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2:02 AM
@DocKimbel @PeterWAWood Is it possible to whitelist people on the Google Group to not need moderation? I'd really rather be able to see my post and clarify it if there were problems with it instead of waiting.
type? %
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> type? %""
== file!
@RebolBot do/red
mold %
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> mold %""
== ""
So Red/System is using an empty FILE! as the remainder operation? :-/ I was wondering earlier about the "empty tag" <> being a word. Should the "empty file" % be a word too?
@johnk @respectech @earl Do you know what year you first started using Rebol?
2:43 AM
So @rgchris makes heavy use of a "match" dialect, which is kind of a subset of PARSE. It's concerned with pulling values out of a block somewhat independent of ordering. What's interesting is to look at an example like the "smart tag" for anchors
Here you have a situation where an HTML user would write <a href="href-string" id="id-string" class="class-string" ... But instead of encoding everything as a string, different Rebol types are used in any order to get something more like [a http://href-string #id-string /class-string ...] which could have just as well been written [a #id-string /class-string http://href-string ...]. Hmm.
Would have been 1999. As an ex-Amiga user I was following it very early to see what Carl was going to do next.
While using issues for ID in an HTML dialect is cool, I wonder about the difference between the likes of [<div> id: (model/main-div-id) [<p> {Some paragraph text}]] and [<div> (to issue! model/main-div-id) [<p> {Some paragraph text}]]
@johnk Cool... I'm relatively "new", I first looked at it in mid-2009.
2:59 AM
I think I saw it in 96 or 97 before it was released because of my dad, but I didn't do much programming those days. Was just a dumb kid
3:13 AM
Hmm. I had a sort-of-interesting proxy server project I did a long time ago which introduced classes I called "proxlets". Implementation-wise, I would do them entirely differently these days... the only thing I might have kept was the name. It looks like someone created something called "proxlet" that has something to do with Twitter in the meantime, though. I don't think it makes as much sense as a term for what they were doing.
3:24 AM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 378 so chat away!
Greetings @happy ... Red and Rebol will make you happier than JavaScript or PHP I'd imagine! (Or at least, makes me happier. :-P) Here because of the ad perhaps?
not cause of the ad ;) I'm working on a project and was looking at active chat to change my mind you know. Now I am reading github.com/hostilefork/rebol/wiki/StackOverflow-Chat-FAQ
this is indeed very interesting
print [{I'm here to demonstrate stuff,} (reverse {yppah@})]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> print ["I'm here to demonstrate stuff," (reverse "yppah@")]
I'm here to demonstrate stuff, @happy
@RebolBot do/ideone ruby {
puts "I run other languages if need be, but Rebol and Red are my favorites. :-)"
3:31 AM
RebolBot uses http://ideone.com (c) http://sphere-research.com
puts "I run other languages if need be, but Rebol and Red are my favorites. :-)"
I run other languages if need be, but Rebol and Red are my favorites. :-)
is there a link on documentation I could need if I want to try it?
@happy Rough overview of the situation is that Rebol was introduced in 1997 and wasn't open sourced until December 2012. The version that was open sourced is not the most stable and documented version. I discourage people from picking up the non-open-source version and helping with the new one, and dealing with the speedbumps.
Red is new, and its C-like dialect (Red/System) is documented, but mostly depends on Rebol's design for the non C-like dialect. You might read this for the mission: red-lang.org/p/contributions.html
@happy A good general overview to start getting the gist might be "Why Rebol, Red, and the Parse dialect are cool". Or Rebol in 10 steps. Thing to remember is that Rebol and Red are extremely similar in terms of language syntax and application...but Red is compiled and much more bleeding edge. So we're recruiting people to help with developing it.
@happy You can download it. You can run it. But Rebol is still the more mature tool... builds of the open source version available at http://rebolsource.net
There's quite a lot you can do with Rebol, which we will support here and on the Q&A. We'll also support Red, but expect a lot of "it doesn't do that quite yet" or other answers.
parse "Isn't it nice to dialect in [Rebol] instead of ugly RegEx?" [
    thru "["
    copy bracketed to "]"
print bracketed
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> parse {Isn't it nice to dialect in [Rebol] instead of ugly RegEx?} [thru "[" copy bracketed to "]"] print bracketed
@HostileFork will it stay open sourced?
@happy Rebol is Apache 2 and Red compiler is BSD (Red runtime is Boost Software license, more permissive than BSD). As with any non-copyleft project, we can't promise someone won't run off and modify it and do something cool with it and not release the source. That's the gamble you take not using GPL. But the core repositories will remain open source, yes.
3:41 AM
posted on February 13, 2014 by Sam

Thanks for all your post. They're very informative and a great help.

