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1:53 AM
@giuliolunati Yes, your commit was missing those 3 changes to %task.r, so my version of your commit (that you wouldn't get if you cherry picked) had those changes rebased in
2:24 AM
>> delta-time [loop 5000000 [rejoin ["a" "b" "c"]]]
@RebolBot alive?
>> delta-time [loop 1000000 [rejoin ["a" "b" "c"]]]
>> print "I am a Robot"
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
I am a Robot
Okey dokey then ...
>> delta-time [loop 1000 [append "a" ["b" "c"]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== 0:00:00.003282
2:28 AM
>> delta-time [loop 1000 [rejoin ["a" "b" "c"]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== 0:00:00.014655
>> delta-time [loop 500000 [rejoin ["a" "b" "c"]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== 0:00:07.624104
>> delta-time [loop 500000 [append copy "a" ["b" "c"]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
** Internal error: not enough memory
** Where: print either if do either either either -apply-
** Near: print result if result/type [do-error: lowercase rejoin [res...

2:30 AM
@RebolBot delete
>> delta-time [loop 500000 [append copy "a" ["b" "c"]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== 0:00:00.004228
@RebolBot delete
What the heck am I doing, does anybody know? :)
Besides giving poor RebolBot the conniptions, I mean.
@MarkI There did used to be some memory leaks in Rebol, and if you happened across one of them then you can run out of memory on simple things, yes.
>> cnt: 10000 (delta-time [loop cnt [rejoin ["a" "b" "c"]]]) - delta-time [loop cnt [append copy "" ["a" "b" "c"]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== 0:00:00.101621
2:34 AM
Start small ... appears to work so far.
>> cnt: 50000 (delta-time [loop cnt [rejoin ["a" "b" "c"]]]) - delta-time [loop cnt [append copy "" ["a" "b" "c"]]]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
Dang. Doesn't fail on my machine, even at 5 million. Argh.
Anyway, point being rejoin reduces, and I was trying to find some sort of non-reducing version for the multi-line one-liner.
Since we know every element is going to be a string, it is wasteful to reduce them all.
So I wanted to find out how wasteful.
Only non-reducing version I could figure out was to use append.
@MarkI form/only will be an option under the new designs
@MarkI The debug build of Ren-C under address sanitizer runs 40x slower on that looped copy. Almost entirely allocating and freeing. But release build of Ren-C and the rebolsource build have no problem with this, nor adding another 0. So I don't know what's up with RebolBot.
My R3 alpha (Win):
> to percent! (y: delta-time [loop 5000000 [rejoin ["a" "b" "c"]]]) - (x: delta-time [loop 5000000 [append copy "" ["a" "b" "c"]]]) / x
= 261.7887281653085%
So the append version takes between 1/4 and 1/3 the time as the rejoin version.
Still confused about why RebolBot doesn't like this test though, have to say.
@HostileFork Do the builds that work show a similar speed improvement with the append copy?
@MarkI I stashed built looked and moved on back to a debug build, things move fast here :-)
2:48 AM
So, two questions remain.
One is of course the opacity of the requirement to copy the null string.
That looks in general like something to consider for general performance testing if one felt like digging through the code, profiling etc.
The second is, is it just because the reduce is slow, or is there something else going on.
Not a top priority, I agree. Just fiddly stuff.
Really I wondered if an argument can be made for providing a native join that operates on a block and does no reducing.
I think it will be useful to change the default of FORM to REDUCE and make it the "compose" we've been looking for, and add an /ONLY option to not reduce.
In terms of not adding spaces I think /TIGHT is better than /ONLY for that
I also think it will be largely obsoleted by the non-spacing-handling of character values.
I idly wondered if null characters might be adapted to be "don't space" instructions. :-/
form ["something" #"^@" "withoutspaces"] => "somethingwithoutspaces"
The question then being what to call the null for this application. NUL is the standard name.
Doesn't really suggest "don't put a space here"
There might -- also -- be a "keyword" for it. Things like FORM aren't forbidden from having keywords. It worked out pretty well for PARSE, and as long as there's an override mechanism it may not be so bad.
Or maybe by default nested blocks don't space. :-/ Uneven, but maybe a good uneven. form [["glue" "me"] ["me" "too"] "space" "me"] => "glueme metoo space me"
A more reasonable interpretation than:
>> rejoin ["" ["glue" "me"] ["me" "too"] "space" "me"]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== "glue meme toospaceme"
"Glumeme Tuspaceme" is a good name for a sci-fi alien.
4 hours later…
7:27 AM
Bug bug... order of operations in file mode setting: modes = O_BINARY | GET_FLAG(file->modes, RFM_READ) ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR;
Bitwise OR has higher precedence than ?:. Now the reason no one noticed is because O_BINARY happens to be 0... (in this case).
@giuliolunati But it does go to show you how easy it is to make these mistakes in C!
7:42 AM
@RobertM.Münch Hello, word on the street today was a suggestion that rumors of Saphirion not-doing-Rebol-development may not be true. In any case, Ren-C has been under continuous development and solving of major outstanding problems
2 hours later…
9:26 AM
@HostileFork That's true. Our situation is pretty simple: Our main product is done in R2. And we continue to develop it. However it's clear for me that R2 is a dead-end. There are two events that trigger a "we have to move to something else" action:
1. Some technical constraints like: It's doesn't work on updated Windows, requires some special code-signing etc. Up to now it works without problems on Windows-10. Hence, I see this risk with a time frame of 5+ years.

