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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

6:00 PM
Hey now, let's be fair.
wow...yeah, I'm definitely going to watch the replay of the Wales game later.
Markov Bots can sometimes appear intelligent.
@PM2Ring OP has in their derivative, among other things, R**6 with the Earth's radius in meters. This exponent is roughly equal to 1.3612900825840714e+47
also I feel bad for that kid's professor
hey, he's one letter away from Newton
6:03 PM
I reckon with your suggestion of astute re-scaling, that guys problem will disappear @Andras
the more I look at it, the more convinced I am of that too
I'd be looking to scale things so R=1 if it was my own problem.
i wonder what the actual problem is. i.e. the model. it looks like a mess.
6:16 PM
there's likely an issue with where the data comes from. in addition to this smoothing analysis.
ah, wait nvrmind. that's what the extra code is
@JRichardSnape exactly
measure lengths in R
fields in one of the Bs, etc
it's usually reasonably straightforward to come up with scales with which to dimensionlessify your equation
not that I've ever done something like this before:P
Buckingham-pi cabbage for all!
@DSM regular kind of cabbage
@AndrasDeak maybe the op should post the differential equation and boundary conditions...
@wgwz no, they shouldn't
they should solve it themselves, I'm not writing their thesis:)
6:21 PM
true haha
I just saw that add function. Wow.
I have a standard interview method for developers that's essentially "please link me to, or provide, a project that you've worked or are working on. during the interview, we're going to pair program to implement a new feature or fix a bug." can you see this turning away qualified applicants?
if this is off topic, i'll yam off
that's very interesting
I'd actually think that would be pretty fun
I think you would turn off some people, but probably not enough good candidates to be reason to avoid it.
6:27 PM
To give you an idea. The tech interview for my current place of employment, had me programming on a project that had 5 different branches, each with a different level difficulty of bug
if it's face-to-face, i ask the person to bring his/her laptop or tell me how they'd want a workstation set up (e.g. if you have dotfiles or a preferred IDE, i make sure it's there waiting for the interview) and give him/her 15 minutes to get oriented
It was done in the open space where the devs work at someone's work station (I chose to use my laptop, but still)
@DSM what part would turn off some people? i'm trying to sand-off the abrasive bits of my process
@idjaw interesting, so you check out each branch, hack, submit your solution in a PR or something?
@tristan I suppose some people can be genuinely brilliant programmers, but just not interested in programming in their own time (for whatever reason).
As such, they wouldn't have anything to work with.
Now, it might be you'd be looking to avoid them anyway, in which case okay.
6:29 PM
There are some of us who don't have any public projects because they've all been in-house. I just don't think that there are enough people in that category who you'd want to hire for it to be a problem.
Hm, okay. That's fair. To both points. DSM's is the suspicion that I had in mind, and as always, thank you for the smart thoughts Ffisegydd
@tristan each branch you checkout will break the code. You run the unittests. Things fail. You have to fix it.
Once you fix it. Checkout next branch, repeat.
DSM makes a good point. I was going to suggest you maybe have a backup plan for a pair programming session, where you can give the candidate the choice. Theirs or yours
In that case, you could suggest they find a bug/issue in a library they use.
But, since you are doing this with people sitting next to you, you also have to communicate your approach and explain what is going on. This lets us get an understanding of how communicative the person is, and what their approach is to solve a problem.
@idjaw Did you do this interview? Have you seen people work through it? I don't want to frustrate people that are good coders, but accidentally type the wrong command in git and spend 30 minutes trying to fix without his/her aliases
6:31 PM
But that's more difficult as they'd have to spend some time becoming acquainted with the lib in advance.
This was my interview, and I interviewed three candidates with this process
^ Exactly. The setup of my problem is such that I want the developer to be familiar/comfortable with the codebase.
We don't actually do any live coding in any of our interviews.
one of the candidates chose to actually do it in an office away from people.
Yeah, this is "second round" stuff.
6:32 PM
My thing is that I don't want to turn away an idjaw, Fizzy, DSM without even knowing my process is flawed.
My interview with NumberFirm on the coding side was solving some very simple text parsing problems (with the problem ambiguously worded, deliberately so); solving a mastermind-like game by getting all the unittests to pass; and implementing a decorator which accepted arguments.
