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12:00 AM
cool. I actually don't use git command line much but use SourceTree....which is great but it doesn't seem to use git global config much (which is probably good) but I'm not currently able to clone those sub-modules.
Basically when you start doing to do complicated stuff with git, https falls over
I've had really weird issues where it just refuses to resync the history, then magically works when I use ssh
I suppose I could just do stuff correctly first time and not have to rewrite pushed history, but where's the fun in that?
@DaveRandom This is why I maintain my own forks on github even if I have access to the main version. "Oh, fucked up git? Delete repo and re-fork"
Plus IMO merging random shit without a PR to reference is just rude. I'm not into essay commit messages.
With a PR, you can put a ref in the merge commit message and people reading the commit history don't have to read my essay if they don't want to
@DaveRandom FYI I'm going to migrate artax to composer as well
@rdlowrey Yeh that wasn't designed as a dig :-P it already works with compose doesn't it?
12:10 AM
@DaveRandom I generally disagree with you on this. If you need progress notifications then that's what promises are for (though I'm not sure why you'd really need progress on a pgsql query?)
Promises handle progress for you
$promise = someAsyncThing();
$promise->then($onSuccess, $onFailure, $onProgress);
And an $onProgress callback could look something like this:
@rdlowrey Yeh that's an OK option too, but I thought you were off the idea of "thenables"?
$onProgress = function($data) {
    list($eventCode, $moreData, $stillMoreData) = $data;
12:12 AM
The jury is still out for me on that one
Well I don't like ugly chains of then().then().then() ... But I don't use them that way.
I use them like this ...
function something() {
    $result = (yield somethingThatReturnsAPromise());
    yield $result * 42;
That said, I avoid promises whenever possible because they're so slow.
If something can possibly be done with the error-first callback mechanism (anything that doesn't require events/progress) then I do that.
12:14 AM
@rdlowrey i) Cool. ii) if you want to keep the submodule stuff as well, although having it stored in the vendor directory sounds clever, it prevents people from being able to git ignore the vendor directory, which is bad.
@rdlowrey I think that probably applies to the pgsql thing then - a query either works or it doesn't
Artax is going to be my first foray into all composer dependency management. I'll probably be asking for help. We'll getting it working.
@DaveRandom that was my thinking.
And the nice thing about error-first callbacks is it's trivial to wrap those in a promise so people can easily decorate the library (or we could provide a wrapper as well).
I may just start using React\Promise for those scenarios because it's the thing most people who do this kind of stuff do.
12:17 AM
probablyAppliesToPgSQL()->then(function() {
    if ($queryWorks) {
        // yay!
    } else {
        // bollocks.
Well the thing I don't like about thenables is you have to pass two separate callbacks if you want error handling.
Which is part of why it's slow.
I've been doing something that looks like your example ... namely this:
Yeh that is a sucky API for anything
$future = somethingAsync()->onResolution(function($future) {
    if ($future->succeeded() {
        $result = $future->getValue();
    } else {
        $exceptionObj = $future->getError();
12:21 AM
I've yet to properly examine futures vs promises
Don't worry about it ... it's just semantics and those semantics vary across implementations.
I've been laboring over this a good deal for the artax updates, so hopefully you'll have some good examples to look at soon and you can see what you think about how I've done that and we can improve on it.
Well I hope you'll pull it out into a separate lib for more componentzOMG goodness :-P
I'm still wait for a lib called Arse
Yeah I will ... unless I just go with the react promise (though like you said, I don't understand why people are over the moon for crappy thenables).
I don't care how many javascript fanboys tell me it's the zOMG awesome. This is an ugly mess:
12:25 AM
        function ($value) {
            // Deferred resolved, do something with $value
        function ($reason) {
            // Deferred rejected, do something with $reason
        function ($update) {
            // Progress notification triggered, do something with $update
And hard as fuck to read what's actually happening.
