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@Zirak Thank you _
@AbhishekHingnikar Well...I figured it out! The song before it had the part!
i hit Ctrl+K
window.transform = do ->
    style = getStyle document.documentElement
    spellings = ['transform',
                 '-moz-transform', 'moz-transform', 'mozTransfrom', 'MozTransform',
                 '-webkit-transform', 'webkit-transform', 'webkitTransform', 'WebkitTransform',
                 '-o-transform', 'o-transform', 'oTransform', 'OTransform',
                 '-ms-transform', 'ms-transform', 'msTransform', 'MsTransform']
    for spelling in spellings
      if {}.hasOwnProperty.call(style, spelling) or style[spelling]?
I love reusing code
@uzaky Don't be annoying
!!tell uzaky format
@uzaky Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
Try it there until you can get it right.
Backticks won't help you here
am sorry guys
for annoying :)
Again...try it in the sandbox.
        var testID = $('#testsID').val();
        $.get('<?php echo base_url();?>reports/set_report/'+testID,function(data){
            data = $.parseJSON(data);
              if($('#thcolumn'+value.test_column_name).length == 0){
                    "<th id='thcolumn"+value.test_column_name+"'>"+value.test_column_name+"</th>"
Heeey Finally i did it :D
Your code is horrible
Now, i'va the following error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
Thanks @Zirak
You've got PHP in that code
Most welcome
base_url --> just like localhost/my_path/toServer
@Zirak I hope that kind of patience comes with age
any idea about my (Horrible Code) @Zirak
Let's see...
Sure take your time :)
Feels like troll tbh
'#thcolumn'+value.test_column_name - if there's a group with a similar trait, why are they given individual IDs, and not something like a class?
yea you are right
From the looks of it, if they're columns in a table, you have DOM methods to get that (look at table.rows for instance)
do u think this might fix this error !?
so just objection :D
I think you didn't paste the correct code, because PHP is throwing off your line numbers
Now, you have nested functions...without any name. You should consider taking them out from one another, giving them names.
You're also selecting #recordTemp twice. If it's an important element, why not keep it in a variable?
The things you're doing with append...mutilating html strings...don't. Just...don't.
You have ways to create elements, don't play with html like that - it doesn't belong in js.
I suspect that the line that's throwing an error is the parseJSON
Log the data you receive before parsing it, see if it's valid json.
If it's invalid or some error, check for that case.
Help is needed to remove this monstrosity: stackoverflow.com/q/2859434/871050
1 more vote required.
Thanks ^_^
okay i'll gonna test
The pleasure is all mine.
1 message moved to recycle bin
For the sake of everyone's sanity
@OctavianDamiean Sup!
Donde, esta, la biblioteca. Me llamo T-Bone La arana discoteca.
Discoteca! muneca! La biblioteca...Esta en bigotes grandes, el perro...manteca!
@Zirak Thanks a lot, actually my JSON was received with the HTML header
Manteca, bigote, gigante, pequeno, cabeza es nieve, cerveza es bueno.
@Zirak , Thanks too for your advi,
Buenos...dias! Me gusta papas frias, los bigotes de la cabra es Cameron Diaz
@uzaky Enjoy. And remember to improve your code.
Yea boi. Boi. Yea. What. It’s 2009. Word.
@Zirak I just love the last part of your line.
> ... the goat's mustache is Cameron Diaz.
The lyrics are so deep and brilliant.
@OctavianDamiean It gave me the weirdest boner
@rlemon you just missed it because well, your timezone is shit.
So @Zirak is this your typical time schedule from now on?
Like, does the hurricane give you free weekends?
Basically. I'll be on most weekends, from whenever I get home on Friday, and from whenever I wake up on Saturday.
I won't be on some weekends
I see.
Well, that's quite acceptable.
I need my regular insanity dose.
Can't become one of those strange normal people, that'd freak me out.
There are some cool people in my room, total weirdos. I love it.
Glad that you can enjoy your time.
But I'm too weird for them sometimes. Like, I started exclaiming how perverted "Barbie Girl" is...they looked at me in a weird way.
@Zirak Did you get a boner from that penis painter video?
...no comment.
@OctavianDamiean It's fun, we're learning shittons of cool stuff.
@EnglishMaster I'll admit that I'm curious but also too scared to actually look it up.
@Zirak Welp, that's a good thing. Is your Python improving? :)
Like, not your Python but your Python.
Are you referring to my penis? He's doing well, thank you very much.
A bit lonely without you
Yea, I just realized how awkward that may sound. :D
hrm, that sounds worse now that it's not in my head.
That sounds bad too ...
Ur penis? no no.
Oh god. Break! Pause! DELETE!
Entire conversation.
It kinda derailed.
@EnglishMaster All because of your goddamn video! It broke the room.
@EnglishMaster do I need to mute you again?
@Zirak Strand is a pretty fun game
How...how did you get to that message?
I was here when you sent it
Sprite object prototype: jsfiddle.net/m43Sw
Pretty shitty imo
Are those even legal?
@Zirak I'm stuck on level 30 :/
I've been stuck on it for 20 minutes
That's a shame
Should I put 80 euro on BitCoins or LiteCoins?
Don't think so
!!BitCoins or LiteCoins?
@phenomnomnominal LiteCoins
@CapricaSix I think so too.
I hate you!
My guitar tuner totally looks like Sputnik
My laptop is named Sputnik.
@Shea I love that game
Second one is much better though
Third one - pretty lame
