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FB.login(function (response)

scope: 'manage_pages,email',
auth_type : 'rerequest'
its getting permission for fb page for some people
1 message moved from JavaScript

@for(invoice <- invoiceList) {
@if(invoice.storeId != 1){
<td><a href="/INVOICEPROCESSINGSYSTEM/@invoice.filePath" class="fancyboxPDF" title="@invoice.fileName" onclick="OpenFancyBox('@invoice.id');">@invoice.fileName</a></td>


1 message moved from JavaScript
2 hours later…
Hi guys i am new to opengl (Learning from the superbible )and seem to have trouble with the sb6 header i have linked everything and it says cannot open file sb6_d32.lib
3 hours later…
 List<Tuple<char, double>> items = new List<Tuple<char, double>>()

    new Tuple<char,double>('q', .2),
    new Tuple<char,double>('w', .3),
    new Tuple<char,double>('e', .5),
    new Tuple<char,double>('r', .5),
    new Tuple<char,double>('b', .5),
    new Tuple<char,double>('b', .5),
    new Tuple<char,double>('b', .5),
    new Tuple<char,double>('q', .2), // 3.2, 1 found
    new Tuple<char,double>('b', .5),
    new Tuple<char,double>('w', .3),
    new Tuple<char,double>('q', .2), //
    new Tuple<char,double>('r', .5),
1 message moved from C#
!!youtube cpg grey gender pay gap
2 messages moved from C#
How can I inject Javascript to run from a textbox?
For example if I put this into the Textbox

alert("I am an alert box!");

I'm trying to make sure I account for it. Currently I Encode any user into, when inserted into the DB, I was testing to see what Happens If I Decode during the Get{}
1 message moved from JavaScript
How can I inject Javascript to run from a textbox?
For example if I put this into the Textbox

alert("I am an alert box!");

I'm trying to make sure I account for it. Currently I Encode any user input when inserted into the DB, I was testing to see what Happens If I Decode during the Get{}
1 message moved from JavaScript
1 message moved from JavaScript

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