Yeh that certainly doesn't work for "progressables"
Personally I quite like the .on() model for anything with more than one event
Anyway, I'm going to go drink beer and play video games. I'll catch you guys later. Unless I get really twisted around trying to workout concurrency abstractions I expect to push a working branch of the new artax tomorrow.
@rdlowrey and in the intervening time, pray that your computer doesn't bite the dust :-P
1:17 AM
Gratz @ircmaxell with your 80kth room 11 message :)
Most important RFC evar - wiki.php.net/rfc/php6?&#vote
Stupid shit is stupid
Yeah I know. It should obviously be 7.
Now I'm off to bed
2 hours later…
3:11 AM
Arg... seriously?
@ircmaxell sadly...
@bwoebi well, I may write one more reply tomorrow. But there's not much more to do than revert any change he makes...
also, what part of the world are you in now? I remember seeing something about an airport, and is it morning for you now?
@ircmaxell jup, morning 11 a.m. in Taiwan
flying back today shortly before midnight (Taiwan tz)
ah nice, vacation? or something else?
@ircmaxell ioi2014.org
3:20 AM
hmmm, dns failure here... weird
It needs a www. before. Stupid domains…
seriously? they have no a record for the canonical? that's beyond dumb
^ agree
interesting... you're participating I'm assuming?
Question: If I create a PDO connection object under some <?php tag, then close said tag and, in the same file, open another <?php tag, do I have to re-create said object? Or can I use the one I created before without having to reinstantiate it?)
3:25 AM
did you try it?
Yes, but I'm asking because I'm having a hard enough time knowing why something isn't working in the first place.
Believe me, I do a lot before asking a question. :P
Well, if you tried it, and it worked, then :-)
Haha. I'm saying it didn't work, but my code didn't work before---so I don't know if that's the reason it's not working
I'm assuming that means yes, though. :D
try reproducing the minimal case. So your question relates to PDO instances, so create a new file, where you create a new instance, then close and open tags, and see if it still works or not. Isolate the behavior you want to test for
You're right
I will do that now :v
3:35 AM
@ircmaxell I was, yeah. This and last year.
guys .. i need help
any one know how to automate the creation of apk file ?
4:12 AM
I'm very confused.
My code works one minute, so I make a change---and it doesn't work
Then I undo that change (yes: an exact undo)
and it stops working
3 hours later…
6:56 AM
Hi All is there an api in php which would return me all contact numbers of an device or sim from its phone number
1 hour later…
7:57 AM
hello php panthers
i have a query may i ask?
@Magikaas there?
@bwoebi @ircmaxell @Danack @DaveRandom @BenjaminGruenbaum @SecondRikudo
@DanLugg @ThW there?
@DevilAbhi Morning, Please read the channel rules.
@ThW morning i have a query if you are not busy may i ask?
8:19 AM
@DevilAbhi The answer is in the guiidelines room-11.github.io
may i know when i disrespected someone @ThW
9:04 AM
"PhpStorm 8 EAP 138.1161 is available for download. From the PHP side, this build delivers: Fluent-style chaining type loss with return this/static fixed, and many other PHP language related issues are resolved" - \o/
9:34 AM
9:46 AM
Good moanings.
={ sunday
2 hours later…
11:33 AM
11:49 AM
Man that PHP name vote is close.
WTH was PHP6?
Wait what?
Next version is going to be PHP7?
Are they morons?
Seriously, what was PHP6?
> The main argument against this is that there was previously a project, which was abandoned in 2010, also called PHP 6.
Yeah but what was it :P
No idea.
12:00 PM
There are a non-trivial number of #ifdef PHP_VERSION >= 6 in the code and the equivalent in the tests.
Why? What was PHP6 started and failed for?
Actually - most of those things appear to be in just the Phar extension.
@Fabien The answer to those two questions is pretty much 'unicode' and 'unicode'.
What is the proper way of encoding a URL?
