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2:25 AM
I've been occupied by non-computing priorities. @HostileFork I see you're having a look at ODBC. How does it look?
2 hours later…
3:55 AM
@Brett I too have had some non-computing priorities lately. ODBC is boring to write but mechanically at a point of getting a basic query and building blocks as a result, and builds for Windows and Linux. Finishing it is my next thing on the agenda as I find time.
One of the biggest things that needs to be addressed is to keep pushing on the new extension mechanism. The C part of it works as intended, letting one call pretty much any API out of the EXE from a DLL. But it needs the Rebol side to be expressed better. As that stuff gets sorted out, hopefully the TLS and HTTP and other port code can be made into optional extensions too.
4:18 AM
@Brett I don't have your email so if you'd like to sign yourself instead to rebolchat.me without an invite .. please do
2 hours later…
6:17 AM
@GrahamChiu Done. Does that replace this?
@HostileFork Great news, thanks.
@Brett no, despite it's name, rebolchat is a forum, without a real-time chat component (though there is a plugin for it, Babble, that does provide a chat feature).
7:16 AM
blog.acolyer.org/2017/05/22/… interesting reading ...
1 hour later…
8:32 AM
@johnk so how much does this affect Rebol?
@Brett the idea is to capture more knowledge than we are in chat here and the stars on the right which vanish due to the expansion principle
So, chat in rebolchat is more focused exchange in an attempt to solve a single problem. I don't think chat does that well here and nor does Altme
@GrahamChiu, this voting plugin might be useful to install on rebolchat - github.com/discourse/discourse-voting
We had voting sort of I think on altme
@rgchris was suggesting a proposal for a logo - others might have opinions too, could be useful to vote on these
Or did we just have checklists
don't recall how it was done
8:45 AM
Checklist, separate ... and Calendar, and File Storage ...
well, there are only a few Red users on the site so far .. so it might be better until the red users were more represented??
yeah, probably
has anyone told them that we're an equal opportunity forum?
not me - yet
btw, maybe we should turn backups on - it'd be a pain to create content there and have it lost
it can backup to S3
@Adrian I haven't looked at that yet
I've just completed a backup and waiting for the link to be sent to me!
What do you think? Under Usage, there could be a sub-category called "Feature Discover" (or something along those lines) where a topic could introduce certain cool parts of ren-C/Red. Sort of like a blog post
Hijack, adapt, and so on could be featured there
@GrahamChiu I neither feel to be a Rebol user nor a Red user.
but not only "fancy" stuff - even blocks could be featured
@Adrian only if you're prepared to generate the content!
8:54 AM
Yeah, I could take some of the stuff out of Trello and transcribe it to some degree
@iArnold you seem to be very conflicted. You complain about Doc's heavy handed style yet still post on the red/red gitter chat
Ultimately some people just don't get on with some other other people. Forum software exacerbate that sort of conflict.
So, you might be better off on rebolchat.me where you're only one of two red users :)
You get to set the tone of the discussion.
@Adrian the backup was actually emailed to me!
@GrahamChiu I am supporting for both efforts.
@GrahamChiu It is an open source project. Though I try to constrain myself to post little, I am not banned.
I just get a bad feeling while having to sit on my hands and just wait helplessly.
I feel a lot of potential is wasted.
@iArnold Is there any input that you can provide that will be taken notice of?
I see that a few people have been banned .. including @HostileFork
Like the small announcement of the freered/code repository for gathering Red scripts by the community that got a reply in Red's Red/community repository??
@iArnold I haven't closely followed anything on the red/red gitter so don't know what you're referring to
9:07 AM
I do not think @HF was banned. Unless he is TimeSeriesLord or Vexercizer.
@iArnold Oh no, he was definitely banned
@GrahamChiu I am not yet banned! Guess I got the benefit of the doubt.
@iArnold so if you've created a repo of public scripts, is this where all your scripts are?
I think that would be a hard ask!
Some of them. Not all. I do not want my Xiangqi program there.
As it is, almost everyone has their own repos
And they're not going to give them up readily
@iArnold You like elephants??
9:11 AM
That is why I created the freered place.
@GrahamChiu They don't fit my BBQ
Hmm. I don't think that's going to work
It's going to take direction from up top for people to use a public share repo
The best you can hope for is a directory of links to people's repos
As soon as we had github, almost everyone stopped using rebol.org
the best thing to do is build up a library of your own high quality scripts
@iArnold well, xiangqi is also called elephant chess
@iArnold Max Euwe signed a book of his for me when I was a lot younger :)
@GrahamChiu at least 37 years younger.
@Adrian Thanks, I joined and will look around.
@iArnold it was a long time ago .. he came to NZ to do a simul.
Hope you find it useful, @rebolek! There is not much content there yet, but hopefully it will grow once we advertise it outside of this chat.
9:28 AM
can someone tell me what the travis-ci does for red/red? Does it just do testing only of the source?
posted on May 22, 2017 by @asampal Adrian Sampaleanu