@happy Anyway, if you look at that example above where I asked RebolBot PARSE a string with some rules, can you understand what it is doing and how it came up with "Rebol"?
@HostileFork it is very intriguing I am watching this video from a conference on the subject youtube.com/watch?v=H4kMlOkN894
@happy Good one, I'll let you watch. :-) Notice it is subtitled in a few languages you can choose from, if you need that.
3:57 AM
@HostileFork because it is full stack it could technically replace the operating system and act as a hypervisor of some sort like become the next asm, right?
@happy Well... it could be used to write operating systems. The idea of having an OS with a shell based on a Red exe, runtime, and dialect at the low levels instead of something like "bash" is nice.
But for now, it is just trying to stretch applicability down to what you might need a C compiler or assembler for...while still being able to do all the fun stuff that Rebol can do (like the example above in parse dialect; which, I wonder if you could think how to change it to include the brackets in the capture)
parse "Isn't it nice to dialect in [Rebol] instead of ugly RegEx?" [
    to "["
    copy bracketed thru "]"
print bracketed
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> parse {Isn't it nice to dialect in [Rebol] instead of ugly RegEx?} [to "[" copy bracketed thru "]"] print bracketed
@happy In the first example, the parser did a match seek "up THRU (and including) a [". So the position was sitting right in front of the "R" before it began a copy "up TO (not including a ]". In the second example, this was switched... to seek "up TO (not including) a [". So the position was sitting in front of the "[" before the copy began. Make sense?
When one learns how abstract and powerful your expression can get, and then you think what happens if you bend it to do basically C/ASM if you need it... all in one tool under a megabyte that can build executables for platforms or .APK files with no dependencies... well, we are very enthusiastic about this. :-)
4:36 AM
a friend of mine is using a french language to build program. Windev is the name. I see feature that are quite similar. Make me think if it is because of the way european people think. It's a quite different way of doing it the same thing
verry refreshing
@happy Nenad is French... there is a lot of inspiration coming here from the Amiga Computer which took hold in Europe, though in the US it was the IBM PC that caught on. The Amiga was far more advanced at that time, but didn't have IBM pushing it on people...
quite a lot of better than other technology failed badly at winning. Like vinyl disc
or 8-track tape
@happy Well, I'm a digital guy... I'll always go for the digital version. If I want noise in my copies I'll add it in afterward. :-) In any case, if you want to see cool stuff with Rebol it's just a half megabyte to download and can do some very nice things. It's very different, but we're happy to explain it...
copy/part (to string! read hostilefork.com) 80
@HostileFork thanks for your time
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> copy/part (to string! read hostilefork.com) 80
== {<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
^-<meta charset=utf-8>
^-<meta name="google-}
4:41 AM
@happy So there's the first 80 characters of my website. Easy. Want first 80 bytes instead of translation of bytes in UTF-8 to Unicode codepoints? Take off the string conversion...
copy/part (read hostilefork.com) 80
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> copy/part (read hostilefork.com) 80
== #{
@happy If you find yourself looking for some inspiration you'll find it here, and we are responsive in helping people with their applications. Please stop in again. I will look into Windev.
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 46 so chat away!
Greetings @M.C ... I don't actually know what selenium is (beyond being a chemical element). But can explain Rebol and Red, if you'd like...
5:05 AM
I find the syntax coloring on this BASIC interpreter to be obfuscating rather than clarifying. It's kind of garish. It also lacks any reasonable spacing and comments, and starts with putting integer error codes in quotes. If people are going to post "motivating" examples of Rebol use, could they be more legible than this? :-/
I also want to speak out against abbreviations SP, LF, and CR. These are better as space, newline, and carriage-return (or axe definition of that last one in core entirely and let people do that themselves). They are not literate. If we go down that road then we wind up with AP for APPEND and other rebmuisms out of the box. The box should be literate.
5:44 AM
Hi All,

