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12:01 AM
we'll see though. when that becomes an issue, i'll be in a good spot to stress out about 2bytes and strcmp v. integer comparison. (FWIW, the latter can easily drop into assembly if i really decide to get aggressive about it)
if nothing else, a blog post about how i inline assembly in a C func that i call from python for a webapp is good for recruiting
Column-level constraints generally perform fine.
If you have really good reason not to expect the definition to change, and you're not comfortable managing highly normalized schema, probably best to stick with enum.
sure, they'll perform "fine," but it's hard to defend maintaining multiple constraints when you're already doing it on the application layer. which is to say, why pay to validate an email address on the frontend, then again on the backend, then on the database, especially when the last case is get exercised exactly never
it's not an issue of comfort for normalized schemas, often the case is that it's less comfortable to handle a denormalized schema
it's taking into account N joins and knowing the tradeoffs
@tristan yep - that sounds like going overboard.
anyway, holy crap this is funny Angry Fish Tank Guy
Perfectly legitimate to choose to implement some rules in the database and some rules in the application.
eh. pattern of least surprise and blah blah
too much computer, i'm off. have a good night
12:16 AM
i am writing a simple web service using Bottle, my service needs to store files uploaded by a client. So i need to know what is the best way to store file data that is being received using http as in my case?
4 hours later…
4:02 AM
@IntrepidBrit A trailing slash was missing.. here is the link ... 6eae8461.ngrok.com/admin/polls/android/
4:38 AM
wow, where did everyone go?
quite early I suppose.
yeah, I'm just used to seeing more idle avatars
is a HTTP status 302 bad ?
4:40 AM
no, that's just a redirect
that is a relief.
How is your morning today?
It's almost bedtime here. :) I'm in California.
oops..thought you are in UK
That's a good default assumption in this room.
:D seemingly so
4:45 AM
Morning or evening for you?
morning..a sharp 10:30am
time for bed or some bug driving you sleepless? (pun intended)
I'll probably turn in soon, reading a good book and want to get back to it. :3
and the name of the book is?
I'm actually re-reading it.
that good, eh?
i guess i will make do with reading the wiki
4:51 AM
Someone also recommended The Book of the New Sun, so I've got something for after too.
fan of the fantasy books or you read non-fiction as well..? Most of my readings have been non-fictions..
except for Harry Potter and the Lord of the rings
I actually like sci-fi more, but it's pretty hard to find good new stuff there, fantasy is much more popular right now. Non-fiction ocasionally, but not recently.
i need to read sci-fi..actually read none.
I read a few by Iain M. Banks recently, they were really good.
Anyway, time for sleep, rhubarb!
2 hours later…
6:42 AM
@davidism I also like Banks, although I don't think anything he wrote lived up to the promise contained in the first chapter of Consider Phlebas.
1 hour later…
7:58 AM
8:49 AM
anything we want to say about building tag-specific communities?
Q: Process for nominating and promoting canonical questions

tripleeeIn the bash tag, we get a lot of duplicates. Off the cuff, I would speculate that 10-20% of all Bash questions are reiterations of maybe 50 common questions -- basic quoting, variables, syntax, pipelines, and everyone's favorite: the user used Notepad++ and gets weird error messages because of t...

The OP mentions our work with sopython, specifically.
1 hour later…
10:03 AM
@Martijn I'll draft a sopy wiki answer, just explaining how we do things. Won't answer the OPs post per se but will at least give some information.
10:16 AM
@Ffisegydd excellent. Sharing our experience and tools so that others can do the same.
10:34 AM
I do not know his bash has -> if bash has :P
10:56 AM
Comments on sopython.com/wiki/20 please.
@Ffisegydd apt answer!
@Ffisegydd nice
I'm surprised Bash would have enough of a community on its own, but I guess it only needs a few people
11:40 AM
Cabbage folks
Glad to see you got to the bottom of that problem @tilaprimera
@IntrepidBrit would not have been possible without your hint...about urls!
11:41 AM
@IntrepidBrit still the code seems not neat.. take a look at the link, did you try it out?
