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02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

2:54 AM
given array ["or", "we", "al"]
how do you add every element with every other element
for some reason doing a join on a very large multi dimensional string array takes forever
[["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]].map(&:join)
where [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]] would be a very large array
4 hours later…
7:25 AM
hi anyone know how to use grack in ruby on rails application?
4 hours later…
11:28 AM
@Nima What is the desired output?
1 hour later…
12:42 PM
1:01 PM
Good morning
Good morning, all!! I have my new mouse :-)
@WayneConrad and others from this room -- I will send out the next batch of invites tonight.
Excellent... thanks!
I meant to do a lot of things last night, but I keep on slacking off or stuff... I need to manage my time much better after work
I didn't do much last night either. I was lagging after not enough sleep that morning.
1:10 PM
I also wanted to wait until more than 2 people were ready to be invited
My concern for the group right now is that there is little activity. Few people are introducing themselves, unless I ask them too.
Will it be bad if I don't socially network? I'm not a big social networker... this chat room is about it.
@meagar, @JanDvorak, @JonathanMusso what are your thoughts on the group so far? Not to single you guys out, but you did sign up :P
@WayneConrad Not bad. I mean I would prefer everyone to at least introduce themselves. I will be rolling out the first challenge this weekend (Friday)
Good; the weekend is when I'll (hopefully) have time to do challenges.
1:18 PM
Yes, and hopefully more people will just talk and participate :-/
This is the first online group that I've organized, and I already see the struggle!
I'll be sure to introduce myself.
Thank you.
@HunterStevens needs some activity ;-)
...I may send the invites out during lunch. I just don't want to take up work hours preoccupied with PP/PJ
1:20 PM
What do you suggest I do, @JanDvorak? Release the first puzzle tonight?
I can wait, I'm just thinking aloud ;-)
Think out loud even more!!
... and now my Spotify Mobile has crashed again
day 20 in Haskell: go!
day 20 in Haskell: done
part A, that is
Wow, Javascript is slow :-D
Everything's slow if you try hard enough
Should the URL be programjam or program-jam?
1:37 PM
google recommends hyphen over underscore, and punctuation over no punctuation.
remember the hyphen site?
main = let sf50 n = sum [n `div` q | q <- [1..50] , n `mod` q == 0]
       in  putStrLn $ "day 20b: " ++ show (find (\x -> 11 * sf50 x >= 34000000) [1..])
^ finishes under a minute
I have test code, and I have the non-test code. Is there a better name for "non-test code"? The comment I am writing is "This exists as a class method for the convenience of tests. Non-test code should use TableTracker#set_migrated". "Non-test" seems clunky.
@JanDvorak I've studied just enough to know that there's a list comprehension there, and that's about all.
Non-test seems fine
@WayneConrad Hint: the top-level expression is a let..in expression that defines an sf50 function.
Okay, about to call it program jam....
1:51 PM
Slack meta message sent... I just need to figure out how to email everyone on the team, if that is possible.
@HunterStevens I'd prepare multiple problem sets ahead of time, otherwise activity will be low for this group I think.
@JonathanMusso I am going to start off with Puzzle Node problems
@JanDvorak @meagar @JonathanMusso @WayneConrad -- do you think a problem like this is too difficult/"much" for the first week -- puzzlenode.com/puzzles/1-international-trade
It's not too difficult for me. Looks like I'd learn something useful about an MRI quirk.
What about for the group?
2:01 PM
I don't know.
I wish it weren't XML... XML is a PITA. But that's just me whining.
XML is bloated but it's quite parseable. Hopefully my Nokogiri install works.
... or maybe I should learn two different parsers in Haskell? Should be fun, too.
Should I try a different site? Maybe run through advent of code?
"Some conversion rates are missing; you will need to derive them using the information provided." - but it's unclear how exactly we should do that. Even if we assume no rounding, there is redundant information in the input.
AoC starts off easy, so you might drop some of the earlier ones
Okay.. I could have people work on Days 1-5 for one week.