@idjaw That's interesting. The unattended bit of the interview idea is cool because you get to see how the person likes to work
Yeah. We improved the process each time to make it more comfortable for the developer to understand how they like to develop.
I was honestly surprised by how hard it was to program with someone watching my every keypress. I've since revised my expectations of how people will perform in those circumstances accordingly.
We actually had one candidate we weren't too sure of because he was REALLY nervous. So we actually created a take home for him
6:34 PM
I did a live coding interview with a hedge fund that was incredibly frustrating/bad because I had to do some live analysis using numpy but basically couldn't look up any docs.
@DSM Yeah, I lock up a bit too.
I think a lot of people don't appreciate how much of your average "programming time" is actually research/reading.
I'm really glad I asked this question.
Which is why I don't necessarily think it works in an interview.
You don't see how they actually work in reality.
I never have a problem lecturing/public speaking/explaining code but I always lock up some during "code interviews"
6:35 PM
My "let's pair" is prefaced with "research all you need, feel free to google, etc"
even if I like the person who is watching me
Hm. Okay, yeah, I need to change my approach.
part of my approach is so i get a free "airport test" out of it that's not "does the candidate like to gossip/chat about the same interests i have"
@tristan there was one interview I did where I had to develop a very watered down version of the product company X was building. They pretty much gave me a couple of hours a beer and let me be
People can learn to program pretty easily, it's more important to test their ability to solve problems. I've always enjoyed interviews where I was given a problem to solve and a whiteboard. I didn't need to necessarily come up with a final solution, but work through it all and show my working/explain it.
6:37 PM
Thought process is really important.
@idjaw part of mine is that i don't want to bring in an electrician and ask him/her to make a lite brite
you want to know that they are competent, that ultimately you can tell they are software developers
One thing we do is that we ask people to prepare a presentation, too. It can be on anything technical (work or home project based). It's good to hear how they present themselves and how they deal with the questions.
One advantage of having a collection of problems to work through is that you can adapt the challenges accordingly based on the OP's performance. The "let's fix a bug in random package X" is hard to gauge difficulty for. [Wow, now I'm saying OP even when it doesn't apply just as a general placeholder!]
For what it is worth I've never had a coding interview. But I like the idea of pair-programming better than "let us watch how you would solve this."
6:38 PM
in that if he/she brought in a codebase, the time was spent improving that, so even if it doesn't work out, that work wasn't thrown away
A good interview question I once had was a print out of some code in R, and it was "Find all of the errors in this code." I definitely enjoyed that.
@Ffisegydd i wanted to do this later in the company life time -- some interval of "teach me something"
There were both syntax errors, attribute errors, etc, but also logical errors.
I've also enjoyed the white-board/pseudo-code test (that required me to explain my thought process). Also, at my first job, which was the most IT friendly company I've worked for - my interview required me to explain logic operators and, basic, set theory so didn't even involve coding (but definitely applied to backend work I did)
@DSM oh. interesting dimension. the candidate is actually deciding on the difficulty of the interview wiht my approach
6:40 PM
My interview for FC was a whiteboard test, but it wasn't even pseudo code, it was designing a data solution for a car insurance company that wanted to base their insurance on metrics derived from the way that people drive.
So I had to explain how I'd store all of the journey data, what metrics might be important, etc.
@JGreenwell How would you feel if you did that portion over a google hangout or phone call?
I've done google hangout coding on a google doc. But they were easy algorithms, so it was easy to write up and talk about
Yeah, similar to DSM's point when I was preparing some Python questions the other day I went from "What is a list comprehension?" to "Explain how this complicated, decorated closure function works." and had a spectrum of them, so I could aim at the right level.
well, phone call would have been difficult (I like to write stuff out when explaining logic) but I've done several google hangouts with shared docs or email and those are always fine with me
@tristan the hangout thing is interesting, but checkout floobits, or something similar that might let you collaborate more in the interview
or even screenhero
6:42 PM
@idjaw i used screenhero the other day for that and it....and yes, you just referred to it by name :)
thank you everyone for this feedback. i'm really glad i asked.
For the hedge fund they actually gave me a technical problem a week in advance and asked me to submit a solution. One thing that I think they should have done in that case, which would take it to the next level, would be to go through the solution in the interview.
@Ffisegydd oh woof, they didn't review your submission?
Instead it was a purely "This person made some working code that looks good. We'll go to interview and then forget about it forever."