2. Memory limitations: Depending on the size data-sets that are analyzed with NLPP, the limitation to 1.8 GB of RAM kicks in. We already have (rare) cases, that show this problem. I expect this event to happen much more often as users are adopting NLPP more and more.
64-bit Rebol3 has been working without apparent significant problems for some time.
So, WRT to R3 (synonym for all the different forks) we are currently doing some tests, prototypes, follow what's happening to have a good "market overview" about the different things that happen.
Performance-wise, note that Ren-C is on debug build by default, adding checks and instrumentation. This is good, and helps with the reliability, but slow. It is not disabled in the default makefile because the hope is everyone at this stage will favor giving better debug feedback to running faster.
At on time we will pick a base from which we continue. I expect that we need between 6 - 12 month pre-work before we can start porting our product. That's mostly due to that we need an enterprise-application-able GUI. And we need to have a deployment process & environment in the backend to handle all users, updates, etc.
But if one is to test it for performance, use -DNDEBUG while building on the various compiler command lines. (the inverse logic of "Define (N)o Debug" is a C-ism, for whatever reason they did it that way, but it's the best standard and it's what governs assert())
9:32 AM
@HostileFork Yes, I know. And I totally like your approach. We know errors and bugs happen, so let's add as many checks in all places to catch them early. Great stuff!
The trajectory hopefully emerging is that Atronix will at some point, when timing is appropriate, adopt Ren-C at which point (or perhaps prior) there will be a shift to a Git Flow model. At that point, there will be a marked difference in development vs. master branches, and updates to master done only at stable points.
Since our hard-core mathematics are done in C anyway, our main performance requirement is that big data-structures (series & objects) can be handled fast.
If you have a performance test that roughly demonstrates your interests in "if this were faster it would be a big deal", you may feel free to post or submit it to be reviewed.
The current discussion is that Rebolsource will merge into github/rebol, and if Atronix R3/View uses Ren-C, and if you collaborate with Atronix, that will mean basically only two Rebol implementations, with R3-Alpha and some bug patching kept as a stable bootstrapping tool for whatever reasons.
Picking a base as our "product porting" starting point will be decided (not thoughtful) on these points:
1. Maintainability. I expect that we want / need to extend things for GUI etc.
2. Compatibility to the R3 reference from Carl for those things that were available.
3. Good continuation for those features of Carl's R3 that were not done, loose ends etc. This is a big a fuzzy point, as there is not right or wrong. Only a: like it or don't like it.
Ren-C is at the moment able to essentially emulate R3-Alpha. How long this will be the case is not guaranteed, but the switches facilitate porting, as they may change with time:
Introduction on Rebol3 Porting Guide ("Ren-C" branch)
It was known that some changes were based on looking at hard foundational questions that would break existing code. Whenever an issue was under debate, a switch was left in. For instance at time ...
9:38 AM
Yes, I know. And WRT to the code structuring, assert enhancements etc. I see Ren-C as a very good base. And I like, that it's designed (AFAIU) to be embeddable in the Lua sense.
If we are able to re-use quite some code from our R2 code bases that would be great. I don't expect this for the GUI part, as this has to be done totally different from what we learned. But the application logic should be R3 compatible.
A recent debate point is exactly how much it works to insulate clients from the "internal" concerns. I am not myself all that particularly interested in a C-level API that is more stable than the internal interpreter API for C; because C APIs have a rather significant limitation.
Ren-Cpp has much more flexibility, so I consider that to be the "stable" and usable variant; streamlined to insulate the caller from things like the garbage collector, etc. due to having lifetime management of references and such. github.com/metaeducation/ren-cpp/blob/develop/examples/…
"were based on looking at hard foundational questions" - And I see this is the major "community hurdle". If we can find a consent that's good for all and efforts can be bundled. If not, this will be the cause for fragmentation.
I'm not sure if the community is able to find consent on these fundamental questions since there is no right or wrong.
      better-until: func [condition [block!] body [block!]] [
         while [not do condition] body

