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5:39 PM
Hello guys, I trying to connect to my database that resides in a virtual machine that is using linux centos version 5.11 as it's operating system.
I'm trying to connect to it using mysql workbench but I'm getting this strange error: "IO Error: [Errno 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
I'm tried to setup a new connection in mysql workbench and the connection method that I used was standard tcp/ip using ssh and it asked for my ssh hostname, password and username and mysql hostname, password and username. I know that all the information I put for ssh is correct but I'm not sure if the information for mysql is correct because I don't know where I can get that information in my centos virtual machine.
opps, I forgot to add that it is also asking for mysql server port that my database uses.
6:31 PM
Hi Luis,
you will get this error as your public ip address is not white listed to access that db.
so you have to add your ip address so that your connection works fine

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