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12:03 PM
Den, hi man, sorry for disturbing you
but I was wondering whether you could assist me with a problem related to AS library
it is imported and gradle knows about it because I can click on the import statement and brings me to the file, so no errors what so ever
but when I compile it
it tells me
Error:(23, 40) error: cannot find symbol class TessBaseAPI
although in settings.gradle I have this
include ':app', ':tess-two'
project(':tess-two').projectDir = new File('libraries/tess-two')
and when I do control click it works
If I am taking from your time just ignore me, thank you for the attention
heh, I've seen that kind of shit before, when was trying to use library project with no gradle
can you specify somehow a structure of your project, of library project and gradle files (there should be two build.gradle and one settings.gradle)
maybe make a gist?
I do have that
I followed this tutorial
and it is ok
the AS knows when I make automatic import to ask me
and if I check the library he says it is ok
oh, I've seen that tutorial also
I can make a gist
just tell me of what
it's correct. But there was only one little thing that made my project work. let me see
12:09 PM
ok, thank you, I really hate learning all those setups with all new IDE-s
so irritating, and gradle is much different than maven
found it
look. I assume you have a build.gradle file for your app's module, right?
It almost surely has dependency parrt
the fist one is build.gradle
of the plugin
the second is settings.gradle of the project
show me buildgradle file of your app's module
I added comments for gists
see, If not - I'll be back in an hour, we'll see what's wrong
ok 10x
yes it worked
but instead of
I had to add only
although tess-two is in the libraries folder
1:02 PM
1:16 PM
can I close this room?
@DenRimus one last thing
Thank you once more for helping me, you are so kind
usually when you get something like this it means
the libs/jars
are not properly compilable
so I can basically remove them and put them one by one to see which one is faulty?
thank you once more, you're a good man
about this last one - I don't know, I had this stack once and it was because of my mistake in configurating libs. It was like I added one lib twice
so I can't give more help here
1:32 PM
I see
yes, cheers

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