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12:01 AM
Tried it... expr error because (I think) .SD needs to be copy()'d first? I'll bring it up on the mailing list if you think it is worth it.
Definitely not needed.
Gotta go. Talk with you later, and I'll ping you once the update is done. Thanks for taking the time to look into that and explain what was going on!
dt <- data.table(x=1:5, y=6:10, z=11:15)
dt[, names(.SD), .SDcols=c(1,3)]
Sure. later.
I think you're getting the error: Error in expr[[1L]] : subscript out of bounds
And I think this shouldn't happen. Will see what's happening and write back.
I don't think names(.SD) will work, because .SD is not available to the expression to be evaluated. So, you'll have to assign it probably in the parent frame and then use that variable in the expression you construct. But I'll verify this and write back.
12:41 AM
Hello all. I should be improving a package but I don't have the motivation. Is this a common problem? I have tried tea. On a related note, do you have an opinion on:
Meant to say: converting .C code to take advantage of 'arma' for purposes of speed.
@dardisco I'm having the same problem writing a paper.
I have tried both tea and wine
but it just won't write itself
Apparently that's what I'm for.
On your related question, if you haven't already, check out Rcpp
That's what I'm doing, have spent almost 2 wks trying to convert .C to take advantage. Getting close to just asking the person who wrote it, but I thought I should have something to 'bring to the table'. It's hundred of lines long and this has been rather painstaking thus far, particularly regarding debugging. Am starting to wonder if the endeavour is rather pointless; anyone been through this and come out the other side?
Ah, right
12:50 AM
The reason I'm posing here is that it the question would be a bit too long for the usual SO format so curious if this is a more general problem.
It depends on the underlying C code whether you'll get a speedup
I think its a broader problem, of how do you rewrite someone else's code
Lots of matrices which are processed by element with iteration. I think there's room for improvement but currently feeling head==wall. Just curious if Rcpp would make this task worthwhile? Am hoping to take advantage of matrix indexing in <arma> but many say if it's already in .C then it'll be hard to trump. Will try and think of a SO question for a simpler case... Thanks for reading.
Also EMACS on Win7 crashes every 20 mins or so while I've been developing this, but I can't make the error reproducible. At first I though it was processor overload with repeated calls to .C but it seems to hang even after a restart. Is this also a common problem? It
It might be easier to just switch out the matrix operation parts with calls from OpenBLAS
sorry it's new to me. Can't use a debian OS all the time for this
I've never developed on windows, so can't help you there
1:04 AM
That's a good suggestion, will look into it, thanks, didn't realize it could be called directly
Tea and wine. Port anyone?
1:25 AM
Posting, not posing. Freudian etc. In the meantime: youtube.com/watch?v=gTPkMkDf6NQ

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