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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

4:03 AM
Good Morning
4:21 AM
GM all
4:34 AM
very good morning @NitinGohel @Leena @iShwar
gm to all
4:44 AM
Gm Every1
gud mrng @Sport @sanjeet
Gm @pooja_1205
Good Morning folks! :)
Gm !all
gm @All
5:00 AM
@pooja_1205 how are u
m gud
u tell @Sport
i am also good
Good Morning to all
good morning mates
good morning every1 :)
5:15 AM
5:50 AM
@Yuyutsu What kind help need to above question.
hello all
can anyone help me about searchview displaycontroll shown always top of uitableview controller
@BandishDave Yes. you can take it tableview header.
i got many code from internet but its not working.
i took tableview controller and put searchview inside that tablview
is it right @annu
@BandishDave yes.
that what is going to be wrong??
5:57 AM
@BandishDave ya do that.
u want to show searhbar alwayz at the top of tableview
yes bro
i tried much code for this
for that you can ad it in tableview header
a header view with search bar
then add searchbar directly at the
and after that set tableview positon
6:00 AM
i took tableviewcontrller
@KamalSharma :: can you plz give me any example or link for that?
@BandishDave just add searchbar before tableview
ok let me try @skt
keep it simple man
hope it will work
add table view, then add cell to it. Like here "feed " is cell name, I add a view above cell
In this view you can add any thing, a button, a search bar.
It will always appear on top; of table view
6:05 AM
thank you @KamalSharma
i will try this one also
and will tell you
thank you @SKT and @KamalSharma
for replying me
ok. let me know if any problem :)
guyzzz i tried both
but still no magic happend
@BandishDave you magic with Xcode. This is happy moment for us.
6:20 AM
hello Everyone
i have one problem in running app in simulator i am getting error like invalid device state when i tried to run app in simulator
i have tried a lot but cant find solution
if any one has facing same issue then please help me
@Kal's What kind of simulator you take?
i have used all simulator like iphone 5 ,5s,6,6Plus with 7.1 and 8.3
but getting same in all simulator
@Kal's I think you run apple watch kit project
no i am runing normal app
6:28 AM
@Kal's Make sure you have selected the Apple Watch scheme in Xcode and have opened the external display in the Simulator that allows you to view the watch display.
@Kal's you seen Xcode target scheme.
6:44 AM
Make sure you open XCode 6 from Applications not from the setup file.
@SKT i have already trien this bu it didnt work
reset content setting
and restart system
may fix this issue
how can i resize my map to it original view, means i zoomed my map view to its largest size now i want using single but tap it again shrink to its initial size ?
how to show more text in annotation in apple ios map
@sanjeet @SKT how to show more text in annotation in apple ios map
create custom
and set label and text accrodingly
7:13 AM
@NitinGohel kem cho bhaya ?
@SKT oji wadiya pra ji
Good Noon to all
Morning :)
7:40 AM
very good noon
good noon @SKT
8:17 AM
hi all
good evening
have anyone idea about this query
Q: how to add new column to sqlite in app new version (iOS)?

AnilkumarI am doing iOS app. I have version 1.0 in Appstore. In that app we have integrated sqlite database for the local data backup. For that i created table. Now i am going to update it to 1.1 versions and adding new column in that table. But, after build my app in xcode my app was crashed due to whi...

@Anilkumar hi
do one thing
check whether coloum exist in sqlite
if yes then do nothing
otherwise u need to alter table programmatically
by adding new column
@SKT thanks for ur quick response
but i already added new column by opening db using sqlitemanager
and added
so wat next ?
becasue we dont have new column in old table
of db
if i uninstall old app, if i run new code
its working fine
say exactly wat u want to do
8:28 AM
app is crashing
but if app runs with new code
i already added new column @SKT
i need to checked while app launching time
wether that column is there or not
i need to alter table
and updating time, inserting time, deleting time
here i got strucked
if its there no issue
@SKT u got it?
how to handle
if not there
table of db
@Anilkumar there is master table in sqlite in which u need to track index which help u identify whether coloum is there or not
8:48 AM
Can some on say how to check my device enabled push notification or not? for the app!!
I tried notification type== ? but it always returns same value
@SKT any idea?
in ios 8 [[UIApplication sharedApplication] isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications]
9:13 AM
hello @Imran
i have doing connection manager base class using afnetworking
ok so ?
i have written code which does response and failure
wat message u getting
from response
9:16 AM
in nsobject based class and in my view controller i m passing parameter like email and password which makes a successfull calll
to base class
and getting all response
now i want to get response in view controller class not base class
the returing value is geting nil
obvious all response will be in base class but i want to parse in view controller
could u tell me how could i call the success response on derived class
@Imran You make modal class not retaining value so you can alloc and retain in Viewcontroller class.
i tired this [self.delegate syncSuccess:responseObject]; here getting property 'delegate' not found on object type of connection mnagaer class
@Imran i think u need to create a delegate object there with weak reference
like this
@property (nonatomic,weak) id <SyncDelegate> objSyncDelegateDelegate
sync.objSyncDelegateDelegate = self;
oh ok
let me try
9:42 AM
hi anyone know how to get random number from 1 to 26
i want 8 unique number
from 1 to 26
@MaulikShah This type logic make your self so self improvement come.
int rn = arc4random() % 26; NSLog(@"Random number: %u", rn);
@MaulikShah FAQ on google
search it man
9:57 AM
@Sport keep it up
@MaulikShah i dont know how to do
@Sport non repeat 8 number
no idea
@Sport claps
10:01 AM
1 to 26 number ema 8 number unique joi 6
kai rite karva nu
dont know
if([ALAssetsLibrary authorizationStatus]==ALAuthorizationStatusDenied || [ALAssetsLibrary authorizationStatus]==ALAuthorizationStatusRestricted)
@SidShah Do not Write code first. Please first write your problem then code.
10:18 AM
help me
1 to 26 number ema 8 number unique joi 6
kai rite
hi guys can some help me. I have this line of code in my VC viewDidLoad where want to load 3 VC in the pager
// load pager views
[self addChildViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"aVC"]];
[self addChildViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"bVC"]];
[self addChildViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"cVC"]];
i want to pass data from previous vc to this childVC
how do I do it ?
Q: How can I passing data from parent view controller to child view controller?

user3178926How can I passing data from parent view controller to child view controller? I tried doing this with delegates. but I don't think it's an option?