      >> test: does [
             x: 0
             better-until [x = 3] [
                 return "we'd like test to return this"
             "but it returns this, not good"

     >> print test
     but it returns this, not good
Some things are wrong.
@HostileFork I followed the discussion. From my experience with long-lasting enterprise software and maintainability of these beast over very long time-frames, I prefer C over C++ (have coded it very long and intensive) by a simple cause: It works everywhere and the ABI compatibility is given.
So, it's the least common denominator. And it works. Might be technically not sexy, but that's not an important property for me.
Depends on what kind of software one writes, what the costs of failures are, etc. If you were going in to have laser neurosurgery you might wish that the equipment authors were not purely empiric or operating on selection bias in choosing the methodology.
Might be easier to find a JavaScript programmer, but you might hold out on that till you find someone who knows Haskell or whatnot.
9:48 AM
Sure. But we don't. We do enterprise analytical software. And that's our focus to make decisions.
And there are zillions of technologies to choose from. Again, there might be the "best" for us somewhere. But I don't have time to endlessly evaluate things or switch technologies. It's all about delivering a product. And by doing this, don't get into maintenance hell. So far, we did pretty good on this.
It's all laser neurosurgery with me, even if it's just code golf...
And, my rule is: The fewer technologies the better, the fewer external dependencies the better, the more vertical control of the technology stack the better.
Dependency control is for many a lost art.
Or a "never heard of it" art, in a lot of cases, I suppose.
Yep, and it's the major cause for most troubles I see in IT landscapes.
In terms of getting everyone on the same page about technical solutions to problems, a starting point is having a forum for the discussions reopened, and that is ostensibly about to happen with the CureCode import to GitHub. The question of how deviations between Ren-C and others will be managed is something we haven't even begun to address, as the import has been held up...but recently un-held-up
So maybe we can see how far things are apart. I am not opposed to there being #ifdefs for behaviors that people can choose from when building, it's obviously better if they're not there but if push comes to shove the main idea is "modify with confidence".
9:56 AM
Sure, this the operational aspect. Much harder is the "consent process" and to make decisions, take them and move forward. Endless discussions might be interesting but doesn't get anything done. My main goal is: Ship a product.
Ren-C's sources are progressing much further in this area. The native definitions directly in the source comments, terminology sorted out, a lot of alerts and warnings in the debug build when things go wrong.
@HostileFork Just if you are interested: I run the ren-c code base to some static analyzes I have access to. Here are two versions. One small and one where I just used everything I have. Might be of interest to you:
https://db.tt/ofvJktqk (small)
https://db.tt/OcrmhLKJ (big)
There is honestly zero sane reason for anyone wishing to work on Rebol to start from what was Rebol 3 before Ren-C. If one does not agree with my choices, simply fork it and take it from there. But going back to 12-Dec-2012 would be... not good.
But I'll keep pushing performance and features to further emphasize the point.
Refactoring the original code-base makes a lot of sense, and AFAIK your effort with ren-c is the only move that did that. So, yes, you have the 1st mover advantage.
I'm really pragmatic on these things and not fundamental. Everything that helps is good. Its about getting things done.
@RobertM.Münch Thanks, I will review it and see what in it might be relevant. We have done a bit with clang static analyzer and coverity.
Runtime using valgrind, address sanitizer, undefined behavior sanitizer.
The code comes from many sources, Saphirion included of course, and it's hard to know exactly how to manage all the third party stuff. I decided that it was necessary to work from the Atronix copy of the core, so I stripped the GUI out from that as a start...and it wound up with a lot of stuff like 2 copies of zlib with 2 png decoders etc.
So from your side, if you have any insight on what to do about some of these latent issues, that would be helpful. It's not stuff I've been too focused on as I'm interested in the evaluator core more than anything.
10:04 AM
Yes. Using valgrind, extreme warning settings etc. these are all really, really useful steps and I think it should always be done like this right from the start. So, good job!