Even 1-7
2:06 PM
Most of the locals have already completed AoC AoC 1-19a already, though.
I know but you can always use a different language :-)
Or method of solving
I've already done Javascript and Haskell, and Ruby's too easy :-D
I seem to recall that rails adds special #to_s methods to Time.
2:08 PM
I want to ask the group, but I do not want to keep spamming everyone with the @everyone ping
@WayneConrad As well as Vanilla Ruby (2.2.1)
Heck, day 1 of AoC is very easy even in Logisim :-D
Okay, I will "release" those challenges tonight,
@HunterStevens I don't see them. I was thinking of this
2:17 PM
Yes, that is Rails-only -- the formatting method
2:32 PM
Hi everybody
Oh, and I can't have those methods. My project is just activerecord, but not rails. Oh well.
@NhatTan Howdy!
I know there are plenty of developer job boards (freelance or full-time). But all that aside, are there any IT-related job boards around? (Not for myself)
@HunterStevens stackoverflow.com/jobs
That's probably not what you were thinking of, or you wouldn't have asked.... but I don't really know.
I've only seen developer ones. Also, this person does not have a stackoverflow profile
2:52 PM
morning :D
@HunterStevens is this person more of a dev ops engineer?
IT is too broad, what areas?
yeah what he said ^
IDK what devops is... But right now he has not programmed since taking a college course (a couple years). And is currently teaching himself linux
dev ops refers to the configuration of servers and such, ie setting up the tools for developers, ie bind9 nginx rvm etc etc
given an array of stings:
["a", "b", "c"], i would like all possible combination of strings like:
["aa", ab", "ac", "bb", "ba", "bc", "cc" "ca" "cb"]
that way i thought of doing it was finding the product and the doing a join:
["a", "b", "c"].product(["a", "b", "c"]).map(&:join)
2:58 PM
@HunterStevens There is so much...hardware, networking, monitoring, engineering, security..list goes on and on. What's his interest(s)?
He enjoys working with servers -- he has a media server and ftp server running through his RPis.
@Nima There is also a permutation method. You'd just have to join the array to itself first to get the 'aa' 'bb' 'cc' elements
I mean, if there is no single job board, or group of them, he just needs to post to things like CareerBuilder
Maybe system administration then, or similar to what @Chris suggested.
Thanks, everyone
3:00 PM
the problem is that the array is HUGE. so doing the join takes time
@JonathanMusso what you doing ...making my speakers beep :P
@Nima Oh found it... ['a', 'b', 'c'].repeated_permutation(2)
apparently thats a thing :o
@Chris beep beep I'ma j33p
Official jeep hashtag -- #O|||||||O
3:03 PM
@JonathanMusso your interrupting my groove salad listening :P
@Chris and now you're interrupting my Rockabilly, fooooooooo! ^_^
doing the permutation* is not the problem, but doing : .to_a.map(&:join)
is what is causing a slow down
@Nima I don't know how to make that faster, other than not doing it.
3:06 PM
@Nima, can you post a gist of what you are trying?
@Nima I wasn't exactly being flippant -- what I mean is that real speedups will probably be the result of different algorithms rather than optimizations.
sure. basically interview question was this:

process the dictionary and look for all six letter words which are composed of two concatenated smaller words.

For example:
al + bums => albums
we + aver => weaver
tail + or => tailor

wordlist.txt (huge list of words.. including..)
@HunterStevens @WayneConrad enjoy the challenge!
That said, be sure you're using a very modern Ruby. What you're doing exercises the garbage collector heavily; Ruby has made some advances in it's garbage collector.
i solved the problem but its a bit slow to process, takes a few seconds..
That seems fast enough to me.
3:14 PM
@Nima, I would solve it something like this. From the file, create a hash like full = { 'tailor' => [ ['tail', 'or'], ['ta', 'ilor'] ], ... } Then you take all 2/4 letter words and make combinations of them. Then, you check if the hash's values are included in the combinations array.
