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12:27 AM
SO Meta is such an interesting place
Hi matt
Hey Ethen
How's it going?
what're you working on?
A: Why is the UICollectionViewDataSource deallocated when I try to call a method on it?

Paulw11You are creating the dataSource as a local variable, so once setupCollectionView exits, it goes out of scope and can be deallocated. collectionView will only retain a weak reference so there is nothing to prevent the deallocation. You should create a property for your dataSource - @property (...

That guy just blew my mind
Upvote that answer lol
12:32 AM
Hey Laddu!
I thought you were banned?
I was. But like always, I'm back with a bang.
What's going on
I just realized how weak/strong works
Which is probably something I should have known before hand
And would have saved me like five hours of time
but I know it now!
Weak is weak. It isn't strong enough to hold objects into memory.
But sometimes they are useful.
Today I also achieved something I wanted to lately. I managed to send and receive data between 2 iDevices using core bluetooth.
Are properties defaulted as weak or strong?
12:37 AM
I think it's assign
Also I recently got Instapaper
and its amazing
Way better then using a regular RSS for read later type of htings
Plus, it's also now viable to read tech articles in class instead of reading the Kindle app
Okay, it's strong in ARC
with some caveats
If the property has the backing store declared by us and it's different than strong then it's the backing store's ownership qualifier or else it's strong
Revolutionary idea:
Interfaces and implementations aren't tied to files
They just exist
Inside of little modules that you can import and export
It means a better IDE UI, a simpler way to see what is being changed on a class inside of each module
12:44 AM
I feel like there is a reason that this is a bad idea
And that that reason relates to version control
Some of my tests now fail even though I didn't change the method they are testing lol
which app are you developing?
a game
And I figured it out
I changed the init method of the class for the tests
I see
Do you use Trello?
Or something similar?
12:50 AM
@EthenA.Wilson you should read that arc link in the side..
It's in my queue
it would tell you about weak strong assign etc.
Ethen is here, Duncan is not, continue Duncan's inability to talk to Ethen.
Unit tests make debugging is easier
@NoelCower We talked already
12:53 AM
I'm Peter Van Daan in the Anne Frank thingy play
why does my UIView's layer have a sublayer already when I didn't add one..
cue scary music
Is it actually a UIView?
I found out after a lot of wasted time that UIButtons have subviews -.-
It's actually a UIView only
I checked
three times
now four
I wanna watch a good movie tonight
I watched Memento yesterday
Watch Frozen
12:57 AM
I've been meaning to
Holy crap that was good
Haven't watched a disney movie in awhile
I thought it would be meh
It looks like a kid movie
But it was my favorite movie of the past year.
12:58 AM
I like psychological thrillers
You should watch The Illusionist
Let me see it in google
The Prestige is better than it, though: imdb.com/title/tt0482571
The Prestige will seriously blow your mind.
So many tricks and foreshadowing, and it's really easy to miss if you aren't paying attention.
Okay, I will watch Prestige tonight.
I found Memento already to be confusing.
both are good though, so put them in your queue :)
I need to get around to Memento
1:02 AM
You haven't watched it yet?
Not yet
NSArray.lastObject saves lives
they got firstObject too
Lots of crashes with objectAtIndex:0 when the array is empty
please excuse me while I go retrieve my mind from where it was just blown to
First object is longer than @[][0] so
I suppose it's great for when you want != nil || == nil?
1:08 AM
What do you mean no longer @[][0]?
in length/convienence
@[].firstObject is longer than @[][0]
Yes, but it will return nil if it's empty.
Won't crash at least, like last object
Yeah :)
Which is nice
I like both the Prestige and the Illusionist
Edward Norton and Christian Bale are both great so you can't go wrong with either
Also Michael Caine!!
1:14 AM
And Hugh Jackman
That's three awesomes in one movie
It's like Batman Alfred and Wolverine
Kicking ass with magic tricks
Trifecta of badass
I finally got 5-6 in the queue
I don't think it is possible to be let down by Michael Caine though
Too bad he couldn't live forever
1:16 AM
Prestige, Identity, Shutter Island, Taxi Driver, etc
Ah, right
Shit, I mixed him up with someone else shame on me
1:17 AM
Or maybe I fell for the rumor in 2013
I made a Facebook post saying how the world would not be the same now that XXX had died
I swear it was Caine that I typed ><
Just put Memento on my iPhone
The movie?
That movie is amazingly awesome
Damn who died that I was upset about...I can't remember now
