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8:00 AM
ah that Y chromosome fucking up greens
@MarkGarcia ok. redeemed
@BartekBanachewicz Bartek blaming it on his trisomy 23
isn't trisomy the Down syndrome?
@MarcoA. Voting bots are hellbanned (reddit pretends to take into account the vote but only the hellbanned bot sees it). Because of that, voting bots used to have a friend bot, a "watcher", that would observe is the vote changed or not. If it didn't, then it would detect hellban and the two bots would clear cookies/change addr. To prevent watcher bots from observing hellbanning, the votes are a bit randomized.
Trisomy is when you have 3 copies of a chromosome instead of 2
Trisomy 23 is 3 sex chromosomes, IOW I'm making fun of you and implying you're XXY
8:01 AM
more is always good, right?
@BartekBanachewicz I blame my monitor :P
@khajvah until it gets painful; stop then
@khajvah Debt? No.
@BartekBanachewicz trisomy 21 is down syndrome
@sehe not starred
8:02 AM
I notussed
@buttifulbuttefly is this even possible?
Well yes, you're a living proof
@BartekBanachewicz Not with that attitude.
@BartekBanachewicz yes, it's called hermaphrodite
@FlorianMargaine was thinking that
8:03 AM
@buttifulbuttefly 3 sex chromosomes; sounds like it could be useful
otherwise @butt would just call me retarded I suppose
In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. Many taxonomic groups of animals (mostly invertebrates) do not have separate sexes. In these groups, hermaphroditism is a normal condition, enabling a form of sexual reproduction in which both partners can act as the "female" or "male". For example, the great majority of tunicates, pulmonate snails, opisthobranch snails and slugs are hermaphrodites. Hermaphroditism is also found in some fish species and to a lesser degree in other vertebrates. Most plants are also her...
@BartekBanachewicz XXY, XXX, XYY
@FlorianMargaine no
@buttifulbuttefly Prime sources of high school biology jokes.
@Mr.kbok got it, thanks
8:05 AM
> Turbellarians mating by penis fencing. Each has two penises on the undersides of their heads which they use to inject sperm.
thank you
/cc @rightfold
Is there a C++ wizard here with JNI experience? C++ to Java that is.
8:06 AM
no, we star penises here
@MicroHat11 yes, beyond seven rivers and seven mountains
nothing else
@MicroHat11 C++ to Java involves penises then @rightfold.
I didn't know but XXYY also exists
Lots of response but no serious comment, dissapointing.
8:07 AM
@buttifulbuttefly Double the fun.
@MicroHat11 when the dawn comes over 31rd March each year, the bean rock will show you the way
@BartekBanachewicz go back to surfing random web games then!
@MicroHat11 how dare you joke at the powerful wizard!
Is this like /b/ or what
whats /b/
8:08 AM
@MicroHat11 yeah
Na serious, if somebody's cray enough help me out on this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/30874242/…
@MicroHat11 does it look like Stack Overflow? 'cause then I'd understand the confusion
it'll make your e-peen grow to a length never seen before
nice try
8:09 AM
he's good
bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bi.biWidth = bmpScreen.bmWidth;
bi.biHeight = bmpScreen.bmHeight;
bi.biPlanes = 1;
bi.biBitCount = 32;
bi.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bi.biSizeImage = 0;
bi.biClrImportant = 0;
bi.biClrUsed = 0;
bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
Another attempt of the LGBT lobby???
@buttifulbuttefly biPlanes
@buttifulbuttefly lol
I've never claimed to be a C++ wizard, im just here for halp
8:10 AM
I wanted to never see that struct again, lol.
@MicroHat11 everyone wants wizard's help, duh
@MarkGarcia That explains why so many of the flight attendants are gay!
enlighten me with some wisdom
pour it all over me
let me bath in it
8:11 AM
@MicroHat11 Java is better than C++
@BartekBanachewicz I agree. /b/uttiful was right on the mark. For a noob
Sorry, english is not my primary language
It's OK nobody's perfect
@MarcoA. OH NO! A TROLL lives on the way to the wizard!
8:11 AM
bartek is
I don't think many of us here use English as a primary language
Hi-five man
Still waiting for some wise words
> Still waitingon forong someon wiseong wordsong
So happy
So easily
wow I just wrote an email to myself instead of replying to the sender
8:13 AM
it looks like a time for another rebus
Bird is the word or gtfo man
@buttifulbuttefly Forever alone
@buttifulbuttefly well you know. That's what you get for using Microsoft Outlook
@MicroHat11 man we're more ambitious here when it comes to rebuses
@MicroHat11 s/Bird/grease/
8:14 AM
A friend in need is a friend indeed
If we all just helped one another a little bit
The world would be such a buttiful place
@BartekBanachewicz rebuse, n.: recurring abuse
@MicroHat11 Do you prefer a 0 or a 1
How'd you mean?
