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2:53 AM
@TylerH Flash RIAs were mind-blowing at the time
They were indeed highly sought after
Difference between Flash and JS though, is that one doesn't require a plugin that smartphone manufacturers refuse to support
(But I hope Angular dies, it is a scourge)
1 hour later…
4:03 AM
@BoltClock Yeah yeah yeah still waiting on you to make a flash free Newgrounds
3 hours later…
6:48 AM
posted on April 25, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

9 hours later…
3:59 PM
@Feeds eww
4:15 PM
posted on April 25, 2017 by CommitStrip

5:13 PM
Can someone explain to me what is being referenced in this: body .buttons-wrapper input.w3slider-input:nth-child(1):checked ~ .slider > li:nth-child(1) {
Also how do i change the font of code in the chat? Ive seen people post little bits of code in the chat in a different font so that its distinguishable from text..
1 hour later…
6:15 PM
Interesting. if you have the same data type in a msgbox in vba you can use + for combining things e.g. MsgBox (String1 + " & " + String2) but if you mix them then you have to use & e.g. MsgBox (String1 & " & " & Integer1)
or only if you are using an integer?
let's do some testing
@MatthewSirkin It is selecting the li element that is the first child of the .slider element, but only when that .slider element appears somewhere after a checked input.w3slider-input checkbox *that is also the first child of .buttons-wrapper. Oh, and the .slider has to be at the same hierarchy level, AKA a sibling.
and you can use the ` key to encapsulate code. ` code here ` becomes code here (don't put any spaces between the ` and the code)
Yep - it's just when you are concatenating a string and an integer
(that you need to use &)
6:44 PM
@TylerH so the slider element can appear anywhere after the input element, and the input element has the class w3slider-input, and the style only happens when that input is checked?
anywhere after the input element at the same hierarchy level
oh okay, that actually makes sense with the effect that I'm seeing..
ah gotcha, the ul and the input arent siblings in the second one
~ is the 'general sibling selector'
but because CSS is cascading, it can only select for elements that happen after it
there's no "previous sibling" or "parent" selector in CSS
there's going to be :has() maybe in the future
depending on how dickish the W3C is about it
haha kk, that makes sense
Thank you
6:49 PM
Is there a way to up vote in the chat or is that not a thing
you can star something but that's typically to show something as interesting
ah okay
well thanks, im gonna continue looking at it now that it makes more sense
good luck
1 hour later…
8:02 PM
What exactly does the value of the perspective trait do? i.e. whats the difference between perspective 10px and perspective 250px?
I can clearly see the difference jsfiddle.net/jwv9625c/2
I just dont visually understand the 240px difference based on the explanation Im getting from the interwebz
8:22 PM
where are you reading about perspective, first of all
google lol
Okay, well in case you haven't heard before, w3schools can be a dangerous place for learning HTML and CSS
lol i have not heard that
they used to have a bunch of flat out wrong information, and they just paid a bunch of money to show up first in the search results
zach referenced me to code academy
8:24 PM
They've since cleaned up their act on a lot of stuff but it's still not great
they said 'how many pixels a 3D element is placed from the view'
the Mozilla Developer Network has a reference that is much more reliable and in depth
and they also have tutorials for general learning as well
Also check css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/p/perspective - Chris Coyier is a famous CSS author who regularly posts 'how to' articles for various CSS properties and things you wanna do in CSS
tympanus.net/codrops/css_reference/perspective this article is decent and has some helpful diagrams
oh man okay, it wouldve been nice to know that the transform: perspective() was different from perspective:
8:28 PM
Also be cognizant of issues between browsers - different browser vendors often have different implementations for experimental CSS properties
yeah i saw that
what is meant by the vanishing point
the direction your perspective is oriented toward
like, you know in cartoons or in photographs where you are looking at a road
and it goes off into the distance
and then there's a point on the horizon where you can't see the road anymore, that's the vanishing point
the point where it vanishes
oh kk
8:35 PM
lol i like the drawing
so when they say by default the vanishing point is set in the center, are they referring to the center of the div in a 2D sense?
It says the center of a 3D space but you never really define the depth of a division
@MatthewSirkin yes
but also the center in the z-plane
individual elements don't really have 3 dimensions but the viewport does
you can set z-index values, remember?
oh okay thats what was confusing me
so were talking about the center of the z for my entire screen?
So you can set your perspective to be in the center of an element, at the element, or you can set it to be in the center of an element, at 50 levels "above" the element
8:47 PM
z-index and stacking contexts can get tricky fast
yeah they mention it in one of the links that you sent
are you familiar with z-index much?
A: Why isn't my margin working with position: fixed?

TylerHWhen you set an element to position: fixed;, you remove it from the "normal document flow". Imagine your website is a river, and you're looking down at it from above. Each element is a rock in that river. Any margin you've applied to your elements is like a force field around one of those rocks. ...

If not, that answer provides a quick overview/visual representation
I have used it for basic stuff. Making my drop downs be infront of stuff and what not
yeah, so it's basically like, each of your elements is a piece of paper on a desk
and the ones with higher z-index levels are on top of the ones with lower z-index levels
you can set your perspective origin to be at the top piece of paper or the bottom piece of paper, or even some distance above the top piece of paper
Because in a geometrical sense, perspective is literally "the relation of two figures in the same plane, such that pairs of corresponding points lie on concurrent lines, and corresponding lines meet in collinear points."
AKA what you can see along your line of sight in relation to where you are viewing from
Okay, this makes a lot more sense now
8:51 PM
perspective comes into play in parallax effects, for example
Oh now i remember reading about perspective-origin earlier
I should go look at that again too
aka the perceived difference in motion between two objects when viewed from a third point in space
right right,
Personally I don't mess with perspective because it quickly becomes a headache
but others might have a better mind for it
Haha, well my reason is that i downloaded a template and put it on my side, and I wanted to understand how the transition effects were working
8:54 PM
it's a good way to learn, for sure
That way I could make my own changes
jumping in and trying to tinker with something
yeah, it looks really cool, and then i went to open the CSS and I saw 16 different styles (which I think is how each of the 4 slides look when each of the 4 are visible)
"oh neat, let's see how they do it?" peek behind the curtain "OH DEAR GOD"
lmao, basically
gonna head out for the day, thanks for all the help Tyler
appreciate it
9:02 PM
no problem
have a good one

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