(I have a fully qualified URL, http and all)
I have a feeling that just urlencode would also escape the :// of the protocol
@SecondRikudo What is the target that you want to encode it for?
@Danack could be either an HTML attribute, or a CSS background
scratch that, only HTML attribute
12:12 PM
So some small additions were made to php mainly in phar to account for Unicode. Though never released PHP book marketing teams pushed PHP 6 books creating mild confusions for the sake of money. And as a result we're now about to skip a version?
@SecondRikudo Then I guess it's just adding slashes to the quote marks?
@Fabien "So some small additions" please can you repeat that in earshot of one of the people who worked on PHP 6, and get someone to video their response.
lol. I'll change the small to mean in terms of impact, not amount of work :P
@Fabien That's the problem - it had a huge impact on string handling throughout the whole PHP ecosystem (i.e. including extensions) - and although they did a huge amount of work to try to get it finished, people just don't use utf-16 anywhere....
12:19 PM
@SecondRikudo @Danack Stupid vote is stupid.
hi all.
And what happened to those changes?
@SecondRikudo I guess...though possibly only if you have single quotes for the html attribute ? Double-quotes have to be uri encoded already.
I think.
Q: How does the Main category search works in the tpb

AMBOn tpb site there are categories and subcategories are listed like this. main categories are like this <select id="category" name="category"> <option value="100">Audio</option> <option value="200">Video</option> <option value="300">Applications</option> <option value="400">Games<...

@Danack But how do I prevent the scheme part from being encoded?
I don't want http%??%??%??example.com
12:25 PM
@SecondRikudo You don't encode the whole thing in one go, you urlencode the query parts separately, and then put them together.
Otherwise the & and ?'s would also be encoded.
@Danack So I need to parse the URL
Is there a reliable way of doing that? (I'm using PHP 5.1)
Oh that's pecl_http
@SecondRikudo If you need to modify a URL, breaking it up with uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-url.php and then putting it back together should be safe-ish.
@NikiC I know, 7 is a way cooler number than 6. AMIRITE?!
@Danack That doesn't work right with //host/path style URLs though
12:29 PM
@SecondRikudo Well, first those aren't URLs, but anyway it does - 3v4l.org/kQQBb
Double slash
@SecondRikudo So? That input path appears to have a double-slash....and it's parsed it to have a double-slash. Why would that be a problem?
@Danack Because now host is part of the path?
I hope this is more accurate.
ah - good point. I guess it's treating a URL starting with double-slash as a Windows directory style "URL"?
@Danack No, it makes the URL protocol relative.
It will resolve to http if the viewing page is HTTP, or https if it's HTTPS
12:47 PM
Whoever said that Andrea has gone RFC-batshit-crazy, was probably definitely correct. Dafuq is that even an RFC for?
@DanLugg The fact that the vote is so even....shows that the path to take isn't obvious.
@SecondRikudo Reading: tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-22 I don't think that your example is a valid URL "If a URI does not contain an authority component, then the path cannot begin with two slash characters ("//")." Obviously browsers understand it to mean expand to the current host + protocol, must passing it to functions that expect a URL will be 'exciting'.
@DanLugg Look, the only real disadvantage I see for PHP7 is that @BenjaminGruenbaum would come and laugh at us "Look at those lame PHP people, they can't even do versioning right"
@SecondRikudo I don't get why you don't just rename it "PHP"
And then call the next one PHP2
1:07 PM
I would suggest moving to just a date based versioning system....as it more easily shames people into upgrading. However losing semver versioning would remove a useful barrier against people breaking backwards-compatibility.
Hi @DaveRandom I have a PR to make but I don't seem able to squash the commits and as a lot of them were just fiddling with Travis it would be good to squash them.
Are you able to do it from your end? Basically I'm getting weird git errors when I try to do the squashing, possibly related to the git being a bit fucked by the submodules.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't understand why we aren't using semantic versioning...
If there's a significant BC break, new major version. If not, new minor version.