I didn't - we have clients/suppliers (not sure which) in the office today
sure..melons btw
What does cbg mean? srry imma nub
So I'm popping back and forth
a green bean
11:44 AM
cbg being the shorthand for cabbage
ppl using bash are like ppl using perl... "second best is good enough for me"
and back
Mildly unnerved as work colleagues have quarantined themselves with series of large plastic chains
I think they're working on the three phase high voltage stuff again
People sure do love sticking tags on things
what's postgresql got to do with the above question?
Keeps out the C# developers
obviously it is a gis object in postgis/postgresql... or...
12:44 PM
The Vice Chancellor is touring the experimental labs today. So my supervisor is forcing everyone to go down to the lab to sit and pretend to work, just because he's worried that other research groups are trying to muscle in and if no one is there then they'll argue that they need the space we don't use.
I hate academia.
Keeps the day interesting though
@Ffisegydd non-academia is the same, but every day :)
No. I refuse to believe you @Robert. I have to believe that I will leave this behind when I leave academia.
Working in industry is a magical place full of happiness and unicorns. Where people are appreciated for their hard work.
and PAID for that work. Don't forget that bit @Ffisegydd
And anyone who says differently will be kick-muted.
12:49 PM
@Ffisegydd the muffling of free expression to keep one's own ideas relevant may well be specific to academia, however :)
Don't try to be clever. You wait til I get off my phone and onto a computer.
I'm gonna kick-mute you so hard you'll be mute from the kicking.
The work force has appreciation to workers in the same sense that the forest has unicorns. You can't prove that it doesn't exist...
Actually. Unicorns DO exist. They're the Scottish national animal
Ergo - they must exist
Thus - private sector work force worker appreciation must exist
1:11 PM
I'm back, I swear I was meant to kick someone but I just saw a picture of a cute kitten and it distracted me.
Ooh, one of the hot meta questions mentions us. We're famous by proxy!
We even have our own answer that explains how awesome we are.
But everyone already knows that! Flagged as non-constructive ;-)
(Note: I did not actually flag. Man, making jokes about doing personal harm to other people is a pain in the butt, because I feel the need to add parenthetical disclaimers to the end)
Talking about our awesome SOPython site...
anyone had a chance to check out the "How to ask a good question" wiki page we drafted?
No. Please provide a link.
I love that wiki so much
Ok, I'm regressing to newbie state and reading the page... "What's a framework? I just want my hangman program to work :-("
@Kevin I just made a few edits, and added that in as well. Hit F5 and see what you think
So maybe have a hyperlink for the word framework? Or explicitly mention it on the page?
Changing it to "web framework" would probably tip off the hangman writers that it's not applicable to them. Examples are good too.
1:35 PM
what is a runtime? and how do i figure out what isbeing used?
It's the thing that reads your program and executes it.
If you downloaded an installer from python.org, you're using CPython.
if it is installed in the system..?
@tilaprimera hit F5 and see what you think of the edit
edit of?
Of the page
That you're commenting about
1:37 PM
Aloha. I have a quick question about the way code is written in Python. I'm trying to learn a simulation tool and I've swirled off the road a bit to understand the structures a bit more in-depth. Assume I create an array of numbers and I convert it to a list:
import numpy as np
x = np.random.binomial(n = 1, p = 0.5, size = 20)
I was curious to find that tolist(x) doesn't work. Can anyone elaborate or point me to a resource that explains the difference?
I know literally nothing about numpy, but if it follows the idioms of regular python, you'll need to do x = x.tolist()
@RobertGrant melons.. what is the salad term for dufus?
the tolist method returns a new value, and does not alter the original value of x. So you'll need to assign it to something if you want to use it.
@RomanLuštrik the first hit on here seems to say
I'm giving the numpy array as an example. I think the crux of the matter is in the tolist and why use it as x.tolist() and not tolist(x).
