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8:36 PM
A: How can I modify a date type field based when changing another date type field

Tomanowvar prefix = '_fecha_entrega'; var $inputs = $('input[id*="' + prefix + '"]'); $inputs.each(function (k, v) { if (k % 2 === 0) { var $second = $($inputs.get(k +1)).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); var $first = $(v).datepicker({ dateFor...

Ok ok, let me replicate it into my project.
I replicate this into my project but isn't working. I updated the code maybe you can give me a hand
Did you remove disabled="disabled" from your fields?
Yes I did. I added jquery and jquery ui. other thing, is load or ready in jquery?
I think it is related to your selectors {{ cuenta }} let me see what I can do for dynamic...
I updated my answer =P
This would work for new values?
8:36 PM
Yes, any input id that contains _fecha_entrega it will assume the first is start date and second is end date.
Hey by the way, Do I need to do this for every loop or just once?
Just once after the page is loaded
Mmmm I tried but Its not working, by the way, prefix is "_fecha_recibido_daci" I made a mistake when posting the first time. How does variables k , v are initialize, I dont understand that?
Then change the variable prefix to _fecha_recibido. If you are satisfied consider selecting my answer as correct.
I could make it work Tomanow. What could be the problem? No I post all the code?
8:36 PM
I still see '_fecha_recibido_daci' and not '_fecha_recibido' in your post.
I updated the post
How do I know this time you posted your actual code?
Look for --> var prefix = '_fecha_recibido_daci';
Since you do not have common prefix in selectors anymore, you need to put a common class on the date fields and modify so that you are selecting them... var prefix = 'myClass'; var $inputs = $(prefix);
I tried it but didn´t work. What could be the problem? Is that all that is needed? To sustitute those two lines you said before with var prefix='fecha_recibidio' .... ?
8:36 PM
No you need to add a class to the date fields and select them that way since you changed the ids.
I added the class="myClass" to the two date fields. I haven't changed the ids as you said. I updated the post in order you can watch the code I have rigth now.
ah sorry you have to put a period before the class in the js
var prefix = '.myClass';
typo on me
did that fix it?
No problem, Im really appreciating your help. Let me try
No, It didn't work. And I don't know why. Is this correct? var prefix = '.myClass';
var $inputs = $(prefix);

//var prefix = '_fecha_recibido_daci';
//var $inputs = $('input[id*="' + prefix + '"]');
8:52 PM
is the code within a loop?
This is how it looks


var prefix = '.myClass';
var $inputs = $(prefix);

//var prefix = '_fecha_recibido_daci';
//var $inputs = $('input[id*="' + prefix + '"]');

$inputs.each(function (k, v) {

if (k % 2 === 0) {
var $second = $($inputs.get(k +1)).datepicker({
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'

var $first = $(v).datepicker({
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
onSelect: function (dateStr) {
var newDate = $.datepicker.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', dateStr);
newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + 14);
No, this is outside the loop
This is all the code for that specific part
<li><ul class="garantias" data-prototype="{{ form_widget(form.garantias.vars.prototype)|e }}">
{% set cuenta = 0 %}
{% for garantia in form.garantias %}

{{ form_row(garantia.garantiaTipo) }}
{{ form_row(garantia.fecha_emision) }}
{{ form_row(garantia.fecha_vencimiento) }}
{{ form_row(garantia.fecha_recibido_daci) }}
{{ form_row(garantia.fecha_entrega) }} {# fecha entrega al proveedor #}

{{ form_row(garantia.empresa_emite_garantia) }}
{{ form_row(garantia.tiempo_de_garantia) }}
{{ form_row(garantia.estado) }}
open developer console in browser for your site
into console and what does it give you?
also, if that is in your global namespace you might be conflicting with something, best to wrap everything in
$(function($) { /*begin docready and other code in here*/ })(jQuery);
just this
(function($) { /*begin docready and other code in here*/ })(jQuery);
did you see the the print screen? A function is not define
9:10 PM
i cant see the beginning you need to horizontal scroll to the beginning
You have a javascript error that could be breaking everything also...
do you not have jquery-ui included?
wanna do a screen share via ??
9:28 PM
ok, lets do it
it says that is not defined
I have jquery ui included
9:58 PM
I really appreciated your help. I will keep trying, tell you when its done.
says invalid meeting code for

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