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1:03 PM
!!nudge 14
@towc Nudge #2 registered.
I have got some time today to refactor my app, github.com/argentum47/JustBnW/blob/master/vf1.2/… , I should remove this long list of elsif with switch case or something.!!
Facepalm.... @MGE use other property innerHTML on div that you add...
<div id="p1"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML="What the fuck";</script>
@tereško "mvc is a pretty shitty tag"
@towc nudge
1:17 PM
!!nudge 10
@towc Nudge #3 registered.
!!nudge Infinity
@argentum47 Nudge #4 registered.
1:23 PM
@Zirak haiii
@towc nudge
Jesus what is wrong with people. like 10 stupid flags in 10 minutes
What is the point of Konami.js?
to use the Konami code on your website
1:36 PM
what is Konami :(
!!tell argent wiki konami code
Proof of Cancept
Do you have any image processing codes in JS
show plz.
1:41 PM
what kinda image processing do you want?
simple filtering ... increase brightness contrast, and black-n-white, on images above 640x320 my one is very bad, too slow. lot of if else if
Hey guys, I have this function that would calculate some values in attributes of an element and to do that I had to save the elements in a div that isn't visible, then it would calculate it and push it into another div that would show the outcome.

My problem now though is that the div holding the element has turned into: [object HTMLUnknownElement] after pushing it to the other. Is there a way to prevent the 'UnknownElement' object ?
1:52 PM
One sec
One sec is over. Fiddle?
jsfiddle.net/ug7y6451/5 I was already on it before you asked :P
I also manipulated my images like this, with a for loop. I wonder why its slow. Its a 1 long second
Just copy and paste what i've put above into the textarea like I put in comments. On a side note, i've console logged the rectr and poly var(the divs turning into unknown) and it seems that the information nests itself a few times as if it had to repeat itself after pushing the information
I never had HTMLUnknownElement
I want one :(
1:55 PM
@FlorianMargaine You'd not be surprised if you console logged rectr and polys, you'll see what happened there :P
Oh, I'm on mobile, I won't help you
@Zirak should commands be able to over write listeners?
Oh no that's no problem but so that you'd see. The reason it turns into an UnknownElement is because it nests the textarea value in itself
@rlemon Commands take preference
but should they?
1:57 PM
You can also get this on purpose if you use html5 elements in a old browser :P
I guess the DOM class system doesn't know about SVG tags?
I would have expected listeners to reserve the name
@JanDvorak But svg tags are old? >.<
lol ^
1:58 PM
@DavidH so is the <a> tag
Listeners can match tons of stuff, commands only look at the first word. I'd expect tons of command invocations to match the weasel, for instance. But I want to figure out a system where there won't be such a stupid separation.
Listeners are neat, but they don't have names, so you can't get /help or /info on them
!!learn thanks <>You're not welcome!
@rlemon Command thanks learned
1:59 PM
@rlemon Input not matching /not/. Help: User-taught command: welcome! <>You're
So is there any way I can turn it into at least an empty string?
That's the only thing I can think of to hide it?
eh, but I still wouldn't have expected that to work
!!forget thanks
@rlemon Command thanks forgotten.
Or at least empty the div after it's pushed the information?
I'm really not experienced so I'm not sure how to solve this issue
And i've been researching for hours with no success
@DavidH svg is not part of html, they're under a separate namespace
Instead of createElement, you'll need to call createElementNS with the svg namespace
2:01 PM
@rlemon hey there ?
Something like document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect')
@SilentKiller ignore my ping. someone is / was flag happy and a few of your posts were flagged
@Zirak Uhm I'm not sure where i'd need to do that? Because I'm only pasting it in the textarea and not making the element myself? Or i'm misunderstanding you?
everything was dismissed I think.
@rlemon i was driving back to home at that so couldn't reply you.
ok thanks. :)
@SecondRikudo you're missing
2:03 PM
@SilentKiller Missing what?
ma flags.
@DavidH Oh yeah, I misread. You'll need to put svg elements in an svg tag
till now you found and ping me first for ma flags
@Zirak So instead of holding them in the divs even if it's just for pushing, hold it in svg's?
@SilentKiller I don't understand what you want
2:04 PM
i mean that you always ping me first about ma flags.
@DavidH Yep. Thought I'm not sure I follow what your code is supposed to do
this time you missed ma flags.
