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12:14 AM
@rlemon I have a challenge.
worst case scenario, I'd just like to know if it can even be done.
if it involves a condom say no
See the background over the dock/bar?
can that be accomplished without it extending all the way across the page (blocking stuff)
the grey?
12:18 AM
I put the gray transparent background on there to clarify what the icon bar is blocking on the page
It sucks that it blocks things that it isn't visually covering up. I want to ditch the background and be able to click things that are visible.
I'm not sure that can happen.
btw, that dock.js isn't very clean, I didn't write it, but I will be polishing it if I use it. I know you'll be critical lol
#dock ul has a fixed height
that is doing it
js might be forcing it as well
talk to the person who wrote it :P
no, not the height, the width.
It's how to center the fixed div with no container, I guess.
idk. sorry
np, if I can't figure it out with css, maybe I can js hack it like crazy
12:34 AM
why can't you give the dock a height of 1px?
or, just ditch the dock and fix position the ul?
Unless I'm misunderstanding you, that doesn't fix the issue at all.
You want to be able to click the elements that are behind #dock?
Looks like the best bet is to use left to move it over to center
oh, you want to center the #dock?
the elements it doesn't visually hide, yes.
12:41 AM
ok I got it
@rlemon You play BF3?
add this css:
    overflow: visible;
    height: 1px;
#dock ul{
    position: relative;
    top: -198px;
@BillyMathews noo way
Yes way ;)
you said that the ul has a fixed height right? It is explicitly defined in the CSS..
@BillyMathews noo way
My brain is too fried to think about it at the moment...I'm going to eat dinner and then wrap my head around that
12:51 AM
Ahah nice
@m59 I really like dock.js, never seen it before.
@rlemon still having issues with that thing?
wait...change the defaults?
CSS is way too confusing
A function that can't fit my screen can't not be bugged
1:08 AM
@Billy cool man. It's really simple. I'm going to rewrite it to be more contained and flexible. It's just global functions and looks for #dock. I'll make it oop.
I love ChatBot.
Any vim gurus about?
check the lounge
What lounge?
is it easy to learn to use canvas?
1:17 AM
100 points to you, sir :)
hells yeah it is
Not all programmers are male.
not all uses of gendered pronouns are meant to imply gender :P
Quite so.
@BillyMathews I've answered an insane amount of canvas questions on stack overflow if you run into trouble
1:22 AM
But 'sir' is not one of them. :-)
neither is mankind, but I doubt you complain at its every use :P
Actually, I retract that, I think they are.
Mankind is different.
That dates back to when 'mankind' === 'humankind'. There was no gender association.
@fizzytea Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, bro
It was only later that 'man' took the meaning of male.
@BillyMathews lol!
Anyway, I'm not offended. But programmers learn not to make assumptions.
Oh, so true
I slipped up, and for that, I can only give you my condolences. :(
1:32 AM
As punishment you get to debug a memory leak in a jQuery plugin.
Deleted code is debugged code. [Jeff Sickel]
Good luck ;p
Hey, I used to live in Barnes, many years ago. (Yes, I am stalking you.)
I find it funny how that these days, meeting someone from New Zealand or Sri Lanka is normal, and coming across someone from places you know is remarkable.
1:51 AM
Anywhere specific in Barnes? it's quite small, haha
Well it would be difficult to live in an unspecific place unless I was homeless.
Hang on, I'll have to look at a map to refresh my memory.
Baronsmead Road.
small world.
Loved it there. Great place to live.
Yes it's great I agree
Minutes from the centre of London, but quite peaceful. I could cycle to Richmond Park and see wild deer. Lovely place.
2:06 AM
Yes I commute to London, it's quite a nice drive, if you're on a motorbike anyway.
anyone want to talk some css?
@JohnMerlino Fire away
So they say that the browser ignores top and bottom padding and margin for inline elements
yet how come it works with inline link elements when the containing ul element contains padding of equal length?
for example:
ul.nav {
margin-left: 0;
list-style: none;
padding-left: 0;
padding-top: 22px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #000;

