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6:07 AM
@AbdulJabbar the animation effect when the page loads graph will plot but its not supporting in explorer 10 ,8...
5 hours later…
10:53 AM
@John hey john, regarding your csv file issue, what's the status? have you read all the values already?
once you have read the values, what you need to do is fairly simple.. which is:
making a sourceData 'array of arrays' like we did in the code
next up will be array of dates.. make that
after that, for the RNA series, you will need to make the data series.. as you can see the data is an array of objects ([] indicate array and {} indicate objects)
so you will make an array like:
obj = {x:'', y: '', extprop: '', color: ''} this will be your object
now you need to populate this object for each point and push it into data array
for example, for the first point: obj.x = 0; obj.y = 99.43; obj.extprop = 'power issues';
that's how you will make your third and final required array
yes , if you see the code that i have already questioned in this link : stackoverflow.com/questions/25686870/… in this link the loop i have given in the php code ...
once you have your three arrays, sourceData, dates, data
then you will just have to replace them in that fiddle code and vola
actually i haven't done any work in php so that's why i don't know how youre reading that data or what's happening with it
below the trend line values that is plotting in the graph that should be the red color and whic i have looped in php script
if you need any help in javascript, html, css.. then im here
cant help you much in php
hmm k ....thanks very much very much you helped me lot .. and if u dont understand i will help in php all looping statments i like almost javascript ... that i mentioned above link in that replied by 'wergeld' ... once please check the code
11:17 AM
and in the function : formatter: function () {
return dates[this.value];
}, the dates[this.value] means which values i have to pause
11:57 AM
i have one more question please help , when mouse over on the trend line the points are highlighting ...how to disable to points showing on the trend line when mouse over
or how to change the color of the graph and trend line,

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