an updated version of my EQuake-It! reblet is now available at http://www.tgd-consulting.de/Download.html#EQuakeIt . Changes: mainly bug-fixes and smaller enhancements.
@TGD Any upcoming earthquakes we should know about? :-) I see your page is in German, so feel free to contribute to our not-yet-complete German Translation of "What is Red"... you might start from the end and work forward, as people have stepped on each other.
5:58 AM
@HostileFork Sorry, EQuake-It! can unfortunately not make any predictions. ;-)
@TGD I'm afraid right now, with things being as they are, if you want people to be looking at the results of earthquake analysis it will have to be in-browser or a mobile app! I just did my first install of @rgchris's QuarterMaster...if you haven't looked into Rebol2 web serving it's rather easy to set up. I edited the Recode video, finally (not that anyone put me in charge of video or I ever promised to edit them given I wasn't in charge, but, still, he deserves a video :-P)
6:13 AM
@HostileFork I'm quite busy atm to finish some of my REBOL3 projects on RPi in my sparetime. I don´t think I can find a free time slot to contribute for the German translation.
@TGD Well, doesn't hurt to ask, and also to mention that we're looking for some more translations... some people do this kind of stuff for fun. I don't know if I do it for fun, but I do it, and the timings!
6:25 AM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 250 so chat away!
@StevenTrigg Red is aiming to provide an Android development tool that installs at less than a megabyte and doesn't need the JDK or Eclipse or anything like that installed to make an APK. Pretty much there, actually. :-) Did you see our ad?
6:50 AM
@HostileFork Which, by the way, I am most grateful for!
...waiting, hoping...
(and while I'm waiting and hoping, I'd just like to state that this winter sucks. It's snowing again! Effing snow...)
@rgchris It's raining here and a bit cold. 48 degrees. I had to put on a jacket to walk to the store! :-)
Almost thinking of putting on long pants instead of shorts.
48—all the things I could do!
@rgchris So I'm contemplating web thoughts about QuarterMaster. I see where your order-agnostic influence is coming from... I'm still a bit perplexed about how I feel about that idea of #foo is always the ID of a div, and /bar is the class... "type instead of order". I'm wondering how I really feel about that, though, over the long run... vs being able to say id: (model/div-id) vs (to issue! model/div-id) in the kind of composition I'm thinking about which doesn't parse in tags
And I really feel textual open/close tags, with all the mistakes afforded, need a better finesse which does the open/close for you. So contemplating that.
7:08 AM
I have thought of adding set-word: value pairs as an open-ended way to extend the tag dialects—attributes are becoming more prevalent in storing data in web apps (not least with the data-* convention/standard).
I agree HTML needs to be abstracted, but doubt abstracting the opening tags is a great win when you're left tying up the close tags too. I think it would be a hard sell to a non-Rebol user. So I'm wondering if we can put our heads together with all these various techniques people have been looking at to create something that the immediate response won't be "Django (or RoR, or Express for Node.js) can do that, and other people use it."
We need the "wow. no one else does that." I think the closest I've gotten so far is the rewriting of the backbone in Draem, which isn't all that great... but they can't do that. I'm wondering how to add in more demo-able successes.
Abstracting open tags is how other frameworks do it, there is that. At least until you get to even more abstract templating engines.
