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I am facing a weird problem. If I change the value of d to 1.66, it prints 0.65. If d's value is 0.66, it prints 0.66 as intended. Can someone explain this strange behavior? ideone.com/fDtsbc
2 hours later…
Also use a debugger instead of printfing out values to see a not rounded value
2 hours later…
@milleniumbug Thank you for that link. I went through the basic answers. I understand the part for numbers after decimal point. However if you see in my example I am only changing the non fraction part. So whatever rounding up etc. happens it should stay same for the fraction part in both cases.
Wow that's super weird. 1.66 is rounded to 1.6599999999999999 and 0.66 to 0.66000000000000003. I thought the exponent part of the double would be 1 for 1.66 and 0 for 0.66. I see where I was wrong. Thank you.
@zorro the significand is always between 1 and 2 unless denormalized, and the exponents apply to a base-2
Right got it
@zorro h-schmidt.net/FloatConverter/IEEE754.html type in 1.66 and 0.66 to the "decimal representation" part and play along and try to find the numbers close to it
you'll see this is actually the closest one
(the above is for float, but double works similarly except with more bits)
@milleniumbug The link is really good.
10 hours later…
    template <typename... Args>
    Delegator(Delegator::Type type, Args... args) {
        type_ = type;

        if (type_ == Delegator::Type::CLASS_A) {
            new (&a) A(args...);
        } else if (type_ == Delegator::Type::CLASS_B) {
            new (&b) B(args...);
        } else {
            throw std::invalid_argument("Delegator constructor: "
            "forwarded arguments does not match any of its member type constructors!");

    Delegator::Type     type_;
So uh... How can I split this up so that it doesn't work this badly?
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2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@VermillionAzure what do you mean
@milleniumbug So I want to forward to different type constructors based on the tag
But I also want the substitution to fail if I pass the wrong amount of parameters
all the new (&a) A(args...) are visible from this context so all of them must be compilable
if this was C++17 you could use if constexpr
delegate the job to another function template
@milleniumbug And that's my question -- how?
@VermillionAzure use type erasure and erase the type at the point of call
in this case, you may want to use function templates which have a single signature
like template<typename T, typename Arg> void construct(void* mem, void* arg) { ::new(mem) T(static_cast<Arg*>(arg)); }
@milleniumbug Explain?...
@milleniumbug Ah.
and then you could dispatch on this through an array of function pointers
also: the reason why all variant implementations use std::aligned_storage_t or similar is that the union approach is impossible to generalize to arbitrary number of types
@milleniumbug And why is that?
c'mon, declare a union with a different number of members, I dare you
@milleniumbug sorry, what
template<typename... Args> union MyUnion { /* now what */ };
@milleniumbug Oh yeah, that doesn't really work
But I don't know they do that
You're saying aligned union is the answer?
That's why you're using void*
That's what you mean.
my implementation of variant (it's quite bad but whatever) github.com/milleniumbug/pr_projekt/blob/master/serwer/…
@milleniumbug Yeah... I think I'm just gonna use boost.variant already
@milleniumbug Hey how do you do mutually recursive type alias with using?
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@VermillionAzure ??
you probably don't
you can't forward declare an alias so this won't work
@milleniumbug bah.
Don't be a badlet
2 hours later…
Hi, why does this not work:
#define MAXLEN = 80;
char source[MAXLEN];
2 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@MatthiasHerrmann why is there an equals sign, and why don't you read a book
I'm reading a book
Don't use #define for symbolic constants.
enum { MAXLEN = 80 };
Your example above does not work, because the preprocessor will transform it into:
char source[= 80;];
which is obviously nonsense
Ok ty
I guess I'm to tired so I did not check if the Macro definition is correct because it was not marked red in visual studio (I know that intellisense did nothing wrong there - because it is no wrong macro definition)^^
@MatthiasHerrmann You are not reading input from the user into source, are you?
@fredoverflow I am
It is no safe code - I'm just learning about filestreams which is a chapter in the c++ book I'm reading
@MatthiasHerrmann If a book teaches you to use char source[80]; for user input instead of std::string source; it is most likely a terrible book.
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