That feels pretty crappy
1:35 AM
Good morning everyone!
Borrrden how can you follow the movie pace in here? The release date is very late
Compared to another country
Even with jakarta
I just don't watch movies anymore
I'm waiting for Gravity haha
Sometimes I watch them on Netflix though, if they ever come
The problem with that is that I can't watch it with my g/f unless there are subtitles
github.com/zwaldowski/BlocksKit <--- how have I not known about this?!
1:55 AM
What's the overhead like?
Dang it looks great for just the UIView blocks alone
But I'm curious as to whether it's worth it
I've been a big fan of blocks for UIAlertViews
It's way easier than making iVars to hold the data from before the presentation so that you can use it later
@borrrden I've watched Gravity. It's okay, but very slow.
Actually I felt it was short
2:14 AM
I don't like some parts of the movie.
Like when?
Like when everyone died?
Yeah that was the worst
Or when Sandra Bullock battled Mace Windu in a lightsaber duel. Totally unbelivable
Or when George Cloony revealed himself to actually be Michael Jackson, who was actually played by Denzel Washington played by Danny Devito
Or when they were attacked by the race of space aliens all played by Lady Gaga (interestingly she didn't need any prepping for the role)
Matt, you are so fucking hilarious.
2:32 AM
I wasn't joking about the Lady Gaga one
Hmm I'm starting to wish UIButton & UIView had blocks
As far as I'm concerned, Gravity is just a movie entirely about how the Russians will ruin space and space will kill us all in our sleep.
It's a movie about how the astronauts should really learn Chinese and Russians, because not everything is written in English.
That's a really good point to take away
In other counties (and you probably know that) most students are some level of polyglots
Not 'mericans
We think that saying English in a foreign accent magically qualifies us a native speakers
Oh I also want to watch gravity!
Matt: Yes.
Even I can speak two languages.
2:42 AM
Indonesian and English.
And tiny bit of Japanese.
Enough to tell when nayoso are saying bad words.
2:54 AM
I can speak two languages fluently (for the most part)
I met a guy last month who is learning Japanese as his 5th language though ><
Actually outside of English speaking countries it's almost a given that people speak two languages nowadays...
Yep :/
4 languages? What am I doing with my life?
I mean, at least if they are travelers
Or they live in Europe
There are plenty of people here in Japan who can speak a total of about 5 words of English
Those 5 words being "This is a pen" and "Hello"
are you sure enrico?
nayoso: Yes.
I rarely saying bad words
OK let's test you
don't use google OK?
2:58 AM
LOL you have no way to prove that I'm not using Google.
I can't read the hiragana/kanji, but I can recognise the sound.
Well we could always ask for him to make a natural sentence
ah OK then
ki something ha? ku u?
2:59 AM
Google fails to do that for Japanese -> English
Lol nayoso, do you like that?
no borrrden
ki me ha ku ri?
For bonus points nayoso
2:59 AM
I never went to one
What is that short for?
I fail at katakana -_-
I'm not sure borrrden
Should I say it or wait for Enrico's answer first? haha
but I guess
3:00 AM
I give up with that one.
Good job!
That's right
Cabaret Club
The second part is ku ra bu?
ku ra bu -> Club?
3:01 AM
and lately I've been heard something like テレクラ
do you know that one borrrden?
yes you are right enrico
and 2nd test
this is very easy one
I haven't heard of that one nayoso
But I used rikaikun and there was an entry
it's short of テレフォンクラブ
I heard it from my friend
Yeah, I've seen those kinds of things before in TV dramas
3:03 AM
They are kinda old fashioned I guess
something me?
I see
Which part? lol
Ba ka?
3:03 AM
you don't know this -> バカ ?
Do you know how to sync a branch with master using Git?
Good job Enrico
of course Lucio, it's one of the most basic things that you do
3:04 AM
OK your turn borrrden
give enrico some bad words
But Lucio what do you mean?
@borrrden great. I couldn't find the command.
Shit, I hate the second character the most. Is it chi or tsu?
You just want to update the local master branch from the remote master branch?
The second one is neither of those Enrico
3:05 AM
I have Branch A, Branch B and Master. Master is the latest. Now I want to update the two remote branches with Master.
And locally I don't have anything.
Lucio: Do you use SourceTree?
3:07 AM
enrico I suggest you to put that on google image
instead of google translate
you will understand it faster
@EnricoSusatyo I'm only using the git command
First, do you understand the concept of Git?
I can just tell you the commands, but that's not very educational and you'll forget it in 10 mins.
3:09 AM
Yes I do :D
Ok, then read this:
Q: "git pull" or "git merge" between master and development branches

