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12:00 AM
If a service asked you to add their device UDID to your iOS developer account and make a ad hoc profile and send them your app would you? so they can check if you are within the branding guidelines
sure... that seems like a reasonable request if you are making use of their DropBox service & API's
eh i dont
they want to make certain that you are using their services for the good
and not the forces of evil
12:06 AM
I spent like 7 hours messing with provisioning profiles and certs last night, this morning and a hour ago, and now its working and now have to restart the process to add some guys ipad, who my app will probably not even work, then he'll ask for images and ill have to do the process over again to remove his ipad
I asked him like 3 hours ago if he has iOS 7, no reply. App wont run then-_-
why would you remove his iPad? you have 200 slots for devices.
you seem quite feisty today, Mr. Max.
Well Im using the sync api, it doesnt do much. but the full api, they didnt care
did you have your cheerios this morning?
no i had lucky charms
sugar high.
12:07 AM
cuz 1) i have 75 slots left
not 200, i never got 200
you should have 200 now
go check
Maybe next month i will, i just paid apple again and im renewed on the 13th
ive checked, 75 left
they add them when you renew or i only get 100
and cuz why should i keep their ipad, waste of my developer device space
i dont want to look at whatever i dont have to
oh... have you ever deleted a device before?
the slot still counts as taken until you renew.
you can't reset it to something new.
i know
if you delete it, you lose that slot until renewal time.
12:08 AM
I have like 20 devices deleted
i know, which is next month
so you only have 5 devices on your account?
still a waste
no i have like 10
lol let me check the stuff
75 left + 20 devices deleted + 10 = WTF math
12 i have enabled
13 disabled XD
i just guessed
I hate messing with keychain-_- so many duplicates and ones with red by it
but i dont want to delete something important D:
and Dropbox will reject because apples tint color in ios 7. anyone can adjust to any color, besides blue:P
but all red + a blue icon = no good
ok resubmitting it:/ If they cant test cuz no iOS 7, piss me off more
you should tell them that
12:23 AM
Well they made me uproot my plans and ideas today and had to reject again from apple, their holding up my app
they already lost me on any other app in the future. Only will add Box and sugarsync.
Pocket doesnt ask me if i use their name with a capital P or show their icon in the right color
WTF, bet theyll take a color picker and say "not the right shade of blue" like anyone will notice
what other company has a logo of a box and has the title "Dropbox" next to it-_-
more like
that looks like Oscar the Grouch before the can.
please Max, don't ever live in a can.
I already am
dont look in yours
Asphalt 8 is way more confusing than 7-_-
like Real Racing 3 from 2
but the actual game, taking away the controls and menu, its way better
1:01 AM
Max you had some issues in your app with branding?
I submitted a new name and using the sync API instead of Core api of Dropbox, and the first time they said it made no sense, then the second time they want to see my app run to make sure im not breaking anything, then i emailed them saying this is ridiculous, then replied to the guy wanting my app and asked if he has ios 7 or the app wont run on the ipad
no reply, so i added his ipad and now its in review, but not opened (parse analytics)-_- probably updating their ipad
That sounds...odd.
pretty much-_- idk why they cant just let it be and let it be in production mode
they should be done by now, it says in review and its not hard:/ Sign in, go to dropbox, check if icon is blue and D is capital and done
Also their review makes no sense
so their reviewing the app now, they know i can change it whenever i want right? I mean whats this check for.
1 hour later…
2:32 AM
You there @MaxHasADHD?
No, this is his answering machine. Leave a message after the beep
Hello Max, please give me a call when you hear this message
Lol, I get that quite often...
Pick up
Hello? Enrico there?
Anyway, I'm wondering, since you are a pro at this.
2:35 AM
When a screen rotates, is it only the window that resizes, not the main view?
depends on what kind of view controller
Because I used self.view when orientation changed, dimension is still the same.
Regular ViewController
Which ones resizes automatically?
Ya you gotta either set the frame of the view on rotation or set autoresizingMask on the view
only the window does
Ahhh I see.
What i do is implement willRotateToInterfaceOrientation
2:37 AM
I created everything programatically, therefore they wouldn't have any autoresizingmask right?
and put a animation block inside that calls another method with all rotation code
then i can call that method from anywhere also, and fix screen on load and such
right, right I see.
You are such a pro.
Here ill send ya some sample code
Ah thanks
Hang on, I think your safari scrolling code does that
2:39 AM
I'm opening it... But will take 30 seconds because my computer is still old.
no, the open source safari scroller i added no rotation code yet:P
Ahh ok I see what you mean, very smart.
Ill probably update it soon with newer code i have in Flow
haha thanks
But rotateViewWithOrientation will only be called from 1 method right?
Unless you have some sort of a manual control on your app to rotate it?
Wow, Dropbox is taking forever in review. didnt know navigating 2 views and logging in to dropbox was hard
2:40 AM
Oh, and btw, willRotateToInterfaceOrientation does not work in iOS 6 anymore,
I'm listening to notification for rotation instead and implementing a custom method.
ya it does
did you see my source?:P I use that code in iOS 6 and 7
Hmmm that's true
lol noooo
heres the full thing - (void)willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrient‌​ation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
Trying that
So they only deprecate shouldRotate?
i guess
look at the link i posted
2:46 AM
Yeah I implemented shouldAutorotate and supportedInterfaceOrientations
But, the problem is that I am only going to make 1 view rotates for now
the other views wouldn't rotate
So I had to subclass UINavigationController
Because UINavigationController is the root controller
Then I had to do this
:/Dropbox pissing me off still
super long reivew
2:47 AM
What review is this?
For Flow?
Dropbox has to review to make sure i spelt "Dropbox" correctly.
and they rejected me twice til i sent it and now its been hours
Wat? You spelt Dropbox wrong?
