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12:00 AM
ANyone here do ASP?
ASP... classic or asp.net, or kinky things like anime with Asp's?
I'm so new to ASP, what's MVC and what's classic?
classic ASP is pre-.NET
it's similar to how PHP is
posted on February 06, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

I use a number of text editors. The three I have pinned to my taskbar are Visual Studio, Sublime Text 2, and Notepad 2. I have three because I like features from one and wish those features were in another. Sublime Text (and a few other editors) has a great feature called Simultaneous Editing. It's the very definition of an advanced - but core - editor feature. Enter the MultiEdit ext

12:01 AM
MVC is Model View Controller. It's a software architecture
Anyway I have a question
i have answers young padawan.
I want only users that I personally have created to be able to login, and nobody should be able to register
Do you have a login page?
How are you going to store these users? SQL? XML?
I use Login.aspx
and I am not sure, open to suggestions
12:05 AM
Get them a role.
remove the register code from account controller
Me personally, never use microsofts roll/login management.
I've always built my own from the ground up so I have complete control, and no extra fluff
Heh I'm not really that advanced
you roll your own hash?
WTF new user?
quite easy with .NET crypto libraries
12:07 AM
@ccinc - meta time (enjoy your flaming)
That's strange
all my CSS went away from my project
when I run it that is
12:31 AM
so use signs in
you take the username
and password
and you compare the password against "somethign" to ensure it's the right password. Or you use built in membership stuff and authenticate the data.
then you can set a session, or let the membercrap stuff do it, and let the user be.
Like I said, I do all this manually because I hate not having full control on this kind of stuff.
12:45 AM
hmm ok
implementing your own cryptography is never a good idea...
use entities to databind with wpf controls? like a listbox?
@dotToString hey!
12:56 AM
@dotToString Im a noob when I comes to wpf
@KendallFrey Know how, but he will not give you any code whatsoever
Its ok. I'll figure it out
Has anyone here used OpenGL by any chance?
@KendallFrey yep
12:59 AM
(he's thinking "oh god, it had to be him")
C++, C, Java, C#
the commands are the same for all of them really
I can't figure out how to link to the libraries.
I have the additional dependencies set in my linker options.
I'm including the headers.
Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__glewInit@0 referenced in function _main C:\Users\Kendall\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\OpenGLTest\OpenGLTest\main.obj OpenGLTest
And more.
ok I remember running into this
gimme a sec to think
I know it's using the files right, because I deleted a .lib and it complained.
1:02 AM
first off, you're using the red/blue book, right?
2nd, I actually had to put the OGL toolkits in my system folders somewhere...
ok, well use those
they're the bible for OpenGL programming
you're using GLUT, right?
No. Is it required?
I'm using GLEW and GLFW.
idk then
I used GLUT and it worked perfectly.
ok maybe I need to try that.
You glued a gilf?
How come ModelState.IsValid is always true on my mvc model?
Hooray for descriptive names in OpenGL.
1:05 AM
@KendallFrey hehe. I'll just say, I don't think GLUT is used in production code often, but it's excellent for learning
None of the validation attributes seems to work
which I'm assuming is what you're doing.
Um, yeah...
basically think of OpenGL as a big stack. When you draw something, you purge the stack into the framebuffer, which is then drawn on the screen
What is used for production code? Raw OpenGL?
1:06 AM
that's the basics
Don't explain semantics to me please. I need this to compile first.
(this is also good) nehe.gamedev.net
Saw it, left.
production code probably uses custom OpenGL stuff. GLUT is good. Use GLUT :)
ok then
1:08 AM
GLUT is essentially an API-compliant implementation of the OpenGL standard
glprogramming.com/red/chapter01.html has a code sample. Do you know offhand what I need to install before running it? Just GLUT?
if you're curious about different libraries: opengl.org/sdk/libs
I think GLEW is more for multi-core stuff
faster, but more complex.
How do I hide an ASP label?
1:12 AM
@CCInc Label1.Visible = false;
thank you
Hey question VS
my .Master page lost it's codebehind file
how do i assign a new one to that file?
@CCInc go to the .aspx and change the master page there
or ashx
no its .master lolz
i was thinking global.asax for some reason
Where can I get the latest GLUT precompiled binaries for Windows?
Got it, nvm.
1:19 AM
16 mins ago, by Pheonixblade9
OpenGL is fun, but challenging
it's really cool to see stuff happen
Couldn't find the binaries there :(
And I hate having to compile stuff.
Oh, the joys of context-less stars. LMFAO.
1:21 AM
Titty Sprinkles.
and then I was like "damn penguin, get dat ass"
damnit, gonna have to clean my keyboard now. It sprayed over the whole thing
^ context-free lulz
<anamexis> oh man
<anamexis> I was opening a coke, right
-->	Beefpile (~mbeefpile@cloaked.wi.rr.com) has joined #themacmind
<anamexis> and it exploded
<anamexis> ALMOST all over my keyboard
<anamexis> but I got it away just in time
<--	Beefpile has quit (sick fuckers)
<anamexis> :<
that quote is older than you
@drch how old do you think I am ಠ_ಠ
Seen that one, lol.
@Pheonixblade9 Oh, mid 80s.
@KendallFrey May 1990.
you know I'm 22. Learn math, son.
1:26 AM
How was I supposed to know your birthdate? ಠ_ಠ
So, did you run into issues with errors in gl.h?
Error 1 error C2054: expected '(' to follow 'WINGDIAPI' c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.0\include\um\gl\gl.h 1157 1 OpenGLTest
make sure all of your stuff is of the same version
I have a total of 202 errors thoughout gl.h, glu.h, and glut.h.
@Pheonixblade9 Version? How does one go about versioning header files?
@KendallFrey you understand what a header file is, right? (not trying to be condescending, just making sure)
Goddammit it compiles now!
ok, so if you're getting that error, you might want to delete your .o files
hah, there ya go.
1:33 AM
Would somebody please start another bounty on this when it expires?
#include <windows.h>
Q: Search for all chat messages by a particular user?

