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7:32 PM
A: mule flow to create and download files

David DossotThere's a design flaw in your approach. should be the place where the expected response is created: Fix @Produces so it returns text/csv, Move the logic of appendData into postOperation, Set the Content-Disposition header inside postOperation. Thus, there shou...

Set the Content-Disposition header inside postOperation. How do I set in my Rest class file? Do I set both mimetype and content type in Java is better?
And no: keep using @Produces for the response content type.
I have added return Response.ok(res).header("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=QuickbooksAccountsJava.iif").build(); made @Produces("text/csv") and having only rest call in mule. But file still doesn't download.
Can you pastebin a curl -v interaction please? I'd like to see the exact response, including headers.
updated above, I am using rest client from Chrome and in windows env.
7:32 PM
Things look good: why do you say it doesn't work?
File doesn't download to my local system. As I had informed earlier, If I dont have java component, A file called QuickbooksAccountsJava.iif use download locally to my system, I need this file to proceed further.
7:47 PM
If I remove the Rest call in my mule flow, a file gets downloaded to m local system.
honestly I don't get it
from Chrome Rest it seems all is good
the right content-disposition header is there
not sure what else you want?
My requirement is download a file with the payload contents.
I see the payload in Chrome Rest
I see !TRNS and whatnot
it seems the content is correct
yes content is correct, but I need that content in the file attachment
that is the reason I have put <set-property propertyName="mimeType" value="text/csv" doc:name="Property"/>
<set-property propertyName="Content-Disposition" value="attachment;filename=QuickbooksAccountsJava.iif" doc:name="Property"/>
but you get the exact same headers with pure JAX-RS, as you can see from Chrome
oh I see there's this mimeType header that's different
that's not a standard HTTP header
I think you meant Content-Type
7:59 PM
anyway, I still don't get the problem
is the file downloading?
if you HTTP POST on localhost:9192/QBRest/post{an_id} do you get the response file back?
now I have clicked Save as file then it is downloading.
wait, what?
how do you POST on this URL?
but that downloads the response content
right, that's what you want right?
8:02 PM
it wont do auto download the file?
I don't understand "auto-download"
how do you do the HTTP POST?
from a form on a web page?
via an Ajax call?
when I run a sample application without rest call, i get a file downloaded automatically to my local system and the file name is QuickbooksAccountsJava.iif
how do you do the HTTP POST?
If I include rest component in my mule flow, I am expecting same file to be loaded with the content.
ok, is there a different way to do that?
and it is, as you can see from Chrome
I really don't understand the issue
8:06 PM
where is that file in Chrome?
it depends where you saved it
I didnot give any special path for it, how do I get the path for it?
it's when you save the response from the HTTP POST
how do you do the HTTP POST?
I do http post by selecting operation as POST, then give url and then input data in Payload and click Send by using Chrome
so this is what's visible in the screen shot
8:10 PM
yes, correct
I was wondering if you had another application, like a web application, calling this endpoint on Mule via an HTML form
so if you save the file, is the content correct or bad?
no idnot have web application, I just use mule flows with rest client
OK, then, I think you're good, it seems the data Mule sends is correct
is there anyway that I can specify the file location to download to particular location?

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