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01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 18:00

1:01 AM
Good morning everyone
right back at you
hey michael
Haha the top starred posts are max rambling about Xcode and iOS 8
@MichaelDautermann any idea why [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"title CONTAINS[cd] '%@'", filter] isn't working?
Yeah...it happens a lot
1:08 AM
It works fine when I replace %@ with test or some such
But when I pass in a variable, no dice. Even if that variable is an NSString that is test
what if you take out the single quotes?
yes, I'd be fustrated, too...
Trying that now
Use block predicates.
it was the quotes
Thanks mike
@nil That sounds interesting?
I just knew you would solve your problem, mattsven.
1:11 AM
Ah I get the concept
I'll look it up
I never bother with those kinds of predicates
I mean string ones
Isn't it faster?
I always use block because remembering the syntax is obnoxious
I doubt it will be a bottleneck
@MichaelDautermann It creeps me out so much when you say that.
It's not a question of performance
1:11 AM
However, it doesn't work with core data queries so be careful
it does? I am just impressed that you solved your problem.
It's a question of whether you understand what Apple's actually doing.
At least it didn't the last time I checked
And when it comes to non-block-predicates, I'll be damned if I can figure out what they're doing.
1:13 AM
> In OS X v10.6, Core Data supports this method in the in-memory and atomic stores, but not in the SQLite-based store.
Not sure if that's true past 10.6.
I don't see how it could be since I doubt objects are actually created for the query in a SQLite-based store
I imagine they would just forward the query text as-is to SQLite
More likely that they compile the query and then emit it as needed for SQLite.
I saw something really cool at CEDEC yesterday ^^
AR is advancing pretty quickly at Sony
Now they not only place an AR character in the scene, but have it react to dynamic lighting from physical lights (i.e. not from the engine, but from someone holding a flashlight, etc)
Aside from that, though, SQLite3 can have custom query functions
1:17 AM
So it's possible Apple just didn't do that until after 10.6
Not that I'm going to try to set up Core Data to test it.
hrc.org/blog/entry/… ⇐ The room quieted down, have some politics
I saw one recently that was against the trend
Yeah. The judge's ruling was kind of blisteringly stupid
1:23 AM
Just means it'll get appealed up the chain and probably help along the way towards a circuit split.
I wonder what his views on adoption are
Seems to be a logical extension to the argument given, since it affects the link between children and biological parents
Perhaps the state should try banning adoption next
And furthermore, ban divorce
And wtf...who says all gay couples want children anyway?
Although I suppose legally if it can happen for some then it's relevant
HI room.
Noel, that is a sick f**king avatar. :)
We need the SCOTUS to make a conclusive ruling on the issue of marriage equality.
They need to "man up" (irony of the expression understood) and do the right thing.
1:43 AM
Hey Duncan!
Long time no see!
I think that federal judge should ban infertile hetero couples from getting married, and ban all forms of birth control. Oh, and make engaged couples sign a sworn statement that they intend to reproduce before they are granted a marriage license. Seems like a natural extension of the reasoning for banning gay marriage.
Hi Enrico. It has been a while.
Been busy.
I've also been quite busy.
Today is my last day in this company.
And also my last day on a retina laptop =P
Working full time on-site at a customer site lately, and doing a lot of work with Arduinos in my spare time.
Oh wow, really?
(Until I buy one of my own, that is)
That's big.
Company laptop then?
Do you have another Mac?
1:48 AM
My Mac is a Macbook Air.
The company's is a Macbook Pro.
I bought an Air because I liked it better – it has longer battery and it's very light.
My daughter has an air. I wouldn't be happy with the small screen but the light size is appealing.
I guess @nil and @borrrden went to sleep.
I'm at work so I'm usually in and out
2:06 AM
@DuncanC What?
I still take a morbid sense of pride in being paid worse than borrrden.
Just trying to join your conversation about recent rulings on marriage equality.
Well I might start getting paid better
Not sure yet, but interviewing with an American company next week
For a consulting position
Well pretty much like consulting I guess
I'm being paid obscenely well for the moment. (Short term consulting gig.) Sadly it averages out to something like a job at Walmart.
2:21 AM
Hmmm, I mean more like someone who advises customers on ways they can use the software and fields technical questions from them
It doesn't sound like you need to be that talented in development which is why I worry about the salary...
Have you guys been to iTunesConnect?
It's finally been updated.
I've been waiting
Updated for what, Xcode 6 and iOS 8?
(No, haven't been there in several days)
Haven't been there in years
Now that I have an income, I really ought to pay for iOS dev access.
2:34 AM
They completely redesigned it to make it better than the clunky piece of crap it was
Seeing as Mac dev access is pointless to pay for
Unless you want to put something on the Mac app store, which I don't
Though I could probably put Schemer on there
The Mac app store has been pretty good to me Noel.