Again, while it's messy—it's understandable to anyone that gets HTML-style markup. But...
I'm open to suggestions. There are other considerations, like: I'd like to be able to auto-generate forms from the form-specification blocks within models—that way forms and validation are all done within one block!
That would be a huge saving on View code.
I think I'm just looking to see us get a survey of the various ideas. I would say that understanding of the "QuarterMaster" way is limited, and I'd had a lot of other things to look at so I only just now am looking at it... because we always have things getting in our way of understanding. And @rebolek has something with its own design, and @Henrik has the HTML dialect. @DocKimbel had some ideas of what he'd like Red's web framework to look like.
It seems we should be putting all the ideas together and at least approximating what the "Rebol/Red on Rails" should be.
My data is in Rebol right now for two websites, and I've geared it toward being easy to rewrite as the spec evolves... and I'm happy with editing things by hand the way it is. So that's a start. If we find more ideas that can make everyone happy and bring them together, great.
Indeed. I'd like to find ways to join everything together :)
QuarterMaster, such as it is, is a first-generation abstraction. It needs iteration.
That said, I believe it does strongly hint at the areas that need to be done right.
7:25 AM
Too early for me to know, but I will say that clearly a Rebol/Red solution can clean up a lot of the notational boilerplate garbage in things like routing and form validation. Having attacked templating on my own to try and capture my ideas of what I'd tolerate for editing content in a text editor, I feel like the templating could be pushed further... and maybe the RSP-like solutions could be a fallback for "if you really insist on working that way"
I don't know—I think my form validation dialect is fairly concise :)
Routing—could indeed do better.
Not challenging the validation or routing (except, for starters, the parentheses as mentioned... as a generality in dialect design). Just the RSP.
Well, let's do something. Do a Rebol values rip on HAML or similar. Let's try it out and see what sticks. Or adapt the HTML dialect to be used with QuarterMaster.
If Draem can be dropped in as a renderer, I'll add it to the QuarterMaster repository to handle .draem views!
@rgchris My content is in a format that's reasonably documented, well... more documented than most. The generator moved a step toward being more modern with a parse implementation but now I'm looking back at it to think more.
I see Draem as more content-oriented though, am I wrong? Not really for building up a structure of <div>s or the tag soup that goes in the <head>?
7:37 AM
As I start getting ideas of how to use set-word and tag in a more general sense, I wonder how to "plug in" sub-dialects which don't obey those rules. Maybe some context needs to be set to say "this is a dialogue context" so my unusual [character-name: <action-text> {dialogue}] is interpreted by something for that context, overruling some more generally useful rules for set-word and tag. Dunno yet. Still looking at it.
I'd like to think about the sweet spot where it can mesh into a productive system that offers control when you need it, imports boilerplate, etc. So that's why I'd like to look at all the different ideas people are doing driving web dialects right now.
That's the value I see in the HTML dialect—it is oriented to setting out the structure of a page, where Draem or MakeDoc or even Markdown are the arbiters of content.
@RebolBot do/2

