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6:45 AM
do u know how to create bridging header in swift?
one question for beginning
can I?
when I create Pods and xcworkspace I must later work just with this xcworkspace, not with xcodeproj, yes?
din create a workspace
also can check this url i have answered it there…
these method is without the use of thrid party API
6:47 AM
okay, I delete it
let's create with the 3rd party, please
okay, now I have my project folder and Pods folder
drag drop the the AFNEtworking folder
in to ur project
okay, give me a minute
into project or project folder where my files are?
okay, I did it
do u know how to create bridging header in swift?
if NO then u have to learn that first
6:53 AM
I did it by creating a new ObjectiveC file and it create the bridge for me
now I have an ObjC file
is it what I need?
// Use this file to import your target's public headers that you would like to expose to Swift.
inside of
#import "AFNetworking.h"
#import "UIImageView+AFNetworking.h"
okay, I did it
now you will to call thye function
type this you get method name
inside of func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
yes u have to load imageURL rite?
if u r using cusotmCell
then call ur imageView variavble name
6:58 AM
yes, var url = NSURL(string: postCover[indexPath.row])

if let data = NSData(contentsOfURL: url!) {
cell.cellImage.image = UIImage(data: data)
must I use it inside of this block or?
are you here?
did u suceed
no =/
I did try this:
cell.cellImage.setImageWithURLRequest = UIImage(data: data)
its not like this
can you help me with this, please?
[imageView setImageWithURLRequest:request placeholderImage:nil success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, UIImage *image) {
blockImageView.image = image;
} failure:nil];
7:08 AM
is it not ObjC?
but my code in Swift =/
ya type
cell.cellImage.setImageWithURLRequest and press control space
you get the function hint
just replace the parameter
swuft equivalent
cell.imageView.setImageWithURLRequest(request, placeholderImage: nil, success: { [weak cell] request, response, image in
if cell {
cell!.imageView.image = image

}, failure:nil)
must I fill success and failure?
I set placeholderImage == nil
its fine
but its untill your image is downloaded it will show the default image
you can gice default image in placeholde
7:26 AM
to this:
cell.imageView.setImageWithURLRequest(url!, placeholderImage: placeholder, success: { [weak cell] request, response, image in
if cell {
cell!.imageView.image = image
it prints: Type of expression is more ambiguous without more context
where is failure
and set placeeholder as nil
i have given the code use as it is
no, I set a placeholder image
only change the variable name
okay, thanks
did it work?
7:31 AM
I'm waiting for your code ))
i have given the code above
cell.imageView.setImageWithURLRequest(request, placeholderImage: nil, success: { [weak cell] request, response, image in
if cell {
cell!.imageView.image = image

}, failure:nil)
in this imageView set ur var name
and change request
according to ur URL
it prints the error above I sent
on { [weak cell]
on "{"
Type of expression is more ambiguous without more context
remove [weak cell] and try
error: Cannot invoke 'setImageWithURLRequest' with an argument list of type '(NSURL, placeholderImage: UIImage?, success: (_, _, _) -> _, failure: nil)'
had u made the request var
7:43 AM
amm, no
is it variable?
yup its a url
how will you download a image without a URL
oh, yes
i did change it
I think that you are about success: {request, response, image
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: book.mediumImageURL)
cell.imageView.setImageWithURLRequest(request, placeholderImage: nil, success: { [weak cell] request, response, image in
if cell {
cell!.imageView.image = image

}, failure:nil)
I did use the var url = NSURL(string: postCover[indexPath.row])
but with NSURLRequest it gives me the next error
Cannot find an initializer for type 'NSURLRequest' that accepts an argument list of type '(string: (String))'
just a minute
Cannot find an initializer for type 'NSURLRequest' that accepts an argument list of type '(URL: (String))'
let request = NSURLRequest(URL: NSURL(string: postCover[indexPath.row])
7:55 AM
oh, it runs!
'XCTest/XCTest.h' file not found
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h> in AFTestCase.h
i dont think so its necessary
what do you advice me to do?
comment it?
google it if stll error comes
okay, I'm googling

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