Well they did, but not in front of me.
6:44 PM
My last job involved fixing JS code that was on a shared document and explaining what I was doing over hangout interview
If I hadn't submitted something that looked good, I wouldn't have been offered the interview in the first place.
i do a very cheap "write hello world in a class if your language supports objects, and if your language doesn't support it, provide me with a hello world that compiles"
my code didn't even work (my approach was fine, just need fine tuning in implementation) but I got the job
This was a mediumish level bit of a challenge.
It was basically doing some rolling time series calculations on streamed data.
In pure Python.
interesting, the "in a shared document" goes against one of my goals in the interview -- don't remove the candidate from his/her preferred toolchain
6:45 PM
>>> f.greet()
Hello, world!
@Ffisegydd did you feel sour about doing the work and not getting/taking the job?
i'm wondering if i should cut off the part of my criteria that's "don't make the person do disposable work"
Why would I? It's part of the process, you have to view that kind of stuff as sunk time.
@tristan The only thing negative I would say when it comes to "show me your projects", yes I've done that too with private repositories on git, is: if it relates to the work the company does - sometimes it can come off that your trying to get some work done for free.
I've had one interview like that and I actually had to decline to even do it in the end
6:47 PM
@JGreenwell that's why i want the person to bring his/her own project, so that at the end of the process, he/she worked for him/herself
You do hear horror stories, though I don't know how common they are. If it's a discrete task which shouldn't take that long I don't mind it.
It's also good to get a look at their stack.
After all, both parties are interviewing each other.
If they give you a task on their stack and the whole thing is horrific, you may not accept the job anyway.
so it sounds like i need to come up with a few tiers of questions in case the candidate doesn't want/can't bring his/her own
Yeah. You should be prepared for different types of candidates
It was my project just related to their field and I didn't want them stealing my work for free (they made it feel like they just wanted the code)
6:48 PM
You can have a great developer who just does not do a lot of open source
@JGreenwell yeah, that's why ideally the person to bring his/her own laptop
okay i'm sick of using english grammar correctly. going to use singular "they"
i find it uncommon for high level language people to not use github/bitbucket/gitlab
6:49 PM
It's a noble goal to have them work for themselves, tristan, but I think you can get a reliable sense of a typical developer's skills without requiring more than a few hours of work, and that's usually accepted.
how many rounds are you planning on structuring for your interview process?
After all, you aren't going to pay them for any other part of the interview process.
.. or are you? In which case, when can I schedule one?
And dude, if you do the interview process/pair programming/whatever correctly then they'll learn too.
As you will be able to give them feedback/advice.
That's probably worth a few hours of their time.
@DSM Would you see it as a nice gesture for that to be addressed in the process? e.g. if i said "hey, i know it can be sucky to throw away work, but it's hard to gauge this otherwise?" would that be a huge bonus in your eyes?
6:51 PM
@idjaw i'm doing 2 rounds. if $thing lines up in august, i'll be hiring in september for a FE and BE
Me and Corvid. Sorted.
It's always reassuring to know that the interviewer understands the process, I think.
if they're local, i buy them lunch/coffee, but no, i don't pay candidates
if i could afford the people in this room, i'd have hired them already :)
Then why worry about a few hours of dev time? Again, if you're willing to feedback to them properly on both coding/tech skills and also on their general interview, then it's worth their time.
6:52 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking that the experience and/or work on their own project is a fair compromise.
You don't go to an interview to do some work on your OSS project, the value is in the potential of employment.
Huh. Fair.
How about if I adjusted it to "pick one of three coding challenges relevant to our tech stack/problem domain and be prepared to teach the interviewer something about a domain of your choice?"
You're really overthinking all this, all you need to do is ask one question: 2 or 3?
2 or 3? Die Hard? Oh, that's already part of it.
6:56 PM
I like the idea of having multiple challenges to pick from.
And I also think that asking them to give a presentation is really worthwhile.
Actually, an honest assessment of the skills and tools the candidate might want to gain experience with to improve his odds in the future could be a very valuable return on his time. "Everyone's all about sortedcontainers these days."
Guy who started at the same time as me came in and gave a presentation on Rubik's Cubes.
"Rubik's Cubes!? Wat!?" but they're quite a complex mathematical object - and he made them interesting. He described in maths how they worked and the solutions for them.
I went in and did one on Nidaba...bahahahahahahahahaha.
