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12:00 AM
OK the map opened up
And runs fine
But no markers. Do I need to mod my coordinated in the 'Place your location here?'
You'll need to navigate to San Francisco to see the markers...
Yup i just dide
You will probably want to add code to navigate to the current location.....
can't see them..currently near 'Mission Dolored Park' marker
Check your logs to see if there are any errors.....
Also, you could add a log statement for the result from the places api....
12:03 AM
Nope none..here is the statement
11-30 05:29:25.974 28966-28966/com.iotaconcepts.aurum D/Map: url: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=37.77657,-122.417506&radius=5000&types=restaurant&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyB3xjwvkxTs_lyOly2WQ8VldkolpVOPWNc
11-30 05:29:26.697 28966-28966/com.iotaconcepts.aurum D/Map: list size: 0
11-30 05:29:26.908 28966-29360/com.iotaconcepts.aurum I/b: Received API Token: AH0uPGEKKOvTzX9NA7p3t3mNfFWO79oAc-7uT4D_YmCr24p0F8Ljbpm9jRqt_HYkKavDskCXbiPfnsUiSB0ZR0d9wk0o7gsyA34tw02oTUamGItWHBro4sirDPrmTRxzX6HErPy8qa_BN8R4YIMjzfypDo0L5x3Ze0cvmb4FFOlbMmRXpHXJz6ggSdY2bmcbJi5i6pB3ur
This is for the activity
Seems pretty normal..
Ahh, click on that link!
which one?
the last one is an error
now what? I request a new api?
I just realized you're using the same key here as your Android key, that's not going to work.
Go to the developer console and create a Server key
Don't enter any restricting data, you need to just leave it open.
12:05 AM
/ok..so I replace all the android keys with server ones?
Then, use that key in the Java code.
No... Keep the api key in the manifest the same
The Map api key stays separate from the places API key
ok. I replace the old key with the server key everywhere except the manifest ?
Yeah, it should just be that one spot in the Activity that needs to be replaced....
ok onto it
what about he key in the google_maps_api.xml?
Leave that the same
Only modify the one that's used in the sbMethod() code
12:11 AM
still no marker..
here the log
I think it
*I think it's the same error. Let me request a new api key
I used this from an old activated one
It might take a minute after you create a new API key for it to work
what about the IP addess part in the server key?
Leave it blank
There's no other way....
12:13 AM
no other way for what?
Ok i created one
pasted it in the code
running it now
No other way to make it work. Just need to leave the ip blank...
ahh ok
'provided API key is expired'
are you kidding me? I just created it!
oh, do you have the places web api enabled in the developer console?
Now it changed to not authorized..this is weird
umm not sure
It's different from the places api for Android
12:16 AM
lemme check
Nope i don't!
here are the enabled apis in my list:
BigQuery API

Cloud Debugger API

Debuglet Controller API

Google Cloud Logging API

Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage JSON API
A: REQUEST DENIED with Google Places API KEY for Server Web used in an Android application

Daniel NugentThe problem is that you are not using the Google Places API for Android, you are using the Google Places API Web Service. Here is an example of using Google Places API for Android, and here is an example of using the Google Places API Web Service. You are definitely using the latter. Enable th...

Google Places API Web Service
That's the one you need
ok I have enabled these 3 now:
Google Maps Android API

Google Places API for Android

Google Places API Web Service
let me see if it runs now
dude you 'THE SHIZZZZZ'
haha, awesome.....
this is awesome man
Glad it's working for you!
12:21 AM
i dunno SF lingo
but thanks for this
much appreciated :)
Sure, no problem!
Now, I just need to change your coordinates to the ones I retrive from the user
and I should be done right?
I have the code for that so no isseus :D
Yep, sounds right. Just in case, here's a good answer I wrote about getting location data in a Map Activity: stackoverflow.com/a/30255219/4409409
12:24 AM
Ok awesome. Will use this in that case
Thanks a lot buddy
also, are you involved with any open source projects?
Anything I can contribute to?
I'm actually an algorithmic programmer. This is my first stint at being a developer. I wrote this app for a hackathon. Learnt a lot but didn't win
Not at the moment, too busy at work! Sounds like you're on a good path, keep it up! Cheers!
Haha thanks. I'm looking forward to the Google Summer of Code. Will start looking into stuff there
2 hours later…
1:57 AM
Hey daniel. I implemented your location code
There are a couple of issues with that
I'll post them as a comment on your answer at that page
basically, the 'LatLag' class returns null when i try to access the latitude and longitude
2 hours later…
3:49 AM
Hey there! Regarding your last question in the comments, you can add multiple places, pipe delimited. Here's an example of a url with both restaurants and hospitals:

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