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6:22 PM
Q: Div with height 100% and overflow: auto in <= IE10

Rex OverflowI am having trouble while dealing with a strange issue which occurs only in <= IE 10. Other browsers work as intended. Basically, the ul.list doesn't expand to 100% if overflow:auto is used in <= IE 10. Fiddle. JS Fiddle doesn't work in older versions of IE. I think it won't work in IE 10 as wel...

is this what you're trying to accomplish? test I made the .container display:table-cell and moved the overflows into that div too. (since they are confusing to have on an ul).
@user4749485 You know what? You just saved my day. Can you just post it as an answer? Because there are many other questions which are related to this one but aren't well answered. Your solution rocks!
that's good. here's a SO thread with a similar challenge that I think you'll like. you'll see there that table-cell could have been used, but was commented out. positioning based on the outer table was used instead. so, it's another approach.
@user4749485 Positioning based on the outer table will not help here. Your provided solution above does it all :) Thanks. Why not add it as an answer?
lol. then I'm glad I tried the first way first.
6:22 PM
@user4749485 I edited your answer ;) Review it. You need to explain your solution. You just copied and pasted your comment :D
the alternate approach seems to work ok. can I get a 2nd answer? : )
you seem to be a very experienced SO member. this is my first chat.
I lit up a VM with IE9 and compared the two. They're a little different, but substantially the same.
I'm on IE10 right now. Earlier, I was on IE11. It looks like with IE10, both approaches give identical results. That's what I thought IE11 did too.
6:37 PM
I didn't know you were here lol
Your first solution did it all. Yeah, I have been a part of SO for a long time.
I have used different accounts over the time. This is the one I am using now :D
I thought maybe I was in trouble.
I'll prune my excess comments there.
Yeah :D
I do the same :)
I was going to give up on what I was making. I am glad everything is fixed now. IE8 is causing some trouble but it is not related to your solution.
maybe the 2nd way will work with IE8. :p
No, the first one works with IE8. There's something else which doesn't work with IE8 namely the triangle technique I used.
had you mentioned IE8 and triangle technique I probably would have skipped the thread.
6:48 PM
That is last problem I need to fix. I used a square psuedo element and rotated it at 45 degrees. It appeared fine on all browsers but IE8 doesn't support rotating. You can only rotate elements using filters and filters doesn't work with psuedo elements so, I will need to use the border technique.
You can add me on facebook: I will be available there. I am leaving now. We can't discuss other matters here lol. It will distract future users :P
see the demo in this MS-Connect thread regarding small bleed-thrus with 45deg rotated box with IE11 and Edge.
Oh thanks again for all your effort D:
You can add me there on facebook :D You look like an IE expert. I can contact you for future small issues :D

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