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00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

12:00 AM
Animals that can kill you?
What kills you in England?
That was the grosses thing ever
Nevermind about making android apps, the code is gross:P
And fear
Google needs to copy  and make a great new language.
12:03 AM
Google has it's own language
It's called Go.
Programming language for apps
Can be used for them
Because Java is just.. blah
but then again, this book is shit
Half the time, they make something and try to reference it as something else on the next page.. Its just so bad
Luckily this was the last chapter
My poor hands! I should never have shoveled
They are now swollen and sweating
Why are you shoveling?
Jump in the hole
12:06 AM
Read above
Java is one of 3 languages i learned at University it is a good learning language
maybe the book just sucks so bad that it made me not like it:P
I was using android studio and this chapter was on maps, took like 6 hours.
and the book doesn't even teach-_- It says "write this here", but barely explains any of it, and half of it doesn't work
For some reason my NSTableView can't be edited
I'm supposed to double click on cells and edit the text, this does not happen. I can add new cells with the default text but cannot edit them using the described method. Weird
12:23 AM
Hi, could someone help me with my autolayout setup?
I need to have the same space between three views. But I can't get it working
I tried stackoverflow.com/questions/20864823/…, which seems a nice tutorial even thought I want to do a horizontal spacing not a vertical one.
Using constraints?
tried with no success
Editor > Pin > Leading Space to Superview?
Editor > Pin > Trailing Space to Superview?
Are those not constraints for controlling horizontal spacing?
Maybe you've tried them already. .
It's not just that, unfortunately.
Here's my question on SO if you're interested: stackoverflow.com/questions/27158407/…
Oh wait, you're working with iOS.
12:26 AM
Correct. Sorry I forgot to mention that
Actually, didn't know it was relevant
I'm working with a desktop application here which is easy to manage constrain wise.
I'm not an expert, just learning.
Sorry, I don't think this is within my ability to advise you on.
Perhaps other people here can offer insight!
I know how to layout things with AutoLayout. But this is a little bit more complicated
I see, unfortunately I just don't know myself.
Thanks for your time ;d
Stick around if you want
Other people may pop in
12:35 AM
Sure. I'll wait a bit
Can you believe I've been on this for two days?
I could easily detect the device's screen size and align my views.
Autolayout is still to much like black magic
But it's ugly
@Dev2rights IKR.
half what i want
12:47 AM
grr its now 1 am
it says i have uploaded a build for review but it isnt showing up on Itunes Connect
some serious steps backwards
It takes a few minutes
This is worse than it was when i first started with iOS
which was when it first launched
if it ain't broken ...
The cryptography questions are so intrusive
Q: Can the NSA crack your API easily ?
Could the source of my problem be the fact that I was using a UIScrollView as the container view?
please no
Alright, my relationship with autolayout ends today
Auto layout is just awful, I just use the standard anchors/stretching and some defined offsets, widths, heights to handle layout changes.
1:02 AM
Yeah, but sometimes things tend to get wild. And there's nothing you can do about it. Hence the pain.
I think it's an awesome tool for people that knows how to handle it.
And also a masochist
they are the same thing
surely all coders are masochists
@nil you're going to kill me. but my shader's not diffusing light
Why does this line raise a: Expected a Type error?
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
What type is it expecting . .
It's a method call for delegates of NSTableView instances
@Mutch95 You have fun with that
you said you write shaders?
could you at least consider looking at it ? pastebin.com/PeqLeQHE
1:20 AM
Woah, 400 messages.
Looks like UITableView was changed to NSTableView
That was my issue
I'm on vacation for the next four days, I ain't doing shite.
Honestly, I'm amazed I haven't already downed a bottle of wine
1:29 AM
mher bluh bluh idsf]
Does the return type of a Method affect what calls it?
it assigns the value to the variable?
Technically yes in Obj-C's case.
So by modifying a delegate's method to return something else, It would not call the method anymore upon an event occuring?
1:32 AM
I'm referring to a runtime message dispatch thing.
The compiler might complain if you're failing to conform to a formal protocol though
Also, a quick note about C in general: C is weakly typed. Return types don't really matter for anything beyond structure returns.
Xcode hangs for more than five minutes and when I kill it, it says that I forced it to quit. IT WAS HANGIN' FOR MORE THAN 5 MINUTES. It's not my fault
Almost everything else is just going to be returned via a register since it'll typically fit in the space of a pointer.
1:34 AM
I see. I won't modify the return type, since I don't have to, but thanks for clarifying.
At any rate, as far as C is concerned, this is perfectly OK: int foo = "bar" + 5;
C is statically typed but weakly typed. Obj-C is sometimes strongly typed.