I like Rubik's cube optimization problems but they make my brain hurt
6:58 PM
You can pick out a design that gave you a headache and try to find a way to ask about their approach on how they would solve the problem.
Though again I'll re-iterate that I prefer non-coding problems to coding ones.
But if you're going to do pair programming then maybe it's better.
would you want pair-programming on "pick one of three coding challenges" or is that preferred to be take-home?
i like attended-coding or pair-programming during an interview, but not sure where to sneak it in
I would rather take the pair-programming, or the programming where I can at least communicate with the candidate
"Pick one of these three challenges, go home and do what you can, then we'll go over what you've got."
7:01 PM
you are going to be working with this individual daily
If you feel guilty, you can tell them not to spend more than 3 hours on it.
not that i'm going to have this problem with my first handful of hires, but i actually caught someone that didn't write the take-home code during an in-person
What, they got someone else to write it?
I passed an interview once, ended working on something else but I thought it was neat, gave me a C++ section of code and asked me to find specific problems without specifying that there were multiple of a few of them (3 logic errors for instance) - my friend later told me that the test was meant to both see who could find errors and see who was thorough (main job was writing unit tests)
@DSM Yeah.
7:02 PM
Doesn't surprise me at all.
I'm impressed with how someone can care so little like that
That's why you need to discuss it in the interview too.
Or otherwise couldn't walk me through their logic or know the syntax when I removed a def output(self): print(self.result) line.
Most jobs have a probationary period anyway. What's the point of getting hired via trickery if I'm going to be fired for incompetence two weeks in anyhow?
7:03 PM
I can bullshit for a long time.
Not sure, but 3 mo @ $100k for a startup is a shotgun blast to a startup's head
I've been a member of this room for 2-3 years now, still going strong.
speaking of which, i'm feeling pretty naked without my +3 cloak of hyperbole
I wasn't even a physicist, I work in sales, I just paid a guy £20 to make me a Markov bot that I feed all your speech into to reply to you.
well, you have to wash it at least every 3 months. It was starting to stink up the place
7:05 PM
@JGreenwell that's the rest of me. haven't been outside in a week #onlystartupthings
There are lots of things I'm pretty good at I don't even bother listing on my CV because I don't think I'm good enough at, much less pretend to be an expert in.
@JGreenwell huh. so it was both "spot what's wrong" and "how's your pattern matching"
How about this, state what you're going to actually do and we'll see if we can see any holes in it?
You've gotten our opinions/experiences, but let's look at your plans.
yep, I thought that was neat....kinda wish I had taken that job now but then it was all web and I prefer data
I've changed my plan based on feedback @Ffisegydd
7:07 PM
Ah ok.
Well, what is it now?
Or don't you know yet?
I have to digest and think on what I've learned (holy shit thanks again)
I think it'll be better for you to be harsher than more lenient.
As you said, 3 months salary on the wrong person could kill your startup before Google gets the chance to.
If someone is not willing to do some dev challenges at home on their own buck, then screw em.
@DSM my adviser just looked at my teaching CV and, basically, chewed me out for not fully including my math skills (as I use applied math so tend to think of it less or feel like there are gaps)
The current plan/one I recently used was "tell candidate about the company, what his/her role would be in it, field general questions. ask him/her to bring code that he/she wants to bugfix/improve. next time we meet, i make sure he/she is still interested, then we pair on that code."
Almost all of that is going to change now.
7:09 PM
2 stage process with phone call first?
Worth it, as your time is valuable.
Yeah, unless they're a local and want to meet in person instead.
That's a good shout.
hmmm how about. "bring code you you like or are working on"
Coffee for 30 minutes is much better than a telephone interview, which are awful.
then next time. "think about how you would improve it" what would you add
then the next time you meet you can pair on that feature
7:10 PM
I already did this with a designer and it was cool -- we found out it was a mismatch, but I kept the card in case our art style goes in his preferred direction
however...that leaves room to "cheat" and do it already so they sound like godly superstars since the solution is worked out
and as mentioned before, the difficulty is decided by the candidate, and while i mentally control for that, it's still far from a good litmus
The other advantage of setting the challenge yourself is that you get a baseline against other candidates, presuming you give the same challenge out.
Especially if you do the challenge yourself, too.
Which you really should do.
7:13 PM
Of course.