Something like that
Without seeing the entire problem, it is hard for me to come up with actual code. (I am like that -- I need the actual problem, not reworded or abbreviated)
that is the entire problem
lol .. but how do you know tailor is composed of "tail" and"or" ..?
there could be other 6 letter words in there than are not composed of 2 smaller words
i solved in a silly way though:
find all the words that contain 6 letters,
find the smallest length word in the dictionary
the find all the possible word lengths between the smallest word and 6 that can some up to 6 so example:
smallest length: 2
so like: (2..6)
then find all the words that fall between that range
then do a product on those to get all word combinations between (2..6)
finally do an intersect with all 6 letter words to see which combination match
I would loop through all of the 6 letter words, and check for existence of currentWord[0..1] && currentWord[2..5] and/or currentWord[0..3] && currentWord[4..5].
basically the same as @HunterStevens
right so break up the 6 letter words into "possible matches"
and then look for those words inside the dictionary ?
instead of me doing it the other way around.. which is creating all possible matches and verifying them agains the 6 letter words
3:24 PM
it looks like im doing a lot of work for nothing then :(
if the first one doesn't exist you && out early and don't have to loop again
so it might be more efficient to check the 4 letter word first because it is probably less likely to exist
what if there is something like:
there could be, I just surmised there wouldn't be from the sample set
but you can also check currentWord[0..2] && currentWord[3..5].
oh yea i dont know if there any guarantees of whats in that file (it was a huge file)
3:28 PM
maybe check 1 + 5 and 5 + 1 too
right so i have to figure out all the numbers that sum up to be 6
from the smallest word length..6
And if you wanted it to be a tad faster you could make arrays or some such containing specific lengths instead of searching the whole giant file again
that would be good, then you also know if the arrays of 1, 3, or 5 char items are empty that you don't need to process them
and be sure to remove duplicates from those too
3:32 PM
then rewrite in a compiled language to increase speed further ;)
Morning all
Reading and laughing: medium.com/@wob/…
What does included do mean in a module?
@Fuser97381 When the module is included, the block given to included will be called. There are several uses for this. One use is so that the module can mix in class methods automatically.
3:42 PM
module Foo
  module ClassMethods
    def a_klass_method
  included do |includer|
    includer.extend ClassMethods
  def an_instance_method
I have a friend at Google who linked me to a few issues coming out of their security research team:
Gah I hate antivirus programs
Question is, why is Google still using Google code?
Basically AVG and TrendMicro install tons of crap (without asking you) which is so wildly insecure that any site can access it and do things like execute arbitrary code silently, steal all of your passwords stored in the "password safe", access the content of any website you've visited (ie banking)...
So those two issues #675 and #693 are only public now because the vendors responded to Google with a patch
The scary thing is how many issue numbers between those are still private, indicating flaws that are not yet fixed.
3:48 PM
Which is why I do not like Chrome -- it is not open source! Firefox +1
This wouldn't matter
It's nothing to do with Chrome, is the AVG/TrendMicro installers silently installing back-doors into your browser
Clearly we should all go back to Telnet
How about Gopher?
Also @HunterStevens chromium.org/Home
Chrome is basically the Google-branded and redistributed version of Chromium, which is open source
@meagar Are those issues limited to just Chrome then? Chrome is not supposed to be different than Chromium EXCEPT FOR Google Branding
3:51 PM
I'm not sure; all I know is that they do affect Google Chrome
The security researcher in question is specifically examining which 3rd party plugins are being silently installed into Chrome by various products
If installed into Chrome, it will also be installed into Chromium, right? Since they both require the webstore.
... And then giving people hell for installing broken shit without the user's knowledge or permission :p
@meagar please tell me your not running windows
@Chris I have a Windows desktop where I game, and a Mac laptop where I work
3:53 PM
i see ;)
... And also an Ubuntu VM under Windows where I work on non-work work
Again, Firefox exclusive on all platforms :-)
ff FTW
@meagar Man this one is bad
Why exactly I should prefer ff android over chrome android?
