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Anti NSChat : "NSChat did not want us Corelones, they call it democracy. We would let these days pass by peacefully, had no big demands. These people have started banning people who stand for moderator elections for no reason."
1 message moved from NSChat
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
__block NSArray *imagesJSON;

AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation = [self GET:@"..." parameters:params success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id JSON){

imagesJSON = JSON[@"..."];;
__block NSMutableArray *images = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[imagesJSON count]];

[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext){

[imagesJSON enumerateObjectsWithOptions:0 usingBlock:^(NSDictionary *imagesJSON, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){

Image *image = [Image MR_importFromObject:imagesJSON inContext:localContext];
1 message moved from iOS/Android Devs
4 messages moved from WPF
Tea became cold, make it hot, Make your stoney heart little soft, Its evening time…..
Good Evening
Good eve all :)
Good eve :) @Aღmirkhan
@Aღmirkhan Good evening.. all the best :)
Dekhna aur ye sab saf kar ab :D
16 messages moved from Smart Developers' Lab
2 hours later…
Thanks in advance guys.
Here's teh codez:
import re

def words_in_string(word_list, a_string):
    '''return iterator of words in string as they are found'''
    word_set = set(word_list)
    pattern = r'\b({0})\b'.format('|'.join(word_list))
    for found_word in re.finditer(pattern, a_string):
        word = found_word.group(0)
        if word in word_set:
            yield word
            if not word_set:
                raise StopIteration
3 messages moved from Python
2 messages moved from WPF
Q: Not able to create merchant sandbox account for google wallet api for digital goods

Maninder SinghI am trying to integrate my django web app with google wallet api for digital goods to handle payments. I am using this tutorial: https://developers.google.com/wallet/digital/docs/tutorial For creating sandbox merchant account for seller, I click on https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/inapp/merc...