What's a good way to inject a whole bunch of static HTML from JS
without doing another request :P
@phenomnomnominal Put it in a hidden element
Clone when needed
@Zirak I don't want it to be in an HTML document ever.
Hi guys,
Have any of you ever downgraded npm?
Just include the script, give it a container and voila, in pops a tuner.
Nope, never, why?
@Fabien yes.
I lie
I thought you said 'downloaded' and I thought you were stupid.
Turns out it is I who is stupid.
heh bah :) ah well
Well I am trying npm install -g [email protected] is just giving me this error
I'm guessing they no longer store it in the repo but I certainly can't find alternatives
@phenomnomnominal put it in your nono and when you need it you just make a plop plop.
@OctavianDamiean yeah that's what I've ended up doing, works well enough
And thanks to CockSuckers, it doesn't look too bad.
hi all.,
@Fabien why are you trying to downgrade npm?
@AmbroseBwangatto Hi! Welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway, the show where everything’s made up and the points don’t matter!
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeoman webapp generator fails with the current version. here's the issue
i came to javascript code , which i dont understand what does this ?
if (top != self) top.location.href = location.href;
is it for disabling iframing ?
@AmbroseBwangatto yes, it is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum okie., so someone iframes the target website, the target website url gets loaded, something like that. i guess.
Someone managed to roll it back using the npm repo. But I am unsure how he managed it.
@Fabien what about just installing yeoman without npm until it gets resolved?
Paul Irish and Addy Osmani reply pretty fast if you bug them on facebook or via email, but I'd only do that after you tried installing it yourself. Also, you really don't have to use Yeoman, the really useful thing there is grunt and even that you can do without
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's my first time with Yeoman and I am following 5 minutes with Yeoman. I'm a little unsure what parts belong to what.
They also reply pretty fast if you stand in front of their windows at night.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm starting a new job and it's on their list of tools. That's the reason I am bothering :)
Can someone please tell me why I don't like this?
I can't tell what it's missing.
@Fabien yeoman is automation. What else is on their list of tools? Because if you don't know JS that's way more important.
@phenomnomnominal tits.
Add some tits.
@OctavianDamiean you're super helpful today :)
@phenomnomnominal is that coffeescript output :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum nah, that's just how I write my JS :)
 _ref6 = Tuner.frequencyUtils.getPitch(freq), note = _ref6[0], cents = _ref6[1];
@BenjaminGruenbaum I understand some basic JS but extending that knowledge is on the list too. Here's what they sent me, Drupal 6 and 7, Wordpress, Laravel, Yeoman Workflow, Angular JS, GIT
But it's my honest observation.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahaha yes
@Fabien git is very basic to know, if you don't know how to use it do that. Otherwise JS for sure. Assuming you know PHP. Angular is nice but really - start with basic JavaScript, it's so much more important than learning to use yeoman.
Actually, if someone could try that out on a recent android that would be amazing.
I know some GIT already yeah.
@Fabien there is no point in learning how to automate something you can't yet do
I got this book "Javascript - The Good Parts" by Crockford I need to read.
@Fabien it's short and nice - you do that.
Okay. I'll back off Yeoman for now.
Well I might still try and fix the npm issue then back off. :P I don't like leaving bugs unresolved.
It's not a bug, it's a missing feature in your brain.
@phenomnomnominal you're pissed off at that code aren't you :(?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just wish it kept looking like the CoffeeScript
@phenomnomnominal so use CS?
In the CodePen? Nah it's just my pasted combined compiled litcoffee files
[00:38:28.584] TypeError: property Array.prototype.splice.call(...) is non-configurable and can't be deleted @ localhost:8080/javascript/src.js:71 <- that's annoying... in Firefox.
input = Array::splice.call e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0), 0
Not sure how it thinks I'm trying to delete it
@BenjaminGruenbaum not really. There are engines that support \w, others that don't. This is not "overusing regex"...
Not supporting \w ? Who?
or grep by default iirc
even vim afaik
I know I've had to use perl -ne -i instead of sed -i because of this
@Zirak sorry bro my memory is volatile
@BenjaminGruenbaum hence my question :)
this is SO me !
How to call two action in onchange event in select tag.
@Guru Guru first of all don't. There is usually no good reason to do this. Second of all - don't, there is usually no good reason to do this. Third of all - use addEventListener and not the .onSomething attributes because those are horrible.
also, make a fiddle on jsfiddle.net showing your issue.
> Why did the programmer quit his job? He didn't get arrays!
@phenomnomnominal ... exactly why I'm leaving my current job.
@FlorianMargaine That sucks, want to move to New Zealand? The frenchman on our team just left and we want to replace him.
I wish, but my wife doesn't want to.
Ahh, fair enough!
vagrant doc has really improved since last time I read it
@BenjaminGruenbaum looks cool :D
Jun 17 at 16:05, by Zirak
One of my mp3 files is bugged.
@FlorianMargaine :(
Q: Include jQuery UI as a whole

