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11:51 AM
Hi all
12:02 PM
Hey Novitchi
anybody has ideas why VS2017 is creating these processes?
Hmm. Why are there so many Node.js processes?
Don't know what they're for, VS will recreate them when killed
Another answer says this: Disabling the TypeScript extension is a work around for the moment, at least for me. Click Tools, Extensions and Updates, search for "TypeScript" and disable it. Restart Visual Studio.
VS uses Node.js internally
12:18 PM
Thanks Alex, this explains what they're for. I'm working with JavaScript so I don't want to disable them. Needed to make sure they're doing something useful.
But boy, that's a lot of processes + memory
There has to be a bug somewhere, the memory usage is slowly raising up to 1,8 GB
I'm on VS2015, and the devenv.exe normally does the same... takes up 700MB, then keeps creeping up until it passes 1GB and becomes unstable
From what other folks are saying about vs2017, this might be a bug though
Lately the VS hangs on me and does not recover, just tried to kill the node processes and VS becomes responsive again :)
Happens when editing huge .js files
12:33 PM
Dang. VS2017 needs a few more updates, it seems
1 hour later…
1:58 PM
I have a UserControl that starts with a Combobox with an object list loaded into it. When the user select an item from the combo box one property of the object, another list, gets bound to a ListBox. When the user select an item from the ListBox, the backend code takes that object, clones it, and passes it to the DataContext of a set of form controls. (I'm doing it this way so I can tell the user if they haven't saved yet and let them cancel the selection.)

Here's my problem. After I save the form data, I'm taking the object from the form DataContext and trying to replace the corresponding
2:42 PM
just guessing, but your combobox is probably still bound to the original data context
for example, trying to set an observable collection won't update the ItemsSource binding
(unless you raise INPC on the set)
however, i would recommend changing your methodology a bit. the best way I have found to allow edit cancelling is to use serialization
serialize your VM pre-edit, on cancel de-serialize and replace values
cloning VM's is not fun
I'm assigning the data set to the combobox's ItemSource
In the code
ew gross :P
@Kevin I'm around now but I failed to figure the context of this monologue :P
@sehe don't teach your son winforms
@Maverik i was trying to get that google drive keepass sync to work. instructions were shoddy, but i figured it out.
2:57 PM
ah ok
i didn't really read the instructions :D my google account was already part of keepass and the plugin just picked it up from there and auto-linked
Soooooo Mav, bought another keyboard this weekend. Some guy on r/hardwareswap was selling a razer bw 2014 for $30 shipped....I mean I know I don't like Razer...but that's stupid cheap
what was supposedly so wrong with keyboard that he sold it for $30 with delivery?
3:24 PM
craigslist has a bunch for $50 and under 0_o
might have to see what the hype is all about
4:01 PM
nothing apparently
I have a CollectionViewSource (defined in xaml) bound to a ListBox. The ItemSource is defined like this

{Binding Source={StaticResource SelectedLetterTemplates}}

How can I get the Listbox to update its contents automatically when the CVS changes? It doesn't like it when I try to make Mode=TwoWay or set it to DynamicResource
Listbox already does that with CVS
you're doing something wrong if CVS isn't raising its notifications
generally this is due to underlying collection feeding the CVS not raising proper notifications
4:17 PM
CVS Source shouldn't be two way - though that's not the problem
whats .Templates ?
(in CVS)
That's a property (a List) in the objects in the combobox
That list gets displayed in the ListBox when an item in the ComboBox is selected
when you say "CVS changes" up there - do you mean SelectedItem changes or Templates changes?
SelectedItem change should be working on its own
well either someone needs to raise INPC for Templates to cause a full rebind OR use ObservableCollection (if only the contents are added/removed)
I make a change directly to MainLetterList on the back end
That's a list. Should I make it an ObservableCollection?
And would that make a difference if it's a property of a single element of the Collection being changed?
4:22 PM
yea either that or raise INPC for Templates itself from somewhere to cause a refresh
thats why it's important to use the right term. adding to a list won't automatically update the UI, that is what an OC is for
difference in only in which notification to raise
INPC for single / INCC for collection
but changing an item inside a collection, it doesn't matter what type the collection is
also if it isn't obvious -> changing an item inside the collection will not raise any notification at collection level itself - only at the object level that gets changed
Trying to look up how to call INPC manually.
4:29 PM
PropertyChanged("Templates") <-- don't you do that kinda thing in properties?
The classes that I'm passing through the controls were defined on the other side of a webservice.
4:41 PM
The CollectionViewSource actually has the correct data. It's the ListBox that's not pulling from the CVS
5:20 PM
nameof is a neat way to improve manual INPC calls
and I don't usually do that in properties because I use CallerMemberName :)
5:45 PM
nameof is what i use as well and nameof > callermembername cos compiletime vs runtime reflection
especially when you have r# doing all of that automatically anyway :)
@Maverik CallerMemberName is compile time, too
why do i get the feeling you've told me this before and I've forgotten :)
thanks for reminding me again
2 hours later…
7:25 PM
@Maverik analyzer will tell you :)
7:53 PM
yea it will IF i used CallerMemberName (which i don't) :P
but right now i have a weird problem that I can't figure out -- involves SOAP shit
    public class GetQuota
        [MessageBodyMember(Name = "Directory")]
        public string Directory { get; set; }
that's the request - but whenever i send the request -- it makes Directory into directoryand I end up with nothing
any ideas why this may be happening? redundant Name is my attempt to "fix" this
@Maverik it will nag and fix it for you
Johan - i don't use CallerMemberName -- so analyzer can't nag me for it
as i said twice before - i've switched to nameof syntax
but anyways - if anybody has any idea on this SOAP serialization issue, please drop me a ping
analyzer will still nag and rewrite to using callermembername
7:57 PM
well then i'll uninstall the big brother
    client implementation if it helps:

    var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<ILegacyQuotaManager>(binding, endpoint);
    var serviceClient = channelFactory.CreateChannel();
offending xml:

            <directory>xxx</directory>  <--- OFFENDER needs to be Directory
I'll head home and bang my head back at this tomorrow if nobody has any idea on how to fix this
g'night all
@LynnCrumbling sorry for random ping but maybe you will like it youtube.com/watch?v=2rIOeb9LfJg
maverik you here? you did some react(js)?
2 hours later…
9:53 PM
Maverik is probably gone for the night

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