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12:00 AM
Thanks Owatch. :)
It seems that whenever the device is tilted, the cpu increases due to the uimotioneffect code I added.
And when it's still it goes back to 0%
Also, Max.
I saw you in one of Apple's videos.
atleast I think I did.
(If it was you) your voice get cut off when you were trying to say something.
Apple's rude yo!
You feel me?
Sorry, I meant WWDC event video..
@Owatch do you know if testflight reviews are carried out no weekends too bro? I submitted one yesterday....
hoping it gets reviewed by tomorow?
I do not.
damnnn :(
You should be able to check the status of the review.
Yeah, it says "Waiting for Review" but I'm wondering whether I'll have to wait till Monday now...
anyone else got any insight on this?
12:07 AM
No, then it is not being reviewed yet
I'm quite new to TestFlight, but normal app reviews take about 2 weeks.
It will say 'In review' when the process begins.
Testing App reviews (For external testing only), takes about 24h during the week.
I need to checkout test flight, never used it.
I like it, but I'm just not sure whether they'll have people checking the submitted apps on testFlight during the weekend.
It is possible they don't/
I'm going swimming, I'll be back later.
12:12 AM
have fun brun
Hey Vimzy, what's up?
What are you testing out on test flight?
New app?
@Somnibyte Yeah man it's an upcoming delivery app for my city! But now I'm getting kind of pissed if I have to wait till Monday...
Stay patient bro, I had to wait 22 long days for my app to get reviewed and put on the App Store. Those days were long bro...too long... strokes beard
Your app sounds cool though.
It's nice your staying local, it gives you that sense of community.
Yeah man I'm hoping this is faster since it's only an app submitted to test flight
last time it got approved in like 24 hours
Are you working on anything atm?
Just working on updating an app of mine. Getting some inspiration on Dribbble, just the usual.
Have you ever had those days where you look at a project of yours and you say to yourself, "Dang that's ugly", and you quickly want to fix it up and re-release it? That's how I feel right now. XD
12:21 AM
Yeah I know how you feel man, if only that process was that easy though..
anyway i gotta peace bruh
See you later.
Have a goodnight.
1 hour later…
1:38 AM
:( GAH
I need help, this code is gross
When my extension is launched, it refreshes the data, then counts it. if there are 0 results, then it shows a default view, if there are more it sets up a table view.. then I have code that can refresh it as well, which then check if that view is nil and then sets it up, else it removes the bottom constraint and resets it so the extension can properly display. but it seems so bad
I'm back girls.
1:58 AM
No girls here
Yes m'lady.
I'm a bit annoyed Max
Me 2
Just sent myself a batch of button textures that are mostly clear. Turns out there is a not-entirely-clear shape in the background I didn't catch.
So I have to redo them.
I'm sorry
Thank you.
By the way, I hear the 3 series is the most popular car in CA.
Is that true where you live?
2:03 AM
I dunno
I don't know cars
Working with Keychain sucks
Is that Apple's authentication software?
I am going to store the ID I get in the keychain when logging into Trakt, privacy is important
I only really interact with it minimally.
2:16 AM
It just sucks working with the keychain:P There are objective-c solutions but I want my project pure Swift
I used to want to get into cryptography, but it's pretty complicated and math heavy..
2:43 AM
And I got it working
Wrote a test that 1) creates an item in the keychain
2) checks to make sure that item is in the keychain and matches it with what I saved to the keychain
3) Deletes from keychain
4) re-checks keychain
What?! Max wrote a test?!
The growth :D
So helpful
Yes, I have 235 of them on my current project
But actually I'm not sure what half of them do
I have tests that make sure I get data from the server and can parse it, then have others that check my date API is working, and now if keychain works
But as long as they keep passing I don't bother to check :p
2:47 AM
My best test is checking that I can parse the data from online :P The test gets 100 shows from the service and successfully parses them with JSON
I'm excited for the UI testing, that will be a big help
To know that everything continue's to work
I'm pleased with my new addition..
@Maximilian How often do you update iTunesConnect?
When working?
3:05 AM
What do you mean
I only go into iTC to check my payments and when I'm going to submit an app basically
Which reminds me, wheres my money
Well, let's say you make some changes to an App you're working on.
Do you archive it, and upload it to the pre-release section of iTunes often?
Like for external testing?
Whoa, I made $1.32 in ads... what app of mine has ads?
some apps
For my work work, I did 20 betas in 15 days
I see.
