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1:08 AM
Q: Project builds in ios7 but not ios8

Jack CowanI downloaded and have been working on one of the treehouse projects (ribbit - snap chat clone is a stretch) and for some reason the project builds with my simulator running ios7 but it won't build in ios8. All my targets are set correctly so thats not the issue. Ive combed through forums with s...

Q: Convert curl GET to javascript fetch

user3430761I am able to successfully retrieve an object from parse using command below: curl -X GET \ -H "X-Parse-Application-Id:1231231231" \ -H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: 131231231" \ -G \ --data-urlencode 'where={"uid":"12312312"}' \ https://api.parse.com/1/classes/birthday` But I'm struggling converting ...

Q: CorePlot and Parse compatibility?

Lee PaulI am adding CorePlot library into an app project using Parse as database. I followed the setup steps in CorePlot documentation but came across about 50 error messages, and I found the error messages occurs when I add -ObjC to other linker flags after adding other necessary files of CorePlot. Se...

1:46 AM
Q: Parse Query Missing Values

EmmaI have an array of Parse objectIds called objectStrings I'm running a query to fetch all objects that are contained in the objectStrings but many of the objects are not returned in the query. I double checked my backend and the objectIds in objectStrings are valid. var queryRestaurants = PFQuer...

2:24 AM
Q: Using Parse.com pointers to query data from two classes , pointer value exception

Doaa DwidarI am new to Android development in general, and Parse.com particularly. I'm trying to run a simple project where I have two classes (grades) and (subjects), where each of the subjects have a pointer to a certain grade (using objectId). The if condition catches a ParseRequesException "gradePoint...

2 hours later…
3:58 AM
Q: Updating Parse Class By Adding Favorite's Pointer To User

Joshua HartI'm trying to add a new feature to my app, the app features Jobs from around the world. Currently the user can tap on a tab bar button and see a list of jobs to choose from. From that table view controller the user can choose to take a look at a job by tapping the table view cell which brings t...

4:43 AM
Q: How to access object from pointer?

Ega Setya PutraI have an application where the user get notified whenever there is a new comment on their post. I'm using parse as a backend. I have following data structure Comment table objectId Comment commentedPost Post table objectId createdBy and I already set a pointer(to PFU...

5:21 AM
Q: parse.uri is not assignable

Java_Maniaccom.parse.uri.parse loginactivity is not assignable to android.app.activity <activity android:name="com.parse.ui.ParseLoginActivity" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleTop"> <meta-data android:name="com.parse...

5:59 AM
Q: how to create custom rest api in android using parse.com

user2531023I am using parse.com for using backend in android, so can i create my own custom Api so that i can reduce the Api calls using parse.com. I am creating one sample application where the users has to register and i need to check whether the registered user is online or not. so now i m retrieving th...

2 hours later…
7:33 AM
Q: Save duration with precision in Parse.com

RamI want to save duration in Parse.com. What can be better way to do this: Using Number or using Date. Duration can be in milliseconds or can be hours of may be days. For example: duration = 5 seconds duration = 2 days duration = 50 milliseconds

7:54 AM
Q: Data (image) from Parse.com not displaying when orderByDescending but works fine when orderByAscending

rootkitHi am new to parse and android so bare with me.I have a parse.com query which gets data from parse.com and displays it in a listview ( http://www.androidbegin.com/tutorial/android-parse-com-listview-images-and-texts-tutorial/ ) the problem is i want it to show the most recently saved image first ...

8:53 AM
Q: The method setDefaultPushCallback from the type PushService is deprecated using android

using_codingI am newbie in android. I have been dealing with the problem of deprecated method at push service using parse services. I have followed similar question for the similar problem here but can't get the solution. In My main application class i am dealing with this problem, the code is given below fo...

2 hours later…
10:53 AM
Q: Parse How to add variables in the Email Verification Mail Template

Veeresh MathCan I add other variables in Email Template like %fullName%? Parse has provided %username%, %email%, %appname% and %link%. I want to add %fullName% in the email content, so user can see his full name while validating email ID sent by Parse.

11:04 AM
Q: Parse Notifications for android (No GCM)

Sandeep RandhawaI have Tried using Parse Push notifications for android device, the gcm push through Parse.com works fine for me. But when i am trying to use Parse.com to send pushes directly to my app without gcm. Its not working for me. I have parse receiver in my AndroidManifest.xml. And application is gettin...

11:53 AM
Q: Parse.com saveAllInBackground doesn't work inside deleteAllInBackground

55597I am trying to save a list of parseobjects using save all in background. To avoid duplices in the table, I am querying for the already existing rows and deleting them if any and save the new copy. The ParseObject.saveAllInBackground gets execued, the callbacks are getting called, but no rows are...

12:05 PM
Q: Custom verification email from Parse.com Setting

Nibha JainWhen user registered through my Android App Parse.com sends a verification email to registered email id. I am using setting -> email option for sending verification email in Parse.com. Now My client wants a verification email with html content. I can not see any option to customize the default ...

