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8:26 PM
No need to invite me, just replay to one of my messages here, that always works.
Oh, I thought that only worked for relatively new messages.
Isn't "new" always relative?
Not sure about that.
Those look like some nice error messages.
8:28 PM
You can disable unused parameter/variable warnings by prefixing their names with an underscore.
Also note how a diagnostic is valid Markdown so you can dump it on Stack Overflow!
Shall I write the compiler in Rust?
Will be an interesting way to learn Rust.
> Fanboyism aside, what I do find challenging about the scala language is the sheer amount of goddamn syntax. There is just so much language to learn, so many features to grok. Like Ruby and the lisps, successful scala teams need to limit the scope of how much of scala they use to keep their projects from becoming unknowable messes.
I'm not even aware of what percentage of Scala I actually know :)
8:32 PM
I know Scala pretty well.
The only parts I struggle with is type inference and Java generics.
> This trait allows for partial equality, for types that do not have a full equivalence relation. For example, in floating point numbers NaN != NaN, so floating point types implement PartialEq but not Eq.
That's cool.
9:01 PM
> Scala is to Java what C++ is to C: a language that's more ambitious and more complex than the one it aims to replace, multi paradigm, backward compatible, featuring a problematic compiler that was never designed with tools in mind and with very loose design goals that keep changing every year.

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