The hell are "ma" flags?
ma == my
Do I... know you?
2:06 PM
yes don't you ?
I'm not sure...
Could you remind me? XD
in Smart Developers' Lab, Aug 28 at 8:25, by Second Rikudo
@SilentKiller You just love stirring up trouble, don't you? XD
Well, that was once, and nearly 3 months ago
@Zirak Well..something else did happen xD..
[object SVGPolygonElement] This seems to happen after changing haha
that was healthy discussion
2:07 PM
And the other a Rectangle !
Why are you converting your elements into strings?
What good could come of it?
Where am I doing this? (Again i'm inexperienced so I might not even notice)
@Zirak it will give you pizza!
You mean var ... = ...
!!pizza 800 600
@Zirak hungry yet?
@rlemon Every time you convert an element into a string, a child throws away his pizza
@Zirak Could you tell me what the right way to go is? Or at least where i'm doing it wrong? I'd like to learn from the mistakes
One place is var polygon = polys.outerHTML = polygon2
But I really don't get what you want to do
Well I'd want the value of the textarea to be the outerHTML of the div or well svg now
2:11 PM
can I validate my github public key somehow?
So that after that I can grab it from that div and show it in the visibility div after it's been calculated
Is that a prawn pizza
can anyone please help me with this
Q: jasmine test case for Restangular within a function

Alex ManHow to write jasmine test for Rectangular for a scenario like as shown below script $scope.addEmployees = function(employeesCopy) { var emplyeeList = {employees : employeesCopy, department : getDepartment()}; Restangular.all('emp/getEmployees').post(emplyeeList).then(function(employees)...

@Zirak That what you said helped me enough to fix it, THANKS!
@DavidH Great! Sorry I can't help more, quite busy atm, but best of luck.
Just one note: If you have an element and you want to move it places, using outerHTML or innerHTML or whatever aren't good solutions. You have appendChild, replaceChild and friends.
2:21 PM
@Zirak No problem already finished it !
Alright i'll look into the docs of them now
I'm not sure what the right way of using elements and appending them things is yet so i'm still learning! Thanks for the tip
Now all that is left for me is to figure out how to do this on multiple polygons/rectangles..
Or in other words, making my function check on every element in the textarea
!!tell DavidH mdn DOMParser
Yea I think that might be what i'm looking for, thanks!
If there is a governor elect...... can we call the one on his way out governor defect?
2:41 PM
^ not bad kerning. But for a second, I thought it was.
Which would be strange for a new wordpress install
@RyanKinal "click pomo"
GUYSS!!! I got myself a new laptop!!!!!
cc @SecondRikudo @darkyen00
@AwalGarg which one son
2:51 PM
dell i5 4th gen, 8gb ram
1tb sata
ram upgradable ?
sata - rpm ?
now... I need a way to transfer my data :/
can transfer my data with an ethernet cable?
Guys i'm trying to figure out why my function only works for the first ones? So for example pasting the commented text and my function only working for the first rect/polygon and not the other two. jsfiddle.net/ug7y6451/9
Can't figure out why. Normally i'd do something like foreach in php but I have no idea how that goes in Js
2:57 PM
yes you can transfer data with an ethernet cable if you wanted too. Its not the fastest method but still viable.
@AwalGarg depends
Would anyone know what i'm forgetting about when my function only does something for the first values of the type it's working for?
So I suppose something like a foreach in php?
@DavidH What are you trying to loop on?
I have this function that would parse the value of the textarea into something else. Now it only does this for the first values that are entered there. jsfiddle.net/ug7y6451/9
It would only do the first polygon and rectangle it can find in the textarea and not the other two pasted there
You'll see when you paste the 4 I've commented at the top
I want my function to do what it does for every rect and polygon pasted in the textarea
That's not a particularly idiomatic implementation.
It also looks like, from chrome's debugger, you have an error somewhere (rectr is not defined).
3:08 PM
Oh yea my bad that's the console.log I need to remove. What'd you mean with 'idiomatic' ?
Now it's not there anymore.
If you're taking input like that and append it to the dom, you should use an element that isn't attached to the actual dom (so the shapes don't show up and vanish).
You should cache the elements you're using, or since you have jQuery already included, use that.
Yo, @Zirak. Look at this
But it's been so long!
