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Q: How do I make my .exe open in fullscreen? I've used Py2exe

Gautham SKI've used Py2exe to convert my little python script to a .exe file. When I open it though the program only takes a bit of screen space and long text is wrapped weirdly around the ends. Is there a way to increase the size/make it fullscreen?

2 hours later…
1 message moved from Python
9 hours later…
I posted my question, maybe I explain myself better there
Q: key compression in redis with python

alexusI have very large data set and I'm looking into using Redis. My data set consists of: sha1 hash and additional n value(s) that is associate to that hash. I use my sha1 hash as a key inside of Redis and my goal is to compress it somehow.. I tried zlib and then base64, and now key is even longer t...

if you don't mind taking a look there, i'd appreciate it
3 messages moved from Python

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