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2:00 PM
Wow, most of the sentences actually makes sense.
Good job @YiJiang, whoever that might be
Hi guys - I've seen community wiki questions lying around on more subjective questions. How do you post one of these?
@box9 You can't, not anymore. SO isn't meant for very subjective questions anyway. If you need CW questions, like say for code golfing, flag for mods
A: What can we do to make Community Wiki better?

wafflesImportant Change - Status completed Users can not mark questions wiki anymore, across the network. I have an easy idea for a fix. Disable the option to mark questions community wiki by the question author. (allow them to become CW naturally if thats what GxD wants, or allow moderators to) ...

@CodingKitten Say hi!
2:02 PM
@YiJiang I want that will change, like a nicer version than some hours, or letter. [edit]
Interesting thanks
Well I thought my question might be relevant for SO
@IvoWetzel O_o What triggered the WOB and rchern command?
@YiJiang broken codez
2:03 PM
!kitten wob
a spamming brain! what have you done, Ivo? We're all doomed now!
@CodingKitten back?
@IvoWetzel USE it not? If you could replace the view stay in the text. Then at every step it continously in fact, it's quite handy
It's Yi Jiangs fault!
Dammit! Foiled again
it no longer responds to edits now
too much spam potential
2:06 PM
@IvoWetzel Mmmmhmm... okay
We still need hosting for it though
@IvoWetzel What are you hosting it on now? Your computer, I'm guessing?
@YiJiang yea, and of course that's not online all the time
(would be rather noisy at night...)
@CodingKitten Any suggestions?
@YiJiang Getting and one spam cannon in sandbox
2:09 PM
speaking of noise, gonna walk down the street to the supermarket, need something different to drink than pure table water
Spam cannon... sounds interesting.
@CodingKitten What else?
@YiJiang I send some special "alive" event that I used a bigger timeout but that feels hackiesh
well later guys, be nice to the kitten!
!kitten say @CodingKitten how do you do?
@CodingKitten how do you do?
2:10 PM
@CodingKitten If they're mean just ban them
@IvoWetzel I don't unnerstand your question
It doesn't respond to itself? :(
@thejh That would be... interesting
@thejh Nice try :P
!kitten say @CodingKitten Who is Ivo
2:11 PM
@CodingKitten Who is Ivo
@thejh I could make it do that in the sandbox... but it would go on forever
!kitten rchern
@CodingKitten is that a mirrored :P ?
2:12 PM
@thejh Well the [BANNED]-Badge. today, I don't see all around the internet
!kitten say !kitten say hello
Nice try, did you really think that would work? I mean, are you really that stupid?
@thejh The rchern command randomly prints out something which @rchern would say - she uses backwords smilies and oy, mainly
@CodingKitten right?
@YiJiang 1 min ago, by Coding for (i = 0; i do this jQuery for escape a code block message
@YiJiang eh... ok...
2:14 PM
@CodingKitten Not quite right, that probably won't work
!kitten rchern
!kitten ? rchern
@CodingKitten Why do you ignore me :(
@YiJiang Hi, I have chrome in my PC
2:16 PM
(Gasp) Kitten runs Chrome! Bad Kitten, bad Kitten :P
@CodingKitten Go use Firefox
@YiJiang if i understand you sent
@YiJiang you "replied" with the reply button, the kitten ignores that
@thejh No, that's not the problem. @IvoWetzel said that the code sometimes randomly misses messages
@YiJiang sure?
@YiJiang Well it didn't get the message
2:17 PM
@CodingKitten hello
@CodingKitten hello
@thejh it's just thought it so after a long time. Just crusty and old
@thejh Not always, see the 'Go use Firefox' message I posted above
try it again
@CodingKitten It is kind of old, but I don't think 'Hello' will become less used soon
2:19 PM
@YiJiang I use 3 spaces, you give me out shows me one space
@YiJiang Hm, it got that message
@CodingKitten yes, long time
@thejh To edit or letter. [edit]
@IvoWetzel But it lagged quite a bit. Strange
@YiJiang Well that's just because of the breakpoint
2:20 PM
@CodingKitten Ah, if only it was 'To Edit or Not To Edit', then this kitten on typewriter might have really produced Shakespear
@YiJiang i have mercy with you: help | 500 [text] # Shows the mood for a while, you can put data in their post, it
need to remove those cached things from the list
@CodingKitten Stop logging your own stuff!
@IvoWetzel I bubbling stylesheets? CBSS? that's a.... uh scrollStore.ClientID %>').value = document.getElementById('scrollableArea').scrollTop; problem is that, the scroll didn't work correctly i understand you correctly want that will change, like a nicer version than some hours, or letter. [edit]
and code blocks etc -.-
gonna re-init the cache..
@IvoWetzel you're taking out its brain?
2:28 PM
@CodingKitten Something to say?
@IvoWetzel Nice try, did you really produced Shakespear
it still has stuff from itself in there wtf