ul.nav li { display: inline; }

ul.nav a {
border: 1px dashed #000;
border-bottom: none;
padding: 22px 15px 5px 15px;
margin-right: 5px;
background-color: #EAEAEA;
text-decoration: none;
color: #333;
you can use this html and run it in the browser to see what I mean:
<ul class="nav">
  <li><a href="#">Home</a><li>
  <li><a href="#">History</a></li>
  <li><a href="#">Profile</a></li>
Sorry, I wasn't aware that the browser ignores top & bottom margin & padding?
for inline elements
not for block elements
i mean to say "increase height"
when you add padding to inline element, it shouldnt increase height of element
thats what I mean by ignore
2:13 AM
I'm still not fully aware of your confusion
@FizzyTea - we New Zealanders have a tendency to be everywhere!
@BillyMathews remove the padding-top of that ul
and the link padding-top is eclipsed.
the inline elements have no padding top if their contianing block elements dont give them any room
its not as if the inline elements can push their containing blcok elements
Im not saying I have an issue. Im just saying its strange behavior.
If I had an issue, I would post it on main
No, the link elements do have padding postimg.org/image/l47gif72l
but its only visible if the ul container has room for it
notice the padding-top: 22px; on the ul
remove that and the link padding top is no longer useful
@phenomnomnominal :-)
2:21 AM
@JohnMerlino I may have gone bat shit insane butthe link padding remains exactly the samee
did you look at the jsfiddle and the image?
It should be fairly apparent if im looking in the wrong place from the image
I think the inventors of intercal and malbolge came up with css and the box model.
yes, but when I run this on firefox on ubuntu 12.04 lts, i get different behavior
In css3 can we wrap selectors with a main selector?