@fredoverflow Don't worry the chapter before that was about how C is handling strings
@MatthiasHerrmann Are you learning C++ or C?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
    std::string name;
    std::cout << "What is your name? ";
    getline(std::cin, name);
    std::cout << "Hello " << name << "\n";
This is how you read lines in C++.
Note the absence of arrays and arbitrary length limits.
I'm learning C++- I was learning about pointers and references before, so it made sense for the author to show that it is difficult to handle strings in C.
@MatthiasHerrmann May I ask what the title of the book is?
I actually borrowed the book from a friend - usually I'm reading books about programming in English - but this one is written in German - It is C++11 standard and called "C++ Lernen und professionell anwenden`(Translated into English - "Learning+using C++ professionally")
Warum unterhalten wir uns dann überhaupt auf Englisch und nicht auf Deutsch? :)
Stimmt - sind eh grad die einzigen im chat
Ich meine, den Buchtitel habe ich schonmal gehört, aber gelesen habe ich es glaube ich nicht...
Mal kurz bei amazon schauen...
Ich habs halt geliehen bekommen von nem kommiltone und deswegen wollt ich nicht extra ein neues kaufen
1000 Seiten? :)
Das zieht sich am anfang ziemlich, weils da nur über die <iostream> sachen geht (formatierte ausgabe) etc...
Container und Algorithmen kommen für meinen Geschmack zu spät, aber für ein deutsches C++ Buch scheint es gar nicht sooo schlecht zu sein, sofern man das mit einem Blick in das Inhaltsverzeichnis überhaupt beurteilen kann.
@MatthiasHerrmann Universität?
Die Übungen, die dabei sind, sind ziemlich gelungen. Ich hab mir selber C# (auch mit nem Buch) beigebracht und wegen dem Studium Java gelernt, was ja beides nicht direkt in maschinensprache übersetzt wird. Und jetzt lern ich selber c++ um mal was niedrigsprachiges zu lernen
ja, mach grad den bachelor und arbeite noch gleichzeitig als werkstudent
Eigenmotivation ist immer gut.
ja, ich bin auch motiviert noch viel zu lernen - leider nicht immer das was stoff in den studienfächern ist :)
Mathe und formale Grundlagen und so? :)
Mathe hab ich schon alles abgeschlossen
es gibt so fächer wo man nur sachen stupide auswendig lernen muss, und da kann ich mich kaum dafür begeistern
Oh echt? Stupides Auswendiglernen habe ich in der Schule gehasst (Biologie, Erdkunde und so), gabs bei mir im Informatik-Studoim aber glaube ich kaum... ist aber schon ein paar Jahre her :)
Was für Fächer meinst Du genau?
Informationslinguistik wär da so ein kandidat.
nie von gehört
Texte (Informationen) maschinell analysieren lassen - so würds ich zusammenfassen - müssen wir zwar nicht machen - aber alles darüber wissen
Hm, da klingt C++ lernen ja echt spannender :)
@fredoverflow wenn ich fragen darf: arbeitest du als c++ entwickler? oder wie muss ich mir das vorstellen
@MatthiasHerrmann Nein, aber ich habe C++ mehrere Jahre an der Uni gelehrt.
Ich finde die Sprache einfach interessant.
Größere Systeme habe ich damit aber nie gebaut.
ah ok, ich interessier mich auch sehr dafür, weil es c++ compiler für fast jede plattform gibt - und ich bekomm noch ein paar punkte für den freien wahlbereich oben drauf
1 hour later…
This question got me wondering. Can you override STL containers' constructors and assignment operators? Since inheriting from STL containers is considered a no no.
How do you inject your code in STL containers constructors?
"inheriting from STL containers is considered a no no" says who?
Scott Meyers.
Maybe you should say what you are trying to do and see if someone suggests a suitable solution.
@RawN normally one does such a thing with composition, but for a one-off hack (i.e. count the times, then revert to the previous code) inheritance could be acceptable. Of course the entire question makes me wonder whether this person wants to use a profiler instead.
@milleniumbug I see.
The method shown by Walter is also what Mr. Stroustrup uses in one of his books to implement range checking on containers. Just because Scott Meyers says something, does not make it true.

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