I've probably made 40k - 45k from it.
Pretty good return on a $99 investment.
Is there a way to get more information from the printing of bad layout constraints?
2:37 AM
I doubt there is a way to get more information from the "printing" of anything
If this is the same thing as yesterday then figure out where your zero height constraint is coming from
I am not good at setting down wine glasses
Im working on a keyboard, so I don't have a property or anything for each key, I just add a view for each button, and it logs out warnings that its going to break a constraint but has no useful information as to really which key
Also, I'm eating a burrito and drinking wine
Doesn't sound like a good combination.
I prefer beer with burritos.
I was about to say the same
2:38 AM
Borrrden its not the same keyboard as yesterday, but same issue
Well, it's a fizzy white wine
Wine goes better with Italian
Thought I prefer beer over wine any day of the week
Fairly sweet kind, so it goes well enough
I'm not a big fan
2:38 AM
Stupid layout constraint issues, that shouldn't be there
You are right, it shouldn't. Fix it :p
I normally prefer beer but it's hard for me to stomach because it gives me heartburn sometimes
I'm still not a convert to auto-layout. I'm with Max. It's a pain in the ass.
How do you fix something that shouldn't be fixed
By fixing it instead of complaining :p
2:39 AM
I'm 25, live with my parents, and I get to complain about heartburn due to aging.
You have to troubleshoot it. Figure out what's wrong.
I'll figure out where my life went wrong later.
I mean how hard is this, all button widths are equal, first button has a leading to superview constraint, last view has trailing constraint, in between views have a leading constraint to the previous's trailing
ITs not hard, its like 20 lines, and its not my fault
That wasn't in response to Duncan but the timing worked out pretty well
and yesterdays issue was 3 lines of visual layout, that one is really messed up
2:39 AM
I've never had to troubleshoot auto-layout...
Ive been working on it for hours
Then again I've never done anything too terribly complicated with it
Are you working with keyboards?
Other platforms are way ahead in the auto layout world
Do you set up your constraints in IB or in code?
2:40 AM
If you turn on the show-rules-debugging thing in Yosemite and create an open file dialog, the Yosemite open file dialog will show that it has problematic constraints
Mostly IB, but once in a while in code
code, no IB for keyboards
I've only booted my computer in Yosemite once. I need to get my second drive re-installed in my laptop and set up dual boot.
Im pretty sure its a keyboard issue, like UITableViewCells have constraint issues now with height even though they should be self sizing, so even though the keyboard has a known height that Apple manages unless I add my own, its probably something with that, its trying to use my constraints to figure out the keyboard height when really I want everything flexible to what Apple sets the height to
Even if i add my own height though, issues will stay
"UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Width" <- The devil
Also is present on the table view cells, so its messing everything up:/
If Apple is going to release new phones next week (with different screen sizes) it stands to reason that they will use iOS 6 and it's size classes.
If they do that, developers need a way to release iOS 8 native apps.
2:42 AM
Size classes?
That means a GM approved version of Xcode 6.
size classes are alright, I don't use them much
I'll be disappointed to see larger iPhones
There are a few WWDC videos on it
That's all I can say
2:43 AM
It's a new way of dealing with different sizes of display on iOS.
Disappointed why?
It'll make them harder to use.
Basically, it's a way to program different layouts for different sizes
I don't have a burning need for a bigger iPhone.
Nor do I
Makes it a tiny tablet rather than a phone.
I already have a tablet.
2:44 AM
I don't want a bigger phone but ill get the 5.5 for the "sapphire" or whatever display, I want the @3x
I will probably buy an iPhone 6 because my current phone (4s) holds a charge for like 3 or 4 hours of standby.
Unless they include it on the 4.7 model, then ill get that one
I wouldn't count on there being an @3x.
3x is a horrible number. You go double or nothing when scaling.
@3x? Why bother? @2x is slightly beyond the limit of human vision. Anything beyond that is kind of pointless unless you're using a loupe.
2:45 AM
It'd make more sense for a retina MBP, but not a phone
And yes, it will make layout math painful.
I'd say we need to focus more on visibility in sunlight and such without resorting to matte displays.
That and battery life.
They are making 3x, UIImageView already will load 3x images
Well, Apple's original design was for arbitrary scaling, but they simplified it to 2x.
2:47 AM
Bearing in mind the original design was also to have vector UIs for OS X
I use Sketch so i can just add a 3x option and its made
You mean back in the NexT days?
I mean back in the 10.6 days when HDPI stuff was becoming more relevant and it was technically in there, albeit experimentally and disabled
But when is Apple going to allow apps submitted with Xcode 6?
2:49 AM
Next week
next monday
or teusday
Probably depends on the platform
iOS is much nearer on the horizon, given the expected release of new hardware next week.
