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Hello guys , i really got hard with printing module in qt
yes i'm men
my problem is that i tried to print report from my application
i have used NCreport library but always i got an error,
C:\test\NCreport2\mainwindow.cpp:12: erreur : undefined reference to `_imp___ZN8NCReportC1EP7QObject'
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i have already post a question in stack overflow and they says for me that the library it's not compatible with minGW
if there is another solution for printing plz tell me
Q: Free and easy Qt 5.1.0 or Qt 4.8.5 reporting engine

advseo32i got hard to print report using NCReport library so there an other esay solution for printing i always got errors when i want to compiler my programme using qt 4.8.5 and ncreport engine her is the error C:\test\build-Ncreport-Qt_4_8_5_MinGW_32_bit-Debug\debug\mainwindow.o:-1: In function `...

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2 hours later…
For example, my current directory is /files/ctags, how can I to produce a tags file named "systags" on /files directory with the tags of files on /test directory using ctags?
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2 hours later…
hey all
I've faced with this error:
C:\Users\Mohsen\AppData\Local\Temp\mex_oRsHdC\matlabInterface.obj: In function `ZN16CMatlabInterface17get_sparse_matrixERPN6shogun14SGSparseVectorIdEERiS5_':
G:\Softwares\Programming\Engineering\shogun-2.1.0\shogun-2.1.0\src\interfaces\matlab_static/matlabInterface.cpp:331: undefined reference to `shogun::SGSparseVector<double>* shogun::sg_generic_malloc<shogun::SGSparseVector<double> >(unsigned int)'
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5 hours later…
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
3 hours later…
Hi angels!
Small C question:
A file's first line is:
"add A"
It has more lines beneath.
I'm reading the first line from the file using fgets:
fgets stops at the newline char, so I replace the unwanted newline char with '\0':
char *p;
if ((p = strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL)
*p = '\0';
Now if I print str this way:
printf("DEBUG: line:=[%s]\n",line);
Why do I get A crappy output like this:
]EBUG: line:=[add A
and not:
DEBUG: line:=[add A]
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hey, I need someone with any little knowledge of magento
any help??!!
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