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12:07 AM
@KarmaDoe if you're referring to the Atom plugin, then so do i
12:18 AM
@NathanJones Sadly, i´m not.
is "Fantastic ASTs and Where to Find Them" too esoteric a title for a talk?
@phenomnomnominal i like it :D
so you probably shouldn't use it
It's a metaphor for working with outdated tools.
@KarmaDoe This is a message I typed on a keyboard
So is this one.
12:24 AM
well i'm glad we cleared that up. later
1:04 AM
Hey could someone explain to me why I'm getting an error of object is not a constructor
@Luggage huh?
You're probably using new on something that's undefined
lol new {} in chrome console throws:
VM1669:1 Uncaught TypeError: (intermediate value) is not a constructor(…)
I think I solved my original problem though now it's telling me that this isn't a method puu.sh/sa9mZ/4bf6ab3e04.png
1:14 AM
didn't even notice
Thanks @rlemon
I always see you around the JS chat
What do you do as a job?
yea, I'm on sometimes.
I program
yeah stupid question really lmao
1:17 AM
Oh yeah that's a bot
You're talking to a markov chain
Kinda like going to an AA meeting and asking why everyone turned up here
beep beep
lol i triggered it
markov chain
1 + 1 = 2.0000000004
1 + 1 = 2;
1:18 AM
yes, human brother, that is what I meant
so whose ready for there new presidential overlord
probably a bunch of Americans
rlemon how often do you write tests for your projects?
actual answer, or ?
I'm also just presuming you work on some form of production code base
1:22 AM
I don't unit test
Hey I'm kinda confused with JS recursion return values
Basically I'm doing a load of TDD stuff with mocha / chai to really get indepth with TDD and BDD frameworks before getting a job
and I'm wondering how useful it will be for that purpose
function interestRecursive(amount, yearsLeft, rate){
	if(yearsLeft === 0){
        interestRecursive((amount * rate), (yearsLeft - 1), rate);
the irony isn't lost with me, I worked as SQA for the beginning part of my career
once I became a full time dev testing seemed less important
Why will this work with console.log but not return?
1:24 AM
How are you calling it Jasch?
console.log(interestRecursive(100, 3, 1.04))
Others had issues with this before but I'm having trouble understanding the answers
I mean it never return anywhere there right?
so you need to return something @Jasch1
functions always return something
Looks like homework xD
1:25 AM
so you want to return the function call again, or the value and exit early
does that make sense?
so return interestRecursive(amount, yearsLeft, rate)
instead of just the ammount
yes, like in the fiddle I posted
no you want to return both, in the condition
in your example, it went over the first iteration, called the second iteration and did nothing with it
you want to return that function call (recursively) until year == 0 then exit early (return) the value
all you were missing was the second return
1:28 AM
please say it makes sense, because it probably is homework or the likes and I really don't want you to just copy and paste it
Nah its not hw
Makes sense
My hw is fucking racket
useless language
I miss homework
I fucking hate racket tho
so useless and easy
I hate the crippling weight of responsibility
If you could give advice on the most important thing to learn before leaving university what would it be?
1:35 AM
I never went
so, all of it
Has it hindered your career at all?
the thing I feel I lack most is proper design patterns
so learn that
@lix not much actually
got paid less for a while, but 0 debt
so probably evens out
Pretty interesting stuff I wish I'd learnt about programming before actually starting the course
I learned how to do a lot of things the wrong way
self teaching 101
design patterns go from 0 -> 100 so fast man
gang of four is a joke in comparison to some
1:37 AM
it's still something I struggle with today
I am a solo dev at my work
only guy ever on my projects. I might interface with other things, but the project is mine and mine alone
damm that sounds kinda hard like
so.. it gets away from me at times
would you prefer to work in a team?
last project took a couple years and is a couple thousand lines of spaghetti but works like a champ
I now have to re-write it, have started and restarted a few times 😒
Is it public?
1:39 AM
@lix actually, yes, but I would have to be in charge.
@lix no
You've perked my interest, so long as you can match the free drinks policy at microsoft I'll code for u
ha no no
we're a small company
Where are you based?