Apple has given developers at least a week or 2 with new Xcode before an OS that requires it is released.
holy crap
They may announce the new hardware and the GM of Xcode 6 at the same time, with actual hardware availability of new iOS devices a week or 2 later.
I found a badly worded question on SO. That wouldn't be surprising except that the username matches the name a former coworker of mine who was in way over his head and eventually quit...
2:53 AM
omg what borrrden?
Right, one glass of wine is enough.
Very, very enough.
ugh. I hate auto layout with a passion
Is he Japanese? And so is the question in Engrish?
It's good Duncan wasn't here when I downed an entire bottle of wine over the weekend.
2:54 AM
He is Mongolian, as far as I know
He claimed to have English ability too :p
But I quickly discovered that it was greatly exaggerated
How can i get more info besides "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x178097c50 H:[KeyboardKey2:0x1701d1ee0]-(0)-[KeyboardKey2:0x1701d1fd0]>"
I mean this doesn't help me to debug
What's the lingua franca at your office?
You're not fluent, are you?
I'm damn well fluent enough
2:56 AM
I feel like you guys think its me messing up and just complaining about this
And actually so was he, as far as I can tell ^^
Don't think so as Flow is 100% auto layout and has 0 issues
I guess my reaction was less OMG bad english, but more OMG bad question
And ultimately OMG WHAT am I seeing things?
Have you ever considered using a helper framework Max?
There are things out there to make using auto layout in code much easier
I tend to write them.
2:58 AM
maybe i should
I am the lord of home-grown utility libraries.
I may have been debugging the wrong layout though:O
I thought it was my upper characters, may be my bottom ones.. maybe both
keyboard+autolayout = WTF
I need to go to bed. Gotta get up and fight DC traffic again tomorrow.
Did you guys see the new iTunes connect
I saw that it was updated. Haven't looked at it beyond a glance however.
Goodnight all.
3:01 AM
rightwingwatch.org/content/… ⇐ In case anyone wants to hate their fellow humans
I can't even make sense of what is being said
That's the mostly correct reaction to that article
I just don't think auto layout likes me
I really don't even know which constraints it doesn't like, I disable all views and it finds a way to print the same stuff
Try adding just one letter then :p
If that works, add two, etc
3:17 AM
Cant work that way:P
Its all flexible so everything needs to be there, else It will have a reason to print an error
first row of characters seems to be fine and print nothing, all views widths are equal, first and last and pinned to superview
but second row is when it starts getting errors, the first and last characters have equal widths, which is bigger then the rest
they are also pinned to the edges, and everything in between has equal widths, and doesn't like that
Don't know why, it works fine. Im not setting one accidentally to a different width, it should all work fine
It can surely work that way, you are just unwilling to try. Start with one button that is pinned to the side
And has a specified width / heigh
well that ones works correctly with no errors:P
but the reason why i can't just add a character and keep trying is, I have an array of all the characters for that row, then I do a loop and add a button for each character in that array
So...stop doing that
Sometimes you need to change your code to test things :p
meeeehhhhhhh. Its the best way
ITs not liking the different widths of items:/
I can only do it for the first character, after that width is unknown and then will print errors, If i give it a set width it will work then:P but it doesn't need a set width! point of auto layout to be flexible
I can't give it a width because then no point for auto layout, ill have to check device and give a width based off the device width when 2 new iPhones come
setting all equal widths has no issues (so far, usually crashes for no reason and then switching back will print the warnings sometimes)
I don't think there is any winning
Like this gives off issues "H:|[_altKeyboardButton(40)][_nextKeyboardButton(==_altKeyboardButton)][_spaceKe‌​yboardButton][_returnKeyboardButton(79)]|"
I mean how, there are widths for 3 of them, 1 is flexible. this isn't a complex or hard layout, and yet apple wants to break a constraint from the superview and the alt keyboard button?
Im going to post it on dev center, makes no sense to me
3:45 AM
My turn to complain...
KVO returns NSNull as the new value for my BOOL property
Extremely helpful....
what are you trying to watch?
I just started doing KVO stuff:P
like a month ago i used it for the first time
a BOOL property of my settings class
Apple needs to give a beta 6
This is not from the beta
I'm using Xcode 5
Well they still need a new beta because I can't see how my constraints are wrong
I just worked on a parallax scrolling table view header in auto layout that can rotate and resize to any iPhone size, with 0 errors
and now i cannot even lay out some views horizontally
What should I do
I mean the keyboard looks correct, and acts correct in portrait and landscape basically, I just get the stupid warnings which make no sense
Ill post a picture and you can see
4:06 AM
How should I know :p
If you happen to have a keyboard sample that works try analyzing it
IDK. I mean i showed you 1 of the format strings, doesn't it make sense to you?
