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2:32 PM
Hi so the issue with the ShareDialog is something I've literally just resolved
Even though you can use the ShareDialog to post status updates without being logged in I believe you have to log in to post custom OpenGraphActions.
Once I put Session.getActiveSession() (I already login elsewhere) in my onCreate method it worked ok
Hi Bertrand, its good to find someone doing the same :)
Uhm... Ok I'm going to try this
The thing is that I do not really understand how the graph object is passed to FB when giving the URL of the HTML file I create on my server ...
Also I think I know why you can't set the locations correctly via the SDK. All custom fields of your object need to be put in the data field. Please see the following
GraphObject data = GraphObject.Factory.create();
yeah but if you put several "location:latitude" in your data, they will be erased because I guess only one key can be named "location:latitude"
2:38 PM
very good point, didn't think about that...
the HTML solution makes it possible to have several meta tags having the same property name
I guess then they have to only be self-hosted objects. Yes it is definitely possible because I have done it before.
by the way, here is the code of my HTML graph object :
maybe you can see if something's wrong there ...
Yeah, this is exactly what I want to produce
Yea did this about 5/6 months ago. Can't get it to work again. Your html looks fine. So when you post the action via the sdk you don't create an object all you do is this.
yeah, I only do :
OpenGraphAction action = GraphObject.Factory.create(OpenGraphAction.class);
action.setProperty("ramble", graphObjectUrl);

FacebookDialog shareDialog = new FacebookDialog.OpenGraphActionDialogBuilder(this, action, "ramble").build();
2:41 PM
So are you seeing any story on your feed whatsoever?
nope, the ShareDialog just appears for a second ...
I had the same problem when I was creating my OpenGraphObject from Java, because I was missing a property
Ok, so you're going to have to log a user in before you do this. Have you tried to publish your action using the Graph API Explorer?
nope, I didn't get how this work, especially with the HTML Graph Object. I'm a real Java Dev and all this FB API makes me crazy ^^
alright, and if I want to generate an action, I should use the "get code" link in my FB app custom stories right ?
2:49 PM
Here is an easier way. Go to your app on the dashboard, select "Open Graph" from the left side and press "Get Code" on your custom story. Making sure the create tab is selected click on the code and you will be taken to the Graph API Explorer with the code already pre filled. Now at the top there is a drop down titled Application. Select your app from this.

