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4:22 PM
@TehShrike I'm messing around with a node module - for its api, I'm thinking it should interact with mysql via a getter for a pool
myModule.init({ getPool: function() { return somePool; });
does that seem reasonable?
in contrast, there's another module I'm already using that requires the mysql configuration and handles its own connections.
I don't see the need in that.
The philosophy seems bad, actually. It would be like using some data to instantiate a class, then rather than passing that object to something else that needs it, you just pass the data and make it instantiate its own object. I imagine that could be useful in some circumstance, but I don't see a mysql connection being one of them.
4:45 PM
hi guys
guys i'm involve with a situation that i'm gonna change my users id data type in mysql and i'm about to prepair my application to support 150k users and currently i have 56k users and my data type is medume int 6
what data type do you suggest for 150k users???
5:16 PM
@Mahan an unsigned mediumint should be plenty. dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/integer-types.html
5:44 PM
well i'll check it. tnx pal
@TehShrike reading it now. I think I just got my head around generators and oh my. Oh my.
4 hours later…
9:40 PM
@TehShrike I doubt I understand anything about programming anyway, but one thing that really strikes out to me about micro-service architecture is that it sounds like services would have their own database, and at that, one table in that database.
MongoDB would be the way to go if that were the case, I think.
10:14 PM
@m59 That's not the case in my mind, but I suppose someone could argue for that
I think different services would need different sets of tables from the same schema
The code would be much nicer.
but perhaps AWFUL performance
All the relational data would be added by services making their own queries.
10:50 PM
@m59 yeah, I think that would be a mistake to give up all the advantages of a relational database
Then the problem comes in again that it seems like the two can't work together @TehShrike
Relational data is always coupled to what it relates to.
@m59 I think you read that article differently than I did
Looking at the library he was talking about, it seemed to deal with documents, not one datum at a time
one document/action that could relate to multiple tables
I dunno...
like, you would generate an invoice via some ui
and throw the whole invoice document at seneca
and it would do all the validation/accounting entries/inventory adjusting via different microservices
which could all involve different sets of tables
and then the saving microservice would insert the invoice and lineitems themselves
11:09 PM
As much as I study, I think it makes me worse.
it seems like study takes a while to sink in
have you watched infoq.com/presentations/Simple-Made-Easy yet? It's pretty much the best when it comes to software
All this sounds cool until I try to write something
I think I seriously can only write bad code now.
well, I just can't write anything better because it's always wrong, so I'd rather stick with the wrong that's fast and I know works.
11:28 PM
that Rich Hickey video is the best general principle I've been able to grasp
the way he talks about complex versus simple makes sense for everything from a single function to whatever grand architecture you could talk about

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