3:55 PM
@Cereal Yeah, they're pretty brutal
@HunterStevens But chromium :(
@JanDvorak You can install extensions like Ghostery and uBlock origin, like we talked about last month
Netscape? :P
I just like the thought of Google's own security researcher face-palming so hard
@Jared +1
3:56 PM
@meagar I Like his emails. "wtf is this"
@HunterStevens true. Excellent stuff.
It must be hard when Chrome gets blamed for things like this, all the while people are installing these insane plugins
Firefox was the fusion of Netscape and IE. It even had a toggle switch between layouts back in the day
So does Konqueror
3:58 PM
And no one even mentions Opera :(
Google is responsible. They already force users to download from the chrome store. So shouldn't they monitor plugins? They must also be aware (and plan for the fact) that most users know zero about exploits.
Today, Opera is basically Chromium but rebranded.
This isn't the Chrome Store
Firefox is different because it runs on the Gecko engine.
This is 3rd party installers back-dooring plugins into Chrome
3:58 PM
@Jared Ah, the red chromium. I like it.
@meagar My mistake then.
Like, you, the user, have chosen to download and run AVG from a 3rd party, at which point you pretty much trust AVG to do whatever it wants to your computer
@meagar Ghostery on Chromium (any) DOES NOT allow tracker blocking. Only Firefox allows such permissions.
This is why I use Bitdefender
AFAIK that's the whole point of Ghostery? What would it do in Chrome if not block trackers?
4:02 PM
Block cookies
I've got to say I don't care nearly that much about my online privacy
Bring on the targetted ads
(Unless I got it mixed up. But either way Chrome Ghostery lacks half of its features)
They clearly don't work, since all the ads I've gotten this year have been in frnech
It works for me. I also use these to block nasty JS triggered by ads appearing or trackers
I've installed an ad blocker on my phone when I got a flashing ad for a Chinese phone operator
4:07 PM
As an app or a browser extension?
No-root firewall
I have never gotten an ad on my phone. I hate the Twitter built in browser because it allows through everything. The Reddit app I use has a built-in browser which is better, but it depends on the sites.
My experiments disabling the blocker yielded: Google still hasn't fixed their broken ad template or charset problems, but they did replace the "inappropriate" ad flag with "I've already bought the product".
So, is the broken ad too repetitive, something I'm not interested in, or something I've already bought? Too bad I can't tell.
Most phone games include banner ads...
I do not mind banner ad as they are unobtrusive and help the game devs earn money
Hi all! Anyone want to talk about testing data import processes? :)
4:16 PM
Well, most are kinda unobtrusive, as long as you don't mind the same ad every single time.
@sixty4bit I'm working on one right now.
@WayneConrad awesome maybe you'd have some thoughts on the question/issue I've run into...
@sixty4bit are you ... Begging for help
with your personal code issue?
If I want to support a game dev, I buy their game :p
@JanDvorak sorry I don't understand the question :-/
4:19 PM
@JanDvorak, we talked about this... Be nicer to guests :P
@JanDvorak not really begging, just asking. Is this a bad place to ask questions and bounce ideas off of others?
@sixty4bit just ignore Jan :-) You can ask all you want, I do.. Just do not ask in a way that looks like you are spamming the room :-)
well it's not like I have a syntax error I want someone to debug for me
@HunterStevens sorry :-( I'm drunk.
it's a question about testing practices, so probably has general application
4:21 PM
@JanDvorak It's...
5:21 according to google.ca/…
Light weight :p
@sixty4bit Are you going to ask? :)
yep, sorry got sidetracked in a conversation at work
I don't mean to pressure you... more to give you permission, if you needed it.
I'm working on a sports data-related project that retrieves data from an external API many times per day. I'm writing an integration-like test for an importer class that imports a bunch of boxscore and play-by-play data for a game. This requires that a lot of data already be in the db so proper associations can be made (things like teams, conferences, divisions, venues, players, etc) so I'm wondering the best way to do this test and make sure the prerequisites are available
4:30 PM
Do any one have any idea on when rails 5 will be taken out of beta?