1 message moved from Python
3 hours later…
This makes me sad.
Every single 'can i haz fedbak?' on r/php is met with "Use PSRs! Adopt composer!"
Can't we give direct, meaningful feedback or none at all?
PSR-1 would help too, you're not even defining visibility of methods in the classes I checked.
Move PHP files outside of the web root.
Don't define global constants (e.g DB_HOST)
Don't try and do clever automatic routing, make this configurable.
Those are good feedbacks
Composer is easily one of the best things to happen to PHP in the last decade.
@Jimbo I strongly disagree.
@Jimbo Yeah... that's a very strong statement.
@Suhosin Some are, yes.
> you're not even defining visibility of methods in the classes I checked.
I stand by it - because it's greatly simplified my development cycle
^ That is not good feedback at all.
@bwoebi Genuinely would like to know why it's not helped you personally?
@Jimbo If you can reuse that much code then you are doing a lot of uninteresting things.
I pity you.
I reuse a lot of code :/
@LeviMorrison Well, I tend to design my code for re-use. And what I'm doing at the moment is very interesting
^ This
But I wasn't saying how much I like composer because of anything to do with code re-use
I would seriously question your ability to write quality, reusable code. It's not that I think you are a bad programmer, it's just that writing quality, reusable components is fiendishly difficult and varies by application domain.
I'll have this Oauth library, this part of the symfony framework, a logger, whatever else I would like to cherry pick. And it's all downloaded and ready to use in my project within just over a minute
As a perl dev, my life would suck without CPAN
Composer is a poor man's CPAN
@LeviMorrison How could you possibly have the audacity or knowledge to question my coding ability through my choice to use a tool that I use simply to pull in libraries I find useful?
I thought composer had a lot of good aspects that developed on the package manger idea?
That's pretty outrageous tbh
@Fabien That's what I said :P
@Jimbo That's the wrong question to ask. Actually .gitmodules does the most things you really need and also composer makes people think they should divide their projects in 23 single parts and then have also 57 dependencies. That's what's wrong with composer.
@Jimbo I didn't say that; I said that writing quality, reusable components is fiendishly difficult.
1 min ago, by Levi Morrison
I would seriously question your ability to write quality, reusable code. It's not that I think you are a bad programmer, it's just that writing quality, reusable components is fiendishly difficult and varies by application domain.
Word that stood out there: quality
@Jimbo You didn't read the second sentence.
Don't get butt-hurt.
I did, but the first part was just rude
@bwoebi We do that with CPAN all the time. Multiple dependencies isn't a problem if you have an easy way to get them.
@Jimbo No, it wasn't.
It's called 'Skepticism'.
I'm guessing nothing productive will result from the continuation of this conversation
@LeviMorrison Dude, you said "I would seriously question your ability to write quality, reusable code." - Anyone who said that to me or anyone I know would be offended. Show your scepticism in a sligtly more friendly way and we're all winners.
@Suhosin Multiple dependencies is a problem when you begin to pick things here and there and hack them so together that it just works… but a clean architecture… can't find such a thing anymore then.
cpanm Catalyst::Devel is one of the first things I run on any new server. :P
@Jimbo ... you are on the Internet. Calm down.
@LeviMorrison I'd find that pretty offensive tbh.
Then you can calm down too.
@LeviMorrison I know, but I greatly respect those regulars in here, including you, and of course will only get "butt-hurt" by those I speak to often - not just randomers
It was tied to a second sentence for a reason.
"I would seriously question your ability to write quality, reusable code" however you scope it is questioning someone's programming ability.
I'm going to move all of this to bin in a moment, but let's take a moment and let me explain some things.
Add that to the bin
Will do ^^
Thought I would squeeze it in
When sentences are grouped together it should mean they are related.
Second, nobody should take offense when I say I would question their ability to do something in a field that is fiendishly difficult.
Third, 'question' does not mean that you are inept.
It means I would question it, to find deeper insight.
@LeviMorrison Man, regardless of your intent, I was offended. That's clear. Now stop the condescension, I'm not a robot, and just say you're sorry for being rude - which I and others think you were. I know I'd never say that to anyone here...
@LeviMorrison To me it just smacks of the "I'm not a <discriminator type here> but..." or "no offense" syndrome. The second sentence does not undo the first.
I interview people at my current job all the time and we question them on everything.
@LeviMorrison This is a chat room, it's not a job interview.
I can see that neither of you are interested in learning from this experience.
To the bin we go.
I interview people too, and yes, in an interview it is my job to assume you're inept until you prove otherwise.
Neither are you man...
65 messages moved from PHP
3 hours later…
@JqueryLearner Ok, what does jQuery have to do with Java?
this is my new favorite room
so I was trying to jQuery my Java
I claim it in the name of @JohnResig
and I got an error
@phenomnomnominal hey! :P
haha did you make this room?
no I mean @phenomnomnominal
oh, yes
he did
I wish
He like using jQuery with java
> This room is for java and jquery beginners.Just post the issues
Just post the issues!
love the descrip
lol I just posted it in ##javascript
but whyyyyy
My jquery applet is going crazy
yeah, me too... gotta go write my JavaPHP modules for nodejs jQuery
@phenomnomnominal Well, just give him modules and let him build a website
file system access?
But you're not allowed anything else
low level http magic?
@phenomnomnominal not too much more
come on, you know what I mean
you don't have file access in the client for a good reason
node-webkit - check it out people
Which is why node.js exists
@therealklanni you can't be for real?
why are you trying to screw in drywall with a hammer?
@rlemon I think that was a joke, everyone in here now is joking, because the room was empty until i posted it in the js room, then it got packed out
my god the room was started out as legit
@rlemon yeah
58 mins ago, by JustDon't
@JqueryLearner Ok, what does jQuery have to do with Java?
I was told not to ask to ask
Attention silly room: Your room is silly. Java has no relation to JavaScript, which is the language jQuery is written in and functions in! that is all.

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