Taking the double inclusion of libs: That's a no-go for me. It's just a hack but nothing I would like have in a good code base. Rip it all out, let's make a clear, nice stable core and than let's couple (as loosely as possible) things like GUI etc.
And managing all the different interests in a way that will lead to a really nice, maintainable, high quality code base where several people contribute in a way that things fit together is what I would like to see happen. If possible we will be part of it.
BTW: I like a defensive approach too. so, even if it's not yet clear how to do things. Let's try it, in a way that it can change (design for change) and iterate over a couple of rounds. As long as everyone knows on which ground he stands it's not a problem.
Would move faster with more hands, I'd hope, and if things like the various codecs can be tick boxes in the build then that's ideal. Was doing a bit of codebase-wide review of the handling of booleans and found this gnarly thing...and it's like every line was a bug.
It's getting easier and easier to see them, but I don't have a real personal interest in going over the pages and pages of code to find them. So I just try and keep things building long enough until the core lift is ready...so that it's useful in the meantime.
I like feature-flags as well. And a highly customizable R3 is something I envision as well. Thinking it right from the start in this way, makes some design and code organizational decisions clear.
I sort of have a short list of the files and routines that I consider "critical" or important and the rest is just demo. My own personal wish is to do something akin to the linkage of the V8 engine up to services to build something more akin to Node.JS or otherwise leverage the language core against some vetted libraries instead of largely ad-hoc C code, years old etc.
more hands: Yes, I know. And, as said, I'm willing to invest in this as well. We need to have a clear road-map and strategy first. If I do it, not just occasionally but as a long-term decision.
And of course the Ren Garden environment, linked and ready to go already... Linux, Windows, OS/X...
10:17 AM
@HostileFork Need to go. Was good to have a chat with you and looking forward to move things forward together. I hope I could give a good idea about our situation and interests. And, again, I really like what you have done so far. Very good job!
@RobertM.Münch All right, well help and hands welcome, as said.
2 hours later…
12:16 PM
While it's one of those "things that came up in the last 12 hours" ideas, I am feeling a draw toward the idea that groupings via literal blocks to FORM (so also PRINT) would indicate a desire for "tight" grouping, whereas inclusion of a block via an evaluative reference would indicate starting from a spaced grouping and then moving to tight with literal block inclusions again.
c: "cat"
a: "astrophe"
form-macro: ["It's" "a" "total" [a b]]
form ["How's" "things" ["@" "Hostile" "Fork"] #"?" space [form-macro "."]]
"How's things @HostileFork? It's a total catastrophe."
That shows off a few of the synergistic toolings, including the idea that single characters do not follow the space rules (helpful for things like newline, space, in particular)
This competes with a previous idea, in which the nesting levels of COMBINE could be used along with something that would use a different delimiter depending on the level of depth. Instead, this plays off the idea that because it's not good juju to have a token or symbol that means "put nothing here", that the grouping is a more valuable play.
Er that should be form-macro: ["It's" "a" "total" [c a]] given the variable names I wound up using, but you get the idea.
While having form [a [b c] d] be a synonym for x: [b c] form [a x c] has a certain uniformity to it, that uniformity doesn't translate to usefulness besides this hierarchy notion...which seems to get very difficult to apply, and in something as "basic" as form we already have encroaching questions of what a real "powerhouse" formatting dialect would look like...with padding amounts, numeric representations, significant digits
There are a lot of metrics to judge things by...beauty, flexibility, etc. -- but the above is setting off my "I would totally use that, every day" alarm.
The proposed hierarchical delimiters, OTOH, seem useful...but not every day useful. So I wouldn't mind if they were part of another dialect.
Also, form/as [...] tag! and the other variations could be aliased as form-tag, form-word, etc. for convenience.
1:07 PM
@MarkI I wonder if the Unicode character classes are enough of a fixpoint that some kind of wacky genetic algorithm or something could come up with a small-footprint mix of a table and some operations to decide if things are in that class, and bake these little things in specifically. :-/
1 hour later…
2:11 PM
Hmmm... Perhaps a Code Golf question, asking for unicode character classifiers in the fewest bytes... ? Ah, it turns out I am not the first to think of it.
Q: Unicode character classification