1:40 PM
Tila brings up a good point though - it's not clear what a runtime is if you don't know
Answer "because" will do, too. :)
mine is CPython as I figured out
there are Cpython, Cython and cabbage
Made some slight changes
Me too, hope the changes didn't collide
Ah pants
1:44 PM
@RomanLuštrik Generally speaking, someObject.someMethod() is not the same as someMethod(someObject) because someMethod lives in the namespace of the class of someObject. someClass.someMethod(someObject) would work, though, assuming someObject is an instance of someClass.
In numpy you can actually get both sometimes. For example:
The reason this happens is to prevent name collisions. Imagine you had two classes, Widget and Sprocket, that both implemented a tolist method. If you then call tolist(something), how would Python know whether you wanted to call Widget's tolist, or Sprocket's tolist?
import numpy as np

a = np.array([1,2,3])
@Kevin You're absolutely right.
But this (and min, etc) are special cases.
1:45 PM
>>> np.ndarray.tolist(x)
[1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
And the argument about namespaces makes sense. Thanks for shedding light on the matter.
@IntrepidBrit melons for pointing the green bean soup
@Kevin In this is solved by method looking up class of the object.
You could argue "in the case of conflicting classes, Python could inspect the first argument to determine which class it belongs to". It could do this, but it rather goes against Python's dynamic typing philosophy; in fact, Python 2.x had some minor type checking along these lines, but it was removed in Python 3.x.
So we know that the devs don't care much for the idea.
I can imagine where this could go awry and cause subtle bugs in the code.
Yes, especially if, in addition to Widget.tolist and Sprocket.tolist, you had just an ordinary function named tolist that wasn't part of any class.
Then Python would have to decide between three different tolists, and the third one would have no hints as to which type its arguments should be.
1:50 PM
I guess Python wouldn't make a good president (the Decider). :)
(in the case @Ffisegydd mentioned with np.Array.max vs np.max, I assume it's a deliberate design decision on numpy's part, and they eventually execute the same code)
Yar, I believe so.
@Kevin but you can do list(array), can't you?
1:54 PM
Hmm, considering adding "don't snip your import statements out of your code, even if you think it makes it look cluttered" to the wiki draft, but that really just falls under "provide a minimal valid example" from the SO guide.
@RobertGrant I am going to guess "yes", although I don't use numpy arrays myself.
I just mean in general
I don't know numpy
I think list(someObject) actually turns into something like [x for x in someObject.__iter__()] behind the scenes.
So it's sort of a special case
@Kevin Worth re-iterating though?
Ah haha
@IntrepidBrit Hard to say. The reader's attention span is a limited resource :-)
Off topic: neophytes will occasionally post recursive code that is buggy because they forgot to put a return in the recursive case. Ex:
def fibonacci(x):
    if x < 2:
        return 1
        fibonacci(x-1) + fibonacci(x-2)
I am considering writing a canonical post for errors like these. (yes, I am aware that it would be a very basic question). I'm looking for a "classic" recursive function to use as the example, and I'd like it to return an unexpected result instead of crashing.
So reverse and fibonacci are out, because they give TypeErrors when you try to add an (int | str) to a None value.
2:06 PM
I have written a number of answers to such questions, not sure that I found a good candidate.
hmm, maybe is_palindrome.
Never even thought of doing that recursively, but it makes perfect sense
Morning cabbage for all.
So the buggy form would look like:
def is_palindrome(s):
    if len(s) <= 1:
        return True
        left = s[0]
        right = s[-1]
        middle = s[1:-1]
        if left != right:
            return False
if length is 0 or 1, return true; if input.first != input.last return false; if input.first == input.last return fun(input[1:input.length])
2:13 PM
Hmm, or would the else-less version be better? What would a newbie write?
def is_palindrome(s):
    if len(s) <= 1:
        return True
    left = s[0]
    right = s[-1]
    middle = s[1:-1]
    if left != right:
        return False
That's cool, never thought of that. From a Java background my solution is to start up an entire virtual machine runtime, and execute some bytecode eventually.