#foo {
.selector1 { }
.selector2 { }
something like that?
@BillyMathews when you add lets say 200px top padding
how come the link is not growing 200px?
in height
2:25 AM
@m59 no, take a look at lesscss.org
@JohnMerlino it is in Chrome, as for ubuntu/firefox I have no idea :/
@BillyMathews jsfiddle.net/gtbfx/2
you see the 200px link?
now remove this part "padding-top: 200px;" for the ul and that link will shrink
@BillyMathews SOLD.
@m59 I know, right?!
I didn't get to look at it much at the time, but I tried using the LESS version of twitter bootstrap, and it wouldn't work :(
I couldn't get the responsive stuff going. Have you used it?
@JohnMerlino I dont think you updated your fiddle
2:30 AM
Does px stand for pixels? I've always wondered why it was px.
No I've never actually used bootstrap.. or less.css.. only read about it
@BillyMathews i just updated
@john yes
isn't there another measurement to use, so that the website looks the same no matter what browser you use?
px is pretty explicit..?
2:35 AM
@Johann Yes, poodleflops (or pfx for short).
wow that is probably one of the worse questions I have asked
Anyone heard of Koding? I signed up for the beta release a while ago, and it was just released..
@Johann And yet the answer was quite accurate. :-)
Given me my own little site billym.koding.com
2:38 AM
camel perl book cannot be beat. :)
@Johann How much JS did you learn from it?
cloud programming. They are going to make buckets of money.
@JohnMerlino Not familiar with the book, but the author knows his shit.
'Learn why literal notation patterns are simpler alternatives to constructor functions ...'
I like it already.
there is a website of a guy coding a website on a website
It's the future.
Check out playcanvas.com.
It won't be long before emacs is a jQuery plugin.
2:45 AM
@Mikhail help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, define, get, google, hang, inhistory, karma, learn, 420, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, popcap, knock, say, heybuddy, codesnotwork, lick (page 0/2)
@Mikhail Certainly
2 rs
How much wind could a windbreaker break if a windbreaker could break wind?
2:52 AM
Any devs in london?
@FizzyTea I was looking at that playcanvas, looks really cool
and their meetups are in a pub really near my office
!!/choose "screw around for an hour" "code some"
2:59 AM
@SomeKittens code some
Obvious answer is obvious
r/badcode. XD i.imgur.com/LZBIe.jpg
Someone explain the difference to me.
Don't drink and CMS.
Hard not to.
3:05 AM
i.imgur.com/f4p3d.png more dumb stuff
!!/choose "PPT" "MH" "KC"
@SomeKittens MH
powerpoint, mohawk, and kansas city
At least the answer makes sense
!!/choose "good" "bad" "jQuery"
3:10 AM
@FizzyTea bad
Perl is written in base64
!!/choose "java" "c#" "javascript"
@FizzyTea java
3:18 AM
I think I've found a bug.
!!/choose weed or sleep
@BillyMathews weed
@BillyMathews thats insane
How so?
3:20 AM
@BillyMathews woah!
ummm... cause its like perfect haha
Perfect! :)
so what is the worst syntax error you have ever found
(and the story surrounding it) ;)
@twiz, I just read your page traviswimer.com/html5ishness, good read :D
@BillyMathews ha thanks. It probably needs updated though
3:28 AM
anyways its 4 in the morning im offf
see ya. I'm going to enjoy yesterday for a lil while...
Python is for people with guttheria
@SomeKittens whatcha workin on
@XCritics Just upgraded Mongo Helper to properly handle errors.
oh nice
3:42 AM
You? Any word on the job?
I'm deciding on what to do next myself
No, they're in an audit so they got their hands full till the end of the month, should be some time after that
ouch, audits are never fun
4:11 AM
When there is no type hierarchy you don’t have to manage the type hierarchy. — Rob Pike
5:14 AM
how can i fire the mousedown event programatically...
i want to fire the mousedown while rendering the field in a form
if you are using jQuery
no im using EXTJS
this time read documents
@Darkyen read document but dint got answer.. as last option i choosen this chat room
nobody uses xt js here afaik
but .dispatchEvent should work on the DOM element regardless
but might not be the best way to do it
5:18 AM
:) ok I'll try
it gives me UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR: DOM Events Exception 0 @Darkyen
err read the DOCUMENTS
You could try asking later, when there are more people here
@JanDvorak from what i have seen none has used ext js in the usual visitors
5:21 AM
Some of them don't like jQuery, though :-)
well we all like jQuery you know ?
we just dont like the horrific and abusive over overoptimistic approach of developers towards it
1. "hey i wann use javascript to show a div"
2. "Lets see if jQuery does it"
3. "Oh it does, and there is a plugin for it"
only 43kb of script to show a div, np
4. "So lets load jQuery [ which already does it] and now lets add that sexy plugin which is doing nothing but doing it with css based approach [which is 10 lines in css]"
yeah... there's no need for a plugin
I really hate it when people don't
5:33 AM
@JanDvorak we understand but puny developers dont
hell even i didn't before i came to this room
i was like "jQuery does this, jQuery does that , i will use jQuery for everything "
is there?
but i wrote my own (xD) then realized just how stupid it was
Do you guys just dislike jQuery cause it's wrote bad? Or cause its the Goto for every answer instead of vanilla? Just curious
5:46 AM
I'm not sure anyone really dislikes jQuery...
like @Darkyen said, we don't dislike jQuery
just the way some developers use it
It's a tool
I'm sure not many people would have problems with guns if noone ever killed anyone with them ever
Oh ok, you guys make me feel like if I'm using it I'm doing it wrong
It's not really necessary any more either
It used to be used for abstracting away the differences between different browsers
lol I think its still pretty useful
5:48 AM
I just like it cause I don't know the cross browser differences
I like using it, I like the API
I also like vanilla.js for the same reason we like other low-level lan... environments
it's more a challenge
It makes it very easy to build something quick
Yeah, the only thing I know is different is attach and add event
Vanilla.js lacks native animations
5:50 AM
The standard example is AJAX
also, did you know IE8 doesn't have getElementsByClassName or classList?
the list of things IE8 doesn't have is quite long!
No I did not and yeah phenom, the Ajax part has to hands down be my favorite
I tend to be more surprised when it does have something
It does have querySelector[All], though
5:53 AM
Why do the developers insist on using different code, e. G. Attach vs addevent
My biggest problem with jQuery is that it makes dunning kruger more relevent .
The developer things that hes a fucking god or something really great for doing all that work but at the end of the day hes just a shtupid person.!
@XCritics lack of standardisation. You don't want to do it the IE way just because IE is the only one version-locked here
can't we just consider IE8 forgettable by now...
20% of the user base, IIRC
@twiz, still support IE7 at work
5:55 AM
but.. but... I don't like helping stupid people
I wish I was better at css so I wasn't so reliant on bootstrap.. Most of my programs have the same look and feel :/
@XCritics, all bootstrap sites do
consistent L&F is not a bad thing
I wish all the major websites would just force people to download a modern browser if they don't have one...
I know how to make it pretty, I just suck ass at aligning and putting things where I want them to be placed
5:58 AM
Just put an image that says "Stay at home mom discovered 1 weird trick that will stop every website from breaking" on every major website
IE use would drop to 0 in like a day...
So my lovely people, i am the most foolish developer ever but i made a proper collision model [ thanks to @JanDvorak 's idea though ]
On a side note,play.google.com/store/devices/details/… is pretty darn awesome
@XCritics floats floats and more floats
:-> @JanDvorak you are a genius and a great help :D
6:00 AM
What did I suggest?
ha I didn't even catch that he said that
that proportional to distance
i am finishing my worm after work tomorrow
have iron man 3 to watch today :D
ohhh you were serious. I thought you were talking about the L&F comment haha
@twiz when i am not serious i specifically speak bullshit.
and when i do you guys will feel it like i am talking bullshit, like right now this sentance has nothing meaningful and you were so lazy that you forgot to even read all the spellings and yell on one was wrong, now you are tried finding it... and now you will probably try to find grammatical mistakes in this bullshit so that you can ping me.. :-) congrats u have just read bullshit and wasted ~ 6 seconds of your life
are poodleflops flipflops made out of poodles? cause that sounds really comfortable...
@Darkyen ping
@Darkyen ping ping
@Darkyen ping ping ping
6:06 AM
Now edit that a hundred times twiz:-P
you had some grammatical errors
@darkyen just in case you didn't get that ping, Imma ping you again.
Ok I'm done...
but f'real can someone kill their dogs and make me shoes?
Well... clearly I need to stop talking.
poopsenders.com/order apparently I can send anonymous bags of poop to people
I like the world we live in today.
@phenomnomnomimal do you have an Android by chance?
@twiz i dont have a soundcard :P
linux \o/
hell i am playing my music off my iPhone , which is 10x better quality anyways but ... :D lol
I have a Asus xonar essence stx :-)
Hd pings
@XCritics at home i have same lol
6:15 AM
high definition surround sound 5.1 channel ping with bass
@XCritics, nope
Such a beautiful card man
nope :P
Anybody ever wrote any Java script for the Tasker app on Android?
6:15 AM
best sound card is iPhone 4s
dedicated to it .. with Sennheisers dedicated for output
you have to say its the best beccause you paid so much for that setup :D
Does it fit in a pci slot?
It's the best cause its literally the best sound card I've owned, I use them with my Audio Technica Audiophile headphones (which replaced my Sennheiser PC350s)
And i replaced my iPhone 5 with a Nexus 4:-)
Ew Sennheiser
6:24 AM
@XCritics I feel as though that has to violate some kind of laws.... haha
This doesn't work, but I'm curious what the interpreter thinks of it
(size > 12) || return false;
why not just return size > 12;?
the interpreter thinks you be crazy
I don't need anything returned, just need the function to stop running.
the if statement is fine, I just like to know my options
if would probably be the most readable even if you came up with another way
6:36 AM
There once was a girl from Nantucket,
Who had a nice fancy bucket.
She mopped up the floor
And went to the door
To answer it.
7:16 AM
Q: How can stackoverflow users be encouraged to use jQuery only when appropriate?