spec: [page "My Page Title" css style.css ["This is my Webpage"]]

do hmkdesign.dk/data/projects/html-dialect/downloads/release/…
print replace/all output-html spec ">" ">^/"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> spec: [page "My Page Title" css style.css ["This is my Webpage"]] do hmkdesign.dk/data/projects/html-dialect/downloads/release/… print replace/all output-html spec ">" ">^/"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
My Page Title</title>
This is my Webpage</body>
@RebolBot do/2

title: "Page Title"
spec: [page :title css style.css ["This is my Webpage"]]

do hmkdesign.dk/data/projects/html-dialect/downloads/release/…
print replace/all output-html spec ">" ">^/"
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> title: "Page Title" spec: [page :title css style.css ["This is my Webpage"]] do hmkdesign.dk/data/projects/html-dialect/downloads/release/… print replace/all output-html spec ">" ">^/"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />
Page Title</title>
This is my Webpage</body>
@rgchris Well I'd like to see a Rebol CMS HTML state of the union, where everything people have addressed is gathered together and we can look at it and see where there's any real cases where methodologies have fundamental diagreements, or where they agree. I tackled it trying to write stuff the way I was sort of trying to standardize what I was writing as tedious manual HTML... so I'm a sample "end user" of such a system.
7:53 AM
Well, how would that look to you Mr. User—if your main template was: page :title style draem.css [div #main [draemify :content] div #sidebar [foreach link links [a href: link ...]]
Or something such like?
(btw, I've given up waiting and hoping—the Google Groups feed is a PITA)
8:06 AM
@rgchris Hard to answer; my basis for comparison on how things work is Django, which is all based on template inheritance and a certain very prescriptive idea about what is and what is not allowed to be passed to the non-python template language. I neither love it nor hate it. I'll have to think more before really knowing what I'd like things to look like.
Do you have an example that encapsulates their template language?
@rgchris Well, you can look at what I made, basically years ago. A template file can declare named substitution points ("blocks") and then a template file can inherit from another. If it does, it can put information in those named blocks, optionally declaring a point where the content named in the parent is substituted as well through going to the "super"class.
The files are HTML-like and then declare instructions with {% something %}. So you'd make something like a base.html, lay out the page structure and leave a blank in it for the body or whatever. Each template inheriting from that doesn't assume it's starting from the top, but provides the information substituting in the slots.
8:24 AM
Being Rebol, would like to use [] as delimeters, though would also like to find a way to replace blocks that span more than one tag: <% if foo? [ %>Bar<% ] %>
ERB-style: <% if foo? do %>Bar<% end %>
Fusion: [ if foo? do ]Bar[ end ]
More prominent: <[ if foo? do ]>Bar<[ end ]>
Dialect: <[ a http://foo ]>Bar<[ /a ]>
I'm leaning toward something that offloads the parsing and structural ideas to native Rebol. One of the "dialect design considerations" I refer to is when to break this rule, such as why in Draem the markdown paragraphs with {something something [link text](http://example.com) something something} is a better solution than [{something something} ["link text"](http://example.com) {something something}]
last part might be overkill :)
But, this is why I think studying the contrast of approaches is important. I don't have a good feeling on where the crossover point into "bad idea" lies in parsing elements in dialects.
I would certainly make the distinction between content and template dialects. They serve two different functions.
A template dialect is perhaps going to reflect a particular medium (web page, printed page, TV screen), a content dialect would be format-independent.
8:41 AM
Well, you can also think of it as a kind of "hinting". So a content dialect may have a backbone with the "real data" and then be surrounded with some details that may be relevant only in one medium vs another.
I think they should be able to be in place if you want to mix them, or come from macros/inclusions such that the content is not contaminated directly.
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 144 so chat away!
@AmitC. I hope you're not the victim of a scam of some kind, using your account to post advertising spam in chat. I flagged it, because that's not acceptable here.
Xeo, In your code
65.8k 17 131 238
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 65780 so chat away!
just swinging by to get a mod flag on that guy
@Xeo Well we're happy to explain Red/Rebol. :-) Anyway, seems weird, I'm always skeptical of those things.
8:52 AM
he spammed it in multiple rooms
It doesn't seem like it would ever work to sell anything to anyone here, so what could it be other than a hacked account?
Okay, Feeds bot and Google Groups feed are not playing ball—at least with existing posts. Hopefully it'll pick up all new posts, we'll see...
@rgchris Would be helpful if it worked. You might wind up wanting to scrape the groups page vs. the RSS, just get the titles and authors out and ignore their feed data.
Part of the problem, I think, is that Google uses the same URL for each post of the same topic and also uses that URL for the ID (which breaks ID rules, but oh well). For each post going forward, I've included a timestamp at the end of the URL, e.g. "?20140212211456", will see if that's good enough.
@HostileFork Don't think it'll come to that—just need enough distinguishing metadata to convince the Feeds bot that each post of a topic is a different entry.
The Feeds bot can be fickle though—figuring out what works, what doesn't, when it'll do retro-dump, all in 20ish minute intervals.
@rgchris Well good work in any case, I think making it easier to see what's going on makes us more aware in general. I'm actually about to fall asleep for some reason so I'll have to sign off, but let's gather together all the different competing web approaches people have taken and link to them, and try and sort them out in terms of how they position against other languages...
9:04 AM
I'm the same—off to sleepy-land. Unfortunately it'll be even snowier tomorrow :(
9:32 AM
A: Execute prints backwards

draegtunRebol do compose reverse [ (print "Line1") (print "Line2") (print "Line3") (print "Line4") ] An alternative option that doesn't use paren! blocks & COMPOSE would be like this: reverse2: func [ "Reverse series/block in groups of 2 elements (modifies & returns)" s [blo...