12:23 PM
Q: how can I adjust the ACL of existing posts on Parse.com

user2843976I have 4.5K posts in my parse.com application. now the most of them have only read access but I want to adjust all these records to have read / write or add an extra role with the read / write access. also the roles part is not really clear for me. how Can I create an subscriber role for example...

12:58 PM
Q: PFImageView not popping up in the window

Pedro.AlonsoI'm trying my hand at parse with a snapchat clon and everything is going fine, but when I have to display the images for the user the PFImageView is not showing up, I have no idea as no errors show up just no subview. The offending part: func checkForMessages() { if PFUser.currentUser()?.usern...

1:32 PM
Q: Cell reuse beginner? Tapping button in one cell affects another

Anthony SaltarelliI have a TableViewController with a custom cell. When I tap the like button inside one of the cells, it is causing at least one other cell to have the like button tapped. I am using Parse, and it is not affecting the actual like count of the second one which is being ghost tapped, but it is dis...

Q: Async issue with Parse.com Cloud Code and Promises

mcclaskiemI currently have two functions that I am using to collect all of the objects that point to a "project object" in my case they are boards. function getAllBoards(projectObjects) { var toGet = _.map(projectObjects, getProjectBoards); return Parse.Promise.when(toGet); } The above functio...

Q: parse.com "error: unauthorized" when trying to save object

Joseph EbeyI am using masterkey yet still getting unauthorized error when trying to save an object. Can anyone figure out why? I can see that "started making ticket" gets logged. and the request.params all pull the correct information. Also, a side question...I am under the impression that if response.err...

2:08 PM
Q: parse.com revocable sessions behavior - looking for simple tutorials

DiegoI'm struggling to understand parse revocable sessions. I'm doing some test on my app to learn how to use them. I already have a sign-up log-in system working as intended.My test is simple. I launch the simulator 5s and login with a user, then i close it and launch the 6 and login the same user. I...

3 hours later…
4:45 PM
Q: Include Key counts as API request? (PARSE)

PeterI have a final parse query that include two subqueries and an include: key that fetches the data of a PFUser. In the storyboard class the @"createdBy" is a pointer to a PFUser, not the actual object itself. All of this results in one API request, correct? PFQuery *images = [PFQuery queryWith...

5:16 PM
Q: Unable to get values of Pointer Fields values Parse + React

Akshay AroraI am making a React + Parse app. To model a relation, I have used a pointer field pointing to object of another class in one of my class. var OfferListings = React.createClass({ mixins: [ParseReact.Mixin], observe: function(){ var off = (new Parse.Query('OffersLive')); ...

5:36 PM
Q: Parse.com URL Javascript

user2579706We're using Parse.com as our backend. We're setting up a service so that any user (who logs in or makes an account) can create an "Event". This "event" would include a date, location, description, title, etc. I've configured the schema so that this works. But here's the problem: I need this to...

6:23 PM
Q: How to Save PFFile to Object on iOS 9

KingofmitI get this problem upgrading to iOS 9, the Parse Framework doesn't work completely. I'm not able to retrive PFFiles & I'm not able to save any PFobject that has PFFile inside it. This is my Code that was working on iOS 8.3: -(void)Save{ ...... NSData *imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresent...

3 hours later…
9:22 PM
Q: Parse.com - Android - searching for 3 objects in large object list

Cooper ScottFirst off, I am using Parse.com database system. In my android application the user selects which person they are (all that data is already loaded into the database). The user is saved and remembers. The application is a for a local Volleyball tournament my church hosts. I have an activity tha...

10:05 PM
Q: Android Gradle product Flavors with Parse Push Notifications

cold_brewI am trying to send Push notifications via Parse and integrating product flavors. When I implement product flavors, i am not able to receive Parse Push Notifications. Does anyone have any advise on correcting this issue Gradle app file: apply plugin: 'com.android.application' android { compile...

Q: editing table fields in parse.com

Lex MarsI am having an issue adding a user to my User class in the parse database.The only results after i restart my parse.com webpage in my User's table is Users android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatEditText{258e641a VFED..CL ........ 20,68-684,159 #7f0c0051 app:id/userloginname} Bankgo Maniw I want...

10:35 PM
Q: Can anyone help me understand why my PFUser subclass crashes on save()?

SilverstarI've done the required steps Subclassed PFUser class OYUser: PFUser, PFSubclassing { func bio() -> String { if self["bio"] != nil { return self["bio"] as! String } else { return "" } } } I've imported PFObject+Subclass.h in my bridge file I've registered the PFUser subclass in...

10:53 PM
Q: Android, Get a pointer to a ParseObject

PseduosanceHow do you get a pointer to a parse object? For example, my ParseUser has a column called "school", which is a pointer to a Parse class "School" school Pointer<School> I am able to get a ParseObject of type School, however, I don't know how to get a pointer to this School ParseObject so I can...

11:43 PM
posted on June 25, 2015 by Roger That

I hope and feel like this is a simple question, but can't figure it out. Working with Parse Cloud code, I want to get the latitude and longitude from a Parse Geopoint. var loc = new Parse.GeoPoint(request.object.get('location')); console.log(loc); console shows: {"__type":"GeoPoint","latitude":52.3735104,"longitude":4.9022084} How do I extract those values?


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