Kidding :) Well, not. But it would be to snap the thing in half into 2 lists, discard the remainder, reverse one list and compare them
(of course, the best implementation would be return s == "".join(reversed(s)). But then the question doesn't exist)
Oh lol yeah, or that much simpler solution
well, replace "best" with "easiest". You could arguably get a 2x speedup by iterating through only half the string
Yeah I suppose for i in 0..string.length/2 if string[i] != string[string.length-i] return False
2:19 PM
While we're at it, let's make/identify a canonical post for "how do I interpolate between two colors?" I've seen that infinity billion times, the most recent being here
return True
...is faster
Indeed. Not that I expect palindrome detection to be the performance bottleneck in any application where speed matters.
not listening, goes off and tries to use xor to make it faster
Unless you're like, trying to find if the Bible is a palindrome.
That would be amazing
Especially if it were so in every translation
2:23 PM
In which case, the early return behavior of your looping solution is far better than comparing the bible to its reverse using a single equality check. Most strings are not palindromes, so it is desirable to bail out as soon as you find a non-match rather than iterate through the whole dang thing
For extra credit: invent a language such that when the Bible is translated into it, it's a palindrome
"Most strings are not palindromes"? Maybe yours aren't. .t'nera sruoy ebyaM ?"semordnilap ton era sgnirts tsoM"
And no cheating by saying the word GABOOBAG is equivalent to the Bible
This was a weird comment that wasn't very funny
My strings aren't palindromes, but they are rotationally symmetrical.˙lɐɔᴉɹʇǝɯɯʎs ʎllɐuoᴉʇɐʇoɹ ǝɹɐ ʎǝɥʇ ʇnq 'sǝɯoɹpuᴉlɐd ʇ,uǝɹɐ sƃuᴉɹʇs ʎW
2:25 PM
(sorry guys, drifting in and out. blazing row about contracting fees)
I think there's a user whose name is (used to be? everyone's changing them now) "upside down", written upside down.
@DSM if you go far enough back in some random Quake forums, you'll find me, BRIT.Millennium (yeah, far back)
Hopefully the first character was an n and not a weird UNICODE_INVERTED_U or something, otherwise pinging would be a nightmare
I've heard it's possible to "pack" python extensions to be used on the front end javascript. Do the legends speak true?
I have not heard of this.
2:57 PM
There's a URL to download the most recent version of Anaconda? I know there's one for Miniconda, but I want to write a script to download Anaconda so my users can easily install Python and a bunch of packages offline easily. My users are weird.
anyone here mess around with Haskell at all?
My IQ isn't high enough for Haskell.
what's haskell good for?
what's python good for?
3:00 PM
Only problems that require thought.
I always thought python was just a good general purpose scripting language, Haskell the same?
If Python makes you feel like a programmer, Scala makes you feel like an engineer and Haskell makes you feel like a mathematition.
actually, scala makes me feel sad
and engineering makes me happy
As you can see from my spelling, I am not yet ready to be a mathematician.
3:02 PM
javascript makes me feel like
Scala makes me happy I'm not writing Java.
@Seanny123: I don't think there's a canonical URL, or at least I'm not aware of one. You may have to scrape the download page to get the current v.
Yeah, I think the best idea is to just use Miniconda and then download the packages I need.
Scala makes you feel like a strong typist
3:06 PM
My neck hurts. I think I'm developing a hump.
... Or is that something you're born with?
I've already suggested going outside and the suggestion was not well received.
outside? But that's where bears are
Being eaten by a bear would technically solve my problem.
Good morning people
3:07 PM
And lol at not being smart enough for "some esoteric language"
"i spent 10 minutes looking at its entirely different syntax and i've concluded that it's obtuse and therefore for smart people"
haskell seems somewhat intuitive... I just don't get the hype
like ruby, it just seems like another language with pretty common syntax
I don't think it's the syntax which distinguishes Haskell but the fact it's so strongly FP.
I want to experiment with functional programming, because my own programs are so often dysfunctional.
Sure, it's that it's FP, but if it had the same syntax as Python, I doubt as many people would be fanboys/girls
3:16 PM
If Haskell has a shorter way to write "lambda", and an easier way to do currying, I could see the appeal
@DSM asking for the Anaconda URL on SO would be bad idea right? Is there any SE site that it would be appropriate on?