There are no examples, keyboard works, just i don't want to look at these warnings for BS
here is the one showing the frames of each button
and without, see. looks great!
The actual keys are hidden:P Im not ready to display what awesomeness of a keyboard it will show
What do you think Borrrden
hi Gm to all
i have an issue can any please help me out
4:28 AM
brb gettin' me some pigeon romance simulator
The only dating sim with pigeons.
Enrico what do you think about the keyboard
4:39 AM
It looks empty
nil.... You seriously bought that?
... the keys
its not a static image that i add key buttons on top, each button is added that way
its full
and keys are hidden because anyone will that kind of layout can easily add the keys and then steal my keyboard
anyone will that kind of layout
I can't understand.
my point just flied over your head
I think so.
Is it hard to lay out those keyboard keys?
I was going to write a keyboard based app too.
But I was too busy.
well to have it work right its hard, to get the layout not particularly
I wasn't saying the layout was, but any app developer who makes the layout could copy the characters I'm using, so thats why i disabled the characters until i release the app
so nobody just copies the characters and then have a exact copy
4:49 AM
Note the part where it says this will become required as part of the Finnish primary school curriculum
Max: You know that there's going to be someone who'll put it in GitHub just a few weeks after now, right...
Enrico, WTF are you talking about
Also if you feel like crying -> reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2fgyic/…
I haven't read such a touching story in....I can't even remember
Im not saying anything about the layout, That will be on github, ill go upload it now on github, i don't care about the layout or hiding it.
I was saying i was hiding the characters because like someone who made some other keyboard which still has this normal generic layout can then package a new app, same layout and give it the keys i have and then boom steal my app
Don't be so worried about that
I mean someone will upload this new generic layout in GitHub
5:02 AM
WTF happened? lol
I think you still miss what I'm saying:P
Just like how there are 100 other GitHub projects doing custom alert views and custom UIActionSheet
so what does that have to do with anything?
You just said you're scared someone will steal it?
not the layout
the layout doesn't give me money:P
You keep missing it
the thing I'm worried about people taking is the characters, you know. @"A", @"B",@"C", except i have some special ones on my keyboard:P
if i posted a pic of the keys actually displaying, someone can go to the special characters menu on mac and make the keyboard in 5 seconds if they already have the layout, which most do
5:05 AM
Last night I dreamed that the oceans were made of orange soda...
but it was just a Fanta sea
oh... I was thinking Sunkist
Shit this android API is very flaky
The sky is blue!
Oh...sorry this is not an obvious utterance contest?
Max: from your previous apps, I can already guess what the characters are going to be lol
5:10 AM
What are they
If so then share me the code for the layout
jim you're make me cry
jim do you want to eat ramen tonight?
Ill give you the layout after my keyboards are released
even though IDC if people make it, I'm not going to help them get there before iOS 8:P
also, layout can be easy but character selection is not
nayoso I want to eat ramen
meh, not really
close but not quite Enrico.
come to here
Close is good enough.
nayoso come here.
5:19 AM
I can't tonight nayoso
I'm having dinner with the company that's interviewing me soon
You're too far
and there is no good ramen there
ah OK then jim
5:33 AM
Good luck with your retina enrico
I hope apple will release ipad air 2
I want to buy ipad air 2
with gold accent
5:49 AM
? Last hour of retina? what
Are you going to Windows?
You are dead to me
It's because he has to give his computer back to his employer.
Former employer.
Still current employer for 1 more hour.
2 hours later…
7:53 AM
Lol well, not anymore I guess
8:28 AM
Morning all!!!! So i have this long form (containing TextFields and TextViews). I want to build Json file from the data of these TV and TFs. any suggestion for best quickest approach? I think i have to build that in textFieldDidEndEditing delegate methods?
8:46 AM
Why not when the user exits the actual view?
Is there a need to constantly update it in real time?
No no need to constently update
Then it seems the best time is when the user finishes interacting with everything, not just one control.
So i have to pic all these Tvs and TFs one by one and put them into NSDictionary then create JSon file from it?
It's not nearly as hard as it sounds
My concern is not when my concern is fastest way. Yeah i know but i have 200 such fields
I was thinking something smart. But i dont think we have many options
but appreciate your suggestion :)
8:53 AM
I don't know what you just said o,0
Haha. no worries. I have this long Json file.Right. Then i have this form containing 100 TextFields. I have to map json file on textfields and then if i change anything then map data back to Json file
Does it make sense?
It makes sense but seems like a design problem
100 text fields on mobile...
its iPad app.
and there are 5 tabs each tab (UIView) contains few TextFields
Its Enterprise app
its like reading Json and passing data back to json.
What you suggested is what exactly i was thinking. I just checked if we have something else
9:47 AM
100 text fields on anything is a scary prospect, would give a UX designer an embolism
01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 18:00

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