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6:31 PM
A: Reading on QRCodes on iOS with AVCaptureSession -- alignment issues?

AlexKorenIt seems you've written some sort of limitation in your code. Check out my github repo: It was built specifically for reading QR Codes at angles in a pretty way. I'm testing it now and it pulls at 30-45 degrees easily. Here's the direct link for everything yo...

Shoot... was excited to try it; I downloaded the zip, loaded the project, tried to build with XCode 6.4 and got the error "Linker command failed with exit code 1"... my least favorite error because (as far as I know) it just means the linker choked and it's not telling you where. Any thoughts?
Let me have a quick look!
I'm happy to provide any more info if you tell me where to look. The error message is "file not found: /Users/chrisrice/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Code_Scanner-cobobhynbrlayi‌​‌​daprzuxllzoqzn/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Code Scanner" but I presume that is just because the linker choked upstream, so nothing built. just taking a stab, do your "ScannerTests" require something third party?
In the meantime having a look at your code, but nothing will motivate me more than seeing your App read at 45deg :)
I figured out the problem. Just redownload it now and it should work. Make sure the scheme at the top left says "QR 3D" and not "Code Scanner"
Also, check out the github repo now. I added two GIFs of it working. :)
Cool GIFs! Will try it now.
Hm, same result. Everything relevant seems to say "QR 3D", as you said. Is there something I can check to make doubly sure I got your latest?
6:31 PM
That's so weird... I just downloaded it from the github repo and it worked..
Hey Chris, sorry for all the back and forth.
No worries, thanks for the help.
So your app uses the built-in AVCaptureSession library?
can you copy and paste the error youre getting
If so, I can still just compare code. As the expert, can you think of what sort of limitation I might have built in my code? (I actually inherited this project, but it doesn't look like there are many options or anything)
Ld /Users/chrisrice/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/QR_3D-booasgpxtzosoqgdrttkxyoxitjf/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/QR\ 3DTests.xctest/QR\ 3DTests normal x86_64
cd /Users/chrisrice/Desktop/Work/QR-3D-master-2
export PATH="/Applications/"
/Applications/ -arch x86_64 -bundle -isysroot /Applications/
Yep, so it seems your scheme is a bit off.
There are some references in there to "3DTests" which makes me wonder if I'm compiling the wrong thing.
6:34 PM
If you right click on the schemes at the top
regular click*
Which is the "schemes" -- sorry I'm not an expert.
the button to the left of where it says iPhone 6 or your device
Ok yes, it currently says "QR 3D"
it should say QR 3D
click that and hit manage schemes
on the bottom left
hit + and just hit ok
for QR 3D
not for QR 3D Tests
I don't see "QR 3D Tests" by the way. What I did is hit the "+" and ok and it created a new scheme "QR 3D 2"
6:37 PM
so now delete the old one
and then try to build
Seemed to work! Why did that work? :)
The scheme must have been messed up because i changed the name of the app at some point
haha I'm absolutely not sure
Great thanks! Should this run on my development mini iPad (iOS7) or should I go find a suitable target (looks like it is set for iPhone 6).
it wont run on simulator because it needs a camera
should work on an ipad
but it might be set for ios8
you can probably go change the deployment target to ios7
This is interesting...
Set it for iPad and iOS7
(love the animations by the way, I'm going to check that out too)
I put a barcode in front of it, and it SIGABRTs here:
- (void)setFlashOn:(BOOL)flashOn {
_flashOn = flashOn;
[self.captureDevice lockForConfiguration:nil];
if (flashOn) {
[self.captureDevice setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOn];
} else {
[self.captureDevice setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOff];
[self.captureDevice unlockForConfiguration];
on the second setTorchMode
but get this: it doesn't SIGABRT until it gets to be right around vertical. It will continue scanning from 30-45 degress
I wonder if this is an iOS7 - iOS8 improvement
6:46 PM
it very well might be
A SIGABRT in that place, I assume, means that it scanned.
(and there is some other problem probably also related to iOS7)
I will explore that and get back to you. THANKS! Great App.
if possible, could you mark my answer as correct?
Absolutely, thanks for reminding me.
Thanks! I can't get the SIGABRT to happen.. where does it happen for you?
On the second setTorchMode in the cut/paste code above.
I assume that you are not running on iOS7, correct?
6:52 PM
I'm not..

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