1:52 AM
I made a Button today.
All by myself
Take that NSChat
Jealous much?
but that's a string nil? how can you add a string to an int!? would you need to pass it somehow
1:56 AM
tell that to javascript
you can do it vice versa but not that way what
It's not a string
It's a pointer to a const char array
C has no concept of "string"
oh yeah that was one of the things that used to confuse me about c
Machinima really stepped up their game
Loving their Batman VS Darth Vader video, among others
2:17 AM
2:28 AM
but D:
2:57 AM
Sorry mutch I need to tell him
im so close to getting this shader to work enrico!
3:03 AM
@nayoso Too bad he'd lose against Vader: youtube.com/watch?v=nj23dwWHukY
I'm so close to getting ruby to fucking update.
Enrico you never know the pain to update ruby in CentOS 5.x
Thank Jesus I'm on OS X
well I'm bored lol
Strip naked and dance around the house.
3:14 AM
think is i could cause no one is home
only thing is i forgot how to dance
That's the easy part.
So, I have a private git server
Next I need to convert everyone at work to using it ಠ_ಠ
Everyone at work already hates Mercurial, so this should be easy
3:24 AM
Well, everyone but the guy who made us all use it
switch to svn nil lololol
We switched from svn to mercurial
I think it was basically a compromise on idiocy
Mercurial is basically distributed subversion. It doesn't do anything useful, it just delays the push from local to server that subversion does immediately.
those shows on ABC3 are mint
3:26 AM
Mercurial is what you'd get if you showed git to people who thought it was really icky to let anyone decide how to arrange commits in history and rewrite history
Sorry, but mercurial already lost
Everyone knows git already.
3:29 AM
Even Max knows git.
Git won. Mercurial lost the war. Everyone needs to just accept it and let it die.
I know what Git is, I am one!
Hell, even the Golang team switched from Mercurial to Git because not enough people knew how to use Mercurial but all the contributors were comfortable with git.
3:41 AM
Just because Max knows Git doesn't mean that Git won...
And just because more people use Git doesn't mean Git won the war.
More people use Windows, and yet OS X is the best.
More people drink Starbucks, where it's clearly it's bad coffee.
Git has really bad interface.
CentOS is the best Enrico!
LOL no
llama casually going mental
I just popped a zit.
why is it lesbian game makers are all over my twitter? I'm so confused!
3:43 AM
Stop subscribing to them.
i'm not!
@EnricoSusatyo No, that's exactly what it means for it to win the war
they're recommendations >.< but why!
More people use git, Mercurial is not growing in popularity, git won
Perhaps Twitter believes you are lesbian.
3:44 AM
I like Starbuck's as well lol
What's wrong with Starbucks?
Ask Enrico
I like Starbucks.
twitter just likes them.
Well, I don't know. There's only so much armchair analysis I can provide.
3:51 AM
Starbucks is horrible.
Brilliant analysis
For some reason the front door just swung open and let in all the freezing night air.
What's weird is that the door was locked
And still was locked when I tried to close it
I had to unlock it to close it, then lock it again. It doesn't make sense. Something must be loose.
3:53 AM
counterstrike: source is on sale and I'm $2 short
wait $3
It swung with some force, I suspect perhaps a pressure difference causes it to blow open. It has been found open before. This is the first time it has done so while locked, at least to my knowledge.
In any case, It is now secured with a large armchair
And although I don't like to acknowledge this possibility, it was nice knowing you guys.
Owatch may be murdered at any moment, and voices his alarm on NSChat. Meanwhile, Mutch shares midly interesting Steam sales, and Enrico talks about a website he is mentioned on.
Have you got a link to the mention?
narrating yay!
the parallax on this website is cool!
I do
But they forgot to put my last name lol
4:11 AM
I hate Lifehacker and all the Gawker offshoots
Plus all the sites that basically live and die on their linkbait articles and their listicles
Way to suck the fun out of life nil.
For wanting to read something other than "10 ways to save money on a new car"?
Like maybe I'd rather read about a build system that perfectly tracks dependencies without declaring them (see: tup)
I've got ten reasons why I hate clickbait articles too, which you can find out by visiting the following web-link . . .
4:16 AM
Need those clickbucks
In other words, gotta be huffington post or buzzfeed, 'cause they more than anyone else are the gods of shit meant to make you click without thinking
You only have to visit ten different pages to find out one useless fact!
Or the one wikipedia page the article's author read.
