitamp:~$ sudo nslookup pieterhordijk.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   pieterhordijk.com

peehaa@ubuntu-1gb-nyc3-01-gitamp:~$ sudo nslookup api.github.com

Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find api.github.com: No answer
^ that's the problem somehow
@tereško @JoeWatkins did something framaforms.org/r11-this-week-in-stupid-1484573175
@DaveRandom vendor/bin/aerys /opt/gitamp/server.php
krakjoe@nevis:~$ nslookup api.github.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   api.github.com
Name:   api.github.com
1:32 PM
Show off ^
you have nameserver set wrong
Does "get carried away" mean "crazy" ?
1. trigger events by static call as side effect
2. extend base entity and save events in the entity
3. inject event dispatcher into entities
4. return events from entity command methods
@Ocramius did I miss anything or are those all the possible ways to trigger events in DDD?
@PeeHaa check /etc/network/interfaces for actual ns address
@DaveRandom err, sorry /vendor/bin/aerys -c server.php -d - in source root that is
1:34 PM
Maybe we should remove the ip6 from here too cc @JoeWatkins
> dns-nameservers 2001:4860:4860::8844 2001:4860:4860::8888
I would, for elimination at least
lemme comment it out
set nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf to same as /etc/network/interfaces
Last link doesn't work, this one does: framaforms.org/r11-this-week-in-stupid-week-3-1484573175
and restart networking when you done changing things
1:36 PM
Restarting networking always scares the fuck out of me cc @Ekin :P
your turn this time!
@Shafizadeh No, it normally means you've gone too far with something or deviated from something too much. The meaning changes depending on the context really.
@JoeWatkins can't
@DaveRandom Can't?
why ?
1:37 PM
What did I just do then? :P
there is some stupid auto gen thing for it
that's precisely what I am arguing with right now
@Ekin DO also provide a kvm interface right?
stop and disable resolvconf service before changes, restart networking after
@DaveRandom oh should I revert my crap?
give me like 2 mins
1:38 PM
I don't want to be dicking in your dickings
/me stops touching the machine
@JoeWatkins I saw somewhere where PHP outputs what op codes it'll be processing, for eg, when using backshlasher optimises some op's FCALLs etc. and there was a table with running ops in vm something I cannot find right now
php doesn't do that, you were looking at an external tool
@JayIsTooCommon ah, thx
@brzuchal vld?
1:41 PM
that's vld
That's vld output
@PeeHaa yes
yes, how to retrieve it ?
@Shafizadeh no. "Got carried away" could translate as "got too enthusiastic". Let me give you a completely inappropriate example: bunch of criminal break in someones home and shoot everyone, and then on of said criminals turns around and start shooting his team-mates. That's what one could describe as "got carried away".
Stupid TLS. Stupid load balancer. grumble grumble.
1:42 PM
@Shafizadeh yourdictionary.com/get-carried-away explained a bit better than my attempt :P
sigh as much as I hate SO.docs, but I guess it would be useful if someone added some examples for php c stuff in it given the absence of non-outdated examples on the web
@Gordon you start, I'll be able to join in, approx. 100 years from now ...
it's very frustrating getting segfault after segfault and compiler warnings galore just because some macro no longer exists in 7
... or you are trying to explain someone how nucleogenesis works in stars, and start making wide hand movements ... you could say that you got carried away, @Shafizadeh
@JoeWatkins THX
1:44 PM
@JoeWatkins in order to start something I'd need to have working examples first. currently, I don't
@Gordon the documentation for all C projects is contained within the code itself ... once projects get to a certain size (linux, php, whatever), it cannot work any other way ... we could write the best documentation you ever seen in your life today, and in a year or two, it will be out of date ... the code can never be out of date as a source of documentation ...
OK it's currently running @PeeHaa @Ekin
@tereško Ah I see, thx :-)
@JayIsTooCommon like
@DaveRandom \o/ what was it?
it's running from my console, I'm going to leave it like that for 10 mins and if it doesn't explode I will reboot
1:45 PM
Basically what Joe said to do
i.e. nuke the resolvconf service and configure it manually
just common sense really
@JoeWatkins all I hear is: we cannot provide any useful documentation to make the mess less frustrating for new devs
I see
@PeeHaa pfft you couldn't figure that out? noob.
1:47 PM
besides, I did use the source. I copied stuff verbatim from master and it still segfaults