Joseph MyersThis question is a serious question for anyone who believes there is still just as much importance in understanding the core JavaScript language, even in the post-jQuery world. In the last seven years, I have followed the development of jQuery and truly appreciate what it does for developers. I ...

Hi all
Please have a look at this following link
Q: Set the caret position always to end in contenteditable div

Mr_GreenIn my project, I am trying to set the caret position always to the end of the text. I know this is default behaviour but when we add some text dynamically, then the caret position changes to starting point in Chrome and firefox (IE is fine, amazing). Anyway to make it to work properly in chrome...

@Mr_Green , do you know what variable scope is ?
@tereško o/
hey man !
7:33 AM
@Nari2 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: JavaScript Frameworks for traditionally structured web applications

DamienI am looking for a way to control large amounts of JavaScript code in a ASP.Net MVC web application. I have been looking at Ember.js and whilst it's pretty compelling it takes control of the routing and as such treats the server as little more than a place from which to receive API calls. This i...

morning , @Darkyen
morning room
maybe this one would help you?
7:35 AM
how u doing teresko ?
OOP stands for "Oh Oh! Poop!"
^ Since, Java is optimized for / built up on OOP ,.... no wonder its bullshit *
@NullPointer I started writing an answer...but it's just not worth it.
People never listen.
I'd either be preaching to the choir or to deaf ears...Matt McDonald was right. The web-dev community is irrevocably damaged.
7:57 AM
@tereško I am not aware of that

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