@CockpitAliens if u r using storyboard then segue is the best way to pass data
@SKT i tried segue but the childVC don't receive the passed data (null)
u forget to set delegate
or may be u dint initialize ur propertie
check once
10:29 AM
@NitinGohel @SKT i'm using storyboard, yeah maybe that the issue let me check delegate
no bro storyboard causes no issue
just set data properly
where to set delegate ? @SKT
this is what i have in my prepare segue
// Pass Values to GraphView
GraphViewController *graphVC = (GraphViewController*)segue.destinationViewController;
graphVC.sessionId = _sessionId;
NSLog(@"SessionID for graph in asset ==> : %@", graphVC.sessionId);
graphVC.assetId = [subitems objectForKey:@"asset_id"];
NSLog(@"AssetID for graph ==> : %@", graphVC.assetId);
looking good
so try to fetch data in graphview
10:39 AM
NSLog(@"Asset id in graph: %@", _assetId);
NSLog(@"Session id in graph: %@", _sessionId);
result is null
where u log data in grahph
view did load or other section
child VC
put a breakpoiont
and run code
10:41 AM
problem is in the Parent VC of the graphVC here; [self addChildViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"graphVC"]];
thai gayu
this is calling graphView but not passing values from the segue because segue goes to parent VC
uniqe no code
1 message moved to VOID
@CockpitAliens you didn't pass the segue right ?
10:44 AM
@MaulikShah is reguler user still he did not use pastie.org
@CockpitAliens [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"here is segue id " sender:sender];
@Sport ok
@Sport he wanted to complet code bcz he dont want wast his RND Time
that is correct
where did i do mistake
10:53 AM
use break point check which method is called ,Identifier is correct ?
@segue identifier u given is of parent vc
thats y
it is not redirecting there
check self.parentViewController
@MayankPatel what did i do wrong in the segue
yes the segue is for the parent
@CockpitAliens first do break point and check view controller's instance
as all said u . put break point
I want to pass values to [self addChildViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"graphVC"]];
i already put a break point
10:58 AM
32 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
Q: How can I passing data from parent view controller to child view controller?

user3178926How can I passing data from parent view controller to child view controller? I tried doing this with delegates. but I don't think it's an option?

so what's value of this graphVC?
still suggest use this method
@NitinGohel that solution is not clear to me
@CockpitAliens without impliment how can it will be clear :)
implement option 1 or option 2
let me try option 2 then @NitinGohel
11:04 AM
that is custom delegat
used for pass data fro parent to child
i see
@NitinGohel m getting nil font when using custom font
PostScript name CenturyGothic
Full name Century Gothic
Family Century Gothic
Style Regular
check its spell that of font family
you are used correct name or not
you can also need to add fond file in to project and add in to plist
and also check its /plist code
UIAppFont is properly there
then that have to comes
how did you know that nil
11:12 AM
NSArray *cf = [UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:kFontAwesomeFamilyName]
this array giving nil
is that appear as par font style or not
bro simply try to use this font
@SKT did u check target copy to bundle ?
11:14 AM
@MayankPatel ya it is already in it
@NitinGohel no text should be bold but not coming
one issue after reload tableview its Memory is increse
@KiritModi :P
thanks @SKT @NitinGohel @MayankPatel
@KiritModi is there app is crashed
11:15 AM
wow than that is good method keep going LOL
use intrumental
r u using customcell @KiritModi
for check where is increesh memory
ya cell is not reused man
11:17 AM
What ?
or if u showing images then y creating property , just use tag
Problem in chatting App
I want To implement in Chatting
i suggest to check first with instrumental profile
i teach already how to do
hi @NitinGohel
HI guys :)
11:25 AM
@CodeWorrior hellow buddy
when i read your name i imagine clash of clan game
ha ha ha
@CodeWorrior are you working for customKeyboard
11:26 AM
there is two error
you need to correct provisional profile use
do one thing
ya plz tell me
remove exist entetilement
i think that is old one
or created with old cer and provisional profile
so remove exist old entitlement and app ground desable and again enable
change name of appgroup i think that already used so
Ho K .. i already tried deleting the total appgroups in acnt and created new one
there is also entetilement in project
still facing this problem
disable and enabel in new project
11:30 AM
i said there is already file exsit in profile file list
check once
ho k
let me
you can also enable it from ios dev center
ho k
but make sure you are used same provisional for app id
and its identifire
and its cer
Ok i will check ...
if we create new certificates ..is that ok to slove this
11:37 AM
no need to create new cer
just minor things are missing
@NitinGohel i did what u said...
1.deleted whole appgroups
2.disable and enable the appgroups in identifiers
created a new project
i still same issue
do one thing create new provisanle profile
with same id
for your project
and use it
ho k
good eve to all
let me check
11:51 AM
hello @NitinGohel
hello @CodeWorrior
im using large size of array datas, when i use this array the device crashed
what is the crash log make use of www.pastie.org
and show us
asking for crash log
11:57 AM
device log not printed the app suddently closed
device log not printed
The array has 373 objects
im using for loop and downloading images from server
you are get UIImageURL from server
then you should use SDWebimage
for load image from URL
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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