Each with significant changes lol
I sometimes add something neat and want to update it, but feel I should wait for enough to collect before I do.
3:08 AM
Oh how often do I update apps?
Well you see, I keep a schedule
I want X features for 1.0, then after that then I make a list for 1.1
In my case, I feel if I update too often, people in external testing won't bother because they think its annoying and not much changed.
Wait a few days
Well. I have. (Updating tonight, just thought I'd ask).
I'm really hoping this does it.
People have endless trouble with my Orbit feature
I've made it pretty hard to screw up this time though.
3:11 AM
Im orbiting
People also have expectations of what space is like that isn't really true.
And my simulator will produce % error (It needs to if it has to run fast), that makes things imperfect, so it can be hard to achieve exactly what you want.
:O Ill test it if I got some time
Don't force yourself to, just wanted you to have it so you could check it out.
You don't need to test
You're busy enough as it is
I think I broke a online quiz
What is the quiz on?
3:22 AM
I took this test "Can you answer the 21 questions that every american should know?"... I guessed on like 18 of them.. got 100%
One of my builds is taking an unusually long time to process. -_-
¯_(ツ)_/¯ Guess I know shit
I hate things with click bate titles
The BBC now has them, and it's such a shame.
What do you mean?
It wasn't clickbait
A guy I know posted that he got 100% as well
Titles like "10 things you never thought you knew", "This trick will blow your mind", "Thought you knew what to do in a storm, think again with these special tips"
@Maximilian Clickbait means the title is meant to get attention rather than be productive or state what it actually does.
Why is my build taking so long to process??? There was one stupid warning. But that's all. Could that slow it down so much?
3:25 AM
It worked though:P
It was a quiz
I guess.
Although everyone commented said they got 100% lol
It's been like 30m and my build still hasn't been processed
It's not fun trying to create a hash collision.
Hows it Nil?
I don't see you much...
3:41 AM
Are you going to take it easy this weekend?
Since its the 4th.
I'm trying to.
My neighbors already shot off fireworks here. :/
I'm just expecting someone to start a forest fire
Is that a problem in Idaho?
We've had lots of rain, and nothing really is at risk in CT.
3:45 AM
We haven't had rain in quite a while and it's going to be over 90F for most of the weekend.
I can't stand much over 75..
Meaning drunk people with fireworks and the ones going camping probably won't observe safety rules.
Do you live next to or near a forest?
Or high risk area
I live next to a lot of trees that would combust given the chance.
I didn't know Idaho was such a dry state.
Well, hopefully nothing happens.
I had to drive into NY state this morning, and it was rather pretty.
And a steady 70 degrees today for he most part.
3:50 AM
Its 90 degrees right now
It was raining this morning
It's very green out where I am.
Like picturesque green..
I see just heat
if you can see heat, it's too late
say your prayers
New build out now.
@Owatch pause mode became unpaused after I added a planet and long-pressed it
4:00 AM
Oh my
Maybe the patch notes were a bit premature
Let me try
Oh, my bad. I thought you meant in orbit setup.
just add a planet from the meny
I did
I paused the game, and held down on it to 'select' it (For moving)
and then long-pressed it?
4:03 AM
The pause icon remains paused, and I see no movement
Maybe I did it wrong
no wait, you're right
let me see if I can find the specific scenario again
My mysterious object isn't as fun as I thought
can't find it, maybe I was wrong
I wanted to repulse everything, but it only pushes things away.
insert obligatory tumblr comment 'also my love life' here
4:07 AM
You can star it now
Could be a quote from Jaden Smith's Twitter page.
No, no, you already have too many starred messages
Is that resize thing when you choose your objects helpful?
I can make it resize everything bigger
If its still to small to tap
no, it works
I was contemplating adding an endless stream of 'Did you know' facts
I must say I appreciate your helpfulness with my App Matt.
It's hard to get feedback from people. As they're busy doing other things.
But you're pretty much on top of it every time. I think about 95% of the modifications and improvements have been based on your contributions.
You're welcome :) It's mostly because I've been very interested in watching your development/beta process, mental notes, observing.
4:16 AM
Contrary to Owatch's belief, he himself was in fact the Beta
it goes even deeper than that
you're actually a beta...of a beta, of a beta's beta
Well Matt, I have a confession to make.
This App was in fact a Beta itself, a Beta created within a Beta
To see how you observed me react to something I made.
Max enters the room, and gives his confession
I can't...
it's all been a lie
4:20 AM
I want to watch that new terminator.