3:10 PM
@ssube I'm not quite getting the concept to be honest(I'm not to experienced), could you give me an example maybe?
@DavidH Idiomatic means to do something in the 'normal' way for that language / environment.
@DavidH Start with moving your script to the JS section, that will make it much easier to work with.
Then any time you document.getElementById, save the element in a variable so you can use it later.
@Luggage Oh I see thanks! @ssube Oh yea about that, I moved from having variables to getting the elements directly at the moment I use it, using variables caused an issue for me that'd turn the two elements holding information into: HTMLUnknownElement.
@FlorianMargaine Im a loser and havent started it, working on my new pc
flowtype.org -- and now by facebook
3:18 PM
also lol nice link for Friday!
@Loktar loser
It's friday and idgaf
@Zirak you know about websockets. peek at this for me jsfiddle.net/rlemon/q9yg7LLo/show
hello, any Rails users on?
3:34 PM
I sometimes use rails when I commute by train.
ok :)
i'll check the Ruby & Rails room
@FlorianMargaine Pretty much pointless
posted on November 21, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Kerpow!

@RoelvanUden At least that kind scales.
@copy why? it'd let you have an encrypted chat
3:36 PM
Hey guys, I just had a question about node.js and the callback function. I just completed the learnyounode Make it Modular exercise and I'm having trouble understanding how callback which has two params can take only one argument. pastebin.com/yrFKnAmX
@JeelShah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine Because you can't trust the server
@copy if the encryption is done on an extension, the server only gets encrypted data
Oh, that's okay
@JeelShah Sorry, what is the question?
3:38 PM
But their library isn't ready yet
@RoelvanUden How can my callback function take only one argument i.e. err in the if statement when the callback function has two parameters?
@copy there's this too: openpgpjs.org
would you be interested in doing it?
@RoelvanUden Basically, in the if statement I put in only one argument but at the bottom I did callback(null, datum). So is that possible?
@FlorianMargaine No, leave that to a big company with lots of money and crypto engineers
@copy if it's just using a pgp library (not implementing our own) to encrypt, then our part is just using miaou websockets, no?
3:42 PM
@RoelvanUden Here is the main file. pastebin.com/C05pA6Fu from which the module is being referenced.
@JeelShah Ah, you have a non-dynamic language background. Yes, that is entirely possible. In JavaScript you can provide no arguments, or overload with non-defined arguments. Inside a function, you can access arguments to get all the arguments by index, as well.
@RoelvanUden Wait, so as long as my argument is in the right place, javascript will understand and make it work?
@FlorianMargaine That's begging for trouble (using a crypto library that was made by random people, inventing your own protocol …)
@JeelShah Basically, you should see the parameters as simpler definitions of arguments[0], arguments[1] and so forth. So long as the argument is indeed in the right place, the correct named variable will get the passed contents, yep. ;-)
why do all pointer-events polyfills have a jQuery dependency ?
3:45 PM
@RoelvanUden Holy crap. That's wicked. Thanks for your help :)
@JeelShah No problem :-) You can read the formal definitions, and cool examples and tips, at this address: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
        <ul class="tournamentColumnUl">
            <li class="tournamentRowLi">

.querySelectorAll('ul.tournamentColumnUl > li');

What is wrong with this selector :(
@Loktar that turkey thing on FB omfg hahahahaha
@copy There are decent PGP libraries not made by "random people" anymore so than Node is made by "random people"
But doing any kind of PGP encryption/decryption in JS? That just sounds dumb
3:52 PM
Anyone know a service like mailtrap.io (a fake email server to catch all email from an app's test instance)?
@someDoge In JavaScript?
Uhm no
lol. No.
Why would you need it in the client?
3:55 PM
But you could set up your own mail server and just have one account that pulls in every email sent to that domain
@Luggage Seems uneeded, you will waste more time on that then you would setting up another email and trashing it after
@someDoge Because @FlorianMargaine wants to have message encryption as a unique selling point for miaou
I don't
Oooh... Why. And how is that even possible
In what way would they be encrypted? You mean basically a PGP "secured" messaging service?
I think emails are better suited for ultra-paranoia
3:57 PM
Well, it should end up like code.google.com/p/end-to-end
Yeah but apparently FBI directors and mistresses fuck that up even
@someDoge I can and have set up my own testing email servers. I just don't want to right now. It seems a common need and I don't like duplicating efforts. That same reason people use online cross browser testing services, etc.