@CodingKitten Don't log your own stuff :/
@IvoWetzel If they're mean just thought, there's someplace better to what they do, so I take it lagged quite a bit. Strange
@IvoWetzel are you sure it isn't an AI?
can anyone think of a cool innovative way of providing admin login interface? going to /admin is boring, I want to impress my client.
2:35 PM
@CodingKitten Any ideas for Greg?
@IvoWetzel Yep, joined the chat to see what to buy him, needs to walk by your computer, I'm entirely not sure how do you ignore me excluded of course, it's never my most common task of the day, how do you go!
@Greg click the characters in the logo in a specific order?
@thejh aha nice one :D
I've thought: konami code, or drag the logo to reveal secret button
anyways off to the supermarket for real now
@IvoWetzel That code blocks etc -.- would be... interesting still has stuff from itself in Real Life …)
2:38 PM
I dont understand what CodingKitten is saying
@CodingKitten what are you saying?
@Greg And why did I pay the cover to get that reset thing talk messages... why?
@CodingKitten !say Hi @CodingKitten
@Greg or hm, no I'm going to remove those cached things from the alert thing...
@CodingKitten help
@Greg That log your own stuff :/ wake up around noon would be... interesting where is my coffee?
2:39 PM
@CodingKitten and why do you talk messages?
!kitten help
!kitten say Hi to @CodingKitten
Hi to @CodingKitten
!kitten say @CodingKitten likes recursion
@CodingKitten likes recursion
@Greg it ignores its own messages
2:40 PM
hehe, good to know :D
!kitten wisdom Greg
!kitten bans
pssh, only 10 votes? is that all I'm worth?
These people are banned, you better like kittens otherwise you'll join them very soon: Jeff Atwood, Jon Skeet, Chacha102, MALON, Nyuszika7H
!kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say !kitten say Hi.
Nice try, did you really think that would work? I mean, are you really that stupid?
2:42 PM
!kitten help
!kitten ? php
Hold on a second, googling that for you... "php did you mean horrible typo?" There you go!
!kitten jsforin
!kitten think php
!kitten js true == false
Hold on a second, googling that for you... "js true == false did you mean horrible typo?" There you go!
@Greg you don't have 5000 rep
2:44 PM
ahh.... better get answering :)
3:02 PM
@IvoWetzel still away?
3:22 PM
@thejh 5000? Don't you mean 500?
@Nyuszika7H "think | 5000 [thing] [thinks]"
@thejh Huh, so many?
/me already has 4.4k, it isn't that much
Note to myself: Never answer questions of 1 rep users...
@IvoWetzel Hi
3:35 PM
@IvoWetzel idea for the bot: make it possible to pass a username to jstypes/... that the kitten should send the message to
@thejh Yea, that would be a nice addition
I have an element with an ID of shonlinelist. It opens when clicking on some text. How do I append things to shonlinelist when it's opened? It updates every time I reopen it, so I don't need to remove it when closing.
I've tried the load, change and DOMNodeInserted events, but no luck.
They trigger the following error in JS console:
Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR: DOM Exception 8
(anonymous function) Line: 3
req.onready          Line: 1
AJAX.statechange     Line: 1
@Nyuszika7H Don't use a listener, call a method before opening it
@thejh Huh?
@Nyuszika7H You open it with JS and want it to get additional data when you do that, right?
3:49 PM
@thejh Yes, I open it with JS (it's not my site, but I checked out the source earlier and it opens with JS).
Answering like 90% of all Node.js questions is starting to feel weird
@Nyuszika7H Wait... are you trying to register cross-domain-listeners?
@thejh No, I don't think so.
@Nyuszika7H Are you talking about a userscript?
@thejh Yep.
@thejh I can do it very simply when it's opened, but I can't do it using event listeners.
3:50 PM
@Nyuszika7H aah, ok. Override the method if you can.
var method = unsafeWindow.someMethod;
unsafeWindow.someMethod = function(){method(); ...};
It seems the chat's code is very complicated, is there any way to decode it?
@Nyuszika7H jsbeautify
@CodingKitten You want some strawberry juice too?
@IvoWetzel only I did it? the SO-chat open source? responds to :( going on with the alert?
3:55 PM
This code piece is important, this opens that box:
function onlinelist() {
    var a = $("shonlinelist");
    if (getStyle(a, "display") == "block") a.style.display = "none";
    else {
        (new AJAX).req(chat.getopt("baseurl"), {
            method: "post",
            send: {
                shlist: 1
            onready: function (b) {
                eval("shlist = [" + (b ? b : "") + "];");
                for (var c = b = "", d = 0; d < shlist.length; ++d) {
                    switch (shlist[d][4]) {
It would be nice if we wouldn't need to make a separate post in chat to embed an image, espically if that's a smiley
kill image smilies