Carsoni have my master branch and a develop branch for working on a few changes. i need to merge changes from master into develop, but will eventually merge everything from develop into master. which is the best way to do this, and why?: git pull origin master into develop branch? git merge master in...

A: "git pull" or "git merge" between master and development branches

Ian LotinskyThis workflow works best for me: git checkout -b develop ...make some changes... ...notice master has been updated... ...commit changes to develop... git checkout master git pull ...bring those changes back into develop... git checkout develop git rebase master ...make some more change...

that one is great
The workflow is the key
@EnricoSusatyo thanks
No problem.
And now I'm flipping through the basic Katakana again. When will I learn.
BTW, is there any difference between BRANCH and origin/BRANCH?
One is local one is remote
3:15 AM
borrrden nayoso: This is how I learn Japanese: dropbox.com/s/fn6eyduv77ii3i9/IMG_0583.PNG
This proclaimed method can supposedly help me read Katakana in just a few hours.
It did help, but after I arrived in Japan I realised that not that many signs are written in Katakana, and that it took me 2 minutes to read a simple ham bur ger sign.
But actually I have a book that does something similar for Kanji
Yeah, so this guy has an app for Kanji too, and Hiragana.
How many Kanji characters can you read?
3:20 AM
Read? Gosh...
you should buy sticky study in app store
A lot
Probably around 1000
it's a very good application
Writing is another thing though
I can probably only write a few hundred
It's a totally odd feeling
3:21 AM
Enrico borrrden have certificate in 書道
borrrden: That is very good.
I don't
Why do you say that?
I have a JLPT certificate, but I've never done calligraphy
nayoso: I found like 6 different StickyStudy, which one?
just joking borrrden :p
Hmmm the kanji one
its quite expensive though
borrrden: Because I find that reading 1,000 is a big achievement.
3:22 AM
about 700円 here
Yeah it's $10 here.
The Hiragana and Katakana one is $1.29.
Do you recommend this? I'm going to buy now if you do.
I recommend that
you can try the free one first
and if you like it try to buy the paid one
It's ok I'll buy the $1.29 one. If I like it I'll buy the Kanji.
I bought some manga when I was over there. The Doraemon manga has hiragana for all of the Kanji they used.
it's called furigana enrico
What is furigana?
3:27 AM
the hiragana located above kanji
to help people who can't read kanji to read kanji
Oh I see. I thought you were talking about another app =P
Yeah, I bought that Doraemon manga for studying Japanese too, in theory. Hahaha
I also bought a shinchan lately
for the same reason
Shinchan is the best dirty manga.
Actually, let me rephrase that: It's the best manga with dirty adult joke.
Ok, time for lunch. I think I'll go with cheap ramen today.
3:31 AM
OK bye
@EnricoSusatyo ciao
> Japanese school children are expected to learn 1,006 basic kanji characters, the kyōiku kanji, before finishing the sixth grade. The order in which these characters are learned is fixed. The kyōiku kanji list is a subset of a larger list, originally of 1,945 kanji characters, in 2010 extended to 2,136, known as the jōyō kanji – characters required for the level of fluency necessary to read newspapers and literature in Japanese.
From Wikipedia. Damn that is a lot of kanjis.
Anyway, I found some left over from last night. Ramen maybe next time! See you all.

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