Mechanical snailReal-world programs often use libraries like ICU to support Unicode. The puzzle is to create the smallest possible function that can determine whether a given Unicode character is lowercase, uppercase, or neither (a commonly used Unicode character property). You may indicate the property in any...

1 hour later…
3:20 PM
posted on December 16, 2015 by gregit

This is not a major issue, but not sure this is an expected behavior: >> write %foo.txt "writing a text file" == make port! [ spec: make object! [ title: "File Access" scheme: 'file ref: %foo.txt path: none ] scheme: make object! [ name: 'file title: "File Access" spec: none info: make object! [ name

3:47 PM
posted on December 16, 2015 by hostilefork

This commit represents the mostly mechanical remainder of a compiler-assisted check over the codebase for usages of REBOOL that were misinterpreted as integers. Bugs or solutions to confusing usages have been committed separately. The previous separation between the 8-bit "REBOOL" for efficient structure packing and the platform-optimal "REBFLG" for CPU convenience is eliminated, favori

@Feeds Starring that, as I've been meaning to get around to it for a while, and now I did...and it was a nuisance, but will make life more pleasant now that it's over.
1 hour later…
4:49 PM
posted on December 16, 2015 by gregit

Granted it is not relevant to place a debug "??" at the end of a parse rule, but this crashes violently: parse "1234" [any ["1" | "2" | "3" | "4"] ??] Assertion failed: NOT_END(v), file ../src/core/n-data.c, line 1254 If a fix can be made for the console not to crash? This is anyway a low priority.