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
4:13 PM
Vimeo, you fail
"Login to download this video"
Why? I can just remove your cover div and right click on the HTML5 player...
@IvoWetzel aaah! dark magic!
@thejh The player hogging away both my cores at a 480x272 resolution, that's dark magic
@IvoWetzel no, deep dark stupidity
I would use the latest chromium, since it has the video acceleration irrc, but hey it doesn't ship with h264 support
and vimeo doesn't care about ogv
and I'm not going to watch a one hour tech talk with the fan spinning like crazy
flash sucks
Flash on Linux sucks even more
Flash videos on linux.... RAGE
there you go VLC only needs 15% of one core
4:44 PM
.a1, .a2, .a3, .a4 {
    /* style goes here */

/* How do I do this easier? */

[class^=a] {
    /* style goes here */

/* This does its work nicely, but also catches classes like “anything”.
So, any tips? */
very ugly and only if you're using PHP:

<?php $first=true; for ($i=1; $i<=4; $i++) { if (!$first) echo ", "; $first=false; echo ".a$i"; } ?> { /* style goes here */ }
No, I can't use PHP (jsFiddle).
@Nyuszika7H maybe you should think about your CSS class structure?
@Nyuszika7H something like making all a[n] elements also "aclass" or so
5:00 PM
Having class names like that is ewwww.
-----------------------------------------^^ == technical term.
@rchern "aclass"?
@rchern just a placeholder because I don't know the context
class names like a#
@Raynos Afternoon/Evening
@IvoWetzel Ive hit a coding wall recently. I havnt done any in 4 days! :( Thankfully I feel like coding now
How do you people deal with "I really cant be bothered to write code" today?
Can I unit test setInterval(f, x) to ensure it runs every x ms without using setTimeout myself?
5:15 PM
@Raynos uh, "every x ms" is pretty vague, timer precision sucks
@IvoWetzel I hand in a "fps" paramater. I want to assert the server runs vaguely at that fps.
huh, well setInterval is never good
what can happen is that f takes longer then the interval
which then results in the event loop being filled up with more and more calls to f
when the first f finishes: f f f f f f f f
I always use setTimeout
setInterval with setTimeout ?
and at the start of the method I do var now = new Date()
and at the end I set up the next callback and subtract the time the method took to execute from the fpsms
var now = new Date();callGameStuff();var diff = new Date() - now; setTimeout(updateMethid, 33 - diff)
If anyone is interested on testing a web scraper go to heliumscraper.com
5:24 PM
@IvoWetzel fancy some more bounty points :)
@Kev give!!!
@CodingKitten You want bountyz too?
@IvoWetzel sorry to be off topic again, but anyone know how do you post one of these?
@IvoWetzel remember that InfoVis graphing thing you fixed for me
@Kev Yep
@IvoWetzel have wasted all day on another annoying thing about it. I am trying to stop it centering the selected node
on the canvass
5:27 PM
@Kev Do you still have that zip? :)
i'll upload and paste a link...two min
@Kev ok
@IvoWetzel thats cool & all but you cant assert it runs at the correct fps
@Raynos well, then you need to add some counter and reset it every second and assert that, or store the time of the last call and compare the difference on the next call
@CodingKitten You think unit testing games is a good idea?
@IvoWetzel Hehe, I can't think you'd stay up all the street to escape the thing is no form.
5:30 PM
@IvoWetzel im unit testing the underlying framework
@Raynos Well what in case of a slow down? Should that make the test fail?
@IvoWetzel its async so thats no issue
@Raynos You need at least somewhat of an error range
@Raynos Did you think about reducing quality dynamically instead?
@Raynos Uh... sure it is, you game can still slow down when to much's going on
5:32 PM
@thejh Sorry can you explain that
@Raynos was what I said a stupid comment?
!kitten rchern
@Raynos well, you're developing a game, right? and your objective is to have a certain framerate, right? so how about things like skipping every second frame in an animation but playing it at half speed, for example, in case you detect that the game is running to slow? A running person would still move (change coordinates) fluently, but the image wouldn't change as often as normal
5:36 PM
@Kev Where do you want it to display after initialization?
at the top? centered?
@thejh I actaully just wanted to unit test that inserting fps as a paramater worked. What your mentioning will be done on the client if neccesary
@IvoWetzel comment out line 248 (st.select('NOW');) then redraw the chart
@Kev ah ok
so root sits at top yeah?
5:40 PM
@Raynos ah - in that case, wait 10 seconds or so and then look at how often some method fired (incremented a counter)
@Kev Yep
but...i want to use select(NOW) so I can highlight nodes and lines back to root
