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3:18 PM
Hi guys
Guys I have a List<object> data with each object with about 3 properties, and simillarly list have more than 300,000 records. I want to print this records as a card (so multiple cards per A4 sheet), how to achieve this requirement
3:50 PM
4:02 PM
I heard about UI virtualization, is it possible to use it if I have custom UserControl as list item which get data from DB?
All the examples I saw is about simple ListItem etc. I have massive custom UserControl with a lot of code behind
there is about 3k lines of code in each UserControl and more than 50 UI elements
4:18 PM
user have ~86 of them loaded on start
after a lot of optimization i managed to cut load time in half so its only ~4sec now :D
I made it async as possible but it uses UI thread so its not real async
that was really painful, I almost cried...

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