@Gordon but we actually have, phpinternalsbook, read it for a few minutes and consider how much effort was put into that, then consider that today, it's mostly useless ... documenting C is just too much to ask IRL ... in a year or two, you will not care about this stuff ... you'll repeat the same things I've said to you today ...
btw @Ekin @PeeHaa do github not have a proper streaming API for that?
@DaveRandom Nope
nope, we keep requesting it
1:49 PM
@Gordon eventually, coredumps will be meaningful chunks of information ... they are actually useful ... nobody writes complex C without generating core dumps, it's part of life as a c programmer ...
@JayIsTooCommon Could you translate it to English for me please? :P
@JoeWatkins C development cycle: vim > valgrind > gdb > vim > valgrind > gdb > ...
@JoeWatkins the big question is: will I not care because I was driven away from c programming out of frustration or because I actually understood the mess php c is
@PeeHaa avada kedavra
1:50 PM
@NikiC @Gordon THIS ...
@NikiC I TBH do not use that much valgrind…
@PeeHaa sudo service resolvconf stop; sudo systemctl resolvconf disable; sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf
I have no idea what you said or did @DaveRandom but thanks
@DaveRandom ty
@bwoebi It's a tradeoff between waiting a bit longer on first run and debugging the wrong thing because segfault was caused by earlier memory error ^^
alias stoptryingtobeclever='sudo service resolvconf stop; sudo systemctl resolvconf disable; sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf'
1:51 PM
I usually start with valgrind and then move to gdb
@DaveRandom Just to be sure here. The actual problem is a problem in ampdns/libdns right?
@NikiC that's why I typically just preload libgmalloc with USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0
seriously the way that distros keep trying to force these automated "tools" on me is pissing me off
it would be fine if they all did the same thing but you have to read a completely different set of shit documentation for every little thing
I used to know how to do stuff with *nix, not any more
@PeeHaa yes
kk tnx
However a known good configuration is to always use an IPv4 DNS server that is not on your LAN
or a local (loopback) one would work as long as it actually resolves things correctly
1:53 PM
Get with the times man
ipv6 or gtfo
@NikiC I even have a shortcut for this… cmd+alt+c 3 enter
will print
env DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib
@bwoebi ha
@PeeHaa The underlying issue is down to the OS not "getting with the times", the root cause feels like a really old problem that no-one has bothered to fix yet
When you create a new droplet it asks if you want to enable IPv6 btw. And I'm hella sure I did not tick that. So I kinda blame DO here.
stackoverflow.com/questions/11812731/… that is the crux of the issue
1:55 PM
@bwoebi gmalloc is osx only? :/
@Gordon eventually you'll have a model in your head that means you generate less mistakes ... but the model will be wrong, nikitas model is wrong, so is dmitry's, so is bobs, so is mine ... the more you work on a part of php-src the more high resolution your model becomes, and the less dumps and mistakes you generate ... systems such as this are so vastly complex, with different parts of the system interacting in such complex ways that nobody can ever build a flawless model ....
none of this should put you off from trying ...
@DaveRandom Oh right. Yeah sure. That makes it all clear now to me
@NikiC yes, I've searched for equivalents on linux, but found nothing suitable :-(
there's something called DUMA, but it's far too slow
@Ekin it may just be controlling whether that IPv6 address is accessible from the internet, the template probably has it enabled by default because the assumption is that it won't break anything in applications that are no IPv6-aware, which to fair would be true if I had written it correctly in the first place.
Why do people answer shit questions, when OP doesn't show any effort? >< http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41677813/how-to-add-two-array-‌​that-have-the-same-key-value-pair?noredirect=1#comment70552840_41677813
1:57 PM
@Naruto for teh repz
@PeeHaa OK so in sentence: when the DNS server is on the LAN and the IP address is not in the arp cache, the network interface will arp for it before it sends the DNS packet (correct behaviour) but it will only queue one packet for transmission until it gets the arp response and discards the rest (fucking weird behaviour)
The upshot of which is that amp/dns is waiting for responses to requests that were silently discarded by the OS before transmission
@Gordon rep whores, srsly hate detest them
oooh I think I see what you mean
using a DNS server that's not in the hosts subnet fixes the problem, because the OS will just directly route instead of arp

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