@copy Oh yeah idk, I agree with your points.
My clients prefer to pay me to write code that does new things, not set up fake emails servers, etc
I don't think that makes much sense. You would be requiring users to use the extension? Well then have them use the real PGP implementation on their local machine.
3:59 PM
Heh, got a functional plugin loading mechanism for nodejs. Any thoughts on this approach? pastebin.com/dDWPne8Q
Plus I wouldn't be caught using that extension if I had a true need for the encryption lol
@luggage then i guess either find a service or set it up on your own dime as a tool you should have had prior to accepting the job requiring that tool - Not trying to be rude, just saying i don't have an alternative to setting one up or the mail service you mentioned.
GnuPG and GPGTools are extremely easy to use and they are "real" lol
Thats cool if you don't know a service. I'm not jumping down your throat, but I've only gotten "why do you want that?" responses from this channel the last few days. I talk about a message queue someone tells me to append to a text file. I talk about state machines and people say "write one".
Not every bit of work needs to be written in-house from scratch.
@Luggage Aww now I feel bad :P
4:01 PM
It's cool. I'm over it. :)
But you basically just need a working email right?
Go use safe-mail or some other shitty provider that doesn't care about your real info?
I was hoping for aservice that i can send emails to, any address and it collects them all
@Luggage well man only reason i was saying that is because im thinking to myself.... damn i could have remoted in and set up a fake email server in the time it has taken him to ask and me to respond
4:02 PM
In the past, I've jsut used Apache James and configured it to deliver all address to one inbox.
Hmm.. I wish I knew of something off hand
@Luggage i have installed mailenable as an email server and it defaults to any address to that domain will collect in a master inbox
It has a web ui and more or less works out of the box
@copy uh, not a unique selling point :P
just another useful feature.
One of the motivations behind an external service is it's gotat work form my OSX environment, the other dev's windows environment, and our deploy environment (linux). I can always fallabck to apache james, which works on all
but i don't want to introduce a JVM requirement
4:06 PM
@FlorianMargaine He also said you had no style fight fight fight
we're node/.net right now
@FlorianMargaine Well, when comparing miaou to other chat services
@Luggage ooo yeah i dont know on that one lol
@copy miaou already has more than other chat services
cross platform or go home. :)
(yea, i use .net cross platform, I punish myself)
4:07 PM
@Luggage you want something local?
local is ok, but 'cloud' works better for me.
and mailtrap doesn't fit the bill?
Mailtrap is perfect.
@Luggage you dont have a windows computer laying around the office anywhere that you can install mailenable on? lol
It is not working. Even after it gives my a success (250) response. I'm waiting for thier support. I wasn't able to find a competitor.
4:10 PM
i'm in a coffe shop, but i could set one up on aws if i needed. IF it comes to that i'll jstu use James wince i have a config sitting around somewhere that'll set it up the way i want
@Luggage What's your issue with it?
@Luggage how long would it take you to set James up?
There are flags to choose which IP mailtrap binds to (for http and smtp)
probbably not long. Might have been able to do it instead of talking here
but I was hoping that someone had a service they used and would recommend. I didn't expect a 'real men use their own test servers' response :)
I'm joking.. I'm not angry. :)
Anyway.. i gotta go deal with this.
4:14 PM
@Luggage yeah, tbh I had a need for that once, and just set up a quick server... didn't take long enough to warrant going through an external service
well, if mailtrap worked it would have been about 30 seconds to set up.
it's still new, they don't even have paid plans. thye just might be having issues.
@Luggage I mean we could help you trouble shoot mailtrap :P if you said what the problem was
as far as i know there is none. It gives be a 250 (success) response.
So mailtrap works for you
Great! Use it :)
4:18 PM
But it doesn't actually display in the ui like it shoudl
anyway.. i'm gonna go try to make sure my mail doesn't have any problems (that isn't being reported) and then fallback to my own server if that doesn't resolve itself soon
Idk man send all your mails to a NoSQL db and see if things are right lol
There's not that much that goes wrong with simple mail servers... At all
They already go through a nosql db (mongo). I'm trying to process the mail queue and test smtp. Anyway, thanks for the help.