5:14 PM
Fascinating. User-visible end!:
>> parse "1234" [any ["1" | "2" | "3" | "4"] ??]
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
end!: ""
== true
5:35 PM
@MarkI And pursuant to my "if you ever saw that or a FRAME! it was a bug" and I'd rather it be noisier about it so it could be noticed and fixed.
5:48 PM
>> do func [a [any-type!] b] [probe a probe b] recycle 10
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
== 10
So the reason that doesn't crash and recycle the transient function is because DO captures the function value it's currently executing, so by virtue of it being in an in-progress call it's not recycled. This differs from the usual way that things are kept alive...by being in a block, or living in a protected stack location, etc.
So even though it doesn't live in a block or anywhere it's okay. But if this worked, it would not be okay: x: [a b] do quote x/(recycle 1 + 1).
Well, I guess it would be, if it captures the block position. Hmmmm.
But I don't think it guards the block position from GC. if it did then it would be safe.
Here is a "fix", in user mode. I would recommend the real fix be equivalent.
(1) Want ?? at end of main rule? Put an "end" after it.
(2) Want ?? at end of sub-rule? Put a do-nothing (but well-chosen) paren after it.
Could be better but I am tired and that's what I did. Realized among other things there's actually now a Val_Init_Series_Index(...). Zzzzz.
>> parse "1234" [any [["1" ?? ("1")] | "2" | "3" | "4" ?? ("alternation")] ?? end]
5:53 PM
; Brought to you by: try.rebol.nl
("1"): "234"
("alternation"): ""
end: "r
== true
Hahahaha. That's a new bug. Where on earth did that r come from???
Also, don't panic HF, I don't think you have to change this at all right now. AFAIAC it's a "don't do that" for now.
Memory corruptiony things are things to fix now.
Especially since I have posted such a nice workaround :)
5:57 PM
So that "r" doesn't show up if the always malloc switch is turned on, and valgrind reports no problems. Hmmm.
Doesn't show up on my R3 alpha Win at all either.
If you can you get it to appear at all, then at least it's a real bug, not a SO thingy.
Yup it happens, but could be sensitive to whether the native string buffer is wide or not, or who knows.
Oh, wait, that was an old r3 window
I am ordering you to drop this right now and get your equivalent of rest HF!
I can reproduce it on linux rebolsource build. Ren-C (with patch for the end handling just committed) does not manifest the problem.
Awesome. Good to know. Thanks.
6:03 PM
I think that protecting the currently executing series probably covers a cost in guarding the eval slot, this is good news. I did something costly before that now appears unnecessary.
However, I added it because I saw a crash when I was running aggressive recycling (e.g. recycling after every eval) so I have to figure out why that was. It was GC'ing a temporary function that had no other place stored...hm. I'll retest with closer scrutiny after the break :-)
@MarkI booooleans
@HostileFork Scanned, error-free so far as usual HF, and, wonder of wonders, ME LIKEY.
Well, except for the REBFLG ==> REBFLGS transformation. Sad to see that length-6 "rule" finally go!
@MarkI Perhaps just transitional, to prevent REBFLG instances in the near term. It emerged before I had the enum solution, so it's less necessary now.
But when the only check on the rebools was the strict broken periodic build, there wouldn't have been type incompatibility between REBFLG and REBOOL.
@HostileFork All right!
Now there is, on linux, so... eh
I'll still give it a while for adaptation, if for no other reason to draw scrutiny on any client REBFLG and REBOOL spots in R3-View I haven't seen, so Shixin can look at them.
Sounds good.
3 hours later…
8:47 PM
@HostileFork What's wrong with RXIARGS ?
@HostileFork Thanks for this patch, I'll test it tomorrow.
Newbie question: is there another client than web browser to read SO chat?
9:21 PM
@GregP there's also ChatSEy, but it's just the web UI with some scripts to make the experience a bit nicer
9:49 PM
@kealist I like the idea of an R3 client, even text only! But it looks it is win only. Probably it needs to be updated. I will check.
@HostileFork, do you have a complete result of the test suite run for your Ren-C?
2 hours later…
11:35 PM
@GregP Graham Chiu was working on an R3 client for SO chat: github.com/gchiu/RSOChat ... oh I see @kealist mentioned it.
@Ladislav The test suite has had these tests removed for the moment: %pending-tests.r...and I need to go over them and update the remarks.
Without those and taking out the 2 source analysis tests related to "source code lines > 127" and "usages of malloc":
code-checksum: #{D7017371F2851340239424F2B9E7F420A2C088F8}
test-checksum: #{12538D7D063C9848496CB501CA2B7FFE52225DC6}
Total: 4851
Succeeded: 4802
Test-failures: 0
Crashes: 0
Dialect-failures: 0
Skipped: 49
Ren-C test repository is a submodule of Ren-C, in the /test directory. github.com/metaeducation/ren-c-test
It also has 0 leaks or invalid memory accesses under valgrind, but since you asked right then I ran the tests under valgrind and it reported one leak, so I am now looking at that leak to see what the deal is.
The early work on Ren-C focused on getting rid of the crashes and a tight ship under valgrind and Address Sanitizer, and quite a bit of stuff had to be done to get there. For instance, not using a pure recursive approach to the garbage collector. It now puts things into a queue.
That's just to pick one example. As I've said before, Ren-C is now a more-or-less-Quantum-Leap in terms of control, the debug build, etc. One very major change is that when you create a series at first, it is not visible to the garbage collector and it is legal to Free_Series() on it. In order for the garbage collector to see it, then at some point it must have MANAGE_SERIES() called on it...after which Free_Series() is not legal.
This intertwines with the error handling, so that if there have been some series allocations that were not seen by the GC that is tracked if a longjmp occurs, and the manually-managed extant series are freed, etc.

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