Do they have to like download Flow to test it? Or just look at screenshots?
Nope, but they have to be sure
and ya, i had to reject all my certs, add their ipad, redo the certs, make a provisioning profile and send to them
WOW that is pain in the ass.
Im outraged at Dropbox
Its BS, this is the last app that will have Dropbox of mine
Really bad service. They should not do that:/
2:53 AM
So how long does it take for them to reject you? If it's like within a week then it's quite reasonable.
And even though it's a pain for you, Dropbox has so many iOS users.
to reject me twice was quicker than to test it so far
you mean it was quick to reject you?
they rejected me within a hour the first time and within 20 min the second
and now in-review for hours to make sure dropbox is not misused-_-
that's good then if they reject it quickly
because at apple it can take days
but they shouldnt be reviewing it
3:05 AM
why not?
cuz even if they check the app, i can go back and change what i want?
Hmm yeah that's true, but if they have list of published apps, it's easier for them to revoke access I guess
maybe:/ still annoying AF
3:27 AM
@enrico ya there?
went to mcdonalds for a diet coke
isn't it quite late up there?
Im working on Flow for iPad
and didn't you promise not to eat after 6pm?
3:27 AM
its 8:27
i dont EAT
i can drink
Fair enough.
It's already Saturday in here... It's almost lunchtime
ya. its working
dropped 6 pounds in 3 weeks
pretty good for doing nothing
Wow that is good
Do you exercise?
thats why its good for doing nothing:P
about 0.5 pounds a night sometimes
3:32 AM
i wanna be 160-170
Haha, what are you now?
I am about 130
Or 60 Kg as the rest of the world say.
wow, that pretty good
i dont think i could weigh that much cuz id be pretty skinny at 160 i think for my height
im 194.1 now
(this morning)
i only weigh in morning:P
and i was 203 once. but now after doing this im losing a lot so its good
How tall are you?
I am 170 cm
like 5'10 i think
not very tall but normal
that's 5.57 foot
how do you convert them to foot'inch
3:35 AM
i dont know, i hated science
we dont learn that stuff in math either:P
Ok I'm 5'7
So I'm not that much shorter than you, but I am skinny.
well then maybe ill go to 130 then 0_0
No, I think I'm too skinny.
oh haha
Parse analytics is amazing
Oh yeah?
I use Flurry
Quite okay with it
3:44 AM
i used google analytics, but its 3 lines everywhere to lot to google what screen the user is on
Parse, 1 line any view
right now, just in case A LOT of people use it, it tells me how many open the app and how many visit the about view
IDK yet though, i may add it all over. like how many log in to dropbox or instapaper
or download a file
Just to know what i need to work on to let users know there is the feature
A lot dont know you can download
Yeah, that's true.
A lot of users don't know features.
It's a big problem for me too, I am trying to improve in that area.
ya, so currently i wanna just know how many open, i REALLY hope a lot of people use this app:[
and if so, ill pay parse and put analytics all over:D
although im confused by parse
API request on the analytics i have is like 20 so far. and on another app i have almost 300 api request, but out of the 100,000 is says ive used 4?
lol. it downsized how manu
Let me know how you're finding Parse when it launches
Has Apple started reviewing Flow?
no i had to reject 3 times
cuz i changed to parse analytics, and had to fix some bugs
and then today i had an alert issue, wouldnt create folders
and now i have the dropbox issue:/
Ah ok, so you haven't resubmitted to Apple yet?
3:52 AM
i resubmitted a few hours ago
if dropbox rejects ill have to fix whatever and reject again:/
I hope they don't reject then.
I am still wondering about using chopped finger on iPhone's fingerprint sensor.
ah ya
i saw that
I have a few theories.
1) They made a replicate of a person's finger, using material from dead person's body.
2) They tried to make a living person's finger dead, by putting it in like a freezer or something so that the blood doesn't flow there.
But either theories are equally disturbing.
1) you can disable it
2) its easier to access if you disable it
But, somewhere deep inside Apple's building.
There are people who test this, right?
4:04 AM
They must have tested the feature in different conditions
And so that's the disturbing part
yes, thats how the interns get the job
They are asking hospitals to give them dead bodies.
put them in a room. "First one to get into the others fingerprinted phone wins"
free for all
Maybe not dead bodies, maybe just chopped limbs.
4:08 AM
Parse uploaded pictures of parse dev day
but none im in:[
found me!
also in this facebook.com/… @enricosusatyo
Hahahaha I can't see you
All of you guys are not facing the camera
k in the first image
im on the left
far left, you can see my comp
4:23 AM
I see now
But I can't see your face at all
I can see your arm
And your hair, and a bit of your cheek.
lol all ya need to see!
try to find me in second image:P
(on the right)
Here comes random guess
"wheres waldo"
Is that right?
4:28 AM
Can not see anything
The photographer is definitely trying to capture the presenter not the atendees
Ya, when they took a front pic of me and some guys, they didnt wanna be in photos so they made faces, making them not want to post online i guess
no in some other photos they did the audience:P but people didnt wanna be taken
I really like parse:P Im definately going next year
Hahahaha I see.
I wish I live in the US.
But I shouldn't complain.
go to next years! just visit
4:31 AM
There are great conferences in here as well, I just didn't have enough motivation to buy plane ticket to Melbourne or pay $300+ to the conferences.
then you can slap me and show nil
I hope my current employer can sponsor me to some of the iOS conferences here
Oops, my food is ready. Taking it out of the oven.
im so hungry
:P ill eat a lot tomorrow
Hahaha yeah
I had a really big breakfast.
That's why I'm only having lunch at like 2:30pm
I love big breakfastes
4:56 AM
where is everyone

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