I'm willing to review the code, too
The environment is Minitest, FactoryGirl, and using VCR to stub network requests and return previously-saved data
What level of tests? Integration? Unit?
right now I'm trying to do an integration test that just ensures that the expected number of records are saved to the db for all the various objects that get imported during this process
ActiveRecord? Rails?
4:32 PM
yes yes
taking the example of a "player" (players need to be in the db already so statistical data can be associated with them), some ideas I've come up with are 1) mining the game's stat data and only creating the players that are necessary for that game in the test setup before doing the actual import, 2) just run an import of all players in the league in the test setup, which would create many more than necessary and cause a performance hit
I try to create the minimal data set needed for a test. I prefer to setup my database cleaner to use transactions so that the database is automatically cleaned at the end of each test.
right that's also my preference for data and also how db cleaner is set up in my environment
so I guess looking at what VCR returns and trying to use that data to create only all the necessary prerequisites is the natural solution?
hide all of that setup in a helper method somewhere?
But keep it close to the test...
right so that's my other thing
I generally prefer to keep all the setup in the test method itself, even avoiding before{} and such whenever possible
but this might be a lot of setup...
I prefer the same. In this case, a helper method explicitly called by the test might be the best thing.
(edited: I meant explicitly, not implicitly)
4:41 PM
something very obvious like #create_all_prerequisites_for_a_game
ok cool
@sixty4bit create_game_prereqs
thanks @HunterStevens even better :)
You are welcome. Naming methods can be difficult, but try to keep the names short!
@sixty4bit > I generally prefer to keep all the setup in the test method itself, even avoiding before{} and such whenever possible
That's not a good idea, before exists for a reason
Your test setup should be separated from your actual test
yeah, I realize there are various opinions about that and good arguments on both sides
4:45 PM
Why do you avoid before? Isn't there to setup data on a per-test basis?
I don't ever write tests, but I would probably use before to share setups with multiple tests
I'm unaware of any good arguments for avoiding before :p
@HunterStevens it makes a test more readable. In a long test file it can be easy to lose track of what the stakeholders in a test are, what variables mean, what exactly the "state" of the test is, etc
I don't avoid 'before'. What I avoid is test setup that's a long ways away from the test.
"Mystery Guest" antipattern
Yeah, I mean if a group of tests share the exact same setup and I'm really not concerned that the tests will become difficult to decipher later on, then "before" makes sense
but "before" can very easily become "a long ways away" from the test
4:53 PM
Ok, that's very different then "I avoid before whenever possible"
@meagar fair enough :)
5:06 PM
It's especially adroit to do that in a room with a mod present.
Seriously :|
Though I guess if you spam enough rooms, the odds of hitting a room with a mod present go up
5:35 PM
@meagar brand.uber.com this was a link in that article you posted
Every time the background video loops, it downloads the webm again
all of my wat
That way if they wanted to update it you would get the latest and greatest background
I'm working from home today
But if I'd been on the train, thethered to my cell phone, I could have easily left that open in a tab and burned through a lot of my monthly data plan :|
It's hidious.
5:47 PM
Web devleopment is probably the only time I can use my lack of design skills as a selling point
6:07 PM
^ Absolutely
6:21 PM
@Cereal I think that is a browser bug though, 206 and caching don't play as well as they should yet
unless it is only not caching because the dev tools are open and "disable cache while dev tools are open" is checked
@HunterStevens Regarding your much earlier question about puzzlenode.com/puzzles/1-international-trade
Yes, @meagar?
