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3:10 PM
Any idea how to make { work? pastie.org/10952763
I'm getting
{{ and }}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/veeenex/.mysql/workbench/modules/export-laravel-5-migrations_grt.py", line 373, in generateLaravel5Migration
    migrations = export_schema(out, schema[0], schema[1])
  File "/home/veeenex/.mysql/workbench/modules/export-laravel-5-migrations_grt.py", line 123, in export_schema
    tableNameCamelCase=("".join(x.title() for x in components[0:]))),
KeyError: 'tableName'
@vaultah It's php inside and I nee only one {
is {{ even valid in PHP?
No but I found that on SO, 'Heey {name} {{'.format(name="World") works
But because python.....
8 messages moved from Python

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