Knowing how you'd solve it gives you much more ammo for questions.
Also means you can prob them in the correct direction if they're floundering.
Well, and ensures there's no shitty "seems simple on paper, but when implementing, there's a dragon"
hehe...*candidate asks question*..."sorry I actually did not solve this one either..."
In the past, I prepared a coding quiz that was a bootstrapped structure with pseudocode + todo + intentionally broken unit tests
I once lost a job due to one interview question: "S Q L" or Sequel
7:17 PM
As in, how do you pronounce it?
S Q L, obviously.
it was for the best
I'd pronounce it SKEL just to fuck with the interviewer for that question, and I hope everyone I end up hiring would think to do the same
and MSSQL would would be prounounced Miss SKEEL
you have to sell it too by being really confident about it.
stick with it
apparently my answer of "both are correct and which I use depends on the context (Microsoft Sequel, My S Q L)" was not the right answer :P
7:19 PM
Bullet dodged.
lol wat.
"Oh, it's pronounced "Mon-go-dee-bee""
for the record I prefer S Q L but only in the sense that I actually care about something like that - which is not much :)
obviously you pronounce MSSQL as "no thanks" and MySQL as "pff fuck you corporate dog spit at their feet"
And on that note, I have to go get my corporate suit fixed. :-)
7:20 PM
You've, like, changed, man.
+3 Armor of Meetings
oh, crap! glad DSM said that - need to get my suit tailored/cleaned for adjunct interviews
Same, but lose 10 pounds
had completely forgotten
7:21 PM
Button-fixing rhubarb for all!
good luck!
Is it made out of plaid?
That suit requires the beard as a wink
Photo of DSM in the wild.
Do you have weights where you'll be interviewing?
Otherwise, how will you know if they lift?
hey. so i have been learning python, mostly flask and other web dev related for the last year since graduating. i've been reading all the convo about interviews. have to say i'm pretty intimidated/feel a slight sense of imposter syndrome. any advice for overcoming that?
7:26 PM
I haven't lifted in two months and, with my decision to not take VC, I'm lucky if I can pick up the check
@wgwz let me know if you find an answer.
Bearing in mind we're all professionals (lolwat) who were discussing interviewing for a quite heavy position at a startup.
So not the typical scenario.
The only people I've run into that are entirely comfortable in their abilities and not feeling like they need to know a lot more are "super middles" (as a coworker put it) -- people that are slightly better than junior devs, but will be stuck with that skill level forever
<- is about to get Master's and has 18 years in IT industry and still feels like an imposter at times
Just remember that no matter what you do, there will always be lots of people who are much better, but that doesn't mean that you can't do it, maybe.
7:28 PM
thanks all, that helps a bit.
Also, and not that advanced degrees are indicative of knowledge or ability, but don't let this room give you a false impression of the industry -- you're more likely to be talking to a doctor in room/6 than in a hospital (seriously, i did the math)
As long as you don't trick yourself into thinking that you've learned enough, or use the "everyone has the imposter syndrome" excuse for lack of ability, you'll be fine.
did you take the local mean of hospitals in his area into account?
no, i did a spot sample of ~10 hospitals and assumed the relationship was client->professional. only statistically relevant in the soft sciences, but good enough for a chat joke
@wgwz also see my comment to DSM as an example (above) gist is "I didn't put math on resume because I thought I was lacking - until adviser kicked my tukhus"
7:38 PM
yeah your resume comments resonated with me. i feel the same way about putting certain stuff on my resume. e.g. i wrote up a resume once that had "Docker -- Hello world level knowledge" or something like that. i've since learned i probably shouldn't do that haha.
only put things on your resume that you are willing to talk about
and get in to the habit of catering your cv for the job you are applying for
and don't put things like Microsoft Office Suite
"clicking, double clicking..."
unless it also includes .Net and data visualizations with MS Office :P
7:50 PM
"the bit that goes on the floor down there"
The hard drive!
but to expand on the "you are willing to talk about", i leave off vbscript, windows AD, other stuff that I don't want to do. a resume is how you want to present yourself on paper to a prospective employer, not a record of what you can do
good advice. My cv is structured like that, but my LinkedIn is a bit too bloated.