It seems movies are coming out like mad.
no one else does
haven't heard very good things about it
probably makes a good action flick though
You hear about Star Wars, then (I) think it'll be out in like 3-4 years. Then it turns out it's being released in 6 months.
Max said he enjoyed it a lot.
I didn't actually check the ratings
Magic Mike seems like it'll be great
probably one of the best movies of the year
26% Rotton Tomatos.
Boy they must really hate it.
The series has a very silly/stupid premise to begin with
I'd give it 20% on principle
4:23 AM
To be fair, spelling Genysis that way makes it sound like the next COD rehash.
oh, you're talking about terminator.
Oh, right
> *Genesis...how can we make this sound techy, futuristic...*?
> How about, Gene*sys*, sir?
> Tom, you're getting raise.
4:26 AM
i'm not sure which of those things you're excited about
Just an amusing front page result
IDK who Emilia Clark is
But she's probably pretty attractive.
actor made popular by her role on game of thrones
news orgs are going down the drain
*have been
4:27 AM
I recall that name now.
She plays the queen.
Of dragons
and 50 other titles, but yeah
Well, she's not that hot then.
Now that just looks bad Matt.
lol it does
looks like me trying to cover my tracks
I think I'll go see Terminator then
I don't have any investment emotionally into the franchise.
So if it sucks, boo hoo.
you've seen the other ones, right
4:30 AM
I just need some action.
Yeah. Not all of them though.
Damnit Matt
Hopefully they'll all check the permalink out and find out the context.
(Hello future viewers)
1 hour later…
5:55 AM
Who is throwing a party?
I am watching dub dub videos while people party
Destiny is on Xbox
9 hours later…
2:50 PM
@Owatch is here
3:09 PM
I am now Gudiya.
3:25 PM
@Gudiya Can I lazy load data from plists?
It takes a moment to load a fresh ViewController, and it is because the data that goes into that view controller is extracted from a plist and written to various labels, ect. I was thinking I could cut down on load time by having it load in the background.
3:49 PM
Read the plist on a separate thread and when it's done update the UI on main thread
That way your View Controller will be shown without any delay.
I am simulating memory warnings to see if what I have in place helps
I wipe all arrays with data about stuff and memory only drops a small bit.
Then if I open up VC's again it reloads it and the memory seems to climb even higher.
Well, the allocations do
But I will use a separate thread
for the plists
4:12 PM
Show the code
For what?
Memory warnings?
That's the full file
Both .h & .m, it's kind of a lot
I can copy paste the method for memory warnings here, but it doesn't tell you much about the file
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Clear Arrays
    [self setStarsArray:nil];
    [self setPlanetsArray:nil];
    [self setMoonsArray:nil];
    // Clear SubMenuViewController
    [self.subMenuViewController setObjectArray:nil];
    [self setSubMenuViewController:nil];
Some pragma mark stuff says 'Core Data', but I removed that. (In case you wondered why there wasn't any. I just haven't updated the titles yet.
Here's what Allocations looks like when I simulate a memory warning
It occurs where that spike on the right of the graph is.
(Loading data back).
The slight drop before that is when it released the arrays I think.
Hey Matt, do you use NSOperation?
5:46 PM
@OWatch yes
6:06 PM
@mattsven How might you return values to the main thread?
Like, I made an NSOperation subclass that loads a string and image
All the tutorials I use seem to be very old though
They want me to setup an allocation pool and whatnot (Which I did)
And I've written it to do what I want.
But I don't know how to return the data from the operation.
It is talking about delegation, is this the right way to go?
6:29 PM
I guess I'll use delegation
6:44 PM
@mattsven The VC loads much faster now.
But in the sim, you can see the new images snap into place as you load in.
Is that unacceptable?
VS before, where it lagged a moment, but nothing visually loaded in while you opened that VC?
Ah sweet, I make the images fade in. Looks much better.
7:36 PM
Owatch, completion blocks are a better way to go.
Pass a completion block to your operation, and write the operation code to invoke the block on the main thread once it's done
I'm less than 200 points from a rep of 32k. I hope to hit it exactly (32,768)
7:59 PM
It seems to work fine for me right now.
But completion blocks does sound much cleaner.
I wouldn't need to create a protocol
I might just do that.
How would I pass data to the completion block though?
From the operation
8:35 PM
as a parameter?
9:05 PM
@MichaelDautermann is here
Happy Independence Day
Anyone want to play Quiplash? (Note: requires you have a functioning browser and preferably Skype.)

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