I'm from the UK but I really want to move to the US or canada
1:42 AM
we do embedded control systems, I mostly work on the UI now, but also do the online connectivity and smart phone stuff
the 'control' aspect was done years before I got there
Is that like mbed stuff?
ohh, iot
umm, yea I guess I do iot things
the device itself is a full blown industrial control system. I work on an addon product
Yeah ^_^
and the 'next generation' panel
they are not small
the device or codebase?
1:44 AM
both 😖
Sounds pretty cool tbh man
yea it isn't bad, I enjoy my job
I started out as a manager for Microsoft then went back to university to learn something different and ended up falling in love with programming
now all I wanna do is move to the US and build my own company
nice, I'd love to go to school again, but probably once I retire
maybe take physics
I'll be a lucky man if I never have to go back to school
1:46 AM
Nice physics is pretty hard tbh
@ndugger see I think I'd enjoy it a lot more if I'm retired, and doing it strictly to learn about something that interests me. not to 'get grades and get a job'
That's fair
I might enjoy it in that capacity as well
man, I hope canada has free university once I retire 😃
that would be so sweet
meanwhile raising UK tuition costs
were the next us 2.0
usa getting legal weed before Canada was a huge shocker tho
so there is a hope for crazy reform everywhere
1:49 AM
Yeah that's true
Man devs love smoking the old mary jane
ohh I'm not advocating it or anything
just stating a fact.
Canada has been much more lenient of pot vs usa historically.
so for them to legalize it before us is kinda strange imo
The more progressive states isn't that strange
If it get federally repealed before canada makes it legal then I'll be suprised
we're gonna be legal (so they say) by summer 2017
so about that job application
1:52 AM
I swear I don't smoke weed.
lots of jobs here too, but taxes are pretty high
but we're used to it
I'd work for free tbh
Idgaf about money
just don't go looking in Toronto or anything
shithole of a city and expensive
you can get just as much pay outside of TO and get half the living expenses
1:53 AM
can I just apply for jobs in canada or do I need to get some form of green card system approval
not sure tbh
I imagine you start to apply from out of country and hope they want to take care of it all for you
depends on how good you are I imagine
but if you don't have a record, and are going to work, I don't see a problem with them letting you in
our country is larger than USA, with a population smaller than California
See this is the problem
it isn't like we don't have space.
I'm a uni student, The only real experience I have is the content management system I helped program
I have enough rep to case a vote? Nice
1:55 AM
@lix meh, not really a problem
well that and the 4 years I've been programming at uni
you won't get paid much
but you'll get enough to live for a few years till you get exp to get a better job
I think UK taxes are on par with ours.
but you'll live in canada
after spending it, I get like 45% of my money
38% tax on my pay, 13% on my sales, few thousand on my property, + other crap
but no freak hospital bills.
ahh we don't have those either
that's definitely major drawback of the us tbh
2:00 AM
@lix if you're serious start applying to companies in Canada. can't hurt
true I only have another 7 months before I finish my degree
Ontario and BC are expensive to live in
but you get paid more ofc.
BC > Ontario for expense iirc
Quebec is alright, if you're into cold and french people
all the other provinces are second tier 😃
Niceee, I'm gunna start having a gander
the thing you'll have to get used too is not going anywhere
because of all the snow?
2:04 AM
it takes 5-6 days to drive one end of Canada to the other.
and $6-700 to fly it
unlike Europe trains here suck, and air traffic outside of the USA is expensive af.
I mean it takes like 24 hours to go from one end of the uk to the other ahah
even in the USA would be expensive compared to EU
but everything looks so fucking magaical
it's alright.
everyone wants this:
reality is this:
I mean they both look awesome
2:07 AM
but thanks to global warming. we only get that a couple months a year now
It doesn't snow here so
where in the UK are you?
I thought you guys got rain and light snow all year long
like you somehow skip summer
I'm from London originally but live in plymouth
BC if you live on the island you don't see much snow. but when you do the island basically goes ape shit because they can't deal with snow. Ontario embraces it and you hate every other driver for not knowing how to drive for a few months.
that's basically the only two driving experiences I really know
we get tons of rain and our summer lasts about two weeks at best
2:11 AM
I don't mind rain.
I don't have to shovel rain.
I bought a "snow thrower"
not a snow blower, a snow thrower
worst $150 ever spent
a) it doesn't work
b) when it does, it throws it like 20ft
not a nice little 3-4 ft
fun for all the kids
2:12 AM
onto my neighbors yard.