Which in turn gets me requests for iOS projects that I don't want.
thanks for the advice everyone
8:06 PM
thanks again. be back in a day or two. rbrb
8:23 PM
take care
9:19 PM
I get the weirdest LinkedIn offers
this should be good
9:31 PM
SLPT is looking for a manufacturing engineer
'I have a role with a company that needs someone who scripts with PHP and has a strong operations background specifically with AWS and MongoDb.'
exide technologies is looking for a process engineer
ah - no no, I get LinkedIn spamming me jobs I "might be interested in"
i'd rather dance naked on a table for money than do infrastructure scripting in php with a mongo datastore. probably get screwed less often too
like... wat
Best part? It's CyberCoders offering the job
rbrb, apparently
yeah, i make my chairs by hand, son
9:38 PM
I'm a 10x woodworker
why am I watching horse racing.....what's going on here..
9:52 PM
I really should fix my LinkedIn page, but then I really can't remember getting any actual jobs from there
10:03 PM
Why/how did bullet journal suddenly become so popular? I've been seeing it come up a lot in my feeds lately.
a friend of mine introduced it to me a few years ago. I couldn't stick with it. But seems interesting
never heard of it, but sounds like the kind of magazine i'm going to subscribe to when i retire
sounds very American
If you're curious
so a todo list.
Yup. Exactl. A to do list in a book
10:07 PM
Expected something like this instead
can't handle all this innovation
that journal has some neat papers, btw.
people that have time to manage complex "lists of shit to do" systems don't have enough shit to do to necessitate a complex system
I stuck with using workflowy for a while.
so it is an organizer with bucket list?
10:09 PM
I tried putting in effort of keeping track of things I have to do for th day
But then I realized I have too much of these things in my life. Then gave in to my jira overlords
personal projects I use trello
the rest my wife yells at me about. Along the lines of "jeez it's in the calendar!"
at least she doesn't message you the calendar reminder while texting you about it
to do:
- write a bunch in my fancy notebook
  ** using my nice pen
  *** make sure to spend more time organizing my todo list than doing the tasks
- make sure others see my to do list so i appear outwardly busy
- do not, under any circumstances stop procrastinating to do the thing
don't forget to add stickers tristan
oh, I get it now! Bullet lists are those "gold star" boards we had in kindergarden but for adults
10:13 PM
in case you were wondering if i hit the nail on the head. i did.
-defrost shrimp
is that how easy most peoples lives are?
If you journal it, yes.
you are only responsible for what is in the book
The rest isn't important
Pork in slow cooker. Now is that a reminder to put it in there or to remember that it is in there already? This is very confusing
why are future tasks color coded. lol writing in quotes from people famous for getting naked and having sex
I just...I can't stop looking at it. It's like it is sucking my will from my mind with its horribleness - oh, why did you curse us with such an image tristan?!
10:21 PM
it's a beautiful nightmare
the difference between "todo list because i'm ~~a busy creative designer~~" vs "todo list page 7 because i have too much shit to do that i need to write it down"
you need to cut out the unnecessary in your life
You need soylent
actual giggles came out of me
bro, you spent HOW many minutes boiling pasta? you need to streamline your life by spending hours reading about a nutrient sludge classified as a supplement for health-inspection-at-factory reasons
10:28 PM
You won't be successful otherwise because while you are making that monstrosity you call a sandwich, I'll be hacking things your brain can't process. And I'll beat you to market. Bro
my to-do list is on a legal pad, but I keep writing my notes on it so task start to look like: "* Take kids to find the derivatives and limits of that hydraulic drill to build into the program"
^ is actually written just like that on my legal pad too.....stupid wandering mind
I used to take a note book to meetings and I wrote things down. It dawned on me at one time. I never look at those notes. Ever.
@idjaw bro i'm a pure beam of energy writing javascript
you must be at like 140 wpm when you're plugged in brah. How many lines you got?
yeah, i write down little notes to either trigger a thought process i didn't have time to pursue at the time or to remind me to implement/remove a thing later
10:31 PM
@idjaw uhh like most of them
@idjaw sometimes I find that writing stuff down gives a clearer understanding (or makes me realise I don't have an understanding at all!) though, so might not matter if you never read them
i actually kind of love that term as a dismissal
@OllieFord true true.
10:56 PM
According to my wife, all the women around here do that
and her planner looks like that too
what, waste huge amounts of time pretending to be productive by making lists of lists of 10 second tasks?
I do use my sticky notes app quite often though
Just only add relevant things
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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