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9:04 AM
Hi @Shubhank. Back again now. What is it you wanted me to do in the project?
did you downloaded that project
I have it open.
there is some path animation VC
In what swift file?
which files you see in classes
9:08 AM
They are the diles
yes PathViewController
Yep, Im in there
replace it with this code
// PathViewController.swift
// CAShapeLayerDemo
// Created by Guanshan Liu on 27/2/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Guanshan Liu. All rights reserved.

import UIKit

class PathViewController: TapToCloseViewController {

override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {

let tempView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0,0,100,100))
tempView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor
tempView.layer.borderWidth = 2

let bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100)
and run the project
bounds was never used.
compiler error ?
9:13 AM
Means the variable bounds was never used
ok you didnt click the full text button above
Didnt copy the fill code.
Executed the project. Do I select the Path animation cell?
Worked. I am going to try and find out how to do it the other way round (empty from right to left instead of fill from left to right).
Need to tinker with the code. :)
try to understand it
will be in the other room for anyy info
9:17 AM
Damn autocorrect!
Could you stay in this room please?
i am , but please ping in that case.
helping in all individual rooms will get so trouble some for me.
You can also look in the browser tab. it will show if I have posted in there by the (x), where x is a number.
How do I set the color of theendShape?
the endShape*
9:32 AM
so color will be animated too ?
or just want to change the single color
I want the shape to start off filled, but I want it to turn back to white (or green)
search for yellowColor in the code
That is what I mean. You can see the shape starts off red then goes to white.
I changed yellowColor to red.
starts green ?
Is that what you mean?
9:34 AM
I done that. The shape ends up filling from white to red. I want it to fill from red to white.
ok got it
    rectShape.fillColor = UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor
Also how do I check when the animation finished?
change first this
and add this line
    tempView.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
then run the app
Cool. Thanks.
Just need to detect when the animation finished now.
9:38 AM
search the docs for that
Oh. Ok. :( Spose I will learn better that way. :)
What is the library? Core Animation?
Well get back after I have found out more.
found this. Is this right? If so what to I use for the arguments?
animation.animationDidStop(<#T##anim: CAAnimation##CAAnimation#>, finished: <#T##Bool#>)
Ment to be that
Could you help me with this please? I cannot find out how to detect when the animation finnished

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