I'm still thinking of how to re-engineer it to something else.
so bitter about that purchase
you need to hack this thing
I'm thinking of just removing the motor and calling it a day
I can use it for something else.
maybe for some kind of snow blower
2:15 AM
granted I got it on sale.
didn't pay $200, it's garbage
god their website sucks
Snow blowers do a great job of making snow-removal more manageable and are available in either gas or electric models.
god I hate imgur
@rlemon You're just not having a very good time right now, are ya?
why on earth does my new object return the actual code for returning a property rather than just the value
@monners 👄
2:17 AM
@lix Because you're logging a function, not a call to a function?
That video was godly
I guess I should be prototyping
lol, someone's clearly a .NET developer :P
PHP actually m8
but yeah
They made us do that in college
you got me
2:19 AM
Explicit getter methods in JavaScript...
Wasn't a criticism, just an observation :)
Not going to lie I miss how neat and precise java / php is
go into c# then
wonderful language
$neat and $precise
Sadly this has to be done in nodeJS
otherwise I'd be back in netbeans feeling safe
node is also wonderful
2:23 AM
it's confusing as fuck
what part
It's not that bad
Like coming from PHP primarily
PHP just makes you do a lot of weird things
& you start to think it's normal
it's just odd having to create an instance of a sever
and not handling things on the page or autoload registers
and abstracting code
2:24 AM
so modules ? js in general ?
the entire ecosystem ?
like atm I'm trying to make use of the module.exsports as a way to make this class like I would in php
@rlemon Have you used php?
for years.
but long time ago
You basically treat it like a really powerful templating language
none of this new fangled php
2:24 AM
Like wtf is that
It's so weird
I used a lot of 4.x php iirc
I still have no idea how to create a namespace in js
maybe 5?
back when you had to say = new Array();?
@lix Don't need them
2:25 AM
whatever was in the 90's
and early 2000's
but what if I want to abstract my classes away from my logic?
isn't that what modules are for?
exports is just an object
module.exports = blah
if you make it a function, you import a single function. if you make it an object, you import the object
Basically I just created a class spaceship as a function (this is wierd but w/e)
gave it a bunch of what I know as properties
then created methods using the same thing
yeah I'm lost
class Foo {

export default Foo;
and use babel
sec gunna google babel
2:29 AM
babel just compiles new js to usable js
import syntax isn't supported yet
(nor a bunch of other shit)
Surely that's still a valid way of making a class?
const spaceship
I also can't use new style javascript for this
it's a class like object
in new js you can do the same with the class keyword
class foo {
  constructor() {
	this.a = 1;
    this.b = 2;
Am I right in saying you can create multiple new instances once required?
2:30 AM
I don't think I could go back to writing pre-babel JS
if you export Spaceship func then yes
It pretty much only adds import/export at this point, right?
with 'new'
@Meredith and es7 stuff
I have this module.exports = Spaceship;
var Spaceship = require('../spaceship.js');

var testShip = new Spaceship(0, 0, ["w", "a", "s", "d"]);
@lix sure, then it should work if I understand
2:31 AM
Oh yeah node doesn't have **
Which I've used like twice
That's the thing when I call testShip.getX
Sorry if i'm interrupting in middle of a conversation...a totally unrelated question
@Meredith also helps if you're not using cutting edge clients
it returns the function text rather than the value
at an interview- can I use Es6?
or do I have to stick with ES5?
2:32 AM
@dmr I'd imagine it is recommended
there are so many features that make things easier
like classes
if you really want to know, ask them
@rlemon Yeah I don't really do front end though so not my problem lol
"hey do you have a browser requirement for this?" is a valid question.
2:33 AM
oh wow
good idea
realisation that I just needed to add brackets
16 mins ago, by monners
@lix Because you're logging a function, not a call to a function?
Gunna grab a coffee
@monners When you realize your too reliant on intellisense
2:35 AM
so I figured out how to make Dark Theme 100% modular. except the static requirements for things like CodeMirror. does anyone actually not want codemirror?
@SterlingArcher ^
@Meredith do you reddit?
/r/floridaman is a must
Ehh I'd just turn on my local news
can i do something like this? <h1><input type="text"></h1>
2:53 AM
yea man ..i have made a pen you can see your js in there...it is changing the colors in double click maybe of other jquery
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