@asampal wrote: (Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters. Until you edit this description or create topics, this category won't appear on the categories page.) Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to

@Feeds that's pretty funny - your crawler got the boilerplate content before I changed it.
9:45 AM
And other times it takes hours
Murphy's law
10:13 AM
Travis just tests, their automated builds are done elsewhere. See downloads page. Not sure how old of builds they keep
@HostileFork yeah, it looked like that .. just wanted confirmation
That said, I'm not too convinced that there's value in trying to coordinate with them on the whole, nor of the value of having a giant oneboxed RSS feed coming in here of every Red build, or whatever.
@HostileFork that shouldn't happen
it likely just does topic creation
afterall I did 30 posts of the ren-c builds several times over and we didn't get anything here
@HostileFork @GrahamChiu I agree on those points with Brian. Not that I think the initiative will receive a warm welcome.
posted on May 22, 2017 by @giuliolunati Giuliolunati

@giuliolunati wrote: OS_ID=0.13.2 # for Android >= 5; 0.13.1 for Android <= 4 TOOLS=/opt/android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- # your NDK toolchain prefix PLATFORM=/opt/android-ndk/platforms/android-19/arch-arm # Android platform, keep <= 19 cd ren-c/make make -f makefile.boot OS_ID=$

10:49 AM
Well let it not be said that we didn't try to engage
2 hours later…
12:39 PM
@GrahamChiu - Yes :-P Still commit diff link is good and does show PR link when there is one.
1 hour later…
1:49 PM
posted on May 22, 2017 by draegtun

Stub file for providing summary of changes Links to changelogs on Rebolchat.me & Github CHANGES console shortcut opens browser on CHANGES.md

posted on May 22, 2017 by draegtun

Example: >> browse http://www.rebol.com ** Access Error: external process failed: "Operation not permitted" ** Where: browse ** Near: ... browse http://www.rebol.com ?? ** File: ../src/core/n-io.c ** Line: 639 Despite above error the page is opened correctly in default browser. This is on Mac (OS X 10.9.5) Get no error on R3-Alpha (r3-g25033f)

2:21 PM
@ShixinZeng - I'm seeing the following TMP file hanging around after a make - ./src/extensions/crypt/tmp-ext-crypt-init.inc
I assume its fallen out of this commit - github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/commit/…
2:58 PM
@draegtun Correct. It should be removed when you run "make clean"
@ShixinZeng - Yes it disappears after a make clean but hangs around after a make -f makefile.boot
3:16 PM
@draegtun Is it the only tmp-* file hanging around after make -f makefile.boot? I don't think any of the tmp-* files will be cleaned up unless you run make clean
3:34 PM
@ShixinZeng - It's because there isn't a src/extensions/crypt/tmp-* in .gitignore
I'll add it
@draegtun OK. Thanks
2 hours later…
5:21 PM
posted on May 22, 2017 by @asampal Adrian Sampaleanu

@asampal wrote: It's been suggested that, in order to not be exclusive to Red users, the name of this forum shouldn't include just the word Rebol. @gchiu, would you be OK with this kind of change, for the reason mentioned? If there is a change to be made, it probably should be done sooner rather than later. What to do? Posts: 1

1 hour later…
6:33 PM
Build ed1606a on 22-May-2017/16:10:27Z is now available for download. Please use debug builds and report issues. No warranty of fitness is implied.
These are the direct links for OSX x64, Win x64, Linux x64, and Android-arm.
1 hour later…
7:55 PM
posted on May 22, 2017 by draegtun

see http://keepachangelog.com/en/0.3.0/ CHANGES console shortcut now jumps to version anchor in CHANGES.md


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