Also your going to need an access token so select "Get Access Token" and in this make sure you tick "publish_actions". Now your object should have been added to the action as an extra field. Place your object url here and submit. You sh
Ok great.
I've tried and here is the response :
"error": {
"message": "(#3502) Object at URL .... has og:type of 'website'. The property 'ramble' requires an object of og:type 'decatrando:ramble'. (http response code: 404)",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 3502
this is much more clear than the error message given in ADB ^^
Yep much more useful, so the type is incorrect. It needs to be your object type so 'namespace:objectype'
thing is that is the source code I have:
<meta property="og:type" content="decatrando:ramble">
wich is what is expected right ?
I would say that is correct. Try rescraping the url as it may cached.
Go there put in your URL and select "Fetch new scrape information"
The URL you put in the HTML, make it point back to that same object. I think this might be the problem
I don't think you can point elsewhere, I might be wrong
yeah that's the problem I guess
I didn't know that the url should point to the HTML Graph Object itself ...
I thought it was the url used to redirect the user when he clicks on the map in the Wall Post
3:01 PM
I think so on self-hosted objects. I remember reading that somewhere. Just want to let you know I'm not an expert on this just been doing it for the last couple of days.
I know its the redirect url when you use it in a Facebook hosted object but not sure about self-hosted objects. Facebook documentation uses the object's URL
Maybe you're not an expert but you've helped me a LOT yet !! much more that reading the "FB doc"
Been reading it over and over now! It's out of date...
okay, I'm trying to hardcode the url for now and see what's happening
well it gives me other errors like "Provided og:image url,, is disallowed because it points to the Facebook CDN." but that's enough for me to keep on working
Yea that's fine, just link to a real image somewhere.
I'll be on here so just ask when needed. want you to get to the same stage as me to see if it works!
I've removed the image, just got a warning, and my preview doesn't have any map ...
guess we're at the same point ...
3:10 PM
The preview won't until you post the action to your feed.have you tried the explorer again?
yep, I have the id of the post but it does not appear on my wall
same for you right ?
I'm just going to add a real image just to see if nothing's wrong because of that
You haven't explicitly shared it. Go to your personal timeline and over the cover picture theres an "Activity Log" button
press that and the post should be there. Select show on my timeline from a drop down and have a look as it should be there
but no map :(
Same boat as me then. I've tried all sorts
Such a shame, don't know what else to do
neither do I ...
I'm so fu** mad against FB right now
3:17 PM
Yup, I've posted a question in the developer group - no response - and I've submitted that bug report yesterday - no response....
I've spent 3 days on that without success... The doc is crap and the SDK is not documented
well ... here is my personal email :
If you have any news, please let me know
many thanks for the time you've spent trying to help me
Cool, here's mine Will do, keep an eye on the bug and also in the developer support group
No worries see you around
I'm sorry we can't achieve what we want
By the way, it might be good to contact companies like Runtastic to see how they do on their side
Well actually I forgot to mention
It is easy to create these things if you're using a common action,,fitness.walk with the common object fitness.course
I've done it and it works. However I do not want this and I don't think you do either
There is also "Endoapp" which as published their HTML Graph object here
3:21 PM
Can you think of any companies that do custom maps on Facebook. They would be worth contacting
I haven't tried fitness.walk be it might be good enough
great one thank you. You may come into problems in the review process. I don't know if they will allow it. May be worth a shot though
one also called "Strava"
actually I don't have any other idea to make this work
and I'm already having delay on the app release because of that ...
Yes I've been using strava and run keeper but the endomondo is further proof that we can do what we want.
We must be missing something
yep, I'll have a deeper look at the HTML Graph Object endomondo has published and see if what I haven't put in mine
for instance there's the "description" tag
3:25 PM
description is optional
"og:determiner" ?
That is the letter used before the object i think
again optional
Have you seen this endomondo object working as a map story?
the doc says "og:type" and "og:title" are required, but the doc is the doc ... maybe there are other fields that should be given
By the way, why are you saying that using fitness.walk will be easier ?
uhmmm I have an idea
because these are built into the Facebook Open Graph API so it handles the fitness objects automatically. You can test it yourself. You don't need to create a custom action or object.
in the endomondo object, the altitude is given for the GeoPoint
3:34 PM
Yea that's not necessary either I don't think (not when i did it before anyway)
I will give a try
you can have a look at my fitness.course object
You can even use that one for testing
You can see on that one I've linked to another file which contains my location data. This is what Facebook suggest
So in Graph API Explorer
me/ put that in the main bar and make sure its a POST
and then add a course field with the URL pointing to a course object
To make it go straight on your timeline add the field fb:explicitly_shared and the value true
what application should I select in the dropdown list ?
Erm think just your one might do it
even if I haven't created an action that use the fitness.course object ?
here is the answer
"error": {
"message": "(#100) You haven't enabled Explicitly Shared for this action type (136756243136948) yet. Please update your Open Graph settings in the App Dashboard",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100
3:48 PM
Wait one I'll have a look at mine
Ok I lied, create the common action type Bike (it will say I think do you want to use the common one) and the common object type Course. You do not need to create a custom story
strange, an action appeared with name "run"
I don't remember to have created it ...
That is strange
FB created it for me when I tried to launch the POST
(not bad this timae, tthx FB)
of so I activated the Explicitly Shared in that action and successfully posted the message
but I can't see it on my wall ...
3:54 PM
On your own timeline?/
even if I go the Activity log
yes my timeline sorry
Did you select your app from the drop down on the GraphApiExplorer
I have no idea then :/
this is maybe you have the <meta property="fb:app_id" content="1461193724161402" /> in the html graph object that is not my app id
3:57 PM
Ah yes that will do it. Sorry! forgot about that. You can duplicate it though
I will try to create my HTML graph object for fitness.course
Well, it's 8pm here so I have to stop working ^^
many thanks again for your help
(by the way, I'm pretty new to StackOverflow chat. Will this room stay openned?)
I'm not sure. Email me and we can create a chat some other time if not
ok cool
see ya
not sure what time is it at your place, but have a good day/night
see you

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