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3:41 PM
And here we are.
How do I add this to my "favorite rooms"?
Indeed ^^
Nice, fresh room :-)
@rdlowrey To the right of Two Crowns
A star.
oh, duh.
3:42 PM
The universal symbol for "favorite/bookmark"
@rdlowrey thanks, I never knew there's such a function, lol
browser bookmark worked just fine
@kelunik It's useful because after a restart or something you get a "rejoin favorite rooms" link on the right when you come to a room
@Levi I'd preferred a nicer ID like 50000 :-D
We could attempt to make that room and migrate ^^
lol, but had the same idea ^^
3:44 PM
well, that's not worth it ^^
3:58 PM
Ah… How I missed these zend_mm_heap corruptions -.- Haven't touched php-src for too long :-D
Hmm ...
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Closure::__set_state() in Z:\php\Arya\var\routes.cache on line 11
Getting that from FastRoute ...
Ah, I know why
4:11 PM
Hm, at least you know why, I don't know why I'm getting but a retry function helps ^^
My problem is because one of the route callables is a Closure. So when FastRoute serializes it as part of the route caching it results in breakage because it can't be unserialized
I don't get why closures aren't serializable under some form… code or bytecode
@kelunik Well it means (quite simply) that the socket is dead. It could be because the server closed it unexpectedly. Or it could be that Artax is failing to check for liveness before reusing an already connected socket (something I could address).
@rdlowrey is it worth doing a PR to Artax for better Exceptions or do you already have this in your unpushed repo?
Honestly, I have to rewrite the whole thing anyway so you'd kind of be wasting your time.
4:22 PM
Your best bet is just to implement them for yourself if you like (maybe in a fork)
It's something I can do in a couple of days. Might be able to get to it in the coming week.
It's working right now, but if you'll rewrite that anyway, implementing it in a fork is the same waste of time ^^
Yeah, I'm going to rewrite the whole thing
4:36 PM
Well, as I learn more and become a better developer what was once a good solution no longer seems so :)
Who had that bad idea to make char's signed by default -.- Took me some time to figure out that I was comparing against a negative number…
The good thing re: artax rewrite is that what originally took forever to do was learning all the ins and outs of the http protocol. Now I'm able to burn through and re-design more than I have to actually rewrite.
The first artax iteration took six months.
4:40 PM
The second took two weeks
I expect the next one to take two or three days
6:41 PM
@bwoebi and @kelunik I've pushed up the fast-route integration changes (and some others). There will be some breakage with your existing app.
Otherwise you just need to update your route strings to use the fast-route format
^^ @cryptic ツ If you're using arya for anything you'll probably want to know about this
7:23 PM
woot! got openssl building now on leviathon ...
(old) openssl
9:26 PM
@rdlowrey not sure why you made two different files here…
9:50 PM
^^ I just 'taught' a class on how to use the supercomputer
Everyone was yawning and they had no questions, so I quit 30 minutes early.
I was hoping that since they were grad students they'd be more attentive. Nope.
10:07 PM
Should you have parse errors in production? No. But separating the files allows arya to show a friendly error message whether you're in debug mode or by hiding the problem from end users in production.
To capture parse errors you have to separate the code that you can gaurantee as parse-able (arya code) from the code you can't (user code)
Well… if we have parse errors in the router itself… something goes fundamentally wrong anyway…
That's the least problem then I think…
Well, I tend to agree.
Maybe I'll remove that protection.
11:45 PM
@RonniSkansing FYI if you're using arya you may want to idle here. Everyone who does is working with it :)
11:55 PM
Although most of my contribution lately has been: hey, go use leviathon! :)
That contribution cannot be understated. Saves me a ton of time!
Learning the ropes of php-src would have been exponentially more painful having to constantly build things on a slower box
@rdlowrey Not sure if people will get the ping…
Yeah, I tried to invite him to the room too but idk it's not a big deal

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