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12:00 AM
I think i'll use this
7 messages moved to Trash
12:27 AM
my god.. lorempizza was so much less code with node than with php
@rlemon is the PHP version Githubed?
entire thing is 48 lines in node
(server side ofc)
@rlemon require() for a class inside a method? =oP
12:32 AM
945 lines (one file) = 48 lines total ??
no the node version
var express = require('express'),
    gm = require('gm'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    app = express();
var imagePath = './images/';
var MAX_ID = fs.readdirSync(imagePath).length - 2;

function generateImage(res, url, width, height) {
    gm(imagePath + url).resize(width, height, '^').gravity('Center').crop(width, height).fill('white').fontSize('36pt').stream(function(err, stdout, stderr) {
        res.set('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg');
        if (err) {
entire thing
sorry for the wall
I enjoy how chat says "See entire message" then gives a scroll bar xD
why not just make it smaller height and always have scroll bar if it goes over max height
Maybe because when you're scrolling around the chat it sometimes gets stuck inside the quoted text
I suppose
12:53 AM
morning 16 people and a bot
1:08 AM
!!pizza 800 600
good lord it is slow
ohhh god ... i want to eat them all they looks so testy
!!pizza 400 800
doesn't seem too slow
I should use static images for the homepage :/
any way we can make Caprica automatically hide the images before it's saved to transcript?
she does
90 secs
1:20 AM
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Please use on or off to toggle the command
I thought you did it most of the time or we had to do !!undo or something
@rlemon Functionality is enabled
I got annoyed doing it so I wrote a plugin
90 seconds after she posts an image she unoneboxes it
good, good
1:42 AM
any idea why array_merge wouldn't be working?
will it fail if one of the variables isn't an array?
Yup, looks like that was the issue
2:08 AM
how can I make an li behave like inline block (width is stretched to fit content) but so they dont wrap
@Billy Example coming, jsfiddle is going really slow
@Billy Option one. Not sure if this will work in your case or not as you have to use display: inline.
2:26 AM
Option two. Not sure if this one will work either as you have to use floats.
not sure if this an ideal solution for you though, depends what you are trying to do I guess.
jsfiddle is having some serious issues
what is the /A and is it well supported
backslash/escape I know I don't have one on my keyboard
\A = line feed character (new line)
Its ASCII so it will be supported everywhere ASCII is supported xD
The method seems to have broken margin/padding :/
Let me clear the unrelated crap aside in my project
2:42 AM
@Billy it will be because of display: inline
try the second option using floats
also can't set width which I need to be able to do. I can't load the jsfiddle lol
if you need to set a width why don't you just use display: block?
pretty much put float: left; clear: left onto the li
ahh yeah I'm getting confused
what exactly are you trying to do?
3:05 AM
check the nav
is that your site?
It will be..
so what do you want to do?
3:24 AM
Well I have it doing what I want it to but the animation is sort of wierd.. I would like to animate the padding and the "offset" (whatever the method) on the same element as the border
At the moment the offset is by reducing the width of the li and the padding and border is on the a
3:54 AM
so you want to animate the nav links on hover?
the animation is already there on scroll I will add hover as well
but I need to do it differently
it seems i'd not accept 99% of suggested edits
3:58 AM
@WesleyCrushed meh, I'd accept
no please
i resigned
can't think anymore
4:09 AM
@crypticツ there's a guy that added the tag to dozens of questions
not sure what to do
why these guys exist?
4:14 AM
i just woke up and i'm drinking beer already
ok it's lemon beer (2.5% alcohol) but still beer
don't get drunk on it
that could result to be impossible i think
not enough alcoholic xD
@WesleyCrushed y you did that :X
4:18 AM
Is anyone using Git with Git GUI? I feel the command line is kinda cumbersome
@WesleyCrushed stackoverflow.com/users/3265371/jithin-shaji?tab=reputation that what he wants Let mod( @ThiefMaster) know about it (spam edit )
i did my time. it's time for younger cockheads, drugs addicted, 5-star resturant guest people
@WesleyCrushed uh-oh, the last one >
@NullPoiиteя oh he added tsql to places that do not belong too, yup time to notify the mod
morning @all
4:22 AM
maybe @BoltClock is around
stop it before he lays eggs
4:44 AM
@WesleyCrushed does it work :P how long it will stand against my t5 plasma
it's just for fun xD
it looks awesome
> Wesley Crushed reviewed this 43 mins ago: Approve
I usually reject tag edits as too minor unless the post desperately needs the tag
5:11 AM
@WesleyCrushed LOL
@BoltClock it was one of the first, then i noticed he was adding tsql everywhere
i don't often review edits. but when i do... xD
which website do you use for free wallpaper ?
i use gray solid color xD
5:16 AM
Hey everyone. First time here. How's everyone doing?
@daOnlyBG everything's fine. you know, blaming internet explorer for everything etc. welcome
Haha, Internet Explorer. I can't remember the last time I used that shi... uhh, browser
@daOnlyBG so you are not a designer ?
5:21 AM
I'm a relatively new designer. I learned HTML/CSS this summer, and began learning a php and JavaScript. I'm a math student, but coding always fascinated me
How did you all decide on which server-side language to learn/use? I'm sure it's a question you've prob heard a million times before, but each time I say "I'm learning php," a programmer tells me "no, you should use" and then switch off amongst ASP.NET, Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, etc.
It can be really overwhelming
(any advice?)
5:37 AM
.net is a great thing but i think asp.net is not the best option for making sites. imho it has the same problem that jsp had. it's too integrated in its ecosystem. for example you can't use it on linux, you can't use it with a different web server than IIS
most of people use asp.net because they know the ms ecosystem better than linux's i think
including visual studio and mssql
instead php, python and other languages are less integrated and they can run pretty much everywhere, and you can write programs using any text editor
also they are free and open
this is more important than the actual language. you can be either good or bad at any of them. there is no perfect or best language. the ecosystem matters imho
5:41 AM
Thanks much for the insight
I do code in C# on my Mac
but with some ecosystem limitations
so I can definitely empathize with your advice
maybe I'll stick with Python or something
there is no big difference between python and php, just the syntax
they share many libraries like libxml, icu, gd
5:45 AM
so just pick the one with the syntax you prefer
Definitely. I'm not having much trouble with PHP now, I might just continue with that.
Are there any advntages to using Node.JS over php?
also check the documentation of both .. and chose according to it
Node.JS is a promising technology but not yet "stable"
still can be used for creating small things
and the thumb rule .. Learn the programming not programming Language
5:53 AM
Awesome. I'll look at the syntax for both, but for now, I'll just keep up with php
@NullPoiиteя did you start learning c++?
When my regex returned exactly what I expected
@WesleyCrushed noop i learnt a bit C but letter started other stuff so couldnt get much time to read C
When regx doesnt work as i expected i.stack.imgur.com/UpLID.png?s=128&g=1&g&s=128
5:58 AM
Look at part to its so funny!!!
When I realize that I have been blocked for two hours because of a forgotten semicolon topito.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/code-17.gif
i have done that! :(
everyone did
how did you get the upload to work it fails every time for me
link and file
the upload?
adding a image
just paste the image's url, without adding any surrounding text
6:07 AM
@WesleyCrushed lol
When I realize that I have been blocked for two hours because of a forgotten semicolon
Thats better
yeah but that's the wrong caption xD
XD it is to
it still works :)
LOL Thats even better XD
Welcome to coding problems in the form of gif's
Well i better get back to work
6:30 AM
good afternoon everybody
@WesleyCrushed whats the progress for css framework
@Akshay morning
posted on September 02, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by Panda313 */