@buttifulbuttefly Yeah, I wonder why some email clients allow you that (without confirmation). Mine put me in my frequent recipients, which by then I realized that I was sending some mails to myself.
8:14 AM
@MicroHat11 I like you(r style). You should come here more often
@sehe I refuse to believe he isn't a regular!
It's the first time I'm here lol
@BartekBanachewicz sex troll trash racism clock
Never bothered to join stackoverflow because I never bothered c++
8:16 AM
@buttifulbuttefly well it's not that easy
also wtf racism
you're all racist not helping the minority
@BartekBanachewicz Well there is clearly a minority of blacks
what about equal rights?
@MarkGarcia I've had the sense MicroHat11 is secretly Cicada since about 3 messages in.
> Member for 3 days
8:18 AM
@MicroHat11 You are free to have the rights. As long as you don't exercise them
@BartekBanachewicz I looked long ago
@sehe @MicroHat11 please deny these grave accusations
@sehe He might be too shy with the Java thing.
Can we just cut the crap and get on with the code? (:
@MicroHat11 I'm thinking about it
@MicroHat11 More crap. :P
8:18 AM
Thanks man @buttifulbuttefly
@MicroHat11 Yeah. Sure. Was nice meeting you
The thing is you have bi.biBitCount = 32; and BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR (24 bits)
So I should use 24 bits per pix?
8:20 AM
Well you should at least make both match
I don't know what the underlying data is
@BartekBanachewicz fucking moronic garbage collection delays
hey this is good actually
hi lounge
Wait there's an answer that says exactly that
8:20 AM
not what I meant but might well be
rebus over?
I'm doing a GetDIBits to a char pointer and use that char pointer to create a jbyteArray
Send it over with jni to a byte[]
@BartekBanachewicz Fucking Linux/Linus wasting everyone's time?
@MarkGarcia there you go.
@MarkGarcia wow
8:21 AM
except when you said Linus I meant "idiot".
nice touch of auto-bio
Confirmed: I have trisomy 23.
@MicroHat11 Well the underlying BMP format has to match on both sides, right
I'll change the bits per pix to 24 and i'll let you know. Only it's pretty gay you can't debug jni code with MS VS or maybe I'm just retarded keep rebuilding the DLL and pasting it in my java repo
I don't know how BufferedImage works
pretty gay yes!
8:22 AM
@MicroHat11 yeah baby talk dirty like that
Java docs say: TYPE_3BYTE_BGR Represents an image with 8-bit RGB color components, corresponding to a Windows-style BGR color model) with the colors Blue, Green, and Red stored in 3 bytes.
@MicroHat11 Pretty sure you can, just don't shuffle assemblies around
coworkers are giving me weird looks
@MicroHat11 Yes, so definitely not 32 bits
I can't stop grinning
8:23 AM
Ok thanks
@BartekBanachewicz I know how that feels.
@Bartek; you're a little girl
and if I grin at the screen it's obvious I'm not working
everyone who sees our code cries.
Jan 1 '12 at 14:57, by jalf
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: C++: not like wielding a cute little girl [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@BartekBanachewicz "wow that function is so handsome"
8:24 AM
Sometime I laugh at the code
@buttifulbuttefly bby your function's too long
also @Cat you were supposed to change the topic :( it was such a good idea
Hack bartek his cloud and make him cry irl, recover his tears so i can drink them.
ITT I'm a cloud being
Maybe you Apple Cloud
8:24 AM
@AndyProwl bby they always say that the 1st time
Get a room you two
> "ass is honey" - 'nuff said
@sehe wait till you see my next character
> Hello!

I'd like to invite you to apply to my job. Please review the job post and
apply if you're available.
you'll love it
8:25 AM
@buttifulbuttefly I'm already loving it
I went around the job post 3 times and it looks solid
inb4 job is PHP
@BartekBanachewicz except "I'd like to invite you to apply to my job" - what
@BartekBanachewicz that's great, gaseous jobs are terrible
8:26 AM
@sehe upwork
rocky jobs hit harder
I'm trying to say a steap ahead of kbok competition
so I made accounts on more freelance/web money websites
> a steap
@buttifulbuttefly lol
so that I can dominate the webspace
8:27 AM
You realize kbok probably earns around 4x Barteks a month
and outscale my business
@buttifulbuttefly s/earns/eats/
@BartekBanachewicz You're the one advertising for all the awesome way to make money you find
teach a man how to flush
@BartekBanachewicz your pic looks like you came straight out of The Matrix, that's amazing af
@BartekBanachewicz do you live in Warsaw ?