Menno van leeuwenIs it possible to include jQuery UI as a whole instead of: wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-effects-core'); // a lot of other jquery ui imports.... I've searched in the codex and was able to find the full list of included scripts, but could not find a way to inclu...

I missed something cool
@rlemon ?
I did. I really did
how to fetch status updates with image from a Facebook page?
@Olli with code!
yes, I have this:
$feed = $facebook->api('//feed?limit=5');

foreach($feed["data"] as $post){
	$message = $post["message"];

	if(!empty($message)){ // Include only posts with text
		print"<p>Post: ".$post['message']."<br>Post Date: ".$post['created_time']."</p>";
there should be the page ID after the first /
but i removed it
but this returns only text, not the images
images are what i want
posted on November 30, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Wow. November is already over, huh.

!!mute Olli 30m
@BenjaminGruenbaum Muted user 938851 for 30m
Thanks god we can do that here. (Context, he spammed other rooms first)
Who flags Feeds???
That Olli guy.
What would happen if Feeds got banned?
lol, that's interesting.
I don't think you can readonly feeds.
Probably nothing - just like with moderators
not muted, actually suspended
I don't think that'd work.
You can rude-flag Feeds
Wonder if mods can bad feeds. That'd be really silly.
God so much drama in PHP room. Thanks uncle @Zirak
Then there's auto-suspension
@BenjaminGruenbaum what drama in php? about oop? :D
@Esailija about poop.
whats the difference
I have over 400 bluebird calls in the codebase now :)
btw will probably implement instrumentation api which allows this kind of stuff github.com/tildeio/ember-extension/pull/…
@Esailija that'd be awesome. Better debugging is really all I care about at this point.
(Although, mostly in IE)
that will be available in ie as bookmarklet
we are collaborating this together with the ember guy Stefan Penner
on this
That's great :)
Needz moar debugging ^^
with separate debug build much more would be possible
like invoking debugger on some promise from the ui
but such features would cut down perf too much on production builds
especiallly since debugger statement invalidates optimization for the entire function
break on promise fulfillment etc
@Esailija I'd use it in production :P
Honestly, I use bluebird for production but I need no more than 20 concurrent promises in the clientside
yep but defaulting to that leads to this github.com/JacksonGariety/gariety.xxx/issues/36
(so next time you update, you need to call .longStackTraces())
I already do call longStackTraces.
Also, it's frozen now, not updating it for the next few months.
what version are you on?
* bluebird build version 0.10.7-0
 * Features enabled: core, race, any, call_get, filter, generators, map, nodeify, promisify, props, reduce, settle, some, progress, cancel, synchronous_inspection
yea nothing critical after that has came up
It passes all tests, performance is reasonable. I'm not worried.
@BenjaminGruenbaum uh, no problem
Yeah. I did that.
(what did I do?)
oh, got it
whistles unsuspiciously
anyone who has 125+ rep on SF? serverfault.com/questions/558394/…
@JanDvorak I do
Florian Margaine, Grenoble, France
166 4
@FlorianMargaine is this question worth downvoting/closure?
I closed for minimal understanding
I don't have enough rep though, it's just a flag
I flagged for not-pro
but no downvote? Why so?
coz lazy
there you go
@RyanKinal I saw someone who looked like you.
Just thought you should know.
For the future.
@Zirak Nice one
!!pizza is cool
@Zirak Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: gives you pizza! <>http://lorempizza.com/$1/$2#.png
ReferenceError: WebSocket is not defined
Why do I get this in firefox 25
new before?
ReferenceError: WebSocket is not defined