Python, please support the isPalindrome = λ x: x == "".join(reversed(x)) syntax.
What do you mean @Seanny123?
It's more specific than that: he's after a fixed link to the most recent version.
3:18 PM
@tristan sorry, that was from a previous convo I was having with @DSM
There's a URL to download the most recent version of Anaconda? I know there's one for Miniconda, but I want to write a script to download Anaconda so my users can easily install Python and a bunch of packages offline easily. My users are weird.
@corvid the main draw of haskell (although I don't think it is unique to the language) is that everything is evaluated lazily as well as being a functional language
@Seanny123 I doubt your users need bleeding edge, but you could ask for help on code review with a packaging script.
functional languages... bleh
@Seanny123 I suspect most of the responses you'd get would be "try asking on the anaconda mailing list"
An analogy might be writing everything as generators in python, so only exactly what you need is calculated/in memory at any given time
3:20 PM
Ah. I keep forgetting the good'ol mailing list.
Oh gross, Anaconda is doing the Oracle thing of having you give them an email address for marketing.
Aargh. Unpickling old data but the objects are custom and the library has changed. Poor serialization decision. :-/
yeah, functional languages just seem like they have a lot of restrictions
"Installation or product questions? sales@continuum.io". Oh lord, they have sales doing tech support. "I'm getting a 'mscvrt.dll not found' error, what should I do?" "I suggest upgrading to our Anaconda Platinum package, guaranteed to have no miscuhvert errors"
restrictions are the whole point: if you can restrict how something is written, you can make guarantees about the structure that improve performance/correctness
ideally, these restrictions don't change what you can do, only how you do it
3:23 PM
also (lambda x: str(x) == str(x[::-1]))
it seems like it'd be easier to prove correctness, but also a bigger challenge to write... and I am already struggling with writing babby-tier program D:
I think generates some of the more interesting SO answers.
oh never mind, saw the starlord's comment from an hour ago
cbg again
I definitely like slicing with a negative step over "".join(reversed(...
3:26 PM
yeah, what's fun about FP languages are that they tend to be tools without a real purpose, so the discussion steers away from solving problems
Just didn't think of it at the time.
@tristan not all
but I think Haskell belongs to them :D
erlang on the other hand, was built for a purpose.
Oh god guys, the link for the most recent version of Anaconda was embedded in the webpage this whole time. I am embarrass.
yes, not all, which is why "tend" is in that sentence @AnttiHaapala
but I agree
I mean, every time I start learning Haskell, I get headache
because of the type system etc...
erlang OTOH is like "hey this makes sense"
3:30 PM
@Seanny123: wait, so are you going to "have to scrape the download page to get the current v"? ;-)
in one test i have this line self.assertEqual(sys.stdout.getvalue()[:3],'foo'). nosetests is passing the test but coverage is throwing error AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'getvalue'. why?
So... with pygments, is there any way to generate a front end preview in any moderately quick way? I am using a setinterval function right now, but that seems bad.
just saw a rant about someone saying that haskell is faster than C (when done obsessing and optimizing over a simple comparison of ints in the haskell version, where no such thing was done for the C equivalent)
@DSM Oh man, I double messed up. I thought I found a general URL, because I found this "http://repo.continuum.io/anaconda3/". But yeah, your original suggestion of scraping looks like the only option.
have someone throw in that C is a gendered programming language and i'll be at peak internet before 11
3:34 PM
the op unaccepts my answer with this:
do you test that signal? It doesn't seem to ever be invoked. — Ramin 7 mins ago
and I respond with:
It is called here and is tested and passing here. It works for me. If you are having a new issue, please post a new question with relevant code following the SSCCE guideline. — davidism 1 min ago
@ChillarAnand Maybe nosetests silently passes any test that raises an uncaught exception.
@davidism: that's an unusual response.
sys.stdout does indeed have no getvalue method.