8:28 AM
@MicroHat11 see what a drop of instagram can do to you
I dont use instagram
its for homos
and girls
same shit
8:28 AM
>implying girls aren't homos
@MarkGarcia i was faster than you!
Non homos can't use instagram
This show is making me nostalgic for my Commodore 1541, which was basically a blender for 5.25" floppies.
@Mr.kbok actually I did that a while ago. Not enough clients vOv.
8:29 AM
They lack a0osable thumvs
You have to be pretty gay to sign-up on instagram as a male
It says in the TOS. "By checking this checkbox you acknowledge to be pretty gay"
Gay means being attracted to same sex, I think you are confused
> This job is to to re-build open-source openGL code with webGL.
sounds easy enough
8:30 AM
@butt lol
It's better than saying Faggot
You make me chuckle
@MarkGarcia sadly the lounge is a bit saturated. still thought I'd show my appreciation
be careful with the F-word, I get banned regularly for that one
8:31 AM
Say bundle of sticks instead
if it takes me around 10 hours at my CM rate.
Or meatball type thing
I got baited
Why is the internet so hard
1 + 1 = 3
My cat is giving me funny looks
@sehe Oh thanksehe! I got that feeling too.
8:33 AM
OK, guys, time to do some MPL
It's those moments that makes the job fun
also wow XXY syndrome is 1/500 males
> Also, there is a 20 times increased risk for XXY males to develop breast cancer than non XXY males.
yaaay jvm crash
no proper stacktrace
jni is so fun
@buttifulbuttefly Hm. If we say they technically aren't males, then it's kind of false.
guis don't panic right now but we have a smurf in the room
@MarkGarcia They are male (chromosome Y makes a male)
@tturchi Note that my answer also shows the visitor pattern. As soon as you use the virtual interface, though, boost variant makes little sense anymore (either runtime or compile-time polymorphism will do; both is overkill) — sehe 18 secs ago
8:35 AM
@buttifulbuttefly fuck
I have a flabby body; it must mean I have XXY
I didn't want to say this earlier.
flabby ell
flabby pird
@MicroHat11 use a debugger nub
8:36 AM
link me
Google it
Damn you
What debugger do you usually use for c++?
@Ell Speech impediments too:
7 mins ago, by Ell
They lack a0osable thumvs
ms vs express
with cmd
8:37 AM
@MicroHat11 Express loses of course.
@MicroHat11 ld me.o -o me
lo sk. ql me
8:37 AM
@MicroHat11 just use that one then
BotlClock's a stalker
Which one?
da fuck star manipulation
Attach debugger to jvm
Vs debugger
@Ell std::cout obviously (:
8:38 AM
I only know how to do it with gdb so I can't help you any further
we now have a living proof that BoltClock is, indeed, a stalker and a pony
@Ven thatbis what I use most of the time :P
comma rebuses detected
stalking pony ...
@Ell it makes me sad :/
8:39 AM
@BartekBanachewicz You're missing an 'h' there.
@sehe I confused myself
This never happened before
Idk I'll sort it out lol
8:41 AM
@Ell you should appreciate your time/
So the error is fixed
But the image is weird af
What is that "af" you keep saying
Adol Fitler
And fromage
as fuck
8:42 AM
Arian face
@buttifulbuttefly garbage street punch read
@MicroHat11 cute
that should be my desktop
Wrong pixel order
And reversed also
8:44 AM
post another rebus
@Ell and them some
@MicroHat11 Incorrect scan size
@Ell wrongly reversed order?
numer of bytes?
number of bytes per scanline
8:44 AM
that's TYPE_3BYTE_BGR bufferedimage with 24 bit pix bmp
@MicroHat11 Wrong x-size, or iteration count mismatching width? (idk what I'm talking about)
@AndyProwl good save ¬_¬
I'm not doing any loops, its being put into a DataBufferByte
the byte[] that is
@thecoshman :D did you get home all right?
yeah fine
8:45 AM
just so tired now :(
so Uncon is officially over now
glad I took this extra day off work :D
What was Puppy's excuse?
@MicroHat you should also post the GetDIBits part
8:50 AM
that's not the problem because when i save to file in c++ it works
it's just the sending over jni part
@MicroHat11 Yeah but you're not saying what format you're using
bitmap is bitmap no?
@thecoshman Hah. I am also still tired... ;p Today was the first time I slept more than 6 hours since... Thursday? :D
There are different ways to lay out the bytes
How do I do this?
8:56 AM
You post your code in your question
Should I just edit OP? or a new comment?
I'm all new to this
> Should I just edit OP
Makes sense kinda
OP also means original post
8:58 AM
@sehe done
You internet newbie
why do you keep pinging sehe though
original post(er)
/b/uttiful - 51m ago by MicroHat11
@sehe probably both of those things you said

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