1:43 PM
@ircmaxell etc. if someone has time, would be nice to present a stronger case for php 6
now that zeev edited the rfc, it's badly represented
I'll only have time to rewrite that in the evening and by that time the damage might be irreversible already
@ircmaxell I think we should paint it yellow.
Definitely yellow.
Blue bike sheds are really ugly, and do not represent our ideology properly
"6 is associated with failure, including mysql" - wow, he was really grasping at straws...
1:57 PM
But but but lucky number!
@ircmaxell Wait what?
looks like it going to be 7... =/
It's not .7
lol still abit baked.. =]
2:09 PM
nah.. actully too much.. I am going to shut off all outside light sources and boot up windows and game abit
@RonniSkansing Have fun
@NikiC restart the vote then?!
I still don't get why 7. If it's 6, in a few months nobody talks of it as the unicode version. If it's 7, the gap always will be the one failed version. Not liking that.
7 is a cool number too. It should be reserved for a cool release -_-
2:32 PM
2:49 PM
so , guys and gals
what hardware related news/review sites you can recommend ?
@bwoebi some people want that, to force people to remember
Fellas I'm looking for a decent++ backpack for a 15.7 laptop
Should have extra room for headset and all cables associated with it
This whole 6/7 debate reminds me you can never use logic to argue against emotion. Only if you rid yourself of emotion can logic play a role
3:09 PM
@tereško Tom's Hardware has always been good to me. In particular Best Graphics Cards for the Money
yeah .. well ... everyone knows that site
I was looking to some other sources
For what purpose?
can someone reopen this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/24726669/…
@IGotRoot Voted. you currently have 3 reopen votes out of 5 pending.
3:24 PM
@Fabien I have about a month to learn about building a PCs
@tereško Then I advise joining a forum. Something like Overclockers UK
I am currently working with initial budget of €1200
On most of these you can pop a thread in stating your budget and requirements and you'll get a fair few replies from PC enthusiasts with prospective builds.
Example: Thread
Include whether you need an OS/Peripherals, what the PC is for... etc.
Did Zeev edit the RFC away from impartiality?
It now reads as pro-7
3:50 PM
good mornings
4:05 PM
@DanLugg Yes.
Also, I really can't believe the vote was even close before being taken down.
If we end up with PHP 7 I might just quit internals; I'm already busy enough I don't need to waste time with people who vote that way.
4:18 PM
> I’ve cancelled the vote because I don’t think the case for 6 is sufficiently fleshed out.
Apparently AJF has completely taken over Yasuo's role.
RFC! All of the things!
@rdlowrey to be fair, when someone ninja edits an RFC, after a vote has begun, cancelling the voting would be appropriate.
I agree. The ninja edit is a problem.
My larger point is this: do not initiate a vote on an RFC until you're sure the thing is mature.
4:21 PM
And also don't set a time limit of 1 week for things.
Unless you actually need that short a time limit.
I agree. 1 week is too short.
Most people are active enough that 1 week isn't a problem, but it's very easy to miss a one-week voting period.
There was more votes than usual on there no?
For anyone who takes holidays, a two week voting period is easy to miss.
4:23 PM
It was at like 12-17 or something.
Of course. The people who aren't knowledgeable enough to vote on source code issues always turn out for fluff votes :)
@Fabien 16-23-ish before it was yanked.
Quick for the time frame
I wonder ... how many votes have succeeded or failed that went against Zeev's position?
(too lazy to count, but I bet it asymptotically approaches zero)
4:54 PM
I don't personally want to see PHP7, but if it goes through it will at least provide a great marketing opportunity. If that happens the next major had better introduce some awesomeness or it will be a WTF, a letdown and a source of confusion.
Random question o' the day. I have a dim recollection of an article that described how to introduce people (possibly kids) to programming, by getting them to write down the instruction for some task (something like cooking a meal) and then having the person doing the teaching interpret those instructions, like a computer would.