@thejh yes im going to do that. but it seems cheating to hard code waiting in 10 seconds in the test function :P
but not move anything
@Kev Yea, give me 30 minutes or so, need to wrap my head around that code again
5:41 PM
appreciated....i'm opening a question for u to answer
@IvoWetzel i guess another way to approach would be to walk the nodes from 'NOW' back to root and set the line colour which would mean not altering the jit code
but my javascript fu is so broken today I can't work out how to
@kev uh, that could be even more work, since you have to redraw the tree and change the internal state
@IvoWetzel ah i see what u mean
@IvoWetzel not sure if this chart is just too much trouble
@Kev Well one thing for sure, the code is quite complictated
@IvoWetzel tell me about it. :)
6:01 PM
@Kev got it
@IvoWetzel oh cool
@IvoWetzel name your price :)
@Kev Dunno, 250? :P It's hard to make a living off of those Node.js answers
And I have to buy all that cat food ._.
@CodingKitten You're eating way too much!
@IvoWetzel only responds to :( was after I demand a single place?
@IvoWetzel 250 sounds fair
comment out: 8573, 8580 and 8581
the thing is quite crazy, instead of storing a global translation offset
it has an offset on every freaking thing it renders...
actually it seems that you can get rid of most of the onComplete callback
    onComplete: function(){
that still works... (EXTREMELY UNTESTED!!!)
also they should use -webkit-user-select: none in the CSS
dragging in chrome selects the node names every other time
6:09 PM
@IvoWetzel it won't let me set a bounty yet..will sort when it does
@kev Don't sweat it :)
@IvoWetzel help with this is much appreciated :)
ha...funny I did actually comment out 8580 & 8581 earlier
@Kev Well the thing is pretty messy I'm adding some comments to the code in my answer
@IvoWetzel looks good tho
@IvoWetzel brb...been called for dinner
@CodingKitten You like soccer?
6:24 PM
@IvoWetzel But it lagged quite a Secret Santa thingy for me
@CodingKitten A secret santa thingy?
@IvoWetzel USE Firefox' message I posted above
@CodingKitten why do you always talk about FF? Chrome is cooler!
@CodingKitten ANSWER!
@IvoWetzel it still has stuff from an associative array in a selection of these?
6:27 PM
@CodingKitten there are NO associative arrays!!!
@IvoWetzel Well it didn't get the markdown for doing that button-style formatting
@IvoWetzel what about PHP? it didn't specify a language, did it?
@CodingKitten PHP?
@IvoWetzel so when you think about it it links the correct profiles
@CodingKitten But I don't want to think about my code in order to have it working correctly..
6:30 PM
@IvoWetzel Do solutions always sound smarter you work again? joined the !
How is this anything more than spam?
@rchern you can interact with it!
!kitten help rchern
That doesn't matter.
How does interacting with it make it any less of spam?
@rchern I could ask the same in the tavern... or do you speak about astronomy all day long there? The definition of spam is very broad, also is there any interesting conversation going on here?
So your case is that it is ok to spam if nothing else is going on?
6:33 PM
@rchern for example, "jsforin" or so may be useful
@rchern We didn't have any problems with it yesterday when there were actual conversations in here
Nobody is posting on SO so it is ok for me to go post spam questions?
@rchern no, but "just for fun" questions
@rchern You don't need to do that, there are already a cuzillion "googleable" question which I would immediately close
@rchern what about, for example, this one? stackoverflow.com/questions/1469899/…
6:35 PM
That isn't spam.
A poll is what you want to use as your example? That question wouldn't live if created today most likely.
@rchern Again spam depends on the definition
@rchern Today it would be a candidate for programmers.se (that needs to go out of beta so we can migrate)
@IvoWetzel Nobody is going to say a poll like that is spam. A "sentence" made up of random words with no grammar? That's a bit different.
@IvoWetzel Which is why I said it wouldn't live on SO if created today.
@rchern Well to be honest... I see at least 10+ questions per day, which have worse grammar then kitten, also do you really like an empty/silent chat? That's why I hate IRC, everyone just idles no one stays, because there's never something going on
So why object to having a different room for it?
And those questions get closed or edited.
They get improved.
Yes, I'd like silence rather than gibberish.
6:44 PM
Hello @Nyuszika7H
Could anyone link me a tutorial: how to make extensions for Google Chrome?
I could. But I'd need to google for one. You could do that yourself. (:
tip: Google first hit
Thanks! :P I always forget Google, which is my best friend.
I've made my work easier, I'll make a bookmarklet instead. :P (Googling)

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