new WebSocket();
new WebSocket("ws://wtf.com");
ReferenceError: WebSocket is not defined

new WebSocket("ws://wtf.com");
This is firebug console, FF 25.0.1
it works for me WebSocket { url="ws://wtf.com", readyState=0, bufferedAmount=0, more...}
@RokKralj I believe because Websocket … is not defined
That's what she said
is Firebug she?
That's not how that joke works
firefox shipped you a bad version
sue them
that's the only explanation
do you get the same error?
Game forum js.js:252
You are currently participating in these tournaments
no error
hey people
that's great
I'd like some more input on #138. @rlemon I still don't really get your flow
A: Do you copy?
B: Over and out!
that was benjis exact example
I was giving the people what they want
also, just a suggestion. I'm not the best with these things
"Over" means "I'm done saying shit, now you say shit"
So...it doesn't really make sense.
Because B didn't say anything. "Do you copy" is usually replied with "I copy" or "Dude you sound like a sawed-off shotgun banging a siren"
Do you copy?
So... much... refactoring..
must... hold..
@Esailija Possibly unhandled TypeError: Object function () { - any way we fix this from your side?
if you want to quickly see just do Function.prototype.toString = function(){return "Function " + this.name;}
but I am currently fixing a race condition
I will look into that next
Race condition :S? Where?
when using progress
do you use progress?
I did in the server, not in the current client project though,
well it's not automatically a bug... it needs pretty eloborate setup as you can see
cool, thanks again, good luck!
@copy I can't have breakfast because there's people there :(
Good morning
@AbhishekHingnikar Why not?
@Ale cause i booked an iPhone 5S
@Esailija the bug was:
  this.getAnalystsSubscriptions.then(function handleSubscriptions(subscriptions) {
Instead of
this.getAnalystsSubscriptions().then(function handleSubscriptions(subscriptions) {
Took again, less than a minute to figure out - but I wonder what could have prevented that.
@AbhishekHingnikar Urgh, then it's up to you.
@rlemon Nexus 5 vs iPhone 5S (i already have booked it shall i cancel ) ?
@BadgerGirl Poor cat
@AbhishekHingnikar If you need some reviews, there are
Q: Does android weblet view supports all of HTML5 and JavaScript?

user221287I am planning to make an hybrid android app using HTML5 and JavaScript. I want to make sure that the weblet view in Android supports all the latest features of HTML5 and Javascript. Does it?

@Ale reviews are quite fanboy based
and there could be no trusted review
i know despite lemon is an android fan, hes also a good friend :P and he might give me a better advice then a review ;d after all hes a champ :D (of abnormally trolling foolish mortals with completely unexpected jokes and hes a pretty good tech guy :P )
He also spoke his opinion on iphones in general
but what if i have half money on one :P
he also spoke that if u have s4 keep it over switching to n5
@AbhishekHingnikar Sure they are. In fact this is the thing always I keep in mind if I really need to watch some kind of review.
I rather talk to people who use the device ( and do a test drive myself )
Also. I suppose it's like so: 5S > Nexus > 5C.
for my abnormally small fingers a HUGE phone is unusable :-(
@Ale idk
5S is apple's best .. Nexus is not googles best :P
!!choose sound or graphics
@AbhishekHingnikar Deprecated command - use the weasel (should I ... or ...)
what the heck !
!!should i write graphic part or the sound part
@AbhishekHingnikar You should write graphic part

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