There is one and only one list-article-generating site that I give credit to, and that's Cracked
Because for some insane reason, they do lots of research
4:18 AM
It doesn't make sense because clearly it's not necessary for Huffington Post and Buzzfeed, but the Cracked authors put some serious work into their writing
Though it's unfortunate that it still has to get dumbed down and/or be made funny
I don't use any of the mentioned, so I wouldn't know.
I see enough garbage on my FB feed as it is. And thats pretty much all clickbait nonsense
i read them >.<
idk why
it really annoys me
You're 12, you're supposed to.
but i think the images are cool xC
i'm not 12!
4:20 AM
Isn't mutch 11?
Can't be 11
He wouldn't lie at the age gate would he?
How old is owatch?
I'm not even on Facebook
anyway, lunch time
Lets talk about Mutch
4:21 AM
there's not mutch to talk about
ahhh ;)
Occasionally I think about joining Facebook again, but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't.
Not worth it.
Life got a lot simpler and quieter when I stopped hearing how much my relatives hated that black man president
Keeps tabs on people, but you don't need it for the ones that are important.
4:23 AM
Or how everyone needs to own a gun to protect ourselves (from the black man president thug 'Obungo')
And DEATH CAMPS! And all the stupid things people posted about on Facebook.
Which I still inadvertently hear about because the rest of my family is still on Facebook.
Really tempted to impulse-buy a Nexus 9
Facebook is quite the cesspit sometimes.
I've got a lot of international "friends" though, so I'd say I've got a bit more interesting of a feed than average/
It's where people go to forget they should probably not be racist
4:28 AM
Most of it ends up on r/cringe or r/thathappened for me to laugh at.
For me, it ends up on the "Got a crazy forwarded political email from your family?" thread on Something Awful
Which now has 1,273 pages.
I'm irritated by the imagined family I have constructed in my mind off your descriptions.
Why are things moving so slowly ...
Debugging was suposed to start 2 days ago and still no word
We have a contract and everything
I mean, jesus...hopefully on the 1st when my resignation gets formally announced they will speed things up
So I don't just spend my remaining month with my thumb up my ass
4:35 AM
The programming staff all got word 8 days ago
And a week before that the director and CEO were informed
You don't like it there?
Hmmm not so much that
None of my business really.
It's not great here but not terrible
I got a new job which almost triples my salary and offers me a much more ambitious work experience
Thats quite a substantial jump.
4:37 AM
The main reason is because the new job is so much better, not that the current one is so bad
Yeah, developers at Japanese companies are wayyyy underpaid
They base pay on age rather than skill
So it's not a Japanese company?
And then they discriminate by age lol
The new company is a Japanese subsidiary of a Silicon Valley company
US management
I guess.
Yes, on the Japanese side they only have a lawyer, a sales/marketing person, and a solution engineer (consultant)
The solution engineer will join a couple weeks after me
I see.
4:39 AM
The subsidiary started this year so it's great timing
Time to get the word out and make this product famous in Japan before other similar companies get in
Sounds awesome.
It's totally awesome :p I even work from home haha
I think I know what I might want to do with meteor.js
Maybe build a Cards Against Humanity thing
Are you consulting then?
4:40 AM
Nope, developing
Sounds like a work from home scheme.
The subsidiary doesn't have an official office here
They rent office space but it's not worth going to it because there are no other developers there hah
Everyone will be working from home then.
Oh, guess not.
4:41 AM
The sales person uses it for customer meetings sometimes
I could go there in theory if I wanted to, for whatever reason
I see.
I went to Home Depot the other day.
Did you have fun?
They were not interested in my services.
Oh you went there to apply for a job? haha
I missed that part
The 65 year old man will be driving the forklift instead.
4:43 AM
Yeah, can't have you doing donuts in it ;)
I thought of trying to argue how my counterstrike reflex skills would be useful when operating precise machinery, but it didn't seem like it would work.
I don't think Yolonda knew what Counterstrike was.
@Mutch95 It should be free.
The game is old as hell. I can understand charging for GO, but not for this nonsense.
it should be on my steam account. because gary's mod is half broken...
In any case, I'm hoping that eventually App's will become a source of revenue for me, to a certain extent.
4:47 AM
i thought that.
i never received anemone i earn from turn right
Unfortunately thats probably a good year or so from becoming feasible, and even then,
I'd likely make more off contracting for work than sales.
my contractor put work off till early december
You can't be under a contract, you're underage
Afaik . .
At least you can't be held accountable.
@Mutch95 ?
4:50 AM
for ?
i get contract work on odesk
In the United States, you can't be bound to legally fulfil a contract until your 18. I'm not sure about how it works in Aus though.
lol! haha
I'm off.
Good night.
00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

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