Doesn't seem too difficult
I think the ideal would be a series of problems in increasing difficulty, maybe 5 at a time
But that will be much harder to prepare on a weekly/semi-weekly basis
I actually am preparing a questionnaire for everyone to fill out
I am trying to figure out how to email everyone though.. Or maybe PM a mass of people at once
7:10 PM
@CuddleBunny .. god i feel so stupid.. i came up with something much easier..
find all the words that have a length of 6
then loop through them with range (0..5)
for each of the indexes, split the word:
word_part = word[0..i]
rest_of_word = word.sub(word_part, "")
now lookup to see if both (word_part && rest_of_word) exists, if they do , its a split word
@Nima I like that approach, nice.
to make it faster, i thought i would initially when im reading the file, make 2 hashes:
one with word length and key and one with word as key
so i can easily do:
hash_of_words[word] => word length
hash_of_length[length] => words containing length
I've had a spinning stomach since I ate lunch (pretzel cheddar bacon tomato hot pocket). Now, someone in the suite (but next room) has a disgusting smelling meal with cheese. I want to vomit.. @_@
7:16 PM
I tried spraying stuff by my desk, but it made it worse.
go out and get fresh air
also water helps
I can't -- it involves passing the horrid smell
Been drinking water all day
find something with cheese you will like
7:17 PM
I cannot think of cheese right now... Not even the cherry chocolate yogurt I have in the fridge
i hate it when people eat food inside the office, it should just be in the cafeteria
Exactly! Or at the least, open a window! I don't care that it's 30F out, the heat is on
We do have a break room, but only the ops guys use it. I am the outlier (from eng) who does use it daily.
does it have a coffee machine?
A kureig in the break room? Yes.
7:23 PM
Tea is good for an upset stomach.
I have plenty :-) But everything I need is by the vomit food
Empty your mind, not your stomach. Tunnel vision might help.
I wonder if Hot Pockets are Soylent Green.
!!wiki soylent green
@HunterStevens That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Soylent Green is a 1973 American Metrocolor science fiction film in Panavision directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Charlton Heston, Leigh Taylor-Young, and, in his final film, Edward G. Robinson. The film combines the police procedural and science fiction genres, depicting the investigation into the murder of a wealthy businessman in a dystopian future suffering from pollution, overpopulation, depleted resources, poverty, dying oceans, and all year humidity due to the greenhouse effect. Much of the population survives on processed food rations, including "soylent green". The film, which...
7:47 PM
smell and nausea subsided :-)
I apologize for my reference. I didn't think you'd look it up.
I mean, I have heard of Soylent Green but never understood what people meant by it
ew cherry chocolate yogurt
Chocolate belongs nowhere near yogurt
Omg, then you've never had this kind of yogurt. It tastes like ice cream
Le chocolat yogurt or something.
7:52 PM
I refuse
This yugurt isn't sour like most. The one I have in the fridge tastes like Cherry Garcia.
Where in the world are you eating sour yogurt
Ah, c'mon, straciatella yoghurt (with chocolate chips) is one of my favourites.
Crazy americans
> low fat
> chocolate banana yogurt
8:01 PM
@Cereal Next you're going to tell me Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter beer is weird
Yes. Yes, it is.
Crazy Canadians
> $100 monthly phone bill
> Only 1GB a month
Do they apologise to you afterwards?
^ what?
Jokes on you, I live in atlantic Canada, the technology testbed for bell
I think I get 6gb/m for 60
and 150/100 for home internet, no cap
8:26 PM
75/75, but the real speeds are much better. (I have the speedtest at home somewhere)
I'm bouncing my connection around some, but if you plug directly into the modem, we get like 400/400
Which is way, way, way more than we pay for
@Cereal I'm paying $170/month to share 5 gigs with my wife
8:51 PM
Have you guys worked with webRTC?
@Joel I am researching it a lot now for work :-)
What questions do you have?
I've $155 for 10GB cap @ ~20mbps mobile, and for home I do $45 for 15gbps uncapped
Hey @HunterStevens. So far it seems that safari does not support it without a plugin right?
Correct, neither does IE. Edge supports ORTC which is similar. I actually just ran into this link today -- temasys.atlassian.net/wiki/display/TWPP/WebRTC+Plugins
8:56 PM
Do you have any idea how to go about building a rails app that supports video chat via webRTC?
I mean there are a lot of tutorials online, I have found. The difference for me is I am using a middle-man server to ease bandwidth usage per client
Thanks. Do you think there is any advantage to using rails 5 and action cable to build an application like this?
One second
02:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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