@Mr.Alien i'm having huge troubles, but i'm not giving up
@Mr.Alien morning???
what kinda troubles
@Akshay aaah its afternoon already :p
6:34 AM
chrome bugs and missing flexbox features
@Mr.Alien busy at work?
6:45 AM
IS internet explorer 9 and under worth supporting?
or should we burn it with fire
i still support msie8
kill it!!!!
@WesleyCrushed I was expecting 6
Morning all;
hey is it possible to download the videos that are posted here?
@k111ky afternoon
6:50 AM
videos? mostly it's GIFs, and those most definitely. Videos are usually youtube, so you need a youtube downloader or something
@k111ky got it thanks
i use alot of css3 so....
@Timothy I use css3 as well, but it depends who's your target audience.
I only support IE11
ohh this is so cool
css-tricks.com/autoprefixer (I mean the error)
@k111ky morning
Error establishing a database connection
6:54 AM
@Mr.Alien Error establishing a database connection
Well Chris hasn't tweeted about it yet so ...
so thats even better
lol I think everyones fucked up, click on the download here
is it global fuck-up day? it better not spread to me
@Mr.Alien I am an Indian too....
I can guess that from your name :)
7:00 AM
@Mr.Alien Check thimothy he lives on the dark side of the moon
@Mr.Alien jajaja if you still need
@ICanHasKittenz got already ;)
posted on September 02, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

A little chuckle..
user image
7:08 AM
@daOnlyBG false, IE11 has no problem with rendering html5
nor does 10, I think
@k111ky The image might be old
display: block; + shiv.js
Haha, yes, it's old
I still found it humorous
i'd best be going. nice to meet you all
7:12 AM
@mikedidthis hey
o/ @mikedidthis
7:15 AM
@mikedidthis have you checked sandbox?
@TheDictator no, why?
Yeah I just saw. :/
and see the design of chat :D total Messup
Yeah, user case is extreme though.
7:17 AM
ALL HEIL THE DESIGNERS - mapglyphs.com/maps
map font has arrived
@TheDictator what the ..?
India looks perfect, rest looks shapeless
7:19 AM
@Mr.Alien hahaha...
@Mr.Alien what?
@Mr.Alien haha
nah look at the upper side of the indian map.. thats not corrct.. @Mr.Alien
nah what I mean is, if you look any country, it will look like a random patch, India has trademark shape, so does africa, but well, thats a continent
I don't know, Estonia looks legit to me
slovenia is ok - look like a chicken which is correct
hahaha.... @ICanHasKittenz
mapglyphs.com/estonia < 1:1 the real thing
7:21 AM
@Mr.Alien proud to be an indian
btw @mikedidthis if you need FTP, the one I'm using works perfectly now: github.com/vslinko/remote-sync/issues/35
the latest issue which I could think of haha
@k111ky thanks, but I use winscp as I ssh.
Ah, alright.
!!afk #1
7:24 AM
what does featured mean, exactly ... or definition depends on a particular site
Dino land discovered.
also it starts with the letter D
@ICanHasKittenz gotta have a picnic there
posted on September 02, 2014

My headache was growing. I could sense the imminent arrival of PDA’s all with Windows mobile 5.5. I tried to ignore it. Defiant sat in my office with his arms crossed. Me: So… Want to do some tickets? Defiant: No. I’m not even talking to you. Urgh. I needed a fun distraction, not an angry teen. Me: Why don’t we take a look at the queue? Defiant: …. I decided to take a look at the

7:38 AM
@SecondRikudo Happy bdae pal ... :D
8:05 AM
@Mr.Alien Thanks :)
@SecondRikudo Happy birthday
Yep, Happy Birthday man :D
@SecondRikudo Happy Birthday
Morning all
@SecondRikudo Happy Birthday
8:14 AM
@SecondRikudo Happy bday
@SecondRikudo may the gravity be gentle with you.
8:33 AM
posted on September 02, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by strangelet */

@mikedidthis lol "You were first place"
Contrary to popular belief, it takes a collaborative effort to penetrate the egg's defenses. This means that none of us were the best swimmers, we were clever enough to wait for everyone else to do the work, and then slip in while no one noticed.
@SecondRikudo ma niga :D
There are some awesome loading animations there ^
@PatsyIssa o/
How goes it on your side of the border?
8:37 AM
It be tense, IS at it again :P
I keep telling them show them something worse than what they are doing, make em shit their pants
@PatsyIssa They live on the promise for virgins after they die, right?
Castrate all prisoners.
Simple enough.
Not if we dismember them and leave them to bleed out ^^
@Will that is fucking gold :D
This is better than my normal meme image
8:40 AM
I think we should do something simple like this for our shouldidomywork.com
hahahahha yeah
Actually i got time to code now :P
@SecondRikudo ahahaha
Maybe something like a coin flip. then return a string that relates to the result. Saying something like "nah slack off for an hour" or "Work hard for 10 mins"
8:43 AM
sounds legit
canvas coin toss
@SecondRikudo waaat
8:57 AM
I have the weirdest fucking problem ever, css won't load on an admin panel unless i restart apache each day
@PatsyIssa Do you get an error code?
Loads forever?
Nope just doesn't find the css file
only error is in consoie
both logs are clean
Doesn't find it?
As in 404? Or does apache not find it?

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