Trying to google that seems to be failing...anyone happen to remember it, and have a link?
No idea, sorry :/
Do you have kids, @Danack?
@rdlowrey Nope - not even a girlfriend...probably ought to spend less time in here.
Meh, I'm on that train too. No gf, no wife, no kids. Lots of time to do whatever I want.
5:03 PM
@rdlowrey to be fair, I'd be quite surprised if NPH became pregnant.
@Danack he is married and got two kids afaik
i.imgur.com/7XJi2sd.jpg - nsfw text (if you work for a Xtian heavy company).
5:06 PM
@Gordon Yeah, but neither he nor his husband became pregnant.
@Danack actually, men get pregnant, too when their female partners do. Just in different ways.
hi peeps
In addition to my forthcoming composer usage I'm also going to start using lowercase null/false/true in my code instead of the NULL/FALSE/TRUE I've been using.
Couvade syndrome, also called sympathetic pregnancy, is a proposed condition in which a partner experiences some of the same symptoms and behavior of an expectant mother. These most often include minor weight gain, altered hormone levels, morning nausea, and disturbed sleep patterns. In more extreme cases, symptoms can include labor pains, postpartum depression, and nosebleeds. The labor pain symptom is commonly known as sympathy pain. Couvade syndrome is not a recognized medical condition. Its source is a matter of debate. Some believe it to be a psychosomatic condition, while others b...
5:11 PM
@rdlowrey You should have done that either way
@rdlowrey goodgood.gif btw if you do continue to use submodules, putting them in another folder other than vendor would be good - as then the vendor directory can be .gitignored safely.
i want to make an android app that can communicate with my server. Could anybody help me with where to get started on the server side ?
@Danack well the problem is that putting them elsewhere would be a WTF.
@rdlowrey How so? If you're using your own autoloader, you could place them wherever you wish, couldn't you?
5:14 PM
Yes, but it makes no sense to spread out dependencies in different places.
And in any case, that's a setting that can be applied globally in your own git. I don't think a .gitignore with vendor ignored should be pushed to remotes.
@harvey_slash If you're on windows, you could do worse than getting wamp setup as running as a Server.
@harvey_slash What technology is your server using?
i have no idea what to use
are there any cheap options ? i want the server to be able to handle load
5:19 PM
@harvey_slash Well, what programming language(s) do you know?
java, c++
I can learn new languages, please tell me what to start with, and where i can host my code to be able to request from my app
Well there are perfectly good framework stacks for web development in those languages.
But if you want to do something easy why not try node.js and write your server application in a language where you don't have to worry about managing your memory?
and can you tell me an approximate cost for a server that allows this ?
Depends on your needs vpsdime.com
5:23 PM
Well, if you have a spare box you can host for free :) I would suggest learning whatever server technology you choose on your own machine first. Don't bother with paying for a VPS until you have a product that's close to being ready to go live.
You can setup a web server in minutes on your local box and start playing with a site at http://localhost.
i have a very poor quality internet connection
Do local for learning. VPS for live.
You don't need an internet connection to connect to
okay, How much for the VPS anyway ?
5:24 PM
I'm not suggesting you actually host your app yourself, only that there's no need to spend any money until you have something that's very close to market-ready.
I just want to upload a file to a server, and with some data along with it. and i want to get that file back by requesting the data. What is the best way to go about this?
Google -_-
google allows scripting ?
or, do you want me to google :P ?
Yes :P
help me with what to google :P i have NO idea where to start off
5:28 PM
'Creating a webserver'
Something along those lines.
okay , thanks for the help :D
sorry for the dumb questions thought :P
heh. We don't mind dumb. We only mind effort :P
and thanks for blatantly agreeing that i had been dumb :P
Not dumb, just lacking in experience/knowledge.
