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13:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@StewieGriffin :) Other than renovations, how are things?
Back to work after 4 weeks of vacation... can't complain :)
London-Sardinia-Corsica-Cinque Terre (Italy) - Austria (several places)
And you?
wow! That's awesome lol.
Nothing much here... just working away. Not as exciting as travelling the world, say :)
Southern Europe < World, but yes... It's part of it I guess :)
ok part of the world I should say :)
What do you do by the way? Work wise...
It has to be eigs(..., but I can't figure out what the second change can be...
Yes, that's the first part :)
I work for Bublcam: bublcam.com
My work is primarily algorithms development and R & D.
Bublcam is a spherical 360 degree camera that's the size of a baseball.
My main tasks are image quality, image stitching, blending and other minor minutiae
but the bulk of my work is to take 4 fisheye lenses with overlap and blend them together into a 360 spherical (equirectangular) image.
Looks awesome...
but I work on image processing, numerical methods and computer visions problems daily. Just where I want to be.
Thanks! :)
what do you do if I may also ask?
As for the code golf, I should have made the number of columns 6, but I couldn't get a Lev. distance of 15 if I did it that way.
if I made it 6, then eig and eigs would have been more tricky to spot :D
I'm a Power systems engineer... I'm working mostly with integration of solar and wind power, as well as variable frequency compressors subsea...
very nice :) The other side of the electrical engineering spectrum lol.
I specialized in control systems and signal processing during my undergrad.
I work mostly with onshore stuff, but I'm from the oil nation Norway, so if you're an engineer, chances are you're working with something oil-related...
ahh I see.
it's the same out in the west of Canada... Alberta specifically.
But the green stuff is more fun :P
That's where the majority of the oil deposits in our country are, so if you're an engineer, you're most likely in the power / energy sector.
Gave it one more try... And really, I can't figure out one single character?
lolol :)
you're very close!
You have changed cov somehow... But I don't know any functions that are that similar.
(Except xcov, but that's not it).
hmm... I'm not allowed to change it now to make it slightly harder, yes? lol
hahaha... Screw you, I'm going to bed... :P
sorry :( :(
...or conv.
hehehehe :)
Well, I'l see in a few days, or when someone figures it out...
I think you'll figure it out right before you get to bed. :D
@StewieGriffin thank you for stopping by though :) It has been a while
I guess Phd > M.Sc.
Yeah, you too... I'll probably be back... I have to find out the solution at least :P
Not all the time :) There are certainly M.Sc.s who can school me on some things.
hehe no problem :) I'll ping you if someone cracks it :)
but given your tenacity, it's only a matter of time until someone else does.
1 hour later…
@Dev-iL Does that work with MuPad??
@AnderBiguri - hi!
how's it going?
was triying to catch up a bit. There a lot you guys talked about this afternoon (int his side of th world) :P
oh lol :)
For me it was talking more about PCA, then doing some code golfing
There's an interesting Code Golf challenge up right now.
Q: Two Makes All The Difference - Cops

Beta DecayChallenge Write a valid program which, when just two characters in the program are changed, removed or added, completely changes the output. The changed output must have a Levenshtein Distance of 15 or more from your original output. The output must be non empty and finite. Your program theref...

You write a program, and with only a change of two characters, the output must be different by at least 15 characters.
Someone proposes the program (Cop), and someone cracks it (Robber)
ouo! nice!
random functions and hashing is not allowed.
yeah :) Pretty cool actually!
I need to get the patiente to do this stuff, but I love to read the questions/asnwers in codegold
me too!
This was the one I proposed:
A: Two Makes All The Difference - Cops

rayryengMATLAB / Octave, 33 bytes Code eig(cov(reshape(sin(1:60),5,[]))) Original Output ans = -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.4410 4.5766 Changed Output ans = 0.0064 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 ...

Changing only two characters goes from the original output to changed output.
there is some transposition there?
No transposes.
hum.... I dont have MAtlab now
Thought that would definitely be clever.
:D It drove Stewie Griffin nuts for a good half an hour lol
I will see if tomorrow morning (from here, so in about 10~11h) that is still there to crack
did he got it?
nope lol.
He did figure out the first part though
the second character to modify he hasn't figured out yet
so the rules are "any character"?
that could be reshape (sin(1:60),9)
for exmaple?
just a random exmaple
yes it's a character change.
that includes both an addition and removal
and change
ok! If tomorrow thats there to crack ill give it a go ;)
im exhausted now
so for example, the final changed byte count can range between 31-35 bytes. My original code is 33 bytes
sure :D I'd love to see what you come up with
acutally, im leaving! so have fun codegofing ;)
ooh i see
nice to know!
see you!
see you!
@rayryeng Good answer to Cops' challenge! I have trying for a while, no luck
Yet :-P
Here's mine
A: Two Makes All The Difference - Cops

Luis MendoMatlab , 12 bytes Code -sin(2:.5:3) Original Output -0.9093 -0.5985 -0.1411 Changed output 0.4228 0.7032 0.9228

@rayryeng Hey, I got it!
The fact that there are six sorted eiganvalues gave it away...
yeah, sure... I try doing a code golf and they put the question on hold ;)
Oh, now I see that the eigs had already been mentioned in the chat!
@beaker Do you mean the one about counting pages? Well, the rules were not clear at all...
@LuisMendo no, i did the one on non-repeating random numbers
that one was pretty unclear as well
13:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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