(on my machine, at least)
@DSM: that's an unusual response.
Heh. I see what you did there.
3:36 PM
@Kevin how do you test a print statement?
you should write something in TCL to scan the output in your terminal to make sure that the print happened
Me, personally? I wouldn't bother.
or fork your shell to look for a message put on the TTY
that's what the pros use
@AnttiHaapala I may have already asked, but have you looked at Elixir yet?
3:38 PM
You could redirect stdout to a file-like string buffer, which you can then read from. I'm pretty sure there's a module that does this.
aaargh so I manually edited the pickle to fix some broken internal references and now it's not playing nicely with the new swig'd library in some strange way aaargh
invest in whiskey because it sounds like it's about to get a spike in usage
@Kevin and how would you test your string-buffer-reader?
and then you should probably get test coverage for your string-buffer-reader-reader
@tristan melon @Kevin i also wont bother but for this package i need 100% coverage :)
3:42 PM
good luck with that
Rewrite your function so that it returns/yields messages instead of printing them.
:( i was really hoping you'd go into the troll caverns with me
Or just delete all the prints
thanks for nothing jerk
3:43 PM
shall i add pragma: no cover ??
As I have no formal knowledge of test-driven development, I can't distinguish between legitimate concerns and trolling attempts.
"How can you test the structure that you are using to test things?" does seem like a real problem. It's testing all the way down.
oh, yeah, when you get iterative reader-readers, you're either a Thoughtworks consultant maximizing their scam or a troll
Is that django question really just a To versus Too typo? Oh, wait. No, it's "to" as in "toward", not "too" as in "too many".
Which Django question
Are you guys subscribed to some feed and you're just not telling me?
3:46 PM
seriously dude(tte)s, not cool
I guess I was still thinking TooManyAlex.
Do you smell toast @DSM?
@DSM I thought it was TooManyFields too, but I deleted my comment once I determined I didn't know what I was talking about.
@Kevin: I figured I'd ask here, in a safe space, before braving the dangerous waters of the main site. :-)
Q: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ToManyFields'

Nikolas DaroitI've created a BaseResource class BaseResource(ModelResource): def wrap_view(self, view): @csrf_exempt def wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs): try: callback = getattr(self, view) return callback(request, *args, **kwargs) ...

I'm pretty sure it's a nontypo, and means "[convert] to many fields"
3:50 PM
Yeah, and it's still that he hasn't defined the method ToManyFields on BaseResource
Feels a little strange for fields to be a module object, but I don't know anything about how things are structured.
As I know nothing of Django, I assumed that BaseResource inherits from a class that implements ToManyFields
Maybe we should go back to the original theory. Maybe there are TooManyFields-- after all, if there were no fields, we wouldn't be in this mess.
[Bah, let's see if I can get the original code to work so that I can unpickle and repickle. This would be enjoyably stupid if I wasn't on the clock.]
someday I hope to understand half the regular expressions on sopython-site git :\
I hope to understand at least none of the regexes. Hey, I'm living my dream!
Remember, kids: aim low.
3:54 PM
@davidism maybe you did
> You seem to have a typo. The Django-TastyPie field is actually named ToManyField.
I'm going to call that a half-win.
Ah, we were right about a typo, but wrong about the origin :-)
:( you skipped my explanation of wtf.
3:57 PM
Looking forward to yet another "this helped me but i will only comment and not upvote or accept"
"furthermore, finish writing my blog for me"
I only understand half of your answer, so I'm going to flip a coin and upvote you if it turns up heads.
I'd upvote except I honestly have no idea whether you're right or not. :-) Except for the typo thing, that has to be right, because I clicked the doc link you provided and also I want it to be true.
Yeah, surprised someone didn't FGIW on that with a half-assed answer.
@DSM I'm right.
3:59 PM
Doesn't @davidism know Django stuff? We can get all the web guys to upvote.
I edited and added it to the field. He might have to inherit from Resource instead of BaseResource, but asker is plagiarizing from an unnamed source, so I'm not going to look for more work for myself
I am the worst procrastinator ever.

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