We all start somewhere.
thanks , good night (its night in my timezone)
1 hour later…
6:46 PM
I love vacation drinking
7:29 PM
7:50 PM
Check out @ zeevs's Tweet: twitter.com zeevs/status/ 490946710336589824
twitter.com/zeevs/status 490946710336589824
Arg 2
@ircmaxell try to divorce yourself of the fussiness with numbers and look again. :) /cc @michaelcullumuk @SaraMG @AndreaFaulds
wow, so that vote totally went crazy
I didn't realize that Zeev not only added arguments in favor of PHP 7 (which is okay), but also blatantly removed a bunch of paragraphs arguing for PHP 6.
@ircmaxell If we ignore logic and reason and act like a computer program that checks the latest version out there, then we go out with 6.
So seriously, what the fuck.
Call him out on list for it. Seriously.
7:57 PM
@ircmaxell Given that a computer program is a very good definition for "logical and reason", that sounds very moot ^^
@ircmaxell it’s clear that the majority of PHP leaders support 7, so now the 6 camp is looking into changing the rules? Come on.
@ircmaxell Btw, I strongly suspect that we have a big bias, because this issue is discussed on internals, by many people who were involved in the development of the original PHP 6
Earlier today there was some discussion about the PHP 6 / PHP 7 question in this chat and the bottom line basically was "Wait what, there already was a PHP 6?"
To many people on internals PHP 6 is something that they have put a lot of time into and as such are acutely aware that it existed and failed. For large parts of the PHP community PHP 6 was no more than a minor footnote in the history of PHP, if they are even aware of that much.
At the same time, while there are resource for that abandoned and never released PHP version, by now there are also a lot of resources referring to the upcoming major as PHP 6
We have a bunch of blog posts talking about features for it (under the name of PHP 6), we have RFCs and other wiki entries calling it such, internals discussion referring to it as that, etc
And of course, every single time I've had a discussion about the next major version here or elsewhere, the talk was always about PHP 6
and not PHP 7 or "next major PHP version"
So, that's the summary of my opinion on this.
@ircmaxell when will you stop moving to personal attacks when you lose an argument?
Does what I said make sense?
^-- awesome explanation
8:13 PM
@ircmaxell every time I bother to read anything related to php-internals, I get this sudden urge to learn Python
8:26 PM
suppose in my mysql database i have 50 clients name. i get row number from mysql query 50 and stored the row number in a veriable $userregisterednumber . now how to echo <td> </td> 50 times?
@oyshee There's lots of examples on the mysqli pages e.g. - php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.fetch.php
Unpin voting link (version), please. It's canceled
8:48 PM
@tereško You find the overclockers forum useful at all? I certainly recommend a 'spec me' thread when you come to buy.
I have been thinking about whether to hold out till DDR4
Put a thread up anyway and mention that concern. They will address it.
then again, becoming an "unpaid beta tester" for DDR4 might be kinda dumb
9:12 PM
I will continue to refer to the next major PHP version as "PHP6," regardless of the outcome of this current RFC.
@rdlowrey Hey, good timing.
my major fear regarding "php6" is the shitload of outdated books that flooded the market several years ago
finding good literature for newbies is hard and this just makes it even harder
It's a fair point, tereško, but I don't think that's worth skipping the version over.
of course, php's core team should not be responsible for cleaning up the mess that was caused by publishers
9:22 PM
anyway, this is my only worry regarding the version numbers, and it could be easily fixed by php.net having a lot better tutorial and having a community-curated "bookshelf" for recommended materials
9:34 PM
I just heard that someone wants to rewrite their website in language other than PHP because PHP is "Jewish".
DOTA2 tournament going on right now with a total prize of $10.5 million
Winning team gets 5 mill.
1 hour later…
10:46 PM
@webarto I always like it when bigots make their presence obvious, rather than being subtle about it - it makes it so much easier to avoid them in the future.
11:00 PM
Aaaand it's Monday. :'(
11:33 PM
it's been monday more then 2 hours already
11:44 PM
in my mysql database registered date is 2014-03-01, how to convert it to "february-2014" in php?

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