4:21 PM
Just FYI the reason you got such a response was because, well, you asked the XY problem;P
@SecondRikudo ---- frieza is back :-/
okay now i can say dbz is officially crap now. --they could of ressurected cell / buu / dabura / <arsenal of super villians> but no they went with frieza. the joke.
And we still don't know why you can't just run a one-liner mail server for it you haven't explained it :P
@Luggage You could run a local haraka.github.io and signal back ;-)
After trying a new search term ("catch-all") I found mailcatcher.me which is already working for me.
thanks for the feedback
4:33 PM
It's probably more than one line of code :)
@SomeGuy your double pendulum is masmerising
i wasted 25 minutes watching it trace
you're weird
Are you high?
It is fun to watch, but 25 mins is a long time :p
darkyen :facepalm:
Also, mesmerizing
4:37 PM
@rlemon you didn't use C# for your embedded devices, did you?
alright, carry on
@darkyen00 And based on the earlier battle with him, the movie should take only approximately 45 hours.
@SecondRikudo exactly
nailed it.
and goku will transform into super saiyan jerk (3+)
because frieza will krillin again. (Which is well unevitable, he almost died fighting abo-cado)
@SomeGuy only got one
4:45 PM
Read Receipts in outlook are like mines in minesweeper. It just makes me never want to open your emails ever again cause then i lose the game.
Reminds me of a joke: "What does it take for a DBZ Character to change a lightbulb?"
25 episodes and Krillen's death.
hello guys
@MariusHincu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
jsfiddle.net/y6fpuyzd can you try this?
I need to change the direction
The direction of what?
4:53 PM
of animation
it is going to right i want it to left
I can't fucking imagine I was working on my old machine for 4 fucking years!
completely blown off!
Would anyone like to knock me upside the head and explain to me why my selectors are not working here :/ jsfiddle.net/hatterismad/q5od3x4m
5:11 PM
@HatterisMad Because QSA doesn't return an element.
It returns a collection.
var tournamentColumnUl = tournamentColumn[i].querySelectorAll('ul.tournamentColumnUl > li');
on my questions is someone able to answer please?
@HatterisMad Also keep in mind that querySelector has some quirks
yesterday, by Florian Margaine
^ Though I feel uninvited.. I like this idea and want to try it :)
Ugh I can't figure out how to make my function work on all occurences instead of only the first of each kind..Would anyone know? jsfiddle.net/ug7y6451/18 Been at it for about 2-3 days..
5:20 PM
@Mr_Green sure
give a +1 on the gist so that I can contact you when we'll start
@FlorianMargaine sure
@someDoge haha yeah it cracked me up as well
@SecondRikudo even after i casted it away from a collection it still did not work as expected I will keep playing with it i guess.
people like that annoy me
rebasing is awesome
rebasing already-pushed code is not-so awesome
5:25 PM
var polygon=polys.innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("polygon")[0];
probably because of this line?
I still don't quite understand rebasing
@RyanKinal change the history of the commits
I mostly use it to delete stupid commits
so that git log is clean
or to rewrite commit messages
Huh... okay. That is not what I expected at all.
@FlorianMargaine What is it supposed to be then? I'm not sure how to grab the polygon or rectangle that i'd paste in the textarea and calculate+parse it per occurence
5:28 PM
I wish there was a simple interface for rebasing on the GitHub for Windows client. I have never gotten it to work in the console :/
The only way I saw it'd be possible is to grab it by it's tag
Anyone here use Jasmine in Visual Studios?
@Austin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You should use sourcetree, its a superior git client @MLM
@naterchrdsn Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
5:28 PM
@Austin I try my damnedest not to use Visual Studio at all.
Well our model/controller is c#, and the front end is angularjs, and I gotta hook up jasmine to it. :S
@naterchrdsn I'll have to try it again. Does it have an easy rebasing feature?
Just looking to see if anyone has dealt with it in VS before
yes, both easy and intuitive. the team wrote a whole blog post on the feature: blogs.atlassian.com/2014/06/interactive-rebase-sourcetree
@RyanKinal by "delete stupid commits", I mostly mean "squashing commits". i.e. the code is kept, but the history is cleaned up
5:53 PM
hi all
does html snippets affect css layout? as i need google to crawl website
Oh by the way @SomeKittens a really great source on architecting Angular apps is PoEAA
+1 for rebasing is awesome. "rebase -i" especially.

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