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My android sdk is not working properly. There is a problem in the ADB and DDMS.

I tried adb kill-server, it works fine. Then I wrote adb start-server but it does not work and give something in output which is as follows:

daemon is not running starting it now on port 5037.ADB sever didn't ACK

I have no clue about how to make changes.

Also one more thing which occurred in ddms is

[2012-02-29 18:43:54 - ddms] Failed to initialize Monitor Thread: Unable to establish loopback connection
1 message moved from Android People
i am new and i will take care of this thing
@NareshSharma no problem :), any way i couldnt get your problem sorry dude
1 message moved from Android People
3 hours later…
Can someone help me with SSL with Java applets/keystores?
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>

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