I made my first program running in Rebol :-)
Now my next goal is a minimal web server for localhost. Some tips, guys?
there might be some webservers for R2 on rebol.org, but beware - R3 changed/enhanced the port model, it is now async in nature. I will try to look-up some documents ...
Look at Other sections wiki articles - rebol.net/wiki/Table_Of_Contents
Ok, thanks
but even some of that information might be dated, so beware ...
9:48 AM
@giuliolunati Here's how to write TCP ping/pong server/client, which is good basis from writing HTTP server.
@HostileFork First looks in 1999, started using it "for real" in 2000/2001.
@giuliolunati I have a tiny pseudo-HTTP server that serves static files: github.com/earl/rebol3/blob/master/scripts/shttpd.r
Could maybe serve as an inspiration to adapt to your needs.
10:06 AM
@pekr @rebolek @earl Thanks guys!
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 4646 so chat away!
@bluish welcome. Anything you want to learn about rebol and red?
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> 1 + 2
== 3
@redbot delete
@johnk Can you elaborate on that?
10:12 AM
@johnk Another time, thanks.. I have to work now :) anyway I'm curious
@bluish come visit again. It is a very friendly room
@redbot do parse [ 1 2 3 ] [ collect [ keep some integer! ] ]
; Brought to you by: tryrebol.esperconsultancy.nl
>> parse [1 2 3] [collect [keep some integer!]]
== [[1 2 3]]
Okay @redbot online :-)
I have only enabled a couple of commands - do, delete and help. I modified the do command to make red the default language and added a do/3 option (just in case)
11:08 AM
Sadly @redbot is still written in rebol - for the moment
11:42 AM
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 1063 so chat away!
7 hours later…
6:35 PM
Tch, is typical—when I try and test new features, everyone goes quiet!
Carl merged something!
posted on February 13, 2014 by Gregg Irwin

Thanks for your post Brian, I'm a bit out of the loop on things at the moment but, like Andreas, I just use email to interface to the group. I'll try to write a more complete response...but not sure when. :) -- Gregg

posted on February 13, 2014 by Gregg Irwin

Dang. I was really looking forward to writing a great reply to that question, but Brian beat me to it and blew me out of the water to boot. :) Archive that post somewhere Brian. Jacob, I felt the same when I found REBOL. And I was surprised how quickly it became normal to me. Certainly you can writ

@kealist Yay!
Thanks @Gregg-Irwin! I think this feed is working now...
6:53 PM
@HostileFork In answer to your previous question, I started using Rebol in 1997 or 1998.
Welcome to the Rebol and Red room. See our FAQ. Cool, you have a reputation score of 1466 so chat away!
posted on February 13, 2014 by Jacob

I did not see this reply for some reason until after I posted...odd. Anyway, it sounds as if you are saying Red goes one step further with its "macro" system than rebol does.  So, in Red, the design allows for these abstractions to be low cost?  That was something I loved about LISP; mostly free abs

7:50 PM
A: Perform file encoding conversion with Rebol 3

BrianHHere's a version that should be a bit faster, and at least use less memory. latin1-to-utf8: func [ "Transcodes a Latin-1 encoded string to UTF-8" bin [binary!] "Bytes of Latin-1 data" ] [ to binary! head collect/into [ foreach b bin [ keep to char! b ] ...

@HostileFork I started programming in Rebol in 2014 ... yesterday! ;-)
8:14 PM
Found REBOL in december 2011.
8:55 PM
@johnk We have a link to Redbot like for Rebolbot?
@iarnold what kind of a link?
9:20 PM
posted on February 13, 2014 by https://github.com/rebol/rebol/commit/49618f9e3


@RebolBot who are you?
@rgchris Can you elaborate on that?
@rgchris Can you elaborate on that?
@johnk Make sure RebolBot and RedBot consider each other to be on their "ignore" list so they won't get in any talking loops...
9:36 PM
posted on February 13, 2014 by Old Nick

Hello all! I'm a complete noob in Rebol and came here to ask some questions, but reading this post I understood the use of copy and compose, which solved my small problems. Thanks a lot! My (first!) prog is a system-tools launcher for Win XP (in French, sorry): Rebol [Title: "Lanceur"] data: [ ["Dx Diags" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxdiag.exe" "Diagnostics DirectX"] [ "Services" "C:\WIN

1 hour later…
10:37 PM
posted on February 13, 2014 by Old Nick

ETA: Scite folds & colors, so ditch my PS.

10:59 PM
@hostilefork loopback is a risk between the bots. I'll look at it tonight
11:20 PM
I might take redbot offline just in case
posted on February 13, 2014 by earl

This is pull request #109 updated to add a critical fix to maintain backwards compatibility in the build process. The only additional change over #109 is an adaptation to make-make.r to keep it running from down to at least R3 A111.

11:42 PM
@rebolbot hi
@johnk hi to you too

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