JezIs it possible to search for all messages by a particular user in the chat search, at http://chat.stackexchange.com/search? I tried searching with the 'search for' field empty, but got no results... and with '*', the same.

@CCInc Me? No way. I don't give even half a ****.
So, now it won't run because glut32.dll is missing.
It's in my system32 directory...
make sure your makefile is correct.
I know what a makefile is, but I didn't know VS uses them.
1:37 AM
anything C/C++ uses makefiles.
@CCInc write a program to scrape the transcripts
@Pheonixblade9 OOC, how can I see the ones VC uses?
should be in the project directory
There's nothing called Makefile anywhere.
Now I'm trying to get anything but white to appear.
maybe they don't use makefiles
1:45 AM
It's not required. I mean, I could compile everything by hand.
Interestingly enough, my onboard graphics don't seem to support OpenGL.
My NVIDIA chip works fine, though.
I am so happy right now.
@Pheonixblade9 If I had a proper way to give you rep, I'd give you at least 50 right now.
2:06 AM
@KendallFrey aww
lol not like I actually helped
although hearing your gratitude is worth 1000 rep
2:52 AM
Discussion between user1690130 and Craig Treptow
Teenage Programmers Chatroom
Debate over cryptography
Java Sucks
MySQL and relational databases
recycle bin
@CCInc we are certainly happy for you
@CCInc are you an employed programmer?
what do you do? or just unemployed currently?
2:59 AM
I am a student
ah yes. i thnk i askedyour neighbor the sae last night...or was that you?? you guys are both from MO too right? SLU? UMSL?
community coll?
He's at community
and no I don't live in MO :)
from what i looked there wast much at jeffco or meramec in C#
to my dismay :-(
unless new courses have been recently offered
just commenting on courses dealing with c# at MY local community colleges. im in STL area, so it may be dif for you guys
3:03 AM
3:30 AM
anybody dealt with converting from System.Data.OracleClient to the Oracle Data Provider?
specifically, whether System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException.Code is the same as Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.Number? I have some try/catch blocks that look at the ORA-### code for logging the error.
@GregBair not me. I make my Oracle people provide me a linked server in SQL.
@GregBair SQL server 2008 that is. Then I do what I want with the data. Oracle and I sync every night but that's the extent of our relationship.
@MikeSmithDev Thanks, I'm going to open a question on SO.
3:57 AM
hey @Steve
does anybody know linq well?
i need to select the index's in an array which contain the value of.. 23452354 or whatever value i search for
so if array[20] holds that value, i want to return 20
@Steve IndexOf?
3:59 AM
i need to return a list
a list of index's?
this is what i've got so far
Dim lst As List(Of Integer) = (From a In charCounts Select a Where a = highest).ToList()
ew vb
dude tell me about it
i fucking hate vb.net
all i need is a damned lambda
4:02 AM
    var indexs = "Prashant".MultipleIndex('a');

//Extension Method's Class
    public static class Extensions
         static int i = 0;

         public static int[] MultipleIndex(this string StringValue, char chChar)

           var indexs = from rgChar in StringValue
                        where rgChar == chChar && i != StringValue.IndexOf(rgChar, i + 1)
                        select new { Index = StringValue.IndexOf(rgChar, i + 1), Increament = (i = i + StringValue.IndexOf(rgChar)) };
From a In charCounts Select charCounts.IndexOf(a) Where a == highest).ToList()
total blind stab
// also don't know VB
Or rather in VB:
Private indexs As var = "Prashant".MultipleIndex("a"C)

'Extension Method's Class
Public NotInheritable Class Extensions
	Private Sub New()
	End Sub
	Shared i As Integer = 0

	<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
	Public Shared Function MultipleIndex(StringValue As String, chChar As Char) As Integer()

		Dim indexs = _
			Where rgChar = chChar AndAlso i <> StringValue.IndexOf(rgChar, i + 1)
		i = 0
		Return indexs.[Select](Function(p) p.Index).ToArray(Of Integer)()
	End Function
	Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, value As T) As T
When I inherited a VB project.... uh I rewrote the entire site in C# lol. Took 1 yr
Well and updated the whole project it was a sad upgrade from classic ASP.
gosh this is so dumb
@Steve Can you use my extension method?
4:04 AM
@CCInc i can, but there has to be an easier way
i appreciate you looking
extension methods are good
Perhaps, I'll keep searching
@Steve Does what I posted not work?
@GregBair thanks, i tried that but it says charcounts does not have an indexof method
        Dim indexes = From letter In text.ToCharArray() _
            Select Array.IndexOf("A", letter.ToString().ToLower())
4:06 AM
or rather, it said theres not one that accepts that many arguments
I think it'd actually be Array.IndexOf(a, charCounts)
or something
dealing with my own issues lol
I'd know how to do it with a Dictionary
why isn't my code compiling?!
That query says "expression expected"
4:22 AM
gah i just ended up doing a for loop like a caveman
I've almost got it I think
@Steve I GOT IT
what did you have to do?
          string FromString = "hello";
          char test = 'l';
  var indexs = (from rgChar in FromString
                   where rgChar == test && i != FromString.IndexOf(rgChar, i + 1)
                   select new { Index = FromString.IndexOf(rgChar, i + 1), Increament = (i = i + FromString.IndexOf(rgChar)) }).Select(p=>p.Index).ToArray<int>();
assuming you wanted an int array
else just change the last part
wow lol
thanks man, thats... intense
4:39 AM
Does Validation attributes not work if a form is on a partial view or something? I've been stuck for hours.
5:17 AM
@All Good morning mates
5:35 AM
disregard. Solution is same as always: I'm an idiot.
I just found a black hair in my chinese food. My wife is blonde, and my hair is brown.
:D , the restaurant is dirty , change it..
trust her.Come on :D
@CC Howie yu ?
5:46 AM
@codebrain fine, fine
It appears to be hair from a dog.
do you own any dogs?
5:49 AM
OMG what was that dish ? chinese add dog meat if they dont find chicken :D LOL
this might explain the fortune cookie i got too
JAB says: [11:50:14 PM] JABFreeware: I think its time to pick another fast food place
to Ryan
hellow folks
lao @kode
5:54 AM
Im a C# noob , can anyone tell me why  there is an error at `isCardValid` in this method
 public void orderProcessing(int unitPrice,int numRooms,float taxPercentage, float locationCharge,int cardNumber)
            if (isCardValid==true)// error here:Operator '==' cannot be applied



        public bool isCardValid(int ccNumber)
            return(ccNumber>=lowerBoundCreditCard&& ccNumber<=upperBoundCreditCard);
@codebrain sup
Sky :D ., wait checkin it
need ()
if (isCardValid() == true)
@Steve shot it right on the head
Damn I t was a stupid error
@Steve True , so embarassing!
5:57 AM
happens to everybody
@KodeSeeker hello
@CCInc hey mate
@TravisJ I am always going to tell when you are in the room because of your avatar
6:03 AM
@TravisJ: great avatar !:D
Well I am at home now, and it is game on. Literally. I am coding a robot right now
Haha a "coding robot"
@TravisJ using?
ahh JavaScript, nice
6:04 AM
Huge. @Travis Hi, Hope it wont punch you when its alive
I'm going to make a robot and challenge you when it's finished @TravisJ
@CCInc - Awesome :D You can challenge @kyle, @billdr, and a number of other people who are coding one
My girl friend hate any bots she would just kick them :(
why the hate for bots? Did iRobot scare her?
6:07 AM
nope, She believes i avoid since i like gadgets and computers more..:P she hate them all..:) girls are strange creatures..cant understand them
@Travis how long you ll be coding in a day?
at work or home
both .
usually about 9 hours a day. sometimes less
6:15 AM
! okay..cool
Can you get rabies from a dog hair?
nope..you wont
bird flu?
dog flu???
6:19 AM
there is no such flu i guess lol..
do you have breathing problems ?
synus or something like that ..do you inhale puff is you breathe hard ? any such issues before ?
@RyanJMcGowan - If the dog is rabid, and there was fresh blood on the dog hair, and you had an open sore on your mouth, and you ingested the hair, with the blood, while coming into contact with your sore, you might get rabies.
yes @Travis but he found the hair on his chinese dish :P dog noodles :D
in all honesty, nothing would happen if you ate the hair. probably on par with the rest of the ingredients they shipped over from China :P
@Ryan dogs are loyal , since you paid for the dish you have less chances of any disease ..J/K
@Ryan you may have problems in stool :P (didnt know how to say otherwise) you'll be alright to code in 3 days..just avoid very spicy food for 3 days!
6:39 AM
Never eat at the Beijing Buffet next to the animal shelter off the 40.
Sue the assholes
I'm calling Larry Parker.
who is it?
6:44 AM
I dont know any larry parker. come on guys..lol
my mind is going....
@Ryan fr gs attach a image no youtube here :(
It's just a funny commercial for a lawyer in LA.
7:00 AM
oh oh okay..!
there was a kid missing in ma neighborhood and we found him dead sometime back :(((((((((((
"we" as in you and others?
Are you Gordie or Vern?
We don't have larry parker's here
hmm..i just got a phone call ..that my friends found him in this terrace..
not both
We have "waine wrights" here
Larry H Parker commercials are as old as I am. They are famous for "Larry H. Parka got mah 2-point-1 millin dollas!"
7:43 AM
hi guys
What is the actual use of helpers in MVC ?
@Shilpa hi
new member :)
@codebrain If you wanted to create a textbox that is databound directly to a model, causes validation, is accessible through the same name of the data field, and didn't want to type all of that out in HTML, you could just use @Html.TextBoxFor(m => Model.Name)
Plus, you can make your own helpers.
ok..so helpers are like aspx webforms ?
got it :) im through MVCMusicstore app
not so much like webforms as much as asp tags.

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