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12:46 PM
anyone is there
Ghosts yes!
i need a help
I need to help someone.
sadly i'm a total noob so I can't help, but i know two who are going to come to life
theres one :)
1.5gb, Mav.
we're at the excel part now.
12:48 PM
Anyone did excel export???
I am doing excel exporting right now, actually. Program is running.
What is your question?
I have a html table.. I want to export it in excel
I tried it with javascript. its worked. But it doesn't supporting IE9..
I'd do it in your controller, then present the file as an .xlsx
Your user can also copy/paste a table into excel. You could make that easier for them.
For example, you could write some javascript to copy the table into their clipboard when they click a button.
12:52 PM
Ah, the question is jquery specific.
Got it.
what is the error you are seeing in IE?
a.download is not supporting
i couldn't download it
which version of JQuery are you using?
jquery 1.8.3
Seems like it should work to me, but I don't have the time to test it at the moment. I'd suggest trying chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/43899/asp-net-with-c-vb-mvc or the JavaScript room if you haven't already.
Maybe lead with posting your stackoverflow question.
1:00 PM
can i do this with mvc
9 mins ago, by Billdr
I'd do it in your controller, then present the file as an .xlsx
Look into Excel Interop. It will require excel to be installed.
There are third party libraries available also.
but I only get this html table
Then it would require some significant code rework.
1:06 PM
"It would be hard."
1:19 PM
Any body can take a look over this?
the restexpense object always getting null without any values
taking a look
okay thanks
public RestResponseInfo<ExpenseInfo> InsertExpense(string AuthToken, string CompanyCode, RestExpenseInfo Expense) Where's the rest of that?
That's what's returning null, right?
restexpenseinfo object only
else i am getting the value
Some days I question my ability to read.
1:29 PM
Sorry, I don't understand most of this code. I might be sunk too deep in what I'm doing to be helpful.
@Billdr hmm, thanks for your input though
well, by 'most of this code' I really mean the one line.
I have no idea what a method signature is supposed to tell me about why the method is returning null
public RestResponseInfo<ExpenseInfo> InsertExpense(string AuthToken, string CompanyCode, RestExpenseInfo Expense)
here restexpenseinfo object returning null
public IQueryable<Gem> GetGems()
I know that returns an IQueryable<Gem>, and it may be null.
public IQueryable<Gem> GetGems()
            return db.Gems;
I know why the return might be null (db.Gems could be null)
1:36 PM
amm, letmme try
Oh wait, do you mean the query jquery sends is null?
How did you determine that? Is the route never hit?
If you're doing this on your local machine, can you run Fiddler to view the query on the